
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1609776 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2445 on: May 04, 2011, 10:36:38 AM »
ooooo, i know who you guys are talking about.... hahahah.... i'm not gonna say her name too, but i think she is a vang right. lols. if its the same person, than she is okay now. i guess the church thingy work out for her.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2446 on: May 04, 2011, 11:52:41 AM »
what your talking about is my cousin.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2447 on: May 04, 2011, 12:12:36 PM »

come on!! please tell the real/true story

we dont need names just the real story

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2448 on: May 04, 2011, 12:19:57 PM »
come on!! please tell the real/true story

we dont need names just the real story
x2  O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2449 on: May 04, 2011, 12:28:42 PM »
You'll love this... real or fake?  The show insists everything it documents is real.

oh my gezzez...that scared the living hell of out me!

« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 05:17:34 PM by morninglory »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2450 on: May 04, 2011, 02:19:01 PM »
oh my gezzez...that scared the living hell of out me!

So much that you had to re-post the darn thing?!  Can you edit and remove it?  It scared me too.   :-[ :-\ >:(

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2451 on: May 04, 2011, 04:07:04 PM »
oh my gezzez...that scared the living hell of out me!
Dude the first time you posted, I didn't want to watch it. But since you re-posted I had to, if you want my opinon, I think it all hollywood made. It's a FAKE, FAKE.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2452 on: May 04, 2011, 05:17:15 PM »
So much that you had to re-post the darn thing?!  Can you edit and remove it?  It scared me too.   :-[ :-\ >:(

I'm sorry. I didnt think it would repost the video since it never post pictures when you quote pictures post.  :-[

Dude the first time you posted, I didn't want to watch it. But since you re-posted I had to, if you want my opinon, I think it all hollywood made. It's a FAKE, FAKE.

I didnt post the original. I just quote it.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2453 on: May 04, 2011, 06:30:31 PM »
It was pretty freaky, but I thought it was more like, the blair b*tch project. Nicely made thou, even a lot of them ghost caught on tape, the ghost is not clearly seen. So to caputre a fully body, head to toe is all hollywood. Besides I would be running away. Watch destnation truth, somtimes they show the scary stuff, but a lot of times it's nothing.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2454 on: May 04, 2011, 07:46:29 PM »
Okay so I got permission from the person who FNXIAO89 was talking about...I'm leaving her name out...and I'm not saying that I got the whole story correct  ;D...

So the night of the incident....he r and her bf had gone out that day and it was getting pretty dark...they'd got into an argument and was mad at each other...she wanted to go home but the bf was stubborn and wouldn't take her home...she started walking off so the bf chased after her and took her to the car and drove off...he was mad so he was driving quite he got on the highway there was a bush on the side of the road but was close to the middle...well the bf was already driving fast so he ran right over it....nothing wrong with running a bush over right? he ran over the bush what she saw was like a white cloth flew in front of them and covered the entire car...she got really freaked out...she then felt something choking her neck...she glanced to her side of the shoulder (forgot which side) and saw a lady chocking her...that's when she got really scared and started acting weird in front of the bf....he too got scared but kept it cool...when he got to her house he went and got her parents right away....the parents came out to see what was wrong...when they got to her she started screaming for them to get away and that she was scared...

That night and for a whole week literally they has shamans and shawoman one after another to see what was wrong... So u can pretty much say that she was e would scream at her family...sayin g that her parents are in heaven waiting for her and she have to go...she would ask for eggs and say that they are pretty and would not eat time she would be fine and when night comes she would go right back to acting "crazy"...

So they jinggled and they jinggled and they finally found out who the person that was possessing her and why...that person was also a hmong girl who had suicide years ago in her home...reason?...I don't know...they said the reason for her possession was that when the bf ran over that bush...he actually ran over the lady's spirit and her spirit/body had disperse or broken up and it couldn't go back to it's original form so she decided that since they did that to her she was going to take over the body of the gf...freaky thing is that the bf use to live in the same complex/area however you want to call it as the lady...freaky as coincidence... .

Jinggled after jinggled failed so they were desperate and called upon the church for help...the church ppl came and told them that if they were to help them they'd have no choice but to convert to Christianity.. .I dunno exactly wat the Church ppl did but she finally went back to she's living as a devoted Christian believer for saving her life...

So how do I know all this is true?....she told me herself!

« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 07:59:27 PM by QueenK23 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2455 on: May 04, 2011, 11:13:28 PM »
interesting story . . . today I don't felt like doing . . . just sitting here in my room reading ghost stories and listening to Bruno Mars screaming "this is great"

it's strange how some people converted back into shaman because of certain sickness that's being cause by ancestors and than there's those who's converting into christian do to unexplainable paranormal encounters similar to you what you've just told us . . . crazy is as crazy does  :P

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2456 on: May 04, 2011, 11:22:47 PM »
Nice story... Got anymore... Please do tell..

I'm a sorta out of stories to post and tell, so I'm here waiting for all of you guys to post your paranormal stories.. The more the better LOL.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2457 on: May 05, 2011, 12:54:18 PM »
Damn haven't been in this tread like forever. Here my story, well not really mine but my uncle.

