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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1965 on: August 27, 2010, 12:09:41 PM »
you guys dare to watch this:

It looks good for a horror movie. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1966 on: August 27, 2010, 01:45:36 PM »
there once was a ghost, the end.


You for got the part "The name was Casper the friendly ghost."

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1967 on: August 27, 2010, 02:43:11 PM »
I don't care if those people seem like they needed help, nobody especially little kids are suppose to be in the woods in the first place, even if it could of been some real kids (orphans) being banned by their evil aunt and uncle like in most Hmong movies but still. I'll run a marathon back home. Disguise me a little now hearing about how those little creature stick their hands in our food pots and stuff at the funeral home, those curry was good, I wonder what's the secret ingredient to it, on second thought I don't really want to know.  :idiot2:

The last time I ate some foods at the funeral, I felt nauseated. Now, I won't ever eat them again. You know why...

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1968 on: August 27, 2010, 03:10:20 PM »
ghost are humans too, be nice to them and they'll be nice to you.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1969 on: August 27, 2010, 03:13:16 PM »
ghost are humans too, be nice to them and they'll be nice to you.

You mean they used to be?

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Offline lifemystery

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1971 on: August 27, 2010, 03:18:21 PM »
The last time I ate some foods at the funeral, I felt nauseated. Now, I won't ever eat them again. You know why...

That's so gross... I've never looked at it like that...  :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1972 on: August 30, 2010, 12:53:24 AM »

We were driving from MI to MN for a wedding we decided to go at night that way we'd avoid the whole Chicago traffic.

I didn'thave my glasses on cause I only needed them for night driving but never bothered to wear them.

damn that is scary!!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1973 on: August 30, 2010, 01:33:14 AM »
Recently I lost my niece to cancer in june this year. The night before I got the call from my sister I dreamed of my neice. We were having a fun time just talking laughing joking chasing each other and playing house and store. Then she told me she had to leave cause her mommy was calling her to come home. We said our good byes and I told her I love her very much and I'll come visit her very soon. I felt this overwelming sadness when she left. I started to cry  then I heard my phone ring and woke me up. I answered my phone and it was my sister. She told me that her daughter is in the hospital because every 30 minutes my sister had to change her daughter's diaper cause she wouldn't stop pooping. It was a sign that her body was starting to shutting down slowly. My neice wanted to talk to me so my sister handed her the phone. My neice said to me aunty you told me you were going to come visit me before I went home how come you lied to me. You lier! That's when I broke down in tears knowing that she came to vsit me in my dream. She was mad at me and didn't want to talk to me so she handed her mom the phone. My sister said that the doctor told her my neice probably have a few more hours left with us and so my sister said to me that all of our siblings were there and I was the only that wasn't there yet. She knew my neice was waiting for me to come see her.

My husband and I flew out that afternoon. We didn't arrive there until 12am. When we got there I just cried my eyes out. She didn't look normal. I've never seen any person the way how she looked. My husband's mother passed away with cancer and she didn't look like my neice. My neice was already purple like she's been dead for a day or two. She wasn't talking anymore like she did early that morning when I talked to her on the phone....anywa y....

After about an hour of balling my eyes out I got really thirsty....I went to get a glass of water in the kitchen. I heard a little voice close to my ear saying aunty come back I miss you don't leave yet. I dropped my glass of water turned around and saw no one. I thought it was her little sister cause they were still running around but they were no where close to the kitchen. I power walked real fast to her bedroom cause in a way I was kinda freaked out and yet at the same time scared that I might not see her leave.

After a long flight my husband was exhasted and decided to sleep in the guest room. As he was laying there someone or something kept tickling his feet wouldn't let him he got up and hung out with us in my neice's room. He didn't tell me this until the next day. He didn't want to creep me out. Anyway at about late 2am I said to my little neice....I see that you are suffering. I don't want to see you hurting anymore. I know that I told you I was coming to visit you when we were playing last night. I'm here now. You don't have to wait anymore. Don't be afraid to leave. Don't be afraid that we are going to be mad at you if you leave. We love you very much we won't get mad at you if you leave. As much as we want you to stay you can't cause God wants you back. He will love you more than us. And don't be afraid that you are going to be lonely cause your grandpa is there waiting for you. He knew before already before we did that you were going to be with him soon. So he's been waiting for you for awhile now. After when I said that to her, her breathing changed to short little breaths. She took her last 3 deep breaths and she was gone.

My sister and brother in law called all the uncles to come right after her passing. They were discussing over the plan of when they should hold her funeral while her body was still in the room. The whole time she had this very angry face. Her face was all twisted up cause they wanted to wait until one of the grandpas came back from a wedding in the mid of july to do her funeral. My husband and I weren't able to stay after the 12th of july. They were talking about me and my brothers that came from out of state. As soon as they mentioned my name her face relaxed and it almost seemed like she was smiling. So I guess she had spoken to them even after her death. So when they looked at her face and knew what she wanted they did her funeral the week before we all had to leave.  I don't feel her around me I guess we had said what we wanted to say to each other. But my sisters and mom still feel her around them sometimes.

This photo was taken 30 minutes after I arrived there. When I arrived she was almost naked. All she had on was her underwear. I told my sister that her daughter shouldn't pass with no clothes cause her spirit will be cold and naked. So I asked my sister to put her daughters favorite outfit on her. It was her princess dress that she loved so much she wore it almost everyday and askes for it everyday  :) and of course her favorite pair of silver shoe to go along with it.

