
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606760 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2355 on: April 13, 2011, 07:19:52 PM »
wow.. u guys got some pretty scary stories.... i never have an encounter before......

my grandpa was recently in the hospital... my siblings would take turns spending the night sleeping on the couch in his hospital room... mostly for translation purposes in case something happen... this one night.. around 11 pm... my bro noticed my grandpa was up and was focused on the same spot in the room.. my bro asked him what he was looking at... my grandpa said "why are there two little girls dressed in hmong clothes looking at me?" my bro freaked out so bad he called my dad to come relieved him right away...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2356 on: April 13, 2011, 10:59:46 PM »
Man, writing and read all those scary stories. Making me all paranoid.

And my wife being a loud mouth about me being here too much. She mention that  she hopes that I something with the ghost or like that. I didn't pay any attention to her words.  All i know is that either too much C O D or P H. LOL.

So a couple of weeks ago, I was laying on the sofa playing C O D. I swear that I felt someone brushed my hair from behind, I thought it was my son sitting behind the sofa. I got up and looked and saw no one. Yikes!!!!. I thought it was just me thinking too hard about all them scary stories you guys been posting.

This happened a couple of days ago, I was still in bed and my son was up. he was in the living room watching T.V.  He was yelling at me to wake up. So I look at the clock and said, shoot it's only 8am. I had my foot out of the blanket so my feet were expose. I went back to sleep, I'm still trying to figure this out. I swear that I felt someone tapped my foot. "Crap this is creeping me out right now". It felted like a small hand just tapped my foot. I shot up in the bed to see if that was my son. But I saw no one in the room with me. (Crap I'm getting freak out now). LOL. Twice now, I felt like it was physically touching me.
I've never had and physical contact before.
Am I thinking too hard. What does this mean. Crap..LOL I'm scaring myself silly. I think I'll lay low from PH for a while. LOL Not.....

Guys and gals, keep them scary stories and stuff coming

« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 11:10:04 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2357 on: April 14, 2011, 08:21:46 AM »
I love these stories! It's so interesting. =]

I don't have a story in mind right now, but as for me i'm not scared of anything. Not even ghost/demons. I'm more scared of gangsters and Kedo's. LOL. I'm not scared of anything because I had plenty of encounters and it's almost the same thing over and over. But I would say that some are hella scary I won't even tell anyone. HAhA. When I see or hear a ghost I would b*tch at it, and it will just leave me alone. I'm a girl and my siblings thinks that I'm going to have some sort of shaman thingy in me. HAHA. But seriouly I don't want that. Well when I have a ghost story I'll post it up. =]

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2358 on: April 14, 2011, 08:25:59 AM »
wow.. u guys got some pretty scary stories.... i never have an encounter before......

my grandpa was recently in the hospital... my siblings would take turns spending the night sleeping on the couch in his hospital room... mostly for translation purposes in case something happen... this one night.. around 11 pm... my bro noticed my grandpa was up and was focused on the same spot in the room.. my bro asked him what he was looking at... my grandpa said "why are there two little girls dressed in hmong clothes looking at me?" my bro freaked out so bad he called my dad to come relieved him right away...

this is really similar to my grandpa too. He saw a lot of scary things in the hospital. He always tell me why he see's this and that, but im a brave girl so i always tell him that its nothing he is just thinking too much. And all of my cousins and siblings are like hella scared they wont even sleep at the hospital, but me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2359 on: April 14, 2011, 10:42:17 AM »
I have a sister who pass on since the late 1980's so I dont really remember her much, but the story goes on.... She ran away when we are in ban vanai (how ever you spell that). She was murdered by some thai people and so sometimes she will come to my parents for money and food. Before the family are sure about her death, we have not set her spirit free so she will come to my parent and bother them. One night, my dad got up in to go use the restroom and there was a mouse out of no where. The mouse was on top of a drawer that was next to the door going to the hall way. My mom saw the mouse first so she told my dad to hit it on the way out to use the restroom. Once my dad was out of the room, the mouse transform into a shadow and yelled at my mom. The shadow says "oh, so you want him to hit me huh, well let me teach you a lesson". The shadow then grabbed my mom by the foot and drag her off the bed. She screamed for my dad and once he got into the room the shadow was gone. My dad found my mom on the ground and ask her what have happen? My mother told my dad the whole story and the next day they have one of my grandma look into it. She told us that it was my sister who came to visit cause she is hungry and broke. My parents then burn her some paper money and offered her some food. A few weeks later, my parents finally did that thing to set her soul/spirit free to recarcinate.