This happen to my uncle in Sacramento, he and two of his women coworker were coming home from work, which was way out there in the country side, and got into a car accident with one of those huge 18 wheeler truck. Their car was smash into a small mini car, luckily he somehow flew out of the car when it was rolling down hill to the side and both of his coworker died on the spot.

While he was in the hospital, he keep having dreams that those two women were staying with him and want him to go with them. Then one night in the hospital, he woke up from one of those dreams and saw one of the coworker that died all burnt up standing at the end of his bed and somehow he couldn't move, the woman was telling him that she didn't wanted to die and she mad because he didn't die with her. She also said that she will get him and she want let him go and after that she disappear. My uncle said that what he saw may seem like a dream, but it was real because after she disappear the nurse came in check and talk with him.

Well my uncle dad which is my grandpa was a shaman and when he came to visit him, he got really mad because as soon as he got inside the room he started yelling and spitting at the corner of the room. Telling the what it was to leave and never come back. After that he ask my uncle if he know two women that go by name this and that and described how they look and my uncle reply yes they were the one that passed away in the car accident, my grandpa gave him a string to wear and did a jingle for him and switch his name. After that he stop dreaming about them.

Freaky part is when my uncle was telling me this my grandpa came in the room and tell my uncle to not talk too much about it because all he did was hide my uncle form them and right now those two women were still searching for him. And my grandpa say that once in a while he will see them outside of my uncle bedroom, but they can't get in or do anything to him because of my grandpa spirit guardian.

Here is my scary part of the story that related to my uncle. Ok so one night me and my uncle went to the casino and came home at 3 am and I was too tired to drive home so i slept over at his place. That was the day when my grandpa and grandma wasn't home, (oh my uncle live with my grandparent and there just the three of them in the apartment), and my uncle told me to sleep in his room and he will sleep in my grandparent room i was to tired so i just said yeah ok. After lying in bed for 30 minutes i notice that it was so cold in the room and i keep having the feeling that someone was in the room too because i will wake up to hard breathing in the room. Then at around 4:30 am i saw a shadow by my uncle window, i ignore it for a bit but it keep making noise from outside like a women crying (the type crying at funeral) and whatever it was it was using a stick and start tapping on the window. I got hecka scared but i just bare it through because i don't want to wake my uncle up and it was almost sunrise. It keep touching the window until 5:20 am and stop because the sun was coming up. In the morning i told my uncle that did he ever encounter what i did and he said yea once and a while, and he told me that it was those two coworker that passed away and told me not to be afraid because my grandpa is a strong shaman cant do anything to us, but still i was scared and now a day will never go to his house at night, only in day time.

Oh this happen in fresno, after the car accident my uncle came to fresno

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2458 on: May 05, 2011, 01:13:13 PM »
Wow. Thats freaky!  My boyfriend was telling me a story about him. Here goes!
My boyfriend, Lets call him Mickey, told me a story about him a few days ago. He said that he was talking to his friends and they were talking about scary stories and he has never experience anything paranormal so like an idiot, he said "I wonder how it feels like," Lol. And that was very stupid of him, indeed. Lol. So he went to sleep that night but he couldnt really go to sleep, but nothing paranormal happened until when it was morning. He woke up and sat up, he felt the small hair on the back of his neck raising and he got kinda freaked out. And i forgot what else he said. LOL He went out to the living room and saw his mom. They're christian as well as me. So he told her that he felt something in the room with him and stuff, then his mom started praying hardcore for him. And after that, he said her felt better.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2459 on: May 05, 2011, 06:32:34 PM »
So my siblings and cousins, we were talking about ghosts haunting one person and not the other person(from the same family).

So like I get a lot of encounters, well more like i get sat on more then I see and hear stuff. I told my cousin about it and she said that it happens to me because i'm an outgoing person and i disobey my parents (that is true somewhat but not all too LOL) But this scared shit the fcuk outta me. So now i'm just thinking like shoo im not going out anymore and gotta listen to my parents more often. and now i'm doing fine, going to school and coming home. haha

I remember talking on the phone with my boyfriend and i was laying down on my bed (the lights were dim) and my feet was still on the floor, if you understand what i'm talking about. Ok well i was having fun talking to my bf and all of a sudden i can feel the pressure going up my feet and up. (My boyfriend said i was moaning and shit, i didn't believe it, but he said he swear i was moaning.LOL so i don't know). After that i couldn't hear myself anymore but i know I was still holding the phone by my ears, well after that my body was so heavy i couldn't do anything but lye there like i was dead, well the next thing that i thought it was scary was my mouth started to open and i can feel the thing hands opening my mouth up and shit and i think thats probably when i was moaning. I have no freaken idea but scary shit. HAHA and when everything went to normal my bf was like was you fcuking someone? man i got piss at him and told him what happened then he was like im coming over. he came over and i told him what happened and he stayed the night with me cause no one was home with me. (don't think wrong because we didn't do anything. HAHA)

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