
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606822 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #810 on: September 08, 2009, 08:52:54 PM »
Like for me... My mother in law had a dream that a cat is alwase watching me. I don't know for what . But every morning (550am) there's alwase a cat crossing my path.

The cat could be your ghost buddy in your dreams.  The little kid, remember?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #811 on: September 08, 2009, 10:01:01 PM »
WhiteBoy, does your little ghost buddy still come in your dreams and help you?  :D  We have a lot of stories because when we were younger, we were rowdy and always out.  Some of the experiences were unexplainable but I guess like the old folks say, peb siab loj so they could never get to us.  I know I have a guardian angel.  It's hard to explain, you just know it.  There's evil spirits too, that's always willing to test you and your faith.  I'm a Christian.  One time I was sleeping in my room, suddenly I heard a voice that said, "Koj puas ntseeg hais tias qhov no yog power?"  It didn't feel like a dream either.  I was thinking to myself, who the hell would say that.  I answered, "What do you mean?"  Suddenly, I felt someone's knee pressing on my bed and then a hand covering my mouth.  The fingers were long and the fingernail was long.  I knew this was probably an evil spirit.  I bit the hand really hard and woke up instantly.  I didn't see anything but the dogs outside were barking.  I felt a little chill then just went back to sleep like nothing happened.  :D

Damm freaky shitz happened to you....I wanna hear more.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #812 on: September 08, 2009, 11:20:07 PM »
The cat could be your ghost buddy in your dreams.  The little kid, remember?

I don't get it anymore after the chicken with no tail. It stop completely. I go to church now also and reside here in the south sac.  The church people just came and did a blessing for my son and daugther this past Sunday. That cat always cross my path every morning around 6 in the morning. I lost that kid I moved back from mpls. Especially that old man that follow me home. It scares me the most. The kid just plays around and wants me to go play with him. I had this one dream when I was Brooklyn park. The old man was chasing me inside the house (the house in Brookline park) I got scare and ran outside and the kid was on top of the tree growling like a big cat (tiger lion etc) I woke up and got sit on.

That old man almost killed me once. I had a dream my uncle and I went swimming at this one river. Other people was swimming on the other banks and we were on the other side of the river.  I was floating in the water. All of a sudden, something pulled me in. I try to swim up but couldn't. I looked down and ther it was and old man, pulling me down, I told myself to wake up, but when I woke up, my eyes rolled back and grasping for air. All I remember was white out, my room, white out, my room. all I did was try to concentrate on the night light. When I snap out of it I woke up sweating.

Here how that old man follow me home. I work the second shift. (tha time time I didn't know how to drive yet) 1230am was the time I get off. My uncle didn't pick me from work so I walk like a almost good ten miles home. I have to walk past these woods. I got scared and ran. When I got to the shopping center I stop. But on 252 there was a little girl that got ran over on that interstate. (little white cross on the middle of the interstate) when I got there I ran. When I got home, I try to open the screen door. It turns but won't open. I went through the the garage door, using a flat to open my way in, turn the door but won't open. So I just bang on the door. My uncle woke up and open the door. That night, I had a dream me and my friend went up this hill. We saw a grave and I was throwing rocks at it. My friend me not to do that do that so I stop. We came down and it was the city. Some hmong people was doing a funeral (the old way in Laos where they carried the dead on top of this thing) they carried it to the hearse. The old man got up and chase after me. I got home and was scared. I open the door to the garage, and my uncle and aunt was pulling him from the back trunk and threw him on the ground. It got up and grab me. I woke up and got sqaush. That morning, me and uncle went to the bank, we came back home, so I went down stairs to use the rest room. I looked at the bathroom door and I remember I left it open so all the smoke could go out. I thought to myself 'hey I left it open. Why is it closed? I open it and a black shadow flew by me. I'll tell how the kids follow me home later

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #813 on: September 08, 2009, 11:56:16 PM »
I've heard of that.  Like never saying lets go...meaning you're not only telling your friends/family to go but also any entity around you.  Rather just get up and leave or say you're going somewhere else.

