
Author Topic: Hmong scary fishing stories 2  (Read 28376 times)

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2010, 02:28:13 PM »
dirty socks, your arrow on your signature scare me! i freak out cuz i thought someone was moving my arrow! AHHHHHHHHHHH
ahha me too..

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2010, 11:19:31 PM »
I know Fresno peeps know about Lost Lake. Most people think it's just rumor and stuff, cause a lot of teens hang out there at night and all. I don't have any first hand accounts, but from what I hear, people have seen a girl dressed in white, supposedly one of the trees by the entrance was where a hmong kid hung himself, and late night fisherman experience all kinds of weird things; splashes in the water, creatures, and people being pulled under the water. The scary part is that meeka people and ppl of other races label it as "haunted" too, (it was mentioned on a popular fishing forum and I was surprised other ppl said it was haunted.)

The real dangerous part is the fact that the water comes from the bottom of Millerton Lake, so it's super super cold. It could be 95 degrees outside and the water will be about 40 degrees. I say dangerous cause a lot of people jump in the water, then their body goes into shock and they can't swim. There are a lot of drownings there because of this (there's no life guards, and its a smallish but deep and fast river so you can't see someone drowning around the bend.)

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2010, 04:56:13 PM »
I know Fresno peeps know about Lost Lake. Most people think it's just rumor and stuff, cause a lot of teens hang out there at night and all. I don't have any first hand accounts, but from what I hear, people have seen a girl dressed in white, supposedly one of the trees by the entrance was where a hmong kid hung himself, and late night fisherman experience all kinds of weird things; splashes in the water, creatures, and people being pulled under the water. The scary part is that meeka people and ppl of other races label it as "haunted" too, (it was mentioned on a popular fishing forum and I was surprised other ppl said it was haunted.)

The real dangerous part is the fact that the water comes from the bottom of Millerton Lake, so it's super super cold. It could be 95 degrees outside and the water will be about 40 degrees. I say dangerous cause a lot of people jump in the water, then their body goes into shock and they can't swim. There are a lot of drownings there because of this (there's no life guards, and its a smallish but deep and fast river so you can't see someone drowning around the bend.)

I heard a lot of people drown at Lost Lake even though the water is not that deep.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2010, 03:09:45 AM »
There once was a time, when a lot of Hmong people would go to this one river near Watertown, WI, off of Hwy 16. Used to be annual Hmong fishing derby for Hmong families and their friends and friends friends...all in all, a big gathering for a Carp grille out.  

Anyways, today, not many would venture that part of the river anymore. There is a play set in the middle, a big wooded area to the right, as you pulled in.

There was a young boy,who still didn't lose his baby teeth yet, was playing with his other cousins, and siblings. Kept going into the woods, then playing in the play area. All morning he played while the moms or woman were grilling food, and the guys were fishing. All of a sudden,  the boy was gone, no where to be seen. The boy was later found deceased in the woods in a praying position, or a begging those who found him put it. He was drained of blood as well.

Later, a Hmong shaman was brought to the area, and he mentioned that it was a Zaj that lured him into the woods and took his soul.

Years later, some of the kids he played with, now much older...told stories of how they would see a dark shadowy come out of the woods, and then disappear. Some even said it had fangs or something of the likes. Some adults even mentioned seeing a dark shadowy figure in their peripheral view. Gosh, I'm getting goosebumps just writing this, as this was a place I used to frequent with the family.

Since that death, no Hmong has ever gone back to that area to go grill fish and food.

I didn't go to that boys funeral, but those that went, said that his body looked much different than a normal dead body would look like. How different? I didn't ask, I was only 12-13 years old at the time.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2010, 03:23:59 PM »
There once was a time, when a lot of Hmong people would go to this one river near Watertown, WI, off of Hwy 16. Used to be annual Hmong fishing derby for Hmong families and their friends and friends friends...all in all, a big gathering for a Carp grille out.  

Anyways, today, not many would venture that part of the river anymore. There is a play set in the middle, a big wooded area to the right, as you pulled in.

There was a young boy,who still didn't lose his baby teeth yet, was playing with his other cousins, and siblings. Kept going into the woods, then playing in the play area. All morning he played while the moms or woman were grilling food, and the guys were fishing. All of a sudden,  the boy was gone, no where to be seen. The boy was later found deceased in the woods in a praying position, or a begging those who found him put it. He was drained of blood as well.

