
Author Topic: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans  (Read 23834 times)

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Great Sage

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Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:27:22 AM »
Over the pass several years, many groups of Hmong have made outlandish claims regarding the geneology and ancestry of Hmong. Among the most ridiculous of these claims are that Hmong are a "Lost Tribe of Israel", and also that we come from the Aryan race. Unfortunately, all these claims exist as pure conjecture; for not a shred of scholarly evidence supports any of these claims (including my own extensive research).

The dangers of these claims are two-fold: first of all, it de-values our existence as Asians. Most of these claimants are no doubt self-hating Asians who want to rectify their problem by positioning themselves as caucasion descendants. Second of all, many of these claimants are trying to align themselves with Judaism in hopes of being saved. Religious fanaticism is a funny thing as it distorts people's views.

For the record, Hmong have always been Asians. Our oral history presupposes that we originated in China and were exiled into Southeast Asia. However, a large number of Hmong still reside in China.

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 02:39:45 AM »
uhh .. we are all africans k? .... we came from ape like humanoids out of africa ... :munky2:

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Great Sage

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2012, 11:20:10 AM »
uhh .. we are all africans k? .... we came from ape like humanoids out of africa ... :munky2:

Well, that's the general concensus right now based on archeological find; but it can change depending on what new discoveries are made. At one time, it was accepted that the cradle of humanity was in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, etc... These are all theories based insufficient evidence; hence, the scientific community can never agree.

There's a minority of scholars (myself included) that believe the "centric theory" of evolution is inconclusive. That is, humans could have evolved in different places at different times, just as they conitnue to do now.

I only have a vague recollection of the finding in Africa, but as I recall, it was a skull dating back further than any humanoid form. However, it still does not link us to the primates we purportedly came from. The missing link is still "missing."

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2012, 01:46:14 PM »
not an outlandish claim.  there is an african tribe that claims that they belong to one of the tribe of israel.  blood samples were taken and indeed their genetics were very similar to that of one of the tribe of israel.  it would be interesting to perform genetic testing on the hmong and see whether our people's genes are close to any other particular race.

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Great Sage

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2012, 02:45:14 PM »
not an outlandish claim.  there is an african tribe that claims that they belong to one of the tribe of israel.  blood samples were taken and indeed their genetics were very similar to that of one of the tribe of israel.  it would be interesting to perform genetic testing on the hmong and see whether our people's genes are close to any other particular race.

It is outlandish. All of these claims arise from Christians wanting to somehow be connected to the roots of Christianity - Judaism. Sorry, but there are enough similarities in genetics that people can make all kinds of claims, yet they are simply not true. The majority of genetics in all humans are the same (sorry, can't remember where I read it, but you can look up similar material online).

But back to this claim. Some groups of Japanese have made the most compelling argument for being a "Lost Tribe of Israel." I don't recall what they were called, but I know it was published a while back. Hmong are just the latest in this fantastical quest to be part of religion's bedrock.

Do yourself a favor. If you have any self-respect, stop thinking yourself to be a Jew.

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2012, 03:33:31 PM »
It is outlandish. All of these claims arise from Christians wanting to somehow be connected to the roots of Christianity - Judaism. Sorry, but there are enough similarities in genetics that people can make all kinds of claims, yet they are simply not true. The majority of genetics in all humans are the same (sorry, can't remember where I read it, but you can look up similar material online).

But back to this claim. Some groups of Japanese have made the most compelling argument for being a "Lost Tribe of Israel." I don't recall what they were called, but I know it was published a while back. Hmong are just the latest in this fantastical quest to be part of religion's bedrock.

Do yourself a favor. If you have any self-respect, stop thinking yourself to be a Jew.

you are a logical person.  there is no scientific proof that hmong are part of the tribe of israel and there is no scientific proof that the hmong are not part of the tribe of israel.  let science settle the dispute.  you come here and make claims that the hmong are NOT part of the tribe of israel, where is your proof?  mere conjecture is not enough. 

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Great Sage

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 10:12:12 PM »
you are a logical person.  there is no scientific proof that hmong are part of the tribe of israel and there is no scientific proof that the hmong are not part of the tribe of israel.  let science settle the dispute.  you come here and make claims that the hmong are NOT part of the tribe of israel, where is your proof?  mere conjecture is not enough. 

