
Author Topic: 31 Days With a Minor  (Read 5505 times)

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2014, 08:45:32 AM »
Hey minor, try if you dare and let us know if it works. It is the Japanese version of hide and seek, "Hitori Kakurenbo". Here s the link to it.
Surikoo, don't be silly.  I'm not stupid and I wont' try that for a dare.  You're going to have to double dare me at the least.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2014, 08:48:37 AM »
PS I remember there being a Japanese movie made about it.  I'm adding it on the list of things to do.  Give me moar great ideas, guys!

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2014, 08:52:41 AM »
Surikoo, don't be silly.  I'm not stupid and I wont' try that for a dare.  You're going to have to double dare me at the least.

I triple dare you.  ;D Record it too.

Yes. There was a movie out. Read some creepy stories of people trying this. Also there is another one called, "The Midnight Game" . Here is the link:

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2014, 10:58:30 AM »
This was a mistake and I regret being so stupid as to ever follow through with it.  I didn't want to talk about it, but today I'll break my silence.

For the longest time I had my guesses that the legend of slenderman was based on other legends and my closest guess was that it was of a demon that resided in the shadows, took children, and played tricks on human senses.  On Saturday 10/04/2014 at approximately 9:00PM me and four of my friends set out into the woods near the Bloomington Ferry near Fisher lake in Bloomington, MN.

A friend of mine had done some research on the occult and dark arts.  Before we went out there we went to our local Walmart to buy supplies which consisted of candles, salt, and an ouija board.  Although the ouija board had only been invented in the 1890 gypsies have used similar methods to make contact with beings from beyond our realm.  We planned to use it as a conduit in which we would communicate with any lingering spirits or visitors.

It was approximately 9:25PM when we all arrived.  It was plenty dark already and a few others were already scared, but as we all planned from the beginning we were going to stick this through no matter what.  Janie, one the friends that came along, and I have been best friends since kids.  Our grandmother's are sisters and both our families have been very close since coming to America.  Although we both don't hold any attraction towards each other she and I planned on remaining best friends forever.  We both went through a ritual of drinking blood from each other hands or better known to some folks as "haus tes ntshav."

When we got at the scene for our ritual we lit up candles around us, poured the salt on the floor in a shape of a pentagram and turned off all the flashlights and lamps.  Janie held onto me as she was scared and had been complaining about hearing noises since we got there.

When we were ready my friend David took out a book that contained many passages used by King Solomon.  Solomon, according to Hebrew lore, was able to cast out demons as well as summon them.  Although much of the language was in Aramaic, David knew enough Latin from his studies to better familiar himself with medical terminology to decipher the passages.

We sat for a while and nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Janie and her friend kept complaining about the smoke giving them a headache so we all agreed to leave.  Her friend got a ride here but insisted that I drop her off with Janie because they were going to do some Halloween shopping the day after so I dropped them both off at Janie's house. 

She didn't return any of my calls and I didn't hear back from her for about a week.  This past weekend her brothers  called me over to hang out because they were doing an spirit calling for her.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2014, 11:15:57 AM »
It's flu season, I wasn't surprised that Janie had gotten sick.  It was cold out that night on top of us being near the lake where the breeze didn't help.  I overheard the Shaman tell her father that her spirit was left behind somewhere and that's the reason why she got sick.  She covered for me and told her parents that she and some friends were hanging out late at night over in Bloomington.  Later that day they went there to sweep her spirit.