Later, a Hmong shaman was brought to the area, and he mentioned that it was a Zaj that lured him into the woods and took his soul.

Years later, some of the kids he played with, now much older...told stories of how they would see a dark shadowy come out of the woods, and then disappear. Some even said it had fangs or something of the likes. Some adults even mentioned seeing a dark shadowy figure in their peripheral view. Gosh, I'm getting goosebumps just writing this, as this was a place I used to frequent with the family.

Since that death, no Hmong has ever gone back to that area to go grill fish and food.

I didn't go to that boys funeral, but those that went, said that his body looked much different than a normal dead body would look like. How different? I didn't ask, I was only 12-13 years old at the time.
that some scary shiiiieett

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2010, 05:23:18 PM »
There once was a time, when a lot of Hmong people would go to this one river near Watertown, WI, off of Hwy 16. Used to be annual Hmong fishing derby for Hmong families and their friends and friends friends...all in all, a big gathering for a Carp grille out. 

Anyways, today, not many would venture that part of the river anymore. There is a play set in the middle, a big wooded area to the right, as you pulled in.

There was a young boy,who still didn't lose his baby teeth yet, was playing with his other cousins, and siblings. Kept going into the woods, then playing in the play area. All morning he played while the moms or woman were grilling food, and the guys were fishing. All of a sudden,  the boy was gone, no where to be seen. The boy was later found deceased in the woods in a praying position, or a begging those who found him put it. He was drained of blood as well.

Later, a Hmong shaman was brought to the area, and he mentioned that it was a Zaj that lured him into the woods and took his soul.

Years later, some of the kids he played with, now much older...told stories of how they would see a dark shadowy come out of the woods, and then disappear. Some even said it had fangs or something of the likes. Some adults even mentioned seeing a dark shadowy figure in their peripheral view. Gosh, I'm getting goosebumps just writing this, as this was a place I used to frequent with the family.

Since that death, no Hmong has ever gone back to that area to go grill fish and food.

I didn't go to that boys funeral, but those that went, said that his body looked much different than a normal dead body would look like. How different? I didn't ask, I was only 12-13 years old at the time.

I used to go there every summer when i was younger

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2010, 09:25:08 PM »
There is this river we fish alot for the whitebass run. Hwy BB or something like that, near the Horicon Area in Wisconsin. We used to go very early in the morning, before all the late birds get there, so we can get the good spots by this deeper pool. This is the spot were a Hmong fella drowned, while fishing. Also heard reports from the locals that a young white boy drowned as well. The pool is only 5 feet deep, while the rest of the river is about 1.5 to 3 feet deep

Anyways, people reported hearing a little boys voice talking to them in the dark. They would turn around, and could not see anyone. Only happens when the sun is rising or setting, where it's still kinda dark out.   Also other reports that they could see a figure that looks like a Hmong man fishing a distance. You can say hi, call towards him, it'll look up, have a red glow to his eyes...and all of a sudden vanish, as if he was never there.  Also reports of something that feels like hands grabbing their ankles and pulling them in.

Now adays, not many people fish there...if they do, they always have at least 3-4 others with. I fished this river a few times, but never made it to the spot. I don't need that many white bass... =)

