
Author Topic: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?  (Read 15239 times)

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2014, 08:53:27 AM »
Medical field.....whil e one door closes, another opens..and plus who you know to get you inside the door...

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2014, 01:10:44 PM »
Medical field to me is probably the most rewarding career.  All my siblings with degree from USC, UCLA or UC Berkeley.  They never start out as good as my sister with her RN.  It took a while for my sister to get into the nursing program because the waiting list is long but its worth it at the end.  Now she's doing her BSN part time. 

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2014, 11:06:42 AM »
You can go way wrong with technology so don't do it unless you really like it. 

If you're looking for something you can't go wrong with, you have to look at jobs that are required because of laws.  Like accounting, required because of strict government laws so Yes, you can't go wrong with at.  RN, can't go wrong there because of laws.  Pharmacist, required, can't go wrong..

IT?  Not required by law.  Considered an overhead by companies.  Can go wrong.

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2014, 09:47:50 PM »
Define the type of jobs you will like. 
Define the type of jobs you can do. 
Define the type of jobs that pay. 

Then, find a major that will take you to jobs that falls into all the three above.

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2014, 01:17:46 AM »
First; try watching this video.

Second; sit down and be honest with yourself and think long and hard about the things you enjoy doing in life.  I can promise you that there is career to be made with something that you enjoy doing.

Most people will tell you that you need to do something that involves making you a lot of money.  I would strongly advise against that.  Do something that will keep you engaged; something that you will be passionate about.

When I first started college; I thought I wanted to do engineering.  After my first semester, I knew it wasn't for me.  And it's not because the math was hard or the material was too much (I maintained a 3.2 GPA).  I simply found the subject to be very boring.  And I knew that if I continued going that route, eventually I would give up and quit college.  Thankfully I reached out to my counselor who directed me to take a test; a test you can take that will assess your interests and give you ideas on classes you can take.  I believe all colleges should have them.

Anyways, I started to try out several intro courses my following semester which led me to Sociology and ultimately Criminology.  Once I found that the material I was learning/studying was keeping me engaged; college became easy.  I never thought once that college was tough.  I eventually graduated and moved on to find a great job in which I deeply enjoy doing.  I now make low six figures which I think most would consider fairly well.

In the beginning I did what everybody told me to do.  "Do something that's going to pay you well."  Eventually I decided against that and chose to follow my heart.  In the end, I found a profession that I enjoy doing everyday and the money just came along with it.

I hope this helps you in your journey.  Good luck.

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 10:00:06 AM »
What is a major that you can't go wrong with?

There is the thing you love and then there is the thing that make money so you can have a decent life: family, car, house. Please please don't major in Art then wonder why you can't find a job because you spent your 4 yrs of college painting and drawing. You won't make it big and if you do it would be after your dead. Keep it as a hobby not a career. Also CSCI isn't for anyone.  Trust me sitting on a computer typing codes is boring as h3ll. Also it's what you can do with your degree and not necessary what you have but what you have does help make you earn more. If your not sure then any Bachelor of Science degree will be better than a BA since BS degree holder on average will earn more in their life time.  REMEMBER: You don't always end up working in your major or field of study.

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 10:43:34 AM »
Social Work

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2014, 04:10:42 PM »
Nothing is certain.  Find a field you enjoy and work your butt off.  Be flexible, learn other trades (fallback on).  Tech is booming, medical is always rising but with college costs exploding it will be more difficult and only privileged people will be able to afford higher education.

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2014, 06:22:53 PM »
Darksyde, good story and advice.

Well what if you don't know what you like? What if you're just a blah person with no passion or interest of any specific kind? Then what do you do?

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2014, 09:57:11 PM »
Engineering because of these reasons.

1.) You get a lot of opportunities for scholarships because you're a woman.
2.) You get more opportunities for scholarships and internships because you're a minority.
(Less women means that there are more cash flow for you to use)
3.) Applying for these scholarship is WAY LESS competitive than when men does it which means you will have a higher chance of getting the scholarships.
4.) You get a lot of attention because the field is male dominant. It's easy to make friends and get help if you need.
5.) Engineering is not purely about math or science, its a way of thinking, particularly problem solving. Using what you know to complete a task with the least amount of effort. This is why most people do a bachelors degree in engineering and master degree in business
6.) It's challenging and will keep you on your toes

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2014, 12:17:53 PM »
As boring as it may be (actually its very boring), I would say accounting (especially if you have a CPA).

I know a decent amount of unemployed engineers/computer science/IT/business/etc majors....

But I've met fewer unemployed accountants and never have I met one that had a CPA (unless by choice or other legal reasons).  Every industry, no matter what, has to have some form of accountancy in it.

