
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1603365 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2640 on: July 31, 2011, 06:37:54 PM »
My grandma told me that when her and my grandpa was still in lao and was still young and my grandpa has just began being a shaman. My grandma was never into shaman and think it was bs. Well They live in hut and some of the wall have hole and little crack and stuff. They have this little hole next to my grandpa atlar and they never really care to cover it up. This one night my grandma have a dream that a old lady came and sat down to talk to her. The lady told her that my grandma have to tell my grandpa to cover the hole on the wall next to his atlar or my grandpa two spirte boy with not be happy. Because these troll keep on stealing their rice in bow. My grandma say I didn't no they exist? And the lady say if you want to see then look up at the atlar. My grandma look up at the atlar and saw two very handsome and tall and white Hmong boy sitting on the atlar. Then my grandma say o you are rite, I will tell him to cover it up in the morning. The next day my grandma told my grandpa about it and my grandpa finally cover it up. Ever since theny grandma never think that shaman was bs.  ;)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2641 on: August 01, 2011, 01:14:47 PM »
Back in Laos there was a Hmong couple with a loving, caring dog. He was a small but a brave, intelligent dog. They would take the dog out with them everywhere they go. As Laos is as it is back in those mysterious, haunting days. There was danger lurking everywhere. The dog would fight off any strangers – man, beast, ghosts, demons, and whatever intends harm on his owners. One day, the mother and father had their first born child, a son. The dog was delighted to welcome a new member of the family and loved playing with the little boy. The family was poor, but a very loving, warm family. The son also fell ill from malnutrition and weakening of the soul. One day, a very vicious being came by and wanted to feast on human flesh. It approached the sick little boy and his parents’ little home. The dog had caught scent of it, fought it, and was guarding his owners’ family with all his life. It was a very terrifying moment. The parents were helpless as they watched their dog fought off this thing while comforting their son -- they watched their little dog chased this thing into the jungle. And off the little dog went as he went after it, never stopping, chasing it as far away as possible. The owners had prepared food and treatment for the dog, but it never showed up. Next day, it didn’t return. On it went; the little dog showed neither trace nor sign. The owners were struck with grief, for their little dog probably will not return. Years later, the boy was out playing, from the distance where the foot of the jungle was, there was a little dog looking at him with content and loyalty. The boy called for his parents and said he sees a little dog way out in the distance. The parents immediately rushed to where their son was, but the dog has already turned around into the thick jungle and disappeared once again.

They came to America. The boy is now a young man. It was early in winter and he was on his bicycle. On his way home, he saw a pure white little dog come out of nowhere from the snow scene. The dog had no leash. No collar. But, it was really playful with the young man. It ran alongside him and followed him home. When the young man got home, he yelled out to his parents from the doorway, “Mom, Dad, there is a really good dog that followed me home!” The young man wanted to help the dog – he wanted to take the dog into their home. The parents came to where the son was, and when they looked outside, the dog was nowhere in sight. And, they couldn’t make out the footprints as to which direction the dog ran off to. The End.

Sorry for quoting but I just had to!  Kudos to the writer of this cute little story hahaa! +1!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2642 on: August 01, 2011, 05:34:53 PM »
Sorry for quoting but I just had to!  Kudos to the writer of this cute little story hahaa! +1!

Thank you.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2643 on: August 01, 2011, 06:06:39 PM »
hello im new here and have read almost all the post so guess I'll share some of my own experience and stories told to me..

Couple of years ago in 2004 I got married to my husband and was about 1-2 months pregnant at the time. My in laws house was a 3 bedroom ranch and have a full basement. Well my husband have 2 brothers and 2 sisters which they have all taken the beds upstairs so of course my husband was the oldest that he sleeps alone in the basement. Now the basement is seperated into two sides. One of the side have a door so thats where he sleeps.. In the room there is another room where the washer and dryer is but there is no door then there is a bathroom to the right side also.