That night, 10/11/2014, I had a scary nightmare.  I don't know if was my guilt ridden conscience getting to me or something deeper behind everything, but I dreamed that I was back at the place where we did the ritual.  It was broad daylight but I was there alone.  Janie kept calling out for me saying that she was lost and didn't know how to get home.  I yelled out that we came back for her and we found her.  It makes no sense, but what dreams ever does?  In the distant I could see a man clothed in black with red clothing over his face hitting a gong and saying what sounds like the Hmong prayer the shaman was saying earlier that day.  With each ring of the gong he came closer and closer to me, and before I knew it I had already waken.  It was only 3:00 in the morning.  I was much too scared to go back to sleep so I kept myself awake by watching anime, playing video games, drinking coffee, and smoking cigarettes.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2014, 05:37:34 PM »
Holy crap that's scary. Speaking of nightmares... So yknow how people made a meme of my hmong doll so I took a picture of her telling them she would go visit them to say thanks? That night I didn't want to go to sleep cuz I was a little scared (hehe) so I stayed up all night. And then LAST NIGHT I DREAMED ABOUT HER. Ahmghhhhhhahhh h!!!

That is all. Your nightmare was creepy.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2014, 12:12:06 PM »
The nightmares haven't stopped.  I went a few days without having one and then it came back.  This time I awoke to the playground that Janie and I used to play at.  It was that day, the day I moved away.  She wore her little flower dress and had a red ribbon in her hair.  "We're moving away.  I told her."

"One day, if I'm ever in trouble.  Won't you come find me?"  She replied.  With a promise of a lifetime, I left never to see her again until middle school.  That's how it should have went anyways.  For some reason I couldn't move and the distant sound that was buzzing in my ear became clear.  It was the ringing of the gong.  The skies darkened as and the buildings melted as the shaman appeared to me.

"You better find her" he said as the gong ranged throughout my heard.  I woke up in the living room, frightened.  The sound of the gong was still so clear in my head and as I looked around all the lights were off.  Was I sleep walking again?  I haven't slept walked in a long time, so it was almost too much of a coincidence that now of all times I would start doing it again.  My shoes were on my feet and I noticed my apartment door was unlocked.  Did I go somewhere?

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2014, 12:22:09 PM »
I've been sleeping at my sister's place for the past few days since the sleep walking incident.  Today I came clean and told her father about what we did.  He yelled at me at first, but then told me I better call everyone over because they were going to do another spirit calling tomorrow.  Janie had gotten worst.

Janie's father told me a terrifying secret.  She had always been susceptible to the supernatural ever since she was a kid.  At a young age she was bringing home toys that she found, and along with them "something" else.  Thinking back now, the reason why she and I became good friends was because she always had a lot of toys to play with.  I always wondered why she had all those toys as a kid.  I just assumed her parents bought them for her.

Her father told me that when she was younger they used to scold her for shouting in her room.  They always wondered why and who she was shouting at.  There were times when she would point at corners and yell, "dab os!"  They disregarded it all as child make believe.  None of this sounds believable, and this is probably why she never told me.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2014, 12:49:26 PM »
It seemed like a warm day out, but it felt freezing over at Janie's house.  I've been so scared since her dad told me about her past that I wasn't able to sleep at all.  The next morning everybody who was at the ritual gathered at the house.  Even David was there.  He's a devout Protestant Korean adoptee, but even he's scared to the brink where he's willing to try anything.  Apparently everybody's been having horrible nightmares where someone's visiting them.  I didn't want to ask them to go into detail, but what if they were all seeing the shaman as well?

The shaman circled us with a string and as he played the gong I felt my eyes getting heavy and my body weight all leaning to the right side.  I steadied myself and found a focal point to keep myself awake.  I was staring out the window at a tree thinking how nice it would be to be outside right about now.  As the gong sounded I yawned and my vision began to blur.  The sky darkened with a murderous glow as the tree I focused on turned decrepit and old.  "It was just a dream," I told myself, "and I need wake up now."

Another rang of the gong woke me up back to reality and I verified myself as I looked around and saw familiar faces.  I wanted to just lay down and go to sleep, but at the same time I was scared of going back to that place.  I figured if I just focused on the banging of the gong I could use the noise to stay awake.  The gong rang again, and the faces around me darkened and faded away.  I was alone and in the distant there was the tree that looked like it had long lived past it's days of glory.  The grass was brown and it looked like there wasn't a single living creature in sight.

