
Author Topic: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log  (Read 33761 times)

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #45 on: July 22, 2015, 03:34:02 PM »
I think I had green tea ice cream at a restaurant once a long time ago.  But, it sounds like you got a ton of it...that's a lot for ice cream.  I'm glad you liked it.

As for steeping, put a tea bag in 8 oz of hot water and steep for a couple to three minutes.  If you use loose leaf, use about 1 tablespoon to 2 (in a sieve or strainer...or without one...I do that sometimes).  If you want it stronger use more leaves, but don't steep it any longer than a few minutes otherwise it will be bitter.

I went to Ross and came across some tea but brand I've never heard of...... I was in a rush because it was out of town so didn't pick among a few to test out.  I might do it tonight at our local Ross if I can find any because just the flavor of it draw my attention vs. what I've seen at regular store. 

I'm going to try if I can drink tea daily vs. coffee even though I have stop but pretty soon when the kids are returning back to school it will be coffee here and there to keep awake.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2015, 12:56:57 PM »
I went to Ross and came across some tea but brand I've never heard of...... I was in a rush because it was out of town so didn't pick among a few to test out.  I might do it tonight at our local Ross if I can find any because just the flavor of it draw my attention vs. what I've seen at regular store. 

I'm going to try if I can drink tea daily vs. coffee even though I have stop but pretty soon when the kids are returning back to school it will be coffee here and there to keep awake.

Did you get the tea at Ross?  What did you think?

I love your fish meal. Looks so delicious. How do you cook your fish and quinoa?

I love tea!! Growing up my mom give us Asian tea from backyard so I'm used to drinking bitter, sweet or plain tea. I ca drink about any kind. I absolutely love this flower tea at a tea place. Will get more.

Thanks!  The fish was cooked on a stove top grill.  It can also be done on an outdoor grill but I don't know how to use mine.  I used cod and rubbed it with cumin, paprika and a little salt, then cooked for about 8 minutes on each side.  The quinoa, I rinse one cup of quinoa then boil it with 2 cups of water.  As soon as it starts to boil, I reduce heat and let it simmer for 12 minutes.

I may have tried the flower tea at an acquaintance home.  It's a dried up flower where water is added to release the taste and aroma.  They had a glass tea kettle so it very pretty to look at while we poured the tea into our cups.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #47 on: September 11, 2015, 12:58:22 PM »
Not the best photo but working out on the treadmill.  I've been so sore these last few days from a combo of stretching, biking, and treadmilling.  It feels good though.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2015, 03:55:26 PM »
Made myself sick by working out too much.  For me, 1 hour of working out (30 mins cardio + 30 weights/stretching) is way too much.  I was extremely sore last night and had to take a painkiller for the sore muscles because I could barely walk or move.  Then, went to bed like at 7pm because I was so weak and sick.  Feeling better today.  Still sore but manageable.  Didn't do any cardio or weight/stretching today.  Needed a break.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #49 on: September 22, 2015, 01:00:21 PM »
Made a Labenese dinner the other day.  It was delicious and healthy.  It was also my first time using cardamom.  Cardamom has such a pretty scent to it.

Health benefits of cardamom:

* Anti-Carcinogenic Properties
* Good for Cardiovascular Health
* Control of Cholesterol
* Anti-Depressant
* Treating Urinary Disorders
* Protection Against Gastrointestin al Diseases
* Antimicrobial Properties
* Anti-Spasmodic Properties
* Dental Diseases
* Anti-Asthmatic Property
* Detoxification
* Improved Blood Circulation
* Good for Nausea and Vomiting
* Aphrodisiac Properties
* Sore Throat
* Hiccups
* Breath Freshener


It was also my first time making tabbouleh with bulgur.  I actually prefer tabbouleh with bulgur than with quinoa or couscous.  I like the texture and flavor of bulgur. 

Health benefits of bulgur:

* Anti-Inflammatory Effects
* Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
* Reduced Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
* Relieves Constipation and Clears the Digestive Tract
* Cuts Gallstone Risk
* Chemoprotectiv e Effects (helps protect against cancer)
* Good Source of Minerals
* Helps Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure
* Helps Reduce Weight
* Protective Against Childhood Asthma


Last but not least, went to Target last night and saw this breathtaking sunset.  What an amazing way to end the evening.  Photo does not do justice but it's pretty close.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 01:08:34 PM by moonangel »

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2015, 01:26:44 PM »
The problem with being creative with food is that I sometimes tend to make sweet treats such as this apple pie.  Bought a large thingy of apples from Costco and didn't want it to go t waste.  I had spices on hand already.  Pie crust was cheap.  I think it was about $2 at Target.  This pie was so easy to put together and it took no time at all too.  It was so delicious with vanilla ice cream, which I also had on hand!  How unfair!