Anyways back to the story. One night I was awake in the middle of the night was had to pee so so bad. I woke up turn on the lamp next to me and went into the bathroom and did my business.. i got out washed my hands and came back to bed. I sat down onto the bed turned off the lamp and layed down. Right when I layed flat on my back there was 2 knocks that came from the door. Our bed was right next to the door too. so i sat up turn the lamp on and looked at the door. I was complety dark underneath the door so i though to myself. ok its dark so if my in laws where to come down at the time i swear they would turn the light on. so i shrug it off and think maybe its just my imagination. so i turned off the lamp and layed back down on my back. right was i was flat on my back i heard 2 knocks again on the door. this time i didnt turn on the lamp but sat up and looked under the door again and it was still complete darkness. All of a sudden i feel this cold feeling and all the hair on me standing up so i layed down real fast pulled the covers over me and elbowed my husband to wake up and hold me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2644 on: August 01, 2011, 06:12:41 PM »
My husband used to get sat on so much before he married me.

One night he was laying on his bed in the basement reading Auto Magazines with the lamp on. His bed was facing the laudry room and bathroom. As he was reading away he heard the bathroom door open slightly and looked up and saw a dark shadow standing by the door looking at him. He freaked out so the turned off the lamp and pulled the covers over his head. He felt the thing walked over and sat down on the bed and felt the bed sink. he then felt the thing got up and went around to the foot of the bed, grabbed his legs and pulled him. after that he was knocked out until morning. When he woke up half of the body was hanging off the end of the bed.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2645 on: August 01, 2011, 06:34:10 PM »
This one happened during my Brothers funeral in NC.

Me and my husband got to my parents house the day before the first funeral service. My sisters were telling me about what have been happening during the days before while they Zov Hmo.. My sisters say they would hear people Nyia.. (Crying at funeral type).. im getting the chills.. lol.. anyways i asked my Nyab and she say yes.. cause one evening they made Khau Poob.. and my Nyab and brother went outside to get liquid they heard the crys and they got spooked out. My oldest sister say one night she went outside to help my mom put all the big bowls and stuff away and she heard somebody or something messing around with other pots and pans.. she can hear them banging and falling down to the ground. her first impressions was it might just be an animal. so she walked over to where she heard it coming from and nothing was there or nothing seems to be out of place.

During the first funeral service day for my brother we went to the funeral home early when they first opened and they brought my brother in. he was still on those bed looking thing not in the coffin yet. so we was all crying and touching him and stuff.. My husband was crying alot because they got along very well. When it was time to place him onto one of the other bed looking thing so they can Tawv Kev (take him to where he need to go) all the guys lifted him up including my Husband and everybody saw that there was fresh blood on the thing that he was laying on first. Everybody was like WTF look theres blood and how can that be. so one of my sister and my mom asked the people who brought him in and they say it cannot be possible cause they sucked every thing out.. so we all shrug it off and say its just my brother letting us know he miss us. Right after the guys lay my brother down onto the other bed looking thing and my husband took his hands out he got fresh blood all over his hands too. Which he didnt tell anybody and walked to the bathroom all my himself and washed it away. Later he told me and I happened to tell my Aunt which was a Shaman on the last day of the Funeral service right before we was about to take him to the cemetary and she told me to tell my dad to find someone to call his spirit. So i then told my dad what happened and he got one of my Uncle to call his spirit by my brothers coffin with a plate of food and had my husband ate everything.

My parents house is kindof like in the country so there was a forest way in the back of the house. Now during the funeral everynight around 7-8 PM when i go into my parents house i have this weird feeling like someones watching me. And when i use the bathroom around that time since the bathroom is facing the forest i keep hearing this weird cry. It doesnt sound like Nyia but its weird. spooke me out.

Sorry if its so long and doesnt make since.
BTW my brother got murdered 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2646 on: August 01, 2011, 06:46:02 PM »
This one happened to my Husband and it was the night my brother passed away.