I woke up again, the gong brought me back long enough to tease me with security before I slipped away again.  I tucked my hands into my pocket and touched the heel of my feet together locking them in place.  I looked away from the window and the tree towards the living room where Janie's little sister was eating.  Each time I fell asleep the tree was in front of me and it got closer to me.  The ringing gong noise felt more and more distant.  I wanted to scream or have someone shake me, but every time I stretched the muscles to open my mouth or reached my hand out I slipped back into a dream.  Closer and closer the tree crept to me, and I swear I'm seeing what looks like a figure peeking at me from behind the tree.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2014, 05:48:34 PM »
wow OP this thread title is very misleading! *zips pants back up*

P.S.  nice writes, man! what happens next?

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2014, 12:07:01 PM »
Oh, the slenderman :D

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2014, 02:01:19 PM »

Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.  Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.  Revelations 3:2-3:3

Janie's grandmother had passed away.  It was so sudden, and I had just seen her that day.  With everything going on with everyone we tend to forget about those around us.  She had lived a long and happy life, and it would have been her time soon, but death comes at us like a thief taking those closest to us.

I do not remember when it was that I came to, nor do I remember what happened.  I can't even find the right words to describe in detail what it was that I saw.  However I do remember that when I woke up and consciously collected myself she and I looked at each other.  Janie's grandmother looked right at me with her cold piercing eyes as if they saw something in me.  The expression on her face was that of shock, fright, and at the same time amusement.

In all the possibilities in this unexplored world of metaphysics what is the probability that I somehow unhinged my soul and, using astral projection, hitched a ride with the Shaman on his horse into the other world.  What is the possibility that I may have brought something back and that day there and then Janie's grandmother saw it inside of me.

These are entertaining thoughts I occupy myself with instead of the worried calls I've been receiving from Janie's family.  Janie has been missing, and some of them think she ran away with her boyfriend but they're not sure how to get a hold of him either.  It's funny, every night since then I've been going out for a drink on the patio.  Half a glass of whiskey with two cubes of ice.  It's the only thing that calms my mind because since then I've been seeing Janie out there with what looks like her grandmother and a figure that's always behind a tree.  Their backs are always toward me and they're making hand gestures that suggest I go down there with them.

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Re: 31 Days With a Minor
« Reply #27 on: November 05, 2014, 01:20:49 PM »
The Good Spirit, who was born simultaneously with you, will come now and count out your good deeds with white pebbles, and the Evil Spirit, who was born simultaneously with you, will come and count out your evil deeds with black pebbles. Thereupon you will be greatly frightened, awed, and terrified, and will tremble; and you will attempt to tell lies, saying, "I have not committed any evil deed." Tibetan Book of the Dead

I lay awake in my bed counting my regrets and wondering if my life was for naught.  Of all the people that I have wronged and owe an apology the one that deserved it the most was me, for not having accomplished all the things I have set out to do.  It's been a week since I've started seeing Janie outside along with other people which I do not know.  All of them always having their backs turned towards me gesturing for me to join them.

The walls in which I surround myself whisper to me every night and I long for them to stop.  That night, I went down there.  I told Janie we'd always be together, and now I'm going to join her.  The creature behind the tree will suck my soul out and my body will grow cold and die, but at least I'll have some peace.

As I stood before the tree the creature spoke out to me.  In my somber state I could barely make out what the creature was saying to me.  It sounded like a voice behind static noise.  "Are you ready to pay the fare as we cross into the next world?"  It asked me as it's long dark arms reached out from behind the tree.

"How much is it?"  I replied.  At that moment I let go of everything dear to me surrendering myself to my tormentors.  Whether I will be ripped to shreds, burned alive, or drowned in a river of blood I no longer cared.

It spoke again, "I need about tree-fitty."  At this point I noticed that the demon behind the tree wasn't no demon at all.  It was the God damn lochness monster asking me for money.

I said, "Dammit monster!  I ain't giving you no tree-fitty!"

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