
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605034 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2745 on: September 19, 2011, 12:28:48 PM »
Oh wow it's been awhile since I was on here but here's a story...If you know more of the detail and exact place comment on it too, thanks.

       From what I heard from my older brother is that there was this hmong guy and a white guy up in MN.  Story goes that the white guy didn't believe his colleague (hmong guy) that those hmong funeral are really haunted.  Being a stubborn guy and a film major, he wanted to do a documentary to see if he can catch any ghost on video.  They both agreed to stake out a funeral home where at the time nothing was going, like no funerals.  Before this the hmong guy went to a shaman and ask how can they catch the ghost on video, without being seen.  The shaman explained that use a leaf that the caterpillar ate a hole through that can fit one of your eyes to see.  Also hide in the dark areas and don't come out until there all gone or else they will take your spirit.  After getting a good lecturing they head out with all the necessities and waited.  It was around 2-3 am in the morning that they started to smell something rotting means a dab txog is near.  As the camera was facing the entrance it started to move and to the white guy curiosity he went out of the shaded darkness  and looked inside the camera.  What he saw was the dab txog and the menyuam dab, he got so scare that he fainted and the hmong guy still in the shade was so frighten that he couldn't move because of what the shaman told him.  He waited it out till the sun came up and took his friend out of the funeral and to the shaman guy to help and saw what they recorded.  The shaman guy express that the white guy spirit (plig) was taken and he wasn't powerful enough to go get it because their already far ahead.  So the white guy return home and a few days later died.

Am not really sure either if this is the true one or not because my older brother heard it from a couple of guys but if you smell rotting its a dab txog.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2746 on: September 19, 2011, 01:11:39 PM »
dont kno if its true but it can really happen
sccaaaarrrrrrr rryyyyy!!!!!! :-\ :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2747 on: September 19, 2011, 01:32:24 PM »
okay i have some but ill share one...
this was back in 2005... i was pregnant with my first child but i have a stilborn.. where the child in the womb passed away.. i was about 12-14 weeks along... and since the baby already have the bones.. i have to do an early labor delivery... i was at the hospital.. that night... after i'd delivery... and sleeping.... (sleeping in hospital is like sleeping forever.. because i would wake up every hour... thinking that its morning but really not)... anyways... when i woke up.. i saw this dark old shadow sitting on the rocking chair.. i wasnt affraid of it... or nor did it bother me.. till this day i just think as it was probably an ancestor there.... i never woke up my husband up....

« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 11:49:44 AM by FINEST1234 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2748 on: September 20, 2011, 11:18:49 AM »
Heres another some what scary story..

   It about the ouija board back when i was in my late teens now am mid 20s.  So it was one of those normal summer days in wisconsin hot and humid, well some of my nephews came over.  We was chilling, bored and Vaj told me that he could connect to spirit, and I was thinking like your a shaman dude.  He pulls out a paper with writings on it and a nickel with red marking on it.  After Vaj explained the rules of how to play, leave, and so we ready to play.  There was 8(me, sha,vaj, pao,yeej, thao, yue, yaj)  of us but only 3 people played, the rest was too scared so they only watch.  It was around noon when we started playing in the hallway in the upstairs leading to the bedrooms.  It was me, vaj, and sha who had their fingers on the nickle and it started to move around.  I thought it was bs because they kept laughing and I know I wasn't moving it.  So we asked if it was a girl and it said yes.  Then we asked who it liked and want to have sex with and it spelled pao, the youngest of the nephew who was only 12 years old.  Still thinking it is bs we asked it to turn off the lights and boom lights went off then on.  There was no way that was anyone of us because we all was sitting down on the floor and the light has a pull in order to turn it on and off.  So being stupid I asked who is it behind and it said yaj. Who was right behind me and I turned around but could see nothing.  It was getting rather boring but I could see the computer in the bedroom on and I told her to turn it off to prove your really here.  All of a sudden the computer shuts down and you see the black screen and in the screen you can see a lady shape standing in the hall.  It freaked all of us out and so we went and told my older brother that we might invited a spirit into the house and so he took the paper ouija and burned it.  While burning it the flames came out green instead of that yellow color.
    As the day went on more weirder stuff happen, while watching some cartoon it showed little kids playing it and we was like wtf.  All of us got chills running down our backs and so yaj the oldest nephew who was 18 at the time went and changed the channel.  But little did he know every channel showed some sort of ouija board related things to it.  The room temperature got really cold but it felt good because it was all hot and stuff.  Instead of being inside we went to play outside to forget about it and during the summer days it gets dark at 9pm or so.  Now about 10pm we all was getting ready to go asleep.  All of us slept in the 1st floor second living room, old houses in wisconsin have 2 living rooms.  We locked both doors so no one can get out and if the lady ghost do come were going to beat her up.  We were waiting until 11pm and some of us got really tired and them we start to hear scratching on the doors and rumbling.  The neighbor dogs were barking alot and you can hear cats meowing at the outside window.  After about a hour it stopped and room became freezing cold, then the lights in the second living room went off so it was pitch black.  Almost out of no where you can see this black shadow darker then the room it self coming towards my nephew pao who was sleeping behind me.  Everyone saw it coming and ran to the other corner, I tried to run but was like frozen I couldn't move a muscle.  Then I hear this loud boom and it sets me free, and when we open the door it was my grandpa(he's a shaman).  He asked if we seen the little girl and was like yea so he tided a string to each of us, so will be like invisible.  Then my grandpa told the house watchers that she got welcome from us but don't let her in no more.  Nothing else happened for the night and we all slept.  When my nephew yue was about to go home in the morning he took off his string since they were christian and didn't need it anymore.  Creepy things started to happened at my sisters place, like door bell ringing, knocking, chairs moving, tv turning on and off, for about a week.  Until my grandpa burns some paper and money and the doll paper person for her so she can go away. Nothing happened anymore.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2749 on: September 20, 2011, 12:06:01 PM »