For Cali people, have you guys heard this story.

About a year ago something happened to this distant cousin of ours in Cali.  They said him and his wife went fishing and caught a strange creature.  It was said to have arms and legs and didnt look like a fish.  I believe the story went that they let it go or something but 3 days later they both became very ill.  They died soon after.  After this story the OGs didnt want us fishing too much anymore.

Yeah I heard of that one. They my wife cousins. They live in nevada. From what my father in laws says 'they went fishing and they hadn't caught Nything all dAy so when they caught those fishes they wanted to let them go but since they didn't cAtch anything all day they took it home and Cookd it n Ate it. Then they both got critIcAl condition sick. It was sad his wife had passed away but he is still alive still very sick.  Sad sad never tAke a strange looking fish home.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #814 on: September 09, 2009, 12:53:11 AM »
damm Whiteboy, you are haunted for life.......You must be very sensitive to the other side. Are ya still having paranormal experiences? Well keep the stories coming, im bored

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #815 on: September 09, 2009, 01:27:05 AM »
Whiteboy, remember one time in North Minneapolis a girl called me around 3 a.m. and told me that she was a couple of blocks down and wanted to see me?  I didn't want to talk to her cause I didn't know who she was so I let some of the other guys talk to her.  She was a strange character.  I got spooked because a couple of blocks down was the cemetery.  That was the first and last time she called.  ;D 

Personally, I don't think I have the ability to see things all the time.  I've seen them before but I tend to block it out of my mind and not think much about it.  The 6th senses runs deep in my family's roots but we're Christians.  My dad sees things all the time, ever since he was a kid.  He has lots of stories.  My mom's 6th senses are her dreams and visions.  She gets premonitions.  Me and my brother was always out doing our own thing that nobody knew about.  But my mom knew about our businesses as if she was there with us.  Her descriptions of certain incidents are so vivid that it was impossible for her to know so much details.  One of my sister use to cry cause she sees things during the day when we were kids.  We use to always make fun of her and called her crazy or stupid cause we don't see what she sees.  I don't know if she still does.

Chingy, we've got plenty of stories so we'll try to keep them coming...

« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 01:39:00 AM by Mizsta_EZ »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #816 on: September 09, 2009, 01:49:05 AM »
Like for me... My mother in law had a dream that a cat is alwase watching me. I don't know for what . But every morning (550am) there's alwase a cat crossing my path.

You want me to kill that cat for you?   ::)

« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 02:30:40 AM by Mizsta_EZ »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #817 on: September 09, 2009, 11:46:05 AM »
You want me to kill that cat for you?   ::)

no...I don't live there anymore.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #818 on: September 09, 2009, 11:56:28 AM »
Whiteboy, remember one time in North Minneapolis a girl called me around 3 a.m. and told me that she was a couple of blocks down and wanted to see me?  I didn't want to talk to her cause I didn't know who she was so I let some of the other guys talk to her.  She was a strange character.  I got spooked because a couple of blocks down was the cemetery.  That was the first and last time she called.  ;D 

Personally, I don't think I have the ability to see things all the time.  I've seen them before but I tend to block it out of my mind and not think much about it.  The 6th senses runs deep in my family's roots but we're Christians.  My dad sees things all the time, ever since he was a kid.  He has lots of stories.  My mom's 6th senses are her dreams and visions.  She gets premonitions.  Me and my brother was always out doing our own thing that nobody knew about.  But my mom knew about our businesses as if she was there with us.  Her descriptions of certain incidents are so vivid that it was impossible for her to know so much details.  One of my sister use to cry cause she sees things during the day when we were kids.  We use to always make fun of her and called her crazy or stupid cause we don't see what she sees.  I don't know if she still does.

Chingy, we've got plenty of stories so we'll try to keep them coming...

I remember that. I think we be going out, and staying out to late. Girls here and there almost every weekend. Something mustve follow you home. Like John cheng, his wife goes clubbing all the time and it followed her home. When he's not there things happens around the house. Like cups flying across room. He's mom told my grandma to look why it's happen. My grandma did her thing and she said that he's wife goes out late and something followed her home.