He was working the Second Shift at the time and that night there was only about 7 people working in their company. 6 of the people was on a different side of the company while my husband was the only one working on the other end. there is a bathroom near where he works. He was working minding his own business and it was late in the night around 9-10.. A cold rush of air passed him and He saw a man with a black suit on and black hair like a asian person walked into the mens restroom. My husband said to himself "hrmm thats weird its late and he swear all the office people have gone home already why is there a man in suit walking into the mens restroom".. but he shrug it off as to maybe it could have been one of the people who drives the truck. Minutes passed and the person never walked out of the bathroom so my husband had to go use it too and found out the nobody was in the bathroom but him.

When he got home around midnight and woke me up i recieved a phone call from my younger sister.

Me: hello (tired)
Sister: (crying) ___ is DEAD..!!
Me: What?
Sister: ___ is DEAD!!! (yelling)

I didnt believe her so i was like wheres mom and dad and she was like they all at the hospital. so im like ok ill call mom. so i hanged up and called my mom but she didnt take her cell so i called my sister and she was like yea he passed away. I started yelling and crying at the same time.

What my husband saw at work was probably my Brother coming to see him cause my brother passed away around 9-9:30 that same night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2647 on: August 01, 2011, 06:51:49 PM »
This one also happened to my Husband.

It was a couple of weeks after the funeral of my brother.

I moved our bedroom around so our bed was right next to the door, and now we are sleeping in one of the bedrooms up stairs since i had my first baby couple of months ago and the stairs was not a good thing. Well my husband came home from work, took a shower, turned off all the lights, got into bed, and pulled the covers over him. Right when he was pulling the covers he see our bedroom door open and he thought it was his mom or dad so he looked over at the door and there was someone standing there wearing a black suit just looking at my husband. he got scared so he turned around and pulled the covers over his head.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2648 on: August 01, 2011, 07:07:11 PM »
This one time my husband and all my kids (3) was going to sleep and i was still up playing on the Computer. My kids wont sleep with the lights on so i turned off the light and was playing away on the computer in the dark. My only light source was coming from the Monitor screen. It was just about 10 cause my In laws were all still up doing their own things. I have just lifted my Left foot off of the floor and placed it onto one of those wooded small chairs that OGs make.. just a second after doing that i felt something fall right onto my left foot. I was like WTF i grabbed whatever fell onto me,  stood up and walked over to the light switch and turned it on looked in my hand and it was my brother in laws shirt. all that time i was like i swear before i put my kids to sleep and turn the lights off the shirt was laying flat onto my bed and how can it get onto my feet about a foot away from where i was sitting. I shrug it off thinking it was nothing. So i walked back to the Computer and turned it off then walked back again to the light switch and just when i was about to turn off the lights, One of my kids toy (the kind that will turn on when there is vibration even from walking) staring playing music. In my head i was like OK, I just walked to the switch awhile ago, walked back to the computer, and back again to the switch and finally when i was about to turn the lights off the toy started making noise. All the hair on my neck stand up and i got this weird spooky feeling so i turned off the lights real fast and jumped into bed.

The next day i called my mom and was crying to her cause i was so scared. I then called one of my husband's Niam Tij and she told me to call her dad cause he was a shaman. He told me that it was just my Brother.. Because i kept saying his name and he came to visit me. He did some offerings and said my Brother left.  :'(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2649 on: August 01, 2011, 08:14:45 PM »
I must say, some of your event s are pretty scary. Made my hairs stood up for a while. BTW Sorry to hear about your brother's passing.

Speaking about calling family name. You see my wife's not into believing those stuff. I forgot when it happened, but something like this. Me and the kids slept over at my parents house that night. Cause I had plans to go fishing the next day. Anyways that night my wife left the computer on. And the next day she call me and asked if I had come home to grab something. I told her that I didn't come home..and I asked her why. She told me that when she woke up her batt. on her phone was half dead. She had it charging the whole night. And also the computer was shut off and one of my desk drawer was open. I kinda knew something was a mist but I didn't want to admit it.
I told her that IDK. Maybe the power glitched and about the drawer.. maybe you pushed the chair onto the drawer and when you left it turned and the door came loose..
Funny thing was I had a weird feeling about that night... I'm beginning to think that, that night my FIL came to visit us. But I wasn't home.. IDK.
For those who know of my stories I kinda have those vibes.. And when somethings a mist..