          This summer in june, 2011 I wanted to go to chicago and chill down there for a party. We'll since am down there I'll go and sleep over at my SIL parents place.  I heard stories from my brother that it was haunted and for me to rent a hotel instead but I didn't want to spend almost 100 bucks for a bed I'll only sleep for 2-5 hours.  I went to my SIL parents asked if I could sleep over but I'll be coming home late and they was cool with it and gave me a key to the house.  It was late around 2am in the morning and I came through the front door, I swear I saw someone sitting on the sofa but it could of had been me being buzz.  Well anyways I went straight to bed and felt kind of strange like someone keep looking at me so I cover my head with the blanket.  Suddenly like its yanked off and thrown to the floor.  Thinking nothing about it, I went and picked it up and cover myself again and griped it tight with my 2 hands.  Again bam but this time I pulled on it too and we was in like a tug a war.  But suddenly I hear little girls laughing which causes me to freak out, let go,  get dress and straight shot towards my car.  Its about 3am and I drive off to Denny's buying coffee and food.  Roughly 5 am now and I head back to the house and opened the door with the key and tried to open it but it wont open.  Like someone leaning on it, and it got me mad like wtf is going on.  I waited like 30 mins and called my SIL brother phone so he can open the door for me because I forgot the key in the room, which I really had it with me.  Even though the sun was coming up I couldn't really sleep, I doze off for 2 hours and felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me to wake up.  I woke up and asked if that was my SIL brother who woke me up and he said no.  I told him what happened and he was laughing like this must be your first time here.
                He told me that there are these spirits that are attach to my SIL mom and that they are so strong that it scared the priests and shamans.  They go to church and so they have tried to have the house blessed and their mom purified but when they tried to the house come alive.  Things will get thrown to the priests and there will be like 12+ cats sitting outside their porch looking at the priests.  Also they have tried the shamans and saying that if they can help her , they will convert.  In fact when the shaman was doing his things, putting his veil on and call forth the spirits but in doing so it was so strong that the shaman shot straight up packed and left.  The last shaman that did it was a relative and we asked him why did he do that and leave.  It was because his spirits have lost and if he didn't leave he would die.  He told us the spirit was a dab txog but since she was still married to my SIL dad the dab txog can't take her until she divorce him.  Which is now causing their marriage to break.  After he told me this I asked him how he do it still live here with his parents.  My SIL brother said he had become friends with them, which freaks me out the most because it was attached to him now too.  So now no one ever visit them.  They use to live in chicago but move somewhere else now but there last name is soung.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2750 on: September 20, 2011, 10:18:30 PM »
Alright I'm new here, and heres a personal experience.. One of my friend keeps on seeing a ghost at this one railroad train track and it is near a canal also. He would say it is a Hmong lady dressed in Hmong clothes, with short hair and a bluish purplish face. He said she would always wave Hi at him everytime he walks pass that rail road train track whenever it is dark only. The rest of us friends was like dude, shut up, you're just bullshitting with us. So he said, if we don't believe him and got some balls, then we should go see for ourselves. Then, the following week, me and my friends decided to go and ghost hunt at that rail road track, so we bought a night vision camera along, an HD camera with flash, and another camera. We were a party of 8 people. We investigate the area, and there was nothing, no matter how much shit talking we did. We even cursed whatever is there to go to hell. So then half of us heard small rocks being thrown, but we didn't care much because we thought we were just trying to fake catch something. So as we got bored and very cocky, we left. Right after 10 seconds, my friend who keeps seeing the ghost, was walking faster and faster. We were like dude, wtf, wait