Another story:
This is also about my sister. My mom been sick so she have some do that horn thing to see whats the reason to her sickness. We found out that after the ceremony to set her soul/spirit free, she couldnt recarcinate because she was murdered and her body have no grave. My aunty was summon to do a jingle bell into the other world to built her a grave. When my Aunty was in the stage/trance mode, my aunty was crying and mumbling some words that I cant understand. When the jingle was done, she told us that she saw the whole murder thing repeat infront of her. She say that my sister was killed with a bullet to the back of head. The people that killed her are those that she took off with (some thai people). She then dressed my sister up in hmong traditional death cloth and built her a grave site. After that ceromony we have not heard anything from my parent regarding my sister so I guess she finally was able to go reborn.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2360 on: April 14, 2011, 10:55:55 AM »
ouija board story:

I have a friend who loves to play ouija board. She played so much that she actually have a guy spirit that follows her around. One time in high school during lunch, she ask my aunty who was sitting next to her, "hey my guy friend is here with me and he likes you, can he give you a kiss on the cheek".... my aunty go scare and say no. Years past by, I have a homegirl who married my friends (same girl above) brother. One night my homegirl woke up to get a bottle for her kid and found my friend infront of the t.v (the t.v was off) laughing and talking like she was watching something with someone. This scare the h3ll out of my homegirl.... a few years past by and for some reason my friend seem to be normal now. I guess the spirit got bored and left. lols.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2361 on: April 14, 2011, 11:40:55 AM »
funeral story:

I was at a relatives funeral (distant uncle from my side) when this all happen. My uncle have 3 wive. First wife did not care about my uncle, when he was sick she dont cook or clean after him. He married second wife, which she passed. The third wife is my aunty (my mom sis). During my uncles funeral the youngest daughter of the first wife got possesed. She was in another room talking to her sis when she start cussing and throwing chairs around. The sis came into the main room screaming for help. The guys that are in charge of the funeral went into the room to see what all the commotion was about. They found out that my uncle wanted to come into her body and talk to everyone but she refuses. So the whole time she was cussing was for him not to get in. When she got out of the possesed mode, she told everyone that the day her dad (which is my uncle) passed he came and attack her. She was in the kitchen preparing dinner and all suddenly felt some pain on her leg above her ankle. When she look at it, it was a bite mark. Even though its her father, she is scare that he might attack her again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2362 on: April 14, 2011, 12:40:38 PM »
dragon story:

When I first notice that something is wrong with my ex was in the car while driving from north to east sac. I ask him "is everything alright?" and he just reply "yeah". Once we got to his house and got up stair to his room he finally told me why he was acting weird in the car. He say "did you see what was by my side of the window?" I told him "no, why?" and so he told me that there was this green troll next to him by the passenger window. He told me that the whole thing started when him and his friends went out to a lake for a swim. He was getting ready to step out of the water when something pull him back. When he fell back into the water he stepped on something that felt like a skull, so he got scared and scream for his friend to pull him out. Since then he started to see these green troll around. He also mentioned that everytime he eat, he dont feel like the food went to his tummy. It felt like someone grabbed the food from his throat, so he stop eating for a few day or until he is really hungry. That saturday that I was with him and notice him being all weird, I told his mom about it. His mom came into the room and ask him what is going on and what is he seeing. He told his mom the same story he told me and what he saw. His mom then called all the church people near by to come and read pray for him but it did not help. The whole time they were reading bible and praying, he yelled out "shyt, they are coming closer to me.... they are standing next to you guys (church people)". A few days later, his mom finally called his uncle which is a shaman to come over and perform a ceremony. The uncle says that the green trolls are sent from Zaj to take my ex back with them. When he was out swimming, he stepped on the Zaj daughters head and so she fell in love with him. The zaj's daughter tried to take him a couple of time, but she couldnt cause his heart is no longer with him... its with someone else already. So the uncle have to plead with the Zaj that my ex will never interfer with their home again and sent the daughter with the green trolls back. They then change my ex name and after that nothing else happened.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2363 on: April 14, 2011, 12:53:13 PM »
During the summer of 1999 I was staying with my uncle and aunty because I was offered a summer job. My family moved to a different town that summer. I got up early one morning to prepare my lunch for the day when I hear a baby cry. I went to go see who it is cause there was no infant in the house. When I got to the location where the cry was coming from, there was nothing there.... just buch of toys. I got freaked out and hurry pack my lunch and left the house. Till now a day, I have not mentioned anything to my Aunt, Uncle, or cousins. Thinking back to it, I dont know why I have to courage to check what it is..... now after reading all these ghost story in here, I will not dare to go check.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2364 on: April 14, 2011, 01:07:41 PM »
I know my story is not all that scary, but I'm just contributing my part in.

I use to live in a nice and quiet apartment complex. When I say nice and quiet I mean, its clean and no one is ever outside.... its kinda spooky come to think of it. In the apartment live 3 of us (me, my sis, and my ex). There is this one indian guy who will come and stay in our living room once or twice a week... he is one of my ex's friend. I never notice anything weird or out of the normal when I was living there, but my ex told me his friend encounter something there. The friend got home kinda late and was  getting ready for bed, he put out his air bed and just barely lay down when he felt the hair of his neck stood up. He stayed up for a while and seems like everything was ok. He sleeps with his front facing the wall so his back faces the living room. He woke up around 2 in the morning to get a drink of water and went back to bed. Some time past and suddenly he felt a hand rubbing his back. He got scared and can not fall back to sleep so he stayed up till morning. I remember waking up one morning to get ready to work and saw him up. I didnt ask him anything because it didnt hit me. Its been a couple of year later and my ex finally told me the story, got me scared for a moment.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2365 on: April 14, 2011, 02:11:11 PM »
I've seen a lot of stories here and some are like similar. But i love it so much. I'm gonna tell one. Not scary though =]

So just last month my mom found out that she had some kind of spirit with her, what i mean is good spirit. It was her shaman spirits. So we have this one grandma who came from thailand and lived here for 4 years. She is a very powerful shaman and she teaches people who has shaman thingy in them, well whatever you say that. My mom spirits are connected to that grandma's spirits.

