
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1607835 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #120 on: November 15, 2008, 03:20:30 AM »
I don't know if this was just a nightmare or if it's real.  One time as I was about to fall alseep and was in dreamy state.   I heard loud pounding foot steps coming towards my room.  Right then I knew somebody or something scary was about to make it's way into my room.  I started to get real scared, because I've had nightmare experiences before and knew it wasn't going to be pleasant.  It turned out to be this little girly ghost, she was creepy and scary as hell with long hair.  she came in and lay right next to me in my bed.  I was on my side with my back towards her, she softly touched my face with her cold hand and asked, "you're having a hard time fall asleep ha?"  That's when I mustered all the power I had in me was able to break out and away from the situation and fully woke myself up.

It was so real, due to the fact that I was fully aware that I had to wake myself up from it.  And her hand, it was so real I could feel the coldness of it brushing along my face.

That's why I sleep with the lights on.  Either dim or in the hall.  Plus sleep with a knife.  I happen to have a samurai sword instead and of course my heater with lights and lasers to clear erry dark corners of the house.   :o :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #121 on: November 15, 2008, 01:09:55 PM »
the legendary littlefoot.   :o :o

wtf was that little shiet??  :o  :o thats frickin weird.


my lil sister said its just a person at a distant.   ;D  ;D

« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 01:12:50 PM by SmileBaby »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #122 on: November 15, 2008, 10:01:37 PM »
Back in the early '90s when Hmong people started their journey to North Carolina from all over the united states, claim their encounter with creatures similar like that somewhere along the way. One time, two young men was driving down from the Blue Ridge Parkway and came upon a hairy something sitting right in the middle of the road, around midnight time. They stop, high beam it and it just sat there with it's back toward them. The guys described it as very hairy and small, almost children like figure. For almost five minutes, finally it stood up and walked on two legs onto the side of the road and vanished into the dark woods. I'll be like "OH! HELL NO! Not living in North Carolina".

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #123 on: November 15, 2008, 10:11:44 PM »
One family also claim seeing a big hairy human like creature near Blue Ridge too, while moving (driving their own car) to North Carolina from California. Just to think about it, they didn't encounter anything unusual during the whole journey until they enter the border of their final destination. Could be their beloved ancestor telling them "Don't go any farther, it's not good" or it could be the host of the North Carolina Blue Ridge Parkway welcoming their guests.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #124 on: November 17, 2008, 12:21:12 PM »
Here's another thing that happened to my brother and our bor-in-law....They just gotten ther bow and arrow and wanted to go moose hunting. Well, when they got there, my bro needed to go to the bathroom. So he asked my bro-in-law to wait for him at this one spot. It was early in the morning too. My bro-in-law said that he saw my brother coming up and asking why he was still sitting there and not go deeper into the woods with my bro. He told my bro that he was waiting so they both can go in together. He said that my bro the walked into the woods. My bro-in-law got up to follow, but heard someone walking toward him. He waited to see who it was and it was my bro. He asked why my bro came back out, and didn't he just went into the woods. My bro was like, "I just got here. why?" So my bro-in-law was scared and told my bro he's not feeling so good and for them to go home. Afterwards, my bro asked what's wrong, and my bro-in-law said he saw my bro walked passed him into the woods already and then saw him coming from the car. They never went back to hunt in that area again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #125 on: November 19, 2008, 07:03:42 AM »
I think we could have a huge Hmong Ghost Story Campfire. Just to hear the stories from the rest of you folks are great. Perhaps put a book together on all the crazy stories we heard in here? Anyways, here's one for the campfire...