up. Then he replied, "DONT LOOK BACK", so I thought he was just bullshitting again and look back behind us, I saw a Hmong lady looking just how my friend described her floating and were coming towards us fast. So I ran screaming, so did my friends but they saw nothing. I asked them if they seen her, and nobody did. My friends didn't believed me, until I looked very pale like I was very weak. So my grandpa ua neeg and put a red string on my neck, wrist, and ankle. I then look a lot better. My grandpa said to not go and ghost hunt a place that has Hmong spirits or else, they can take my spirit far away and it will be too late to ua neeg to catch my spirit back. My friends now, actually believed, and I too which was a lesson for me. HAHA. Well, nowadays, we started to ghost hunt a lot, but we asked the manager of the area seeing if it has anything to do with deaths on Hmong people first or not before we did any hunting. Well this is all for now. You people keep those stories coming. I got school tomorrow. Bye!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2751 on: September 20, 2011, 10:50:48 PM »
Wow all ur ghost stories are very scary.. glad to have new ppl to tell their side of the stories..
I was getting a bit worry, cuz no one was telling stories.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2752 on: September 20, 2011, 11:21:22 PM »
One of my related grandma, and my little cousin (girl) was walking around in their apartment neighbors -you know, like where a lot of hmong people live near each other apartments, like that- around night time. They were walking until it hit 9pm. They both walk back to their apartment, and they saw a little girl dress in hmong clothes inside my grandpa apartment next to the window. First, my little cousin saw her first and said "Poj Poj, koj saib sej, muaj ib tws dab nyob tawm nas" and my related grandma said "wuuuahh, kiab os me nais awb!!" So my related grandpa which is my related grandma husband ua neeg and check what or who was that little girl, and it was one of our ancestor long ago from China who died, and her spirit manage to still live and snuggle into the airplane with my related grandma them when they came to America. So, my grandpa also said she never had a funeral so she waited until it was the right time, since my related grandma them got rich for a bit because all their sons and daughter went to school and college and found good jobs. So they just did a simple hmong funeral for her and yeah, she is now resting peace. I thought this was very interesting so yeah I shared it. Wow, I said I was gonna go to sleep, but with all these chills, I must write something! hahaha.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2753 on: September 23, 2011, 06:26:40 AM »
You ppl remember mcdona homes? Off of Jackson. Anyways remember that hmong lady and her BF kill all six of the kids..
Very sad...i heard that, that they try to rent that appt. To ppl but it's so haunted that no one darea to live or rent that part.  So it was turned into the A-Cop station. What i also heard was that sometime the cops would place candy out and every morning when they comes in, the candies would all be gone.. i hope that that dumb ass lady rots in her what ever jail.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2754 on: September 24, 2011, 03:30:40 PM »
Hey guys, the reason why it says 'Do not pick up hitch-hikers' is because there is a prison nearby. It says this several places on 101 between King City and Monterey as well! Not only that but back in the 70's when serial murders were beginning to be a problem, hitch-hikers were common murderers and targets also. The more you know, the more power to you  ;D oh and if it isn't clear, don't pick up hitch-hikers!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2755 on: September 24, 2011, 04:03:01 PM »
My coworker told me one about when he was still at college. One night he was sleeping alone because his roommate was out studying at the library. He was really tired because he worked all day, but for some reason he woke up because he felt someone or something was there. He sat up really fast, and saw his towel and his belt that he hung on the mirror floating for about a half a second before it all dropped to the floor. When he turned the lights on it was true what he saw because the towel and the belt were now on the ground. His door was still locked from when he came home. He said that the dorms had a lot of suicides because of how hard the school was.