Anyways later on the week I asked if my wife's been calling  her dad's name? she said no.. About the batt. I know that when a entity enter our vortex it must some how gather some kind of energy. therefore the phone batt went low, even if it's charging.. Of course I could be wrong.. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2650 on: August 01, 2011, 11:01:32 PM »
it's good to see more people are getting into this forum and share their stories/experiences . . .  O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2651 on: August 02, 2011, 02:17:07 PM »
My mom said that during the Vietnam war when her family was hiding in the jungle for months, some of the men would sneak back into the war torned village for utensils, salt, etc. Upon reaching the village, they would hear people and kids playing around and talking about. But when they go in the village, it's a dead ass ghost town. They would check all the huts and not a single person in sight. Since the Vietcong did shoot up and burned the village, it must be the ghosts that lived on.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2652 on: August 04, 2011, 01:00:12 AM »
heard this from a friend...this hmoob lady always goes gardening alone even when it was getting one late afternoon around 5 or 6 the lady

was pretty much alone and driving towards or out of the garden (forgot which one) and she saw another lady wearing those thai/lao wrapped dress

walking on the side of the road...she didn't think much of it until she got a little closer to the lady and that lady turned and walked into the corn

field...she slowly drove pass the section of where the lady walked off to but didn't see anyone in sight...she quickly looked away as she knew what

she saw...from that day on she never went to the garden alone...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2653 on: August 04, 2011, 10:46:57 AM »
When I had my first daughter, She would cry 3-4x a night.. I would always have to wake up and get her milk. This one time as I was getting up to get her a bottle in the kitchen I saw this black shadow went by really fast pass our bedroom door. I figured maybe it was my mil since her room was next to ours.. But I thought, what the heck - its 3 in the morning; what is she doing up. I didn't think much so I went to the kitchen; the lights were off.. I checked in the living room and the lights were off also; I turned the lights on and no one was there. I thought hrmm, weird.. Didn't think much of it and went back to the room.. This happened twice while I was on my monthly chicken diet with my first daughter. Dunno what I saw those times but thank goodness I didn't see it anymore.. Could be my eyes playing tricks on me since I was so exhausted.. maybe.. maybe not..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2654 on: August 04, 2011, 03:04:00 PM »
I don't remember if I told this one but oh well....My cousin told me this one....

My girl cousin moved out to college and her room was pretty much empty. Her two brother shared a room before she moved out and so the younger brother decides to take over the vacant room. Nothing strange happening in that first couple of nights. One night he had a freaky dream but felt so real. He was laying in bed half asleep with his phone next to his pillow. All of a sudden he heard like plastic rustling next to him. He opened his eyes and saw a tall shadowy figure at the foot of the bed. All of a sudden he couldn't move. He kept fighting and struggling but still couldn't move. He then calmed down and started wiggling his toes and in seconds he started to feel his body moving again. He woke up all sweating and wanted to jump out of bed and run to the other room but then he felt someone or something grabbed a hold of his feet and was dragging him to the foot of the bed. He struggled and was able to jump up and run to sleep with his brother for the night. He says no one's willing to sleep in that room anymore except for when his sister comes home. My girl cousin also tells me that when she use to sleep in the room she would always get sit on that's why even til this day she doesn't sleep with the light off because whatever that thing was, followed her to her new place.

This one happened to the same guy cousin...
He was playing game in his room, door closed. His older brother comes in and grabbed something and went back to the living room leaving a crack to the door. 20 min into his game, he heard a dragging sound from the hallway. Thinking it was his brother, he went back to playing game. He then heard it again, only it sounded like it was getting closer. He stopped the game and went to check it out. When he opened the door, the carpet to the bathroom entrance was laying about 4 feet to his room. He was like wtf. He went to the living room to ask his brother if he heard anything but discovered that he was sleeping. He got freaked out and stayed in the living room til his parents came home.

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