Couple years ago, buddy was deer hunting w/ his uncles here in Minnesota. Well on this hunt, there was an old gentleman that came along. My buddy never met this guy before but for some reason, he was stuck with him. My buddy set up a tree stand on the edge of the wood, overlooking a cornfield. The old man came to my buddy's tree stand and said, "Son, I'm heading across the cornfield to the other side. There's a clump of tree there and that's where I'll set up my tree stand." My buddy told him that he'll make sure to tell the others in the hunting party where the old man is. Well my buddy watched the old man walked into the cornfield, and he could see the old man movement and directions from the way the corn stalks were moved as the he traveled to the other side. As my buddy was watching this, he saw this thing coming towards the old man out from nowhere. My buddy said it was huge because when it came, it was knocking down 4-5 rolls of corn stalks. Suddenly, the old man started to scream and fire his gun. My buddy said that he never heard a grown man scream so desperate before. He could see this thing moving closer and closer to the old man while the old man was firing away at it and running for his live. The old man finally reached the opposite side of the cornfield and started to scream for help. My buddy radioed his dad and uncles and they all came to grab the old man. None of them didn't say a word about this but told my buddy to take the old man home. It wasn't until later that he was told this old man is hunted by the ghost of his past love. In Laos, the old man drink blood w/ his love, promising to be with each other no matter what. Looks like his former love kept the promise and when she passed away in Laos...she still looking for him.

I'm so glad I didn't drink blood the other day w/ this one chick......... .............(j/k)   = )

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #126 on: November 19, 2008, 10:32:26 AM »
Hmong people! come on! no matter what, do not and I repeat especially to the young aggressive hip boys, do not pick up or even stop for hitchhiker(s). Especially the very pretty, beautiful, and/or handsome one(s), even in broad day light. I have continuously heard over too many episodes of these giving stranger(s) a ride events. My uncle, who I mention earlier with the looking under your armpit trick, for example before he became a shaman and when he was a young aggressive hip boy, told me about one of his encounter. He was traveling around the neighborhood one day driving his new low rider truck (very popular back in the '80s) when he came to a complete stop at a red light and out of nowhere these two young sexy white teenage girls just snatch open his passenger door and slip into the vehicle with him, in broad day light (yeah!, make sure to always lock your car doors even while driving especially in the ghetto). You've got to imagine, my uncle must be out of his mind in between the moment wondering "who, what, where, why, when" right?, well he did. And than he went "wow! my ride is a hardcore chick magnet, man!. I didn't even have to invite or offer them a ride, they just pop right in" and "not just one but two at the same time, it's like hitting two birds with one stone". The really hilarious thought about the whole situation is the fact that he just immediately accepted their accompany, could be the attraction of their appearance, maybe. He recall he didn't realize about the bad odor smell in his vehicle until he drop "dump" them off at their final destination across town that goosebumps started beginning to increase around his body too. My uncle said the conversation during the trip was so blur he couldn't remember anything other than the girls giving him direction where to go. Could be faith or luck but he finally pull up at a gas station for refill and that's where the weird illusion also happened. As my uncle was pumping away, the girls climb out from his truck, thank him and walk away. He was suddenly confuse if this was the location where they wanted to be or was because they've just lost interest in his low rider and/or him. In the nick of time he turn to put the pump up so he can hurry to welcome and/or question the girls, but as soon as he turn back around to said something, both of them were gone. My uncle has to be horrified telling me the story, it has to be bringing back unwanted memory to him because in a almost whisper breath voice before he finish the story, he said that the trip back home seem to be forever for him and the hair on his back just stay straight up the whole time and it feels as if the girls was still in the truck right next beside of him. He said he tell me this so I won't have to witness the bad experience for myself and that he does not want to experience it as a witness himself ever again.

classic case of blue balls.  when a man is so turned on by two hot sexy women and didn't get to bang them, time runs forever and he'll usually have chills for hours. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #127 on: November 19, 2008, 11:03:37 AM »
I think we could have a huge Hmong Ghost Story Campfire. Just to hear the stories from the rest of you folks are great. Perhaps put a book together on all the crazy stories we heard in here? Anyways, here's one for the campfire...