I made the pie last night and have lots of leftovers so I'm pretty sure I'm going to get myself another large slice with ice cream again.  This is my weakness.

For lunch today I had leftover Tabbouleh (from a couple of days ago), boiled spinach (made today), and chicken laab and brown rice made yesterday for dinner.  Two salads!  I should be proud of myself.  I wasn't sure if the tabbouleh would go well with the chicken laab but it actually turned out pretty tasty.  I think one of these days I'm going to make bulgur laab and see how that tastes like.

I drank lunch down with some teas from Target.  I had the Jasmine tea yesterday and it was calming and relaxing.  The Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea is amazing.  It goes perfect with the fall weather.  Don't get me wrong, I also had a large glass of water with my meal.

This morning I worked out for 15 mins again.  My days are just so busy that I try to wake up before the kids and do my workout but then I'm always short on time.  After my 15 mins of workout, I only have 25 to 30 mins to get ready before I have to drop daughter at school.  I normally need at least 30 minutes to shower and groom.  If I wash my hair, that's a little extra time in the shower.  Then blow drying takes another 5 to 10 mins.

I used to workout for about 30 mins to 1 hour after I drop off my daughter but that shortens my day immensely and I end up falling behind on everything else that I need to do. No worries though.  I'm going to keep trying different methods until I find one that will work perfect.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 01:32:56 PM by moonangel »

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2015, 11:59:12 AM »
I realize that scheduling my workout is really harder than it seems so what I've come to is that if I get up early, then I'll run first. If not, then I'll run after I drop off my daughter.  :)

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #52 on: October 06, 2015, 05:22:30 PM »
Still working on it.  Have been running almost everyday doing what I can + biking on days I'm not running. Foodwise, it's hard.  There are days when I'm doing well then there are days when I just eat junk.

btw, I'm back on Vitamin D.  I've added B12 as well.  Still going good with Niacin (B3) and HPB meds.  All doc's order.  I'm actually starting to feel less sluggish and more motivated.  :)

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2015, 02:04:26 PM »
Looking good. Keep it up!  O0

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #54 on: October 07, 2015, 02:12:19 PM »
Looking good. Keep it up!  O0


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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2015, 06:35:48 PM »
I think that's a really great idea that you're doing! Just curious, why do you think you'll never go completely raw/vegan? I would've never thought I could go vegan too.. but 5 years later.. I still am.  :)

Also, I'm always in a rush in the morning so I drink a smoothie. It satiates me and provides a lot of my nutrients for the day. You don't have to take my word for it. You can read all the 4,000+ reviews on amazon.

Thanks, but I've fallen off the wagon.  Life got in the way.  As for being vegan, I don't want to because I love food.  But, I don't mind throwing in vegan dishes here and there.  I like mixing variety in my food.

Thanks for the shake/smoothie info.  I'm not a shake/smoothie person because they tend to have that sour and/or banana flavor and slimy texture that I can't stand.  My family loves Jamba Juice but I don't like any of their stuff.  Over the summer though they offered a limited time coconut refresher that tasted like a non-alcoholic margarita and that was the only thing I could have.  I'm still working on getting a new blender (have an old one somewhere in storage that I rarely used) but it hasn't been a priority because I get the feeling that I won't be using it as often as I'd like.  Also, I don't like adding powder to anything.  I used to work at GNC and all their powder stuff flew off the shelf.  Customers would ask me for recommendation s so I had to learn about the different kinds of powders as well as the vitamins and other supplements.  I never got into the powders but I did start on the flaxseed and primrose oil, etc.  It was okay until my stomach refused the primrose. It would hurt every time I took it so I stopped and the flaxseed flavor was just too strong to have with my salad and/or drinks anymore.

I'm glad you've kept up being vegan.  That takes dedication and giving up comfort food.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2015, 03:39:32 PM »
Because of last night's snowstorm the kids' schools are closed so I was able to get a ton of treadmill work in!!!  I'm so proud of myself for hitting 500 calories.  I actually burned a little more than 500 'cause I did some light weights and stretching (includes running in place and jumping jacks) afterwards.  My 8-year-old takes a strength and stretch class at her dance school and she was working me.  She tells me my goal is to get all 3 splits in: right side, left side, and straight down.  Oh boy.

Here some snow photos:

I'm also hyped about the holidays and decorated the house a little bit with Christmas stuff.  I know it's early's so needed.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2016, 02:26:25 PM »
Husband blew a fuse on the treadmill a couple of days ago.   >:(

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2016, 10:05:58 PM »
It was torture not being able to run.  So glad husband got it working again.

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Re: Moonangel's Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Log
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2016, 02:46:13 PM »
Trying to run at least 3 times a week.  I've been slacking off.  Been sick last week and completely stressed.  Eating junk food when I know better.  This was today's lunch: humus, carrots, and steamed shrimp and green tea.

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