Ok the story is my grandpa haven't been feeling good since last year, he had been going to the hospital and he is always thinking negative saying that he is going to die and all that stuff. And he see's stuff in the hospital. Well since he kept put in the hospital my parents decided to go to that grandma's place and check what was wrong with my grandpa because he's been sick and weak lately, well that grandma did this shaman look in the water thingy and it was one of our grandpa who died like in the 70's. Now this grandpa has made our grandpa sick because that grandpa didnt get sent to heaven the right way because back then my grandpa and some uncles couldn't find his body and just left everything normal like nothing ever happened.
Well when the grandma was done looking into it she had told my mom that she is going to know how to ua neeg so my mom was surprised because she didn't know anything about it. Well all of a sudden my mom started shaking like you know how shaman shake there legs when they go to the other world? When she was shaking the grandpa that died went into her body and used my mom's body so he can tell my dad what he had to say. This is what the dead grandpa said (I was there seeing all this) "Son I know that your dad is in the hospital right now but i want you to tell him this. I've been gone so long and no one had sent me to heaven, I am hungry and I need money, how come no one loves me? If you guys still want your dad alive then you guys have to send me money and make me a funeral." After this everything was calm so we headed home and my mom got so tired she couldnt even move so we had to hold onto her going into the car. We were talking about this in the car and my mom said that it feels weird because she wasn't the one crying it was the person that was inside of her which that was our dead grandpa.

I woulnd't say this is scary but I just wanted to share it because I've never seen anything like this ever in my life.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2366 on: April 14, 2011, 02:17:03 PM »
I remember when I was little my family and I moved to North Carolina. We lived with our grandma and grandpa. This is story is located in a farm.

So one night my grandma went outside to get some plants, it was like 8 at night already and when she was walking to the other side, she saw a lady holding a little girl hands walking into the house, at first she thought it was just my mom and my little sister so she didnt mind much. When she got inside she asked my mom and my mom said she was inside cooking the whole time. My grandma got scared and never went outside at night. But the history of that house is that this old lady died with her granddaughter.  :-X

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2367 on: April 14, 2011, 02:34:38 PM »
Friend = scooter crash = taking pics for memories(funny pics he fell) = in one pic there is a figure standing next to him = figure not fake real pic = pic was taken at night when he fell.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2368 on: April 14, 2011, 09:49:23 PM »
I got a very close friend that had never encounter any of those things, cause he was always a home boy if you know what I mean.

"White a$$ season is here, and I want to share a short story with you guys".

But he tells me that he wants to meet one in person... So I was like.... what...are you crazy or what......don't you know that you must not say those word out loud and beside you don't what to meet one anyways.

So a few years ago I got him into fishing, for them a$$ on the Hmong river. Since it was the a$$ runs, he wanted to go fishing in the morning. I told him that I'll meet him at the Hmong river, but don't leave the house till 4am cause it'll take about an hour to get there. But he had the a$$ fever and couldn't wait til that time. I went to sleep and around 2am my phone ringed. I look at my phone and said "shoot this guys got the a$$ fever LOL". I answered and he asked me where I was. I told him that I'm still in bed, and for him to go to sleep. He told me that he was at the Hmong river already. I said WTF you crazy... So I told him that I'll be there around 3am. So that he'll have someone with him.

But I was tried cause I too had the a$$ fever but I managed to get some shut eyes. So I fell back to sleep. than later my phone rang again I got up and said " shoot I fell a sleep, now he piss cause it already 3am LOL". I answered and said "I'm on my way". Half way there he called me and asked how far was I to him. I told him that I'm half way to the river.. he said " he's at the gas station where I always pump gas". So when I got there I said "why you drive all the way back here". You could of waited at a closer gas station in that town then drive all the way back here".

I asked him "did you run into something funny out there"? he didn't answer me, but I knew that he encountered some thing out there by himself. I mean to drive all the way back to the half way mark, that about a good 30-45min drive... After that time he never said anything about wanting to meet one of those things LOL..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2369 on: April 14, 2011, 09:56:16 PM »
It's late and I want to tell a Zaj story. =]

So this story is told by my guy cousin.
It was a hot summer day down in Missouri and some guys decided to go swimming since its so hot. One of the guy lets call him tou. He is actually related to my guy cousin. When they were enjoying there fun time in the water tou felt like something was grabbing onto him and after that he was drowning and his friends was trying to help him but they couldn't so they all ran out and called 911, when the police came tou was already dead in the water umm the guards or something like that went into the water and got him finally. He was pale and blue somehow thats what my cousin said. When they were doing his funeral my guy cousin took a picture of the coffin and there were two big dragon standing on each side. SCARY!

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