On another note, have you guys seen the TV show where they visit a college dorm that's supposed to be haunted by the ghost of a girl who burned in a fire when she couldn't get out? Girls would come back and find that someone had laid out their clothes on the bed even though no one was home and the dorms were locked. If you look at the wooden door that came from her room, you can see what looks like a face burning in flames. Very creepy.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2756 on: September 26, 2011, 12:02:16 PM »
here's a recent one.

It was our first night in DC. After a long day of plane rides and walking around DC, my two friend, who I'll call Friend M and Friend V, and I  head back to our room. our hotel room is like every other hotel/motel room; two beds, one facing the bathroom and one facing the window/door.I bounce and move a lot while i sleep so my two friends shared the one bed towards the bathroom while I had one all to myself towards the door/window. After my shower, i thought i just lay and wait for my hair to drive but ended up sleeping by 9 pm. During the middle of the night, i felt a dip by the foot of my bed. I didn't think much of it but a few moments later, i woke up frantic and frightened and, saw that the room was pitch black. I don't like to sleep with the lights off so i immediately turned on the lamp beside me. After i turned on the lights, i went straight back to sleep. My friends woke me up saying why did i turn on the lights. Still groggy, i just shrugged and went back to sleep. Friend V got up and turned on the light near the bathroom cause she figured i wanted the lights on since she knew i don't sleep with the lights off. Good friend, huh? hehehe! anyway, there was this particular dream i had. It was me lying on the hotel bed that i was sleeping in. Next to me lie this something/someone. I was sleeping on my stomach with my head on the pillow. All of a sudden, I felt something/someone slowly crawl on top of me.  I tried to yell/scream for help but nothing came out so I began to scratch the headboard. I was certain the girls were going to hear me but no help came. I don't remember what happened next but there was another dream that i had where my nephew George was in it. I had dropped off some people at this dark house and i went inside. My nephew george was there so i asked him to pray for me. I woke up fine but even after 12 hours of sleep, i was still groggy and tired. I don't remember being scared of the dream until it all came back to me. Either way, i didn't let that bother me!

so the girls and I went about our day. we continued our journey throughout DC. I told them about it and Friend M offered to switch places with me. i said that it was ok and that i'll be fine. The second night was a sleepless one. I tossed and turned all night. It was like each time i was about to fall asleep, I would feel pressure crawling up my body and felt like i was suffocating so i kept turning. At some point throughout the night, right when i found a comfortable position, a dream came and what appeared in the dream was this little old lady with messy white peppered hair. i got scared! woke up and turned on the lamp light. I was just about to ask one of my friends to switch beds with me but i was too tired to move so i went back to sleep. i guess at some point, after much praying, i finally slept. i told my friends later that day. We agreed that I would sleep with Friend V on the other bed.

I don't know if it was due to exhaustion or whatever but i finally had a good night sleep. Woke up the next day refreshed and not so scared. During breakfast, i told my friends what a good night i had. I didn't realize why until Friend V told us that "they" had come to her in her dreams.  So in it was them and me. she spoke to me saying they didn't want her, they wanted me. She didn't want them to take me so she told them, "no, you can't take her." My friend woke up and looked at me. She noticed that a lot of heat was coming from me and looked like i was sleeping fine. She went back to sleep just fine.

My last night there was fine, too. I slept just fine and dandy. Of course, i still bounced around but nothing else happeend. I guess that was due to a lot of praying and my friend's "talk" with them, it was a good two nights for me.

I don't know if it was our room or me but the girls and i each had some weird dreams in that room. Friend M, for two nights, she dreamed of vampires coming out of the bathroom or she was fighting them. Friend V had two dreams where she was very angry. I guess that's what happens when you're in the most haunted city in America!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2757 on: September 26, 2011, 12:44:27 PM »
Alright I'm new here, and heres a personal experience.. One of my friend keeps on seeing a ghost at this one railroad train track and it is near a canal also. He would say it is a Hmong lady dressed in Hmong clothes, with short hair and a bluish purplish face. He said she would always wave Hi at him everytime he walks pass that rail road train track whenever it is dark only. The rest of us friends was like dude, shut up, you're just bullshitting with us. So he said, if we don't believe him and got some balls, then we should go see for ourselves. Then, the following week, me and my friends decided to go and ghost hunt at that rail road track, so we bought a night vision camera along, an HD camera with flash, and another camera. We were a party of 8 people. We investigate the area, and there was nothing, no matter how much shit talking we did. We even cursed whatever is there to go to hell. So then half of us heard small rocks being thrown, but we didn't care much because we thought we were just trying to fake catch something. So as we got bored and very cocky, we left. Right after 10 seconds, my friend who keeps seeing the ghost, was walking faster and faster. We were like dude, wtf, wait up. Then he replied, "DONT LOOK BACK", so I thought he was just bullshitting again and look back behind us, I saw a Hmong lady looking just how my friend described her floating and were coming towards us fast. So I ran screaming, so did my friends but they saw nothing. I asked them if they seen her, and nobody did. My friends didn't believed me, until I looked very pale like I was very weak. So my grandpa ua neeg and put a red string on my neck, wrist, and ankle. I then look a lot better. My grandpa said to not go and ghost hunt a place that has Hmong spirits or else, they can take my spirit far away and it will be too late to ua neeg to catch my spirit back. My friends now, actually believed, and I too which was a lesson for me. HAHA. Well, nowadays, we started to ghost hunt a lot, but we asked the manager of the area seeing if it has anything to do with deaths on Hmong people first or not before we did any hunting. Well this is all for now. You people keep those stories coming. I got school tomorrow. Bye!