Omg... You talk about logic, then start to talk illogically. The burden of proof is not mine. I never made the claim that Hmong are Jews. Science has already show that the Lost Tribes of Israel are exactly that - lost. There have been countless documentaries on the subject; it's common knowledge. And at the end of each documentary, they did not conclude by saying "Hmong are the Lost Tribe of Israel." If this were true it would be explored, published and accepted by all factions of people and the scientific community.

Your rational is flawed because you are not capable of logical reasoning. Your thinking is akin to stating: "No one can disprove Santa Claus, so by default he exists." How silly... Don't bother to come back for seconds, because I don't have the time nor day for simpletons.

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2012, 07:47:14 AM »
uhh..I can't stand Jews. They're with Indian (India) --on my blacklist. (I have my reasons)

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2012, 05:10:14 PM »
Over the pass several years, many groups of Hmong have made outlandish claims regarding the geneology and ancestry of Hmong. Among the most ridiculous of these claims are that Hmong are a "Lost Tribe of Israel", and also that we come from the Aryan race. Unfortunately, all these claims exist as pure conjecture; for not a shred of scholarly evidence supports any of these claims (including my own extensive research).

The dangers of these claims are two-fold: first of all, it de-values our existence as Asians. Most of these claimants are no doubt self-hating Asians who want to rectify their problem by positioning themselves as caucasion descendants. Second of all, many of these claimants are trying to align themselves with Judaism in hopes of being saved. Religious fanaticism is a funny thing as it distorts people's views.

For the record, Hmong have always been Asians. Our oral history presupposes that we originated in China and were exiled into Southeast Asia. However, a large number of Hmong still reside in China.

that's right! we are african american, albino version.

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2012, 10:40:03 PM »
Over the years many scientist have made an outlandish claim that man came from apes but to date there have been no evidence to unequivically say such is true, but yet the scientitific community, mainly atheists, continues to make such a claim.  I find that to be mere conjecture like santa claus and since we cannot prove that we didn't come from Apes, it must be true.  Such logic is so flawed and the danger that this poses to mankind is that we belittle ourself to being tree swining hmonkies.   ;D

name me one scientist that claim human came from APES?

FACT: HUmans share the same BRANCH of ancestry as apes .... we did not come from apes. 

ok .. lemme make it easier for u: Humans & Apes came from the same origins ... One branch eventually evolve into APEs ... one EVOLVED into HOMO SAPIENS as we know it ... another example branch is the neanderthal  .. which either died out or got homogenized ...

someone needs to re-read scientific human evolution 101 again.  :D

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Great Sage

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2012, 12:27:08 PM »
Over the years many scientist have made an outlandish claim that man came from apes but to date there have been no evidence to unequivically say such is true, but yet the scientitific community, mainly atheists, continues to make such a claim.  I find that to be mere conjecture like santa claus and since we cannot prove that we didn't come from Apes, it must be true.  Such logic is so flawed and the danger that this poses to mankind is that we belittle ourself to being tree swining hmonkies.   ;D

Why do Christian apologists feel the need to hijack every thread to spread their dying propaganda? Seriously, what are you people so afraid of? Rational thinking and science? I think so... If you were so sure about your position, I don't think you would need to do any of this.

... But since you want to go there, let me say that you don't understand evolution.

First of all, evolution does not say we come from monkeys or apes, but that we share a common ancestor. The problem with creationists is that they think of evolution as a linear timeline (i.e. a bug becomes a bird, the bird becomes a dinosaur, the dinosaur becomes a monkey, the monkey becomes a man, etc...); that is not how it happens. It's more like a tree with branches sprouting out in all directions. A common ancestor can branch out into several species due to changes in the environment, geography, or uniqu conditions, etc... These changes, however small or monumental, occur over time.

Second of all, creationists constantly bicker about the "missing link," between species. However, this is of no consequence anymore because of what we know through DNA and evolution-in-progress. Certain animals share DNA so similar, it's unlikey they didn't share a common ancestor. This goes back to the idea of the family true. Also, we see proof of evolution. Insects can be observed to become immune to bug spray over time. Animals have been"evolutionized" by humans through domestication.

The truth is creationists will never accept any scientific proof, however compelling, that challenges their dogma. So it baffles me that they continually try to undermine the work of rational people who want to find answers through questions and research.

Sorry, but we don't want nor do we need a thousands-year-old fairy tale book to tell us how life works. We would rather investigate and find the intricacies of life for ourselves. Once you understand this position, there's really nothing left to argue about.