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2010, 06:49:26 PM »
hey vanginator,
You said the area is off of HWY 16.  HAHA.  Where the Carps are at right?  This is the only place i could think of that alot of milwaukeans go to for BBQ.  We still go there every year for family picnic and fishing.  Is this the place where you cross a small bridge and it is on the right side right.  Haha. Another haunted place is in Sheboygan.  The place is called Harriggton's state beach.  This is the hot fishing spot, but if you fall in then, GOOD LUCK.  BRING some ropes or esle you might be Zaj food.  Don't go there Look it up on google map as Harrington's stae beach.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2010, 07:08:51 PM »
Some freaky and terrifying fishing stories, but to me fishing is relaxing. And exhilerating when you reel in your catch. My dad use to take us all the time as kids and we never experienced anything too weird or frightening. I have no scary fishing stories but I use to live in Fresno too and they said Avocado Lake is said to be haunted as well.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2011, 07:32:56 PM »
Sharing my experience. My BIL's and I went fishing at Millerton Lake about a month ago and we stayed until dark, to where you could almost barely see in front of ya. The lake had been drying up and so we drove down towards the rocky/sandy areas fishing for whatever. There were about 8 of us with me being the oldest. We all gathered our things and began to walk up to the car. 4 of them walked ahead and the 3 of us trailed behind and while we were walking up, I kept looking back and noticed this black figure jumping down from the rocks where we passed and when I saw it, i said "oh shit, wtf is that?" which made my BIL's turn around and look as well, and when the figure saw us, it stopped and stared at us. I made a quick headcount and realized that the rest of the party was up ahead and then it occured to me about the haunted stories at Millerton Lake that I've heard before, so I called out to it to, and it started running towards us. We were ready for fight or flight, then a little light came on from his hands which was his ipod. Turns out that one of my BIL's cousins was ****ing around with us. I told him never to do that again, because we didn't know what to think. We had our grandma cheb ceeb for us later on.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2011, 09:55:57 PM »
Sharing my experience. My BIL's and I went fishing at Millerton Lake about a month ago and we stayed until dark, to where you could almost barely see in front of ya. The lake had been drying up and so we drove down towards the rocky/sandy areas fishing for whatever. There were about 8 of us with me being the oldest. We all gathered our things and began to walk up to the car. 4 of them walked ahead and the 3 of us trailed behind and while we were walking up, I kept looking back and noticed this black figure jumping down from the rocks where we passed and when I saw it, i said "oh shit, wtf is that?" which made my BIL's turn around and look as well, and when the figure saw us, it stopped and stared at us. I made a quick headcount and realized that the rest of the party was up ahead and then it occured to me about the haunted stories at Millerton Lake that I've heard before, so I called out to it to, and it started running towards us. We were ready for fight or flight, then a little light came on from his hands which was his ipod. Turns out that one of my BIL's cousins was ****ing around with us. I told him never to do that again, because we didn't know what to think. We had our grandma cheb ceeb for us later on.

Millerton Lake is haunted?  I go fishing alone there sometimes, where is is absolutely NO ONE there at all except me and a few squirrel buddies.

Tell me how it's haunted.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2011, 05:18:53 PM »
There was group of young hmong guys on a fishing trip. They arrive at their campsite and had finished set-up. Night came and they told fishing stories and scary stories. One guy, Fhong, was a timid and extra cautious kind of guy. He and asked if anyone had watched the news for the weather. All answered no. Joe told Fhong to relax, it’s the summer in the back country states, they won’t be expecting storms. Fhong checked his phone for weather news but no reception.

Early next day after some time, they had nothing but snags. One guy, Doua, had enough and was cursing, getting ready to jump in the water to retrieve some hooks. The guys stopped him and told him not to be crazy. Not long after, another guy Joe, was getting pissed, and he started cursing, “duck, all damn day got nothin’ man! What a haha, duck, I’d rather be ducking an ugly witch!” The other guys told him to calm down, he’s being too loud. Another guy, Kong, responded to Joe, “Hey dude, after you said witch, and after last night ghost stories, I wonder if this place muaj dab?” The others were saying, “man, that killed it now. Yea man. Yea… “. One of the guys, Meng, was saying how quiet the place has been so far – there had been no other campers on site yet, but seen only a few boats from the distance, which was strange. It went on like that for a while, the sun had already descended, soon to be sunset, the spot they were on had the sun at their backs and some cloudy patches above, so the water was dark. They were getting ready to pack up and relocate. They had all reeled in their lines except one guy. Right when he got his lure 8ft. from the shore. He caught something.  The guys asked you got a big one? He said yea. They asked did he get to see what kind of fish it could be.  He said no. It was putting a good fight. 20 minutes into the fight, he was getting tired, so he swapped. It went on for awhile, and they all had taken turns. Finally, back to the first guy, he was getting it closer to shore and saw ripples. He told the guys the fish was getting worn out. When they looked they can see some white and a black patch of dark vegetations. One guy was getting the net, the other guys said to forget it, two guys were going to drag it out. The guy reeling it in said, “shit, it’s stuck. I can’t reel it in anymore.” The other guys asked if he was serious because it’s now only about 4-5 ft. away from shore in at least 3-4 ft. of water, last they checked there weren’t any rocks or weeds there. They were all in disbelief and shaken-up by now. They figured to wait it out.