OMG so sorry to hear about your loss...after seeing that photo of your niece it made me cried because I also lost my little cousin who was only 6 months old this past prayers goes out to you and your family....

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« Reply #1974 on: August 30, 2010, 03:44:41 PM »
Otay~! Heres one with my cousins.

So my Aunty bought this one house by Dale and Larpenture in Maplewood/SaintPaul Minnesota. They didnt know that it was haunted so they bought it cause her husband and her were starting off fresh. They settled in the house with 3 children and one more on the way. At times during the day, they would hear footsteps coming upstairs.(The kitchen is where the downstairs lead to) Sooooooo... like I said, they would hear footsteps coming up the stairs and sometimes just someone walking downstairs cause its non-carpeted.
They talked to this one psychic-lady and asked her what was wrong with the house, the psy-lady said that when the last couple lived there, it was an old couple and the older woman slipped and fell down in the bathroom downstairs.  :o  Ack, thats just a scary thought, well then... So they learn that its bad for the baby inside of her belly to be around this (Woman) because she could do some bad things to her. So they couldnt really do anything about moving out because they've been living there for like a year now. And they've settled down in that house already, so then my cousin stay'd with my aunty to make her feel better.
After giving birth to a baby boy, they leave the house within three months and move to frogtown. But the scary thing is that.... When they were at their old house, the psychic-lady said that, during the day, the old lady would come upstairs and play with the barbie dolls and watch the two little girls in the living room. AKFJ:ALJFAFJ FTW!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1975 on: August 30, 2010, 05:29:15 PM »
Well on the day that my grandma got really sick and my grandpa found her passed out my little 4 yr old cousin watch the paramedics take grandma away..When grandma died in the hospital everyone went back to the house well my little cousin said that grandma wasn't dead cause he saw grandma leave the house with an old man.. He said he had seen her leaving so she will be coming back and she's not dead..Well after my aunt told us this story she was like maybe grandma is here with us and we just can't see her..As soon as my aunt said that my grandma's sister who lived in MN said that she seen someone in grandma's garden out in the back yard she said is that my sister? Everyone ran to window and looked out there it was this old woman out there picking hot peppers my aunts ran out there well it wasn't grandma but her friend from down the street who didn't know my grandma had died and had came to get veggies from my grandma's garden.

Last year my parents went to MN to go visit my great aunt cause she was deathly ill well they were there for a whole and she didn't pass but the dr's had said that it would be soon so with that said my dad said out loud that since it wasn't her time to go my parents were gonna come back home and for the family to call him when the time comes after saying that my parents headed back to my grandparents house as soon as they got there my uncle called for them to go back cause it was her time my parent's rushed back to the hopsital and just as they got there she took her last breathe well still standing at the door way my mom saw the dead aunt looking over everyone's shoulder and looking at her own dead body my mom was so scared she turned pale and fainted my parents ended up not going to her funeral cause my mom was scared of her

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1976 on: August 30, 2010, 10:37:52 PM »
creepy. now more stories please

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1977 on: September 01, 2010, 12:34:14 AM »
f'ing grammar god d@mn it relating to post by ladie rain...
i was f'ing raging trying to f'ing understand wtf you were writing about...
f u :knuppel2:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1978 on: September 01, 2010, 03:11:11 PM »
yeah, i was having a hard time understanding that story, too. well, it's a good thing i'm used to it because i didn't eventually got it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1979 on: September 01, 2010, 04:30:19 PM »
Back in the old days, suitors would often walk across jungled hills and valleys to other villages just to whisper with their lovers at the bedroom walls. The activity was so addicting, many had chosen to go alone.  Many took their silvery, manually-sewn blankets with them so that they could cuddle outside the walls in the chilly nights, dreaming away with the sweet whispers (and they were always sweet, never bitter, by the way). But all must try to brave the night home before the roosters started crowing and before the elders got up to find them. Everyone was too timid to be seen while courting.

The road back home was always in the dark and not always friendly. Stones had been thrown onto the pathways by unknown apparitions. Tall white figures stood on the road but within an unreachable distance.  Babies had cried on the sides of the roads. And others skillful moves resulting in many suitors having to slaughter chickens to call their souls back via traditional ceremonies.

Well, this one suitor had his old rugged blanket with him one evening on his way back to his village after the whispering romance with his girl. Somewhat dark into the earlier morning, he could not see much. But while on the road in the deep jungle far in between the two villages, the suitor began growing goosebumps. What he was hearing was the most unusual of all of the ghost pranks he had ever heard of. This one didn't stand up as a white figure. It did not throw stones. It did not scream like a baby or a helpless ill or hungry person. Rather, it just came down from the higher elevation and stormed down the jungle, cracking twigs and branches and rustling leaves like a burning tornado.

The suitor stood quiet on the dirt road with his blanket over his shoulders as the rustling came closer and grew louder from the north side--the higher side--of the road! Then the branches on the trees right by his side shook and swang like a wavering coconut tree! The earth trembled as the rustlings halted in silence right on the edge of the road within just a few feet from where the suitor was standing.

The suitor could feel his feet shaking and weakening. Many in this tense situation would have dropped their pants and lost their souls.

But he managed to raise up his blanket over his head, holding the blanket high in his hands as he faced the rustling spot in the dark!

Just then the turbulent rustlings toned down, whiffing right pass the suitor to the south side of the road. The rustlings slowly tapered off down the valley; a few branches vibrated near their tips. It never returned.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 04:39:53 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

