
Author Topic: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?  (Read 6352 times)

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Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« on: February 28, 2016, 02:25:14 AM »
We have been friends for soooooo long. I don't get why Hmong doesn't accept our cousins since they are the Yao-zu people. Miao and Yao should be one in order to reduce the racial discrimination . Why the hate when we have a common enemy? Our enemy is China, Laos, and Thailand. I mean, C'MON! LAOS? It's a weak nation and I don't understand that we 3 billion people in China as in Hmong population, we should conquer Laos since they were a jerk to the Yao and Miao. Thailand, we don't need to conquer them. What we need is to scare them to leave our people alone. China will be our next goal to scare them. I might as well use Taiwan, not as a good friend, but as a normal friend since they can be used for our war. Imagine using Taiwan soldiers rather than our men. Tibet can join us like how the Qin Empire did when they consulted other other ethnics to join their group in order to become one. We have the Yao. Why not? Make them as equal to us. The rest are minor. We should like in the image of Dongyi (Rooj Yim). One race, one mind, one blood (xeem/姓), and one language. I just don't get Hmong people. We are 3 billion. From San Miao to peb txhiav lab/三个十亿, how can we not do anything? I don't get Hmong people in Laos are so afraid of Hmong people in China? I will vote for the Hmong Chinese to become our leader rather than the Hmong people in Laos. I want a country and we must make our demands on China to give us our country back. I don't want to be part of them. Why make us into their image when they know we speak differently? How come Korea has their land and China pardons them? That's not right! I do respect Korea with the alliedship when we both fought against Chiyou, but I hope they will remember us as a good friend. I don't mind if they want to be our allies forever, but I still considered Yao/Mien to be part of my group first in hand.

Hmong people! Stop being stupid. Hmong and Mien should be more than friends. We should be as a family like ib tsev neeg/一家人. If the Tang Dynasty excepted other race, if you read about their history, they were very good to us. They prevented racial discrimination since we did prosper like Jewish people in those times. We got Hmong scholars, money, and everything in those times. Xiong Dynasty was racist to the point, they brought themselves a barbarian nation. They as themselves became barbarians to the point, they boot off one of their own kings to shut up or else, they will kill him. In the end, the King was removed before they fixed their nation into one again as a whole. It's like Nixon was boot off for racial discrimination .

We have to be like the Tang Dynasty, where we accept other people become one image as us.

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2016, 02:43:36 PM »
The answer is simple. No. If you don't like the idea of Hmong being united with Chinese, then why even ask the question?

Stop being ignorant like all those who thinks that their people are superior.

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 10:04:24 PM »
...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:


The web link you cited ,, if you are exclusively referring to the first article by Source: Yuepheng Xiong (duh-ha'spoon-fed ha'dope ha'ranter who is merely defecating abridged misinformation from and by Miao professors), then  ...  KEKEKE  ...   :idiot2:/ ::)  ...  kekeke  ...   >:D

More importantly, if you (or any intelligible person) would simply read the next 7-8 articles (synopsis) in your web link then you would not be spewing ha'edumacated ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'incessant HA'Mung ha'rant/s ha'lickers DUHafterLies ...  kekeke  ...   O0

The Han (and Manchu) Dynasties/Emperors throughout Chinese History, well into the 20th Century, were so good to the Miao, aka "Western Barbarian" == Hmong/Mong, that they spent 100s-1000s of years and insurmountable dynastic fortunes to 1) erect the GREAT WALL of China that still stands to this very day, to do what exactly?  Oh yeah, keep most/ALL DUH-uh-Ha'Mung ha'primitive ha'idiots ha'ignoramus out of greater China, 2) systematically tried to eradicate/Sinicize the Miao/Hmong via martial laws, bribery, false treaties/autonomy/promises etc, and lastly (but not indefinitely) 3) mercilessly orchestrated pogrom campaigns towards/against the Miao/Hmong that anyone/ALL can easily research, find, and prove/validate all of these vice/s in most/ALL scholarly research, especially within Chinese Antiquity records, accounts, and documents themselves  ...  ha'DUH ha'edumacated ha'ignorant ha'clueless HA'Mung ha'nincompoop ...  kekeke  ...   8)

Perhaps some of you (those who ARE NOT ha'ignorant HA'Mung) may have heard of an ancient Hmong verbiage, still spoken to this very day, within/throughout the Hmong world that says: "Suav tua Hmoob/Moob ces lub noob qes luaj li noob taum xwb los yeej muab hlais pob tseg tib si."  Translation:  Get a fawking clue ALL you "ha'primitive ha'edumacated ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'incessant ha'ranting HA'Mung ha'twits."  ....  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 06:04:16 AM »
Then why be so confederate when Hmong can unite with the Mien? Let the Hmong have a country under our name before others. Why not?

You say you want Hmong to have their own country under its name and yet, you don't want the mein to have their own separate country under their own name. Instead you want them to be under Hmong. So what's the difference between you and China?

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 06:08:12 AM »
Our name is Dongyi. Dongyi means Mountain and Family. Hmong is no longer Hmong; Mien is no longer Mien. We are one!