Like that kid follow me home to Brooklyn park. I'll tell what happen I'm at work.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #819 on: September 09, 2009, 02:15:26 PM »
Mizsta........ you don't happen to live in Sac do ya? Cause I know some guys who match your description of how their mom knows what they're up to

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #820 on: September 09, 2009, 02:29:43 PM »
man! as scared as i am about reading stuff like this, i'm a little addicted to reading it. hahahaha..

keep them coming!!!

one thing, too. N. Mpls is one scary area! even during the day it's kind of eerie.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #821 on: September 09, 2009, 03:41:33 PM »
Chingy, I don't live in Sac.

Whiteboy, whatever that tried to follow me home probably ended up with a broken heart cause they couldn't find me anymore.  At least I wasn't the one that picked up a strange ghost girl.   ;D  You'll remember this one.  I had a friend named All-Star.  One day, some random girl called him out of the blues and wanted him to pick her up.  He asked her how she got his number and she told him that she got it from another one of our friends named Jerry.  Instead of verifying it with Jerry first, All-Star decided to go pick up this chick.  It was a rainy day.  Once he picked her up, he felt that she was a strange character.  He never saw her whole face, only the side of it cause when she got in the car, she kept facing at an angle to the outside.  He knew what he got himself into, so he tried to make so many excuses to leave her but she kept refusing.  In the end, she finally gave in and told him where to drop her off.  It was across the street from a cemetery.  Once she got out, he took off.  He came back and told us the story of what happened.  Then he asked Jerry about the girl, Jerry had no clue about any girl like that.  I didn't think much of this story until years gone by and me and Jerry started living together for a while.  I'd come home around 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. from work and all the lights would be left on, including the television.  I'd ask him in the morning why he doesn't turn off the lights, he'd just ignore the question.  A few days later I saw him setting up peach seeds and peach branches all over his bedroom.  Then he told me that he keeps getting sit on at night.  I asked him how long this has been going on.  He said ever since he was incarcerated.  When he was locked up, he'd hear the rattling of key chains and it'll wake him up instantly but he won't be able to move.  He just thinks to himself, "F.uck!  I'm getting sit on again."  He wrote and told his elders about it.  They advised him to curse the thing really bad so it'll leave with a broken heart and never come back again.  He did as he was told and he heard the tsog sniffling like it was crying.  He told me it happened so much, he wasn't afraid of it.  He was just tired of getting sit on.   ;D  One time he was sitting on his bunk, he heard the rattling of the key chains, then he felt somebody wrapped their arms around him like he was a teddy bear.  This lasted a few minutes.  He flew back to California and had one of our friends' grandfather do the jingle bell on him and after the ceremony he was asked if he had a girlfriend in the past that loved him very much.  Jerry said, no!  The shaman told him that this lady spirit was infatuated with him and it won't be easy getting rid of it.  It could've been a lover from a previous life.  Going back to what All-Star picked up in St. Paul, it was probably the same lady spirit wanting to see Jerry but All-Star was smart enough not to bring her to meet the guys.  The thing about this lady spirit is, she doesn't have any problems with me while we lived together.  Maybe because I was a Christian and I didn't care about her.  But some of the younger guys that use to come over and hang out was scared shitless.   ;D  One kid was sleeping in Jerry's room while the rest of us was hanging out in the basement.  I ran back upstairs to grab something from my room and when I walked past Jerry's room, I saw him sitting there with his eyes wide away.  I asked him, "What's wrong with you?"  He's said, "Did someone wake him up? " Cause he felt a hard slap and he woke up but saw nobody.  I was teasing him, "No, maybe it's just Jerry's invisible lady friend."  They all knew about it.  He got scared and went down in the basement.  Anybody that slept in Jerry's bed would get sit on.  Every girl that tries to get close with Jerry will feel the wrath.  His girlfriend at the time we were living together was choked many times but she continues to fight against it even though she gets whipped every time.  She'll take a nap during the day and we'll see her move around struggling.  We never wake her up, we'll just sit there and watch.  Jerry would say, "Look at Mai.  She's getting sit on right now and she's battling the thing."  We'd both laugh and when she snaps out of it, she'll yell at us for not helping.   :2funny:  The thing about Jerry's lady friend is that he can control her for some reason.  I guess, she obeys him out of love.  One time, some little girl was over with his girlfriend and it was annoying the shit out of us so Jerry said to her jokingly, "Ib tsam koj mag tsuam li lawm os."  The next time we saw her again, she said to us, "You guys are mean!  When I tried to go sleep that night, something came and sat on me."  She never annoyed us again.