No photos, no videos?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2758 on: September 26, 2011, 12:54:46 PM »
my dad had a gf before he met my mom who passed away when he was still in laos.

He dated this girl and they planned to get marry but he was very poor cuz his dad die and his mom remarry and left him with his grandpa and took the smaller siblings with her. So he lived with his grandpa and uncles ever since the age of 12. Anyways, he told her, he's going to go out of town to make some money so he can marry her. So they promised they'll wait for each other. He went and when he got money he came back. But before going to her house or tell her he's back, he went to his uncle's house and they were joking saying someone should tell his gf that my dad got married while away but for real, my dad was gonna go take her home that nite. My dad's uncle told her my dad got married, so she got sad and ate some medicine to die. That nite, my dad went to go get her, and my dad was too late. she poison herself before he got there and died in his arm. Her parents got mad at my dad, and told him to pay for the funeral and come up with funeral clothes for her. My dad being poor, gave them money that he earned and he have no hmong clothes besides the hmong white dress that his mom got as a gift from her parents when she wedded, he gave it to her parents to dress his dead gf in it. During the funeral, her mom told him, 13days after burial, my dad will have to do a ua neej for my dad and change his name cuz she say that their hmong xiong have alot of dab. (idk how to phase that in english) So he did that and changed his name. Then his grandpa sended him to thailand refugee camp to get away from the drama and there he met my mom and married her. He didnt tell anyone about it too.

He married my mom and they live in a small house next to his uncles, but the ironic part is that his dead gf's parents live couple of units down where he lived.  it wasnt even 3 days after my oldest sister was born, that his gf's mom walked past my parents house and say that she heard they had a daughter and she said to my mom where my dad was in his hmong name (not the new hmong name he change to) and my mom replied he wasnt home. The gf mom say if they can name her after her dead daughter and my mom reply sure. Right after the gf mom left, my mom look up on her roof and saw someone with long hair dangling on the roof with a hmong white dress. She got so freak out and when my dad came home she told my dad about it, and my dad finally told her the whole story about giving her my dad's mother's white dress. My mom kept seeing her around the outside of the house cuz the dead gf cant come in, and at nite, my oldest sister would cry and cry nonstop. So my mom's dad (who's a shaman) say she dont like her name, so they changed it.. But my dad's dead gf dont really haunt him cuz he never drink blood with her, so he dont see her.

Tragic. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2759 on: September 26, 2011, 12:56:59 PM »
Oh wow it's been awhile since I was on here but here's a story...If you know more of the detail and exact place comment on it too, thanks.

       From what I heard from my older brother is that there was this hmong guy and a white guy up in MN.  Story goes that the white guy didn't believe his colleague (hmong guy) that those hmong funeral are really haunted.  Being a stubborn guy and a film major, he wanted to do a documentary to see if he can catch any ghost on video.  They both agreed to stake out a funeral home where at the time nothing was going, like no funerals.  Before this the hmong guy went to a shaman and ask how can they catch the ghost on video, without being seen.  The shaman explained that use a leaf that the caterpillar ate a hole through that can fit one of your eyes to see.  Also hide in the dark areas and don't come out until there all gone or else they will take your spirit.  After getting a good lecturing they head out with all the necessities and waited.  It was around 2-3 am in the morning that they started to smell something rotting means a dab txog is near.  As the camera was facing the entrance it started to move and to the white guy curiosity he went out of the shaded darkness  and looked inside the camera.  What he saw was the dab txog and the menyuam dab, he got so scare that he fainted and the hmong guy still in the shade was so frighten that he couldn't move because of what the shaman told him.  He waited it out till the sun came up and took his friend out of the funeral and to the shaman guy to help and saw what they recorded.  The shaman guy express that the white guy spirit (plig) was taken and he wasn't powerful enough to go get it because their already far ahead.  So the white guy return home and a few days later died.

Am not really sure either if this is the true one or not because my older brother heard it from a couple of guys but if you smell rotting its a dab txog.

Dang that is scary! I smelt that smell before!

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