Anyway, I'm done with these kinds of debates because they go nowhere and do nothing but cause division. Belief systems only become dangerous when we try to enforce it beyond sharing knowledge. Whatever floats your boat people. Peace out.

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2012, 04:42:22 PM »
 ::)  ...   :idiot2:  ...   8)

Foremost, the Hmong themselves did not nor have they ever initially claimed to be the "Lost Tribe of Israel."  For someone, you or whomever, to postulate such an idiotic claim whether based on your own "extensive research", "scholarly aptitude", or "intimate field research" is without a doubt not only illogical but simply a cracker at best.  I also find it amusing that you would make such an accusation on pretence of being so academically sound and well-rounded.  But whatever!  (It is always comical how supposedly educated Hmong try to preach to the choir their mediocrity of supposedly "enlightenment" - always grossly a bit late eureka moment -  ;D .)

But for the record and clarification since our in-house enthusiast amidst their rant failed to pinpoint the source or root of this "Lost Tribe of Israel" supposition given their extensive research, I will help their cause and provide some insight.  This theory or proposal of the Hmong being the "Lost Tribe of Israel" stems from two sources.  One is from the Hmong themselves - not to say they said or claimed to be a lost tribe or from Israel - but more so from its funeral song - "Zaj Qhuab Ke Taw Kev" - which was loosely translated and/or mistranslated/interpreted at best.  (I'll leave it at that and let all enthusiast go and enlighten themselves on this matter,  O0 .)  Secondly, it was specifically Father Savina around the mid-19th century, who originally proposed that the Hmong were/is the "Lost Tribe of Israel" based off of his field work with/on the Hmong of SE Asia.  (Again, I will simply leave it at that and let all enthusiast go and enlighten themselves on this matter.  From that time on, some Hmong - then and now, especially those lacking proper sound logic and academia - continue to postulate this conjecture of Hmong being the "Lost Tribe of Israel".  However, since then, many scholars - East and West - have more than disproved this notion and have extensively done research on Hmong/Miao origin/history to date.  So basically our in-house enthusiast, is not ONLY is a dollar short, a day LATE, but outright ranting outdated, obsolete, and fantastical hyperbola,  :D.)

Yeah, I could elaborate and explain in detail the two points, reasons, and sources highlighted above but again, "Why don't all you enthusiasts go better educate and enlighten yourselves towards your belated "eureka moment" versus someone spoon-feeding ya." -  ;)

Ua tsaug ntau -  :)

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2012, 05:02:06 PM »
Guys guys, no need to debate, just use some common sense (if you have any).

This is a Jewish woman.

This is a Hmong woman.

If you still don't know the difference, no source of education on earth can save your poor soul.

no need to say anything more. thanks oh yo

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Great Sage

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2012, 01:48:12 PM »
Oh yes...let me clarify for those who like to play the semantic games.  It's Primates...Ape s... :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Let me show you a picture of a PRIMATE so you can understand.  Some of us are soo STUPID.

Looks nothing like that cute Hmong girl.... :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:

At least we have a picture of a primate who shares our DNA.

Tell me, can you show me a picture of god so I can believe you too?

The whole world is waiting for the proof you Christians keep talking about... Or do only you hear the voices?

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Re: Hmong are NOT Jews or Aryans
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2012, 07:01:05 PM »
Hmong ppl are not jews! there may have been some groups that have pioneered or rather ventured out westward to the mesopotamia river valleys known to be in the iraq portion. furthermore, jewish ppl were not caucasoid to begin with. how causcasians started popping out of jewish origins beats me. maybe, it all started when caucasians started adopting jewish religion when they started to take in jewish ppl as servants or w/e. h/e those caucosiod 'jewish' bailed out further into europe as time progressed and having the chance to use up american pilgrimage to their advantage to immigrate into america against the nazis. I don't feel sorry at all for them, maybe they got what they deserved. more to the topic, thinking about the shift in geographic landscape with the 'hmongs' it may be possible there were some nomadic groups who had been in those mesopotamia regions of iraq. but the oral history of hmong ppl and that of other Asian ethnicity in china is different. also with that of excavations. see: there are more than one side to the story. if you do your own research on the history Chu and Han dynasties, you will figure out that there were numerous exchanges and sidings between Chu and Han. Both Chu and Han dynasties were neither good or bad as both experienced expansion and influence. also, when we are speaking of Han, do realize that Han is broken down into norther, eastern and western. the major threat were actually further northern empires and further western empires.

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