Here's another one...  Back in the days, there was this group of housing duplexes that Whiteboy's family use to live at.  There were lots of Hmong families that lived in those duplexes since the late-80's.  However, near the entrance there's one particular one that nobody lives in.  The manager boarded up the windows.  Me and my friends used to break in and chill in there just kicking it.  The rumor around town was that it was haunted, reason for nobody wanting to live there.  One day while kicking there, one of my friends got up and silently walked out while we were in the middle of something, another one of my friend did the same thing and follow the first one out.  Nobody asked any questions or said anything and everyone got up and left.  Once we left that place, the two friends was like, "Didn't you guys hear that back at the place?"  We didn't hear anything.  They both said they heard somebody playing the qeej right behind them.  Since that day, we never went back to that room again.  Whiteboy should be able to elaborate more on this.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 03:46:02 PM by Mizsta_EZ »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #822 on: September 09, 2009, 03:56:58 PM » just asking cuse I have a cousin in Sac name Bee, he knows someone named Jerry, and they have two friends (Brothers) that have a psychic mom.

This one time, they all went out to the lake, then my cousin was messing around and said, "This lake is huge and deep, there's probably dragons." They all told him to shut up. When they came home, nobody mentioned it to their mom but she had a dream that a dragon came to her and told her that her boys and their freinds were messing around at her lake. The next morning she confronted her sons about the incident.

She's very good at her natural gifts. The dead come knocking on her door every now and then, to deliver her a message to their families. She trained with the Buddhist Monks that's why she knows a lot of things that hmong Shamans don't know how to fix. That's why I asked if you were one of those two borthers..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #823 on: September 09, 2009, 04:04:46 PM »
Great stories keep'em comin.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #824 on: September 14, 2009, 09:49:56 PM »
Here's what happen when the kid followed me there. When I got there in mm, I was up stair going through my bags. My cousins left with their mom to the store. My uncle went down stairs to check on the laundry. As I was going through my stuff. A dark figure kid walked in through the front door. I thought it was my cousin so I looked. It looked at me, turn the corner to the back door. Uncle came up the stairs and it just faded away. That night I had a dream. Me and my friends was driving somewhere. I was in the back of the driver side. All of a sudden a kid jump up on my window. It scared me, so I jump to the back passenger side where my friend is sitting. I told them that there a ghost by the window. My friend just laugh. I looked and it was sitting there already, I just decided to punch it. That first hit I took. It grab my arms and like I said before, super cold. All I felt was the coldness and then I black out that instance. I remember, seeing total darkness only and wandering around. I saw a light and I just followed it. When I got to the light. I walk in. In there I saw people wandering like they lost. All I did was stood there. Then a bright dude came to me with a book in his hand and ask me what's my name, how I got there. I told hiM my name and don't know how I got there. He said it not my time yet and I still got a very long time to got and that he'll take me back. So I woke up. I couldn't move cause my whole body was cold and tingly. I got up when that tingly thong went away. Went up stairs and my uncle just said 'damn, you sleep for a long time' I ask him what time was it. He just said that I sleep for one whole day and night. And that it 12 noon already. So basicly I woke up the day after tomorrow. All I can say is. Wandering in total darkness is like this. You have no feelings. You don't think about what's going on. You only see what's in front of you, which you don't and just keep on walking. You don't feel tire. All I can say is that it's very peaceful. 

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