It's like saying Han is no longer Han, but the rest of us became one. If we look at the Tang Dynasty, they look us as an independent nation on our own. They understood what racism can bring them to their doors. Therefore, they know that it's bad to do racism or else, you can create a barbarian nation.

And I there's your problem there. You are confused about the history of China and racism. Through out any nation's history, there have always been racism. What you are suggesting is worst than what the other  past dynastyies have done. This topic started off with suggesting that Hmong and Mien should unite as one. So you do recognized that each are their own people. By calling different kind people and forcing them to become your people is racist. This is where you got your history mixed up. When the Han conquered the surrounding areas, they ruled as a nation. They still considered themselves to being Hans, and the those whom they've conquered weren't. Those people were subjected to their laws, but they still had their identity.

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 10:30:21 AM »
There are only about 1.5 billion Chinese in China. I think you are talking about Indians combined with Chinese to make the 3 billion.

Real Hmong in China amount to only about 8 million, not 3 billion.

We have been friends for soooooo long. I don't get why Hmong doesn't accept our cousins since they are the Yao-zu people. Miao and Yao should be one in order to reduce the racial discrimination . Why the hate when we have a common enemy? Our enemy is China, Laos, and Thailand. I mean, C'MON! LAOS? It's a weak nation and I don't understand that we 3 billion people in China as in Hmong population, we should conquer Laos since they were a jerk to the Yao and Miao. Thailand, we don't need to conquer them. What we need is to scare them to leave our people alone. China will be our next goal to scare them. I might as well use Taiwan, not as a good friend, but as a normal friend since they can be used for our war. Imagine using Taiwan soldiers rather than our men. Tibet can join us like how the Qin Empire did when they consulted other other ethnics to join their group in order to become one. We have the Yao. Why not? Make them as equal to us. The rest are minor. We should like in the image of Dongyi (Rooj Yim). One race, one mind, one blood (xeem/姓), and one language. I just don't get Hmong people. We are 3 billion. From San Miao to peb txhiav lab/三个十亿, how can we not do anything? I don't get Hmong people in Laos are so afraid of Hmong people in China? I will vote for the Hmong Chinese to become our leader rather than the Hmong people in Laos. I want a country and we must make our demands on China to give us our country back. I don't want to be part of them. Why make us into their image when they know we speak differently? How come Korea has their land and China pardons them? That's not right! I do respect Korea with the alliedship when we both fought against Chiyou, but I hope they will remember us as a good friend. I don't mind if they want to be our allies forever, but I still considered Yao/Mien to be part of my group first in hand.

Hmong people! Stop being stupid. Hmong and Mien should be more than friends. We should be as a family like ib tsev neeg/一家人. If the Tang Dynasty excepted other race, if you read about their history, they were very good to us. They prevented racial discrimination since we did prosper like Jewish people in those times. We got Hmong scholars, money, and everything in those times. Xiong Dynasty was racist to the point, they brought themselves a barbarian nation. They as themselves became barbarians to the point, they boot off one of their own kings to shut up or else, they will kill him. In the end, the King was removed before they fixed their nation into one again as a whole. It's like Nixon was boot off for racial discrimination .

We have to be like the Tang Dynasty, where we accept other people become one image as us.

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 10:31:36 AM »
Because of our strong cultures, it's hard to unite the Hmong and Mien. Each will reject the other the minute we realize the unity would mean losing our original roots.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2016, 10:33:42 PM »
Do we, Hmong and Mien, speak the same language? If not, then NO...

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Re: Should Hmong and Mien be united as a family?
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2016, 04:29:57 AM »
Should we hate the Mien after defeating China for so long? There has not been a war between these two people; therefore, by bring turmoil on these two clans. If one tribe stand to fight three clans, we will not win. If you read about the fascist symbol, what Rome did is to combine many ropes to become one rope. By combining it, they will become strong. Therefore, why bring a confederate mind to these people. Why be so racist to a close family friend who is even closer than the rest? 瑶族人 are our cousin. If we can mix our language, then so can they. Pure melted pot into one nation wouldn't disturb the sheeps, goats, and cows. The animals may be different, but that mentality can change if we can let go of this racist act since as a Hmong person, I refuse to accept racism in our community. I don't want our people to be like those people of we have known today. Racism is not our answer to hurt the 瑶族 since they haven't harmed us at all. Yes, we may have a common enemy, but that doesn't mean we must hate each other for some territory. When the Chu Empire began, we have hold so many tribes in our community to become one in order to fight against the Zhou Empire. We know for the fact that Zhou was more powerful than us. Since the Chu Empire was gathering more people to join them, we were the number one in our country. The Qin (Chin) Empire, AKA: 汉族, was a small empire before they did the same thing to what we did. They saw us as a threat since our nation was becoming bigger than ever. We have gathered more people, but the 汉族 has gathered even more than us by reaching northern western area of their part. Don't you see in history? We gathered so many tribes to fight against the Chinese people; yet, you want to say "F-U" to the 瑶族? Fuked up!

At the end, the truth slipped out. What's worse than an open racist who say derogatory comments? A closet racist who tries to exterminate the other race. Word of advice, work more on your game in politics if you want Hmong to have a country of their own. May I also suggest, study more on history. Just because you heard about something that is new to you, you've only just scratch the surface. Go learn some more of it before having a strong opinion about it.

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