So for saftey, I would say bean counting is pretty safe, although some of the lower functions in accounting can be outsourced, like A/P and A/R.

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Offline SummerBerry

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2014, 07:37:06 PM »
I like you. <3

social work. :)

Sadly. I know people who do go wrong with it.
Those are people who are not open minded. Social work, it almost feels like a given that you must be open minded to how different people can be. This is true for just about any profession, but in social work you are often directly working with the client, so you need to be aware of your own biases and aware of how strong you can influence a situation.

I met 2 people so far who I wish to god they are not social workers until they have a change of heart.  As a social worker, I know I'm not supposed to say it, but they will do more harm than good.

1 guy. he was supposed to graduate same year i did, think he was stuck for another semester.  He said he wanted to be a CPS worker. I asked him how much expertise does he have with child welfare and child services? he said none, however, he wants to be the one to pull out kids from abusive homes. He wants to be the one that will strip parents of their rights to raise a child because he deems them unfit.

I told him. You are abusing your powers as a social worker. You need to take a social welfare class and be educated on the matter. I recommend X professor (keeping his name confidential), he is a CPS worker and has been one for nearly 30 years and he will tell you, the primary goal of a cps worker is to strengthen the relationship of the child and parents. Their job is to try and do their best to inform the parents about raising the child and it includes parenting classes, support classes, and possibly rehab for drugs and alcohol abuse. Their job is not to pull families apart, but keep them together.

Another guy. He's just beginning but he said that it didn't matter what your story was. No matter what, people will think of you one way. I told him, I can be whoever I want to be. It's my right to be able to proudly state who I am. And he said, you can do that, you can state however you want, but in the eyes of other people you will always be just that. The Hmong community is very small, no matter what you say or do, people will know you and they will tell you who you are.

I told him. You aren't thinking like a social worker. You are supposed to respect people. Let them decide who they want to be. Self determination. You are setting them up to fail. Which is not what you are supposed to do.

As much as social work is a major you can't seem to go wrong with. It's not for everyone. And i really hope there are less like the two I referred above. When your job is to help people and you can make an impact on their life, if your mentality is really poor, it's not helping anyone. You are more toxic to the person.

You're just doing your job while those 2 are thinking or doing exactly what the outcome of most clients are like when they have CPS involved.  Don't let the small stuff get to you especially from Hmong.  Another thing you're just in a tougher situation because most case involved a little investigation.  I'm sure you can handle and ignored anything negative. 

Honestly I only blamed the parents for destroying and separating their family.  Most failed on following or doing what they need to in order to gain everything back.  I've seen enough of this failure with my niece and nephews to the point where they lost their parental rights, kids all in foster home but adopted into different families, etc.  Nephew and niece are homeless.  They don't want to help themselves then forget it.  It involved families and relatives doing their best to help and prevent but at the end they only got themselves to blamed.  I also hate those who keep picking up the phone to call 911 for anything from DV, etc.  You tried to save yourself but at the same time it can open a ugly case too.  Recently had one situation where another nephew got beat up or scratch from his wife.  Screaming and making noises that next door neighbor called the police.  Took the wife for 1-2 days in jail.  The house was dirty and unfit to the point where they didn't take the kids but will follow up.  This nephew and Nyab has always lived in this kind of dirty environment.  Everyone has seen it and always talk about how dirty it was even when my mil was still here. 

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2014, 04:20:03 PM »
Engineering. Registered Nurse.

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Re: What is a major that you can't go wrong with?
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2015, 12:17:06 PM »
Darksyde, good story and advice.

Well what if you don't know what you like? What if you're just a blah person with no passion or interest of any specific kind? Then what do you do?

Sorry for the late response. But to answer your question: I don't think there really is such a thing as a 'blah person". Though there are many who sell themselves short. And then there are those who do not know or understand how to listen to good advice. I think if you are going to be successful in life; you need to be open to other opinions/options including those from people you dislike. You have a passion somewhere inside of you so therefore you have an interest of some kind. It is a strong possibility you may have never experienced it before so it seems to yourself that you may not have one. A good way to find out what that may be, if the test I was referring to will not produce the answer you are looking for, is to simply step out of your comfort zone and try different things. Volunteer work. Sky diving. Snow boarding. Join the military. Doing new things not only sparks new ideas and interests, it also opens gateways to meeting new people who may do that for you. Tucked away inside everybody is a passion of some kind. It's up to the individual to find out what that is and decide how to use it to make themselves successful. The most successful people I know are people who do it for what they love and what they're good at; not for the glamour and fortune.

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