Couple years ago, buddy was deer hunting w/ his uncles here in Minnesota. Well on this hunt, there was an old gentleman that came along. My buddy never met this guy before but for some reason, he was stuck with him. My buddy set up a tree stand on the edge of the wood, overlooking a cornfield. The old man came to my buddy's tree stand and said, "Son, I'm heading across the cornfield to the other side. There's a clump of tree there and that's where I'll set up my tree stand." My buddy told him that he'll make sure to tell the others in the hunting party where the old man is. Well my buddy watched the old man walked into the cornfield, and he could see the old man movement and directions from the way the corn stalks were moved as the he traveled to the other side. As my buddy was watching this, he saw this thing coming towards the old man out from nowhere. My buddy said it was huge because when it came, it was knocking down 4-5 rolls of corn stalks. Suddenly, the old man started to scream and fire his gun. My buddy said that he never heard a grown man scream so desperate before. He could see this thing moving closer and closer to the old man while the old man was firing away at it and running for his live. The old man finally reached the opposite side of the cornfield and started to scream for help. My buddy radioed his dad and uncles and they all came to grab the old man. None of them didn't say a word about this but told my buddy to take the old man home. It wasn't until later that he was told this old man is hunted by the ghost of his past love. In Laos, the old man drink blood w/ his love, promising to be with each other no matter what. Looks like his former love kept the promise and when she passed away in Laos...she still looking for him.

I'm so glad I didn't drink blood the other day w/ this one chick......... .............(j/k)   = )

........annnnn nnnnnnd your buddy didn't unload his firepower at this so-call thing? 

I had a lil cousin that drank blood with his little gang.  They're all dead.  Hella stupid!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #128 on: November 19, 2008, 11:24:54 AM »
........annnnnnnnnnnd your buddy didn't unload his firepower at this so-call thing? 

I had a lil cousin that drank blood with his little gang.  They're all dead.  Hella stupid!

He didn't shot that thing because it was only deer hunting season. LOL
Naw, he was scared out of his mind so he froze also.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #129 on: November 19, 2008, 02:49:13 PM »
Have any of you folks have dreams that you're shooting or trying to kill a monster/ghost/troll and no matter what you do, it keeps coming after you?
Yeah, last night, I had a dream I had my M-4 and I was shooting at this Hmong troll (pau txom) sorry I can't write in would scream...blood would come out and it would just get up and come after me. I soon ran out of ammo so I was clubbing that kept going down and I heard it's bones being crush but it would get up again...look at me with those black dark, then show it's fangs and try to come after me. luckily, my alarm ranged and that saved me. 

Make sure you have an bazooka if you ever dream of killing a "pau txom."

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #130 on: November 19, 2008, 05:52:06 PM »
My mom told us my dad and one of his girlfriend back in Laos had drank each other's blood and swear to be together after death and for one to come after the other if one should die first.  Well guess what, my dad isn't around anymore...his sudden death surprised and shocked us all.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #131 on: November 20, 2008, 01:12:02 PM »
yikes! I'm getting the chills  :-X  I'll share one...not scary, but creepy.

note:  this is why our parents always tells us "ntuj teb tag hmo, tsis txog mus ua ua si"

« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 11:55:00 AM by shesaid »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #132 on: November 20, 2008, 01:16:09 PM »
My mom told us my dad and one of his girlfriend back in Laos had drank each other's blood and swear to be together after death and for one to come after the other if one should die first.  Well guess what, my dad isn't around anymore...his sudden death surprised and shocked us all.

My nyab's dad and his ex-gf did that too.  She has passed on, but he's still alive. Every time he gets sick, he always see her b/c she comes back and visits him.  One time my nyab's sister was so fed up with it she screamed out "oh yeah, you think you're so fk'n yourself b*tch!"  All the electricity went out and they saw a white spirit lady silhouette on the TV. My nyab was yelling at her sister "you dont even wanna challenge the living, why would you challenge the dead you idiot!"

I don't know why, but her family got lots of scary stuff involving them. I could go on forever!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #133 on: November 20, 2008, 01:22:03 PM »
you guys know those khau noog Hmong people give to the deceased to wear? My cousin's wife was telling us that during one of the Michigan funerals, a lady went to use the bathroom. She was in there by herself and just so happened to look under the stall next to her, that "person" was wearing one of those shoes. eeeeeeeeeekkkk!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #134 on: November 20, 2008, 02:32:25 PM »
you guys know those khau noog Hmong people give to the deceased to wear? My cousin's wife was telling us that during one of the Michigan funerals, a lady went to use the bathroom. She was in there by herself and just so happened to look under the stall next to her, that "person" was wearing one of those shoes. eeeeeeeeeekkkk!
That's a pretty good idea, I'll buy some and do that at a funeral some time.

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