Moments later it finally came loose, looked as if it surfaced. They saw the patchy dark vegetation. They thought it was dead cos it had no tension to the line anymore, it was being slowly washed up shore by the currents. About 3 ft. away, they started seeing something with limbs and joints, crawling slowly out of the water to them. It was a poj dab, and it was in a raggedy dirty white dress, and looked very happy to see them. They were so scared, they barely had any ounce of strength left to run away. Then the poj dab kept crawling to them, as they kept crawling away and on all fours crawling for their lives, and it was talking to them in hmong, it pointed at Doua and said, “How come you did not jump in the water to get me, I was right there.” The poj dab also had many of their snagged lines and hooks all over its body. Then the poj dab pointed at Joe and said in hmong, “Your ugly witch is here. Let’s go to the tent, you and me.” Then it pointed at the others and mimicked what they said earlier “man, that killed it now. Yea man. Yea… “ then it added in hmong, “who killed me? Who? Who killed… me?” they all say they didn’t mean it that way, and they never killed anyone and they weren’t the ones who killed her. At the same time the poj dab was copying them. Fhong was thinking this poj dab is probably one of those copycat ghost – he also remembered they were saying “man” in what was repeated, so Fhong said back to it, “it was a man… a man that looked older than us.” the poj dab stopped and looked at them then started weeping horrifically. They were able to get strength back and ran away. They got to their car, locked all the doors, started it up, and looked back to the place and it was gone, but they can see puddles of water and a wet trail. They all were squirming in the cars as if scrubbing maggots off their bodies, when they realize none of them were wet. At that point they knew it followed them. They looked around but didn’t see it. To their surprise, it came out from the vegetation area. The body was all mutilated and decomposed. All the bones crushed, and the joints it had were dislocated, the head was dangling with a broken neck, it looked like a puppet on strings approaching them. It would fall on all fours like an insect with its face facing up and backward limbs, then it would get up again with its back running toward them but its face is looking at them with its mouth widely open the whole time. Then the guys would tell the driver to drive off and forget about all their belongings. They hit the road and was going top speed limit but they couldn’t shake it off. It looked like it was moving slow, but the faster they drove, the faster it came after them. The whole time the poj dab is still contorted with its back facing them but its face looking at them and its limbs flopping uncontrollably . The driver did a U-turn and was going to hit and run it over, the others said not to cos they would get sick and die cos they heard stories of these things, also the car would be damage. So, he backed up in reverse. When they looked at it, it was falling behind, so they kept driving in reverse and got away. They never went back...

They told about it to the elders. The elders did their stuff, they received protection and blessings. And they were told they were very lucky. The poj dab was very powerful. It can copy, manipulate, make illusions, and twist time and space and can control mind and matter. So when they were driving to get away, the thing was chasing them with its control of space and time and made it an illusion that it was going fast and so their minds were already controlled, but all one have to do, which they did by accident, is do as the trick and run/drive backward (just like if the opposite, then go with the opposite; if it was facing them normally and forward, then run forward normally) to get away because it was actually very slow. Most of the dead in that form (the “undead”) use those illusions or tricks. But if it was a ghost/spirit form it can travel with the air and disappear in the air and are faster travelers but most of the time, this form cannot physically contact a person but can possess. If it was a monster/demon form then it can do almost anything, and most in this form does not work alone – there would be more than one, but to one only does one thing until it all can come to gather on its victim -- but because these are more powerful, and rely on the other forms (“undead” and ghosts) to make a path for it in the human world, then it only become powerful, but there are more other methods to get rid of monster/demons as much as there to get rid of poj nxtooj. The guys know now, if they should ever meet another paranormal again.

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2012, 11:13:48 PM »
Popu, man tat story got me tinking  all  crazy. I encounter sumting almost like tat, but i didn't see it, but only heard of the noise it was making. Point is, don't talk trash or ghost stories wen you're out campibg or near the water beds, or anyting. Just keep ur mouth shut .. cuz you never know what/who you might offened. 

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2012, 12:24:01 AM »
Great story POPulation.
Is it a true story or made up? rumor or heard it personally? Just wondering. haha

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Re: Hmong scary fishing stories 2
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2012, 01:12:33 PM »
sounds made up but good story regardless  O0

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