
Author Topic: So done playing some beach volleyball....i was at the beginners  (Read 3579 times)

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Offline thePoster

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Courts...this guy comes over to just help and give pionters...rea lly nice guy...someone was trying to spike...

And since he was teaching us things....he looked at us...and he looked at the two taller guys and said theyll probably be able to spike...and then lookes at me and another short guy and was like "you two probably have to do it from midcourt"...

Me?  Midcourt?!?!  I dont think so!  The net is only two squares!

But well, if i could spike, I think I can get it from the net area...

Anyways...dang!  Some of the girls that was there...buttch eeks all hanging out...playing in bikini tops... we got a little 3 on 3 going...and this girl...pretty hot stuff...was sitting and watching...the n the ball went out of bounds towards her and my friend asked her if she wanted to play.  She said yeah!  She wasnt that good.  But seemed like she wanted to just play for fun.  And so she did.  The funniest stuff was...there was this one guy that was horrible, I mean horrible, and when he saw that girl come out to play he scrambled onto the court.  The guy was was so obvious how blatant it looked.  I had to just chuckle to myself.  He started giving her pointers...but he was horrible himself. 

Then this old old lady came to play...her first time there.  She said she always wanted to learn to play volleyball.  So we told her to just join us.  Nice lady, hopefulky she brings her daughters next week!

But the funniest thing i thik was...first my left thigh cramped up...i had to sit out for a bit, then my right thigh!

Oh wells.  Im not good in volleyball but it was still fun.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


Offline thePoster

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So anyways!

I played some sand vball yesterday...

and it doesn't has to be as hard as it is!

Man.. running around ... trying to save everyone's bad balls..

but anyways..

I'm not that good in vball anyways...

It's only my second time there but I look at all the courts... and I was thinking  "dang, if hmongs come and play, they could definately dominate"....

Well the hmongs who can play vball anyways.. 

But anyways... I just play on the beginner's court... becuase the folks I come play with, they really aren't that good... we can't even do bunt set spike yet...

So pretty much.. it's all just "just get it over!" even on the recieve...

But it doesn't matter really... it is the beginner's court...I just work on my weakness's...

But anyways.. so there's always new people showing up.

So we play a team... and these folks never played vball before...

And it was my time to serve... and I'm always "fair"  a "goodsport"... so I'm just serving underhand soft and as straight as possible to the person so they dont have to run and chase it, and even tell them who I'm sending it too...

And it was like 10 straight points... I felt bad... and then I tried to serve it out of bounds two times.. but the ball wasn't having it, it still fell in bound.. and then on the next serve.. I just spiked it into the ground....

That way they get a chance to serve... I just felt bad for them...My team mates was like "no mercy no mercy!"..

The other team was like "it's ok, we'll take the pity point!"

Then we was playing on the intermediate court...and the intermediate folks was like "are you guys intermediate?"

actually no... but the folks I was with said we was!  I was thinking... "no we are not!  we can't even set bunt spike"   we are diving and running around chasing our own recieves! 

My team was a short girl.. all she can do is underhand serve and basic recieve/bunt, she can't pass the ball... basically she just recieves and sends it over, she's very immobile, as she can't really run around alot.  The other guy is a guy who basically can't recieve it all.  The other guy.. he's got alot of hustle but he's no vball player...

Man and the other team was jump serving... and they looked like they could spike too.. I hate trying to recieve jump serves!  And eveyrtime they set and was about to spike... I just covered my head...

Anyways... we played that intermediate team... we almost won.. basically if there was another one of me we would've won... I was surprised to see what the "level" of the intermediate was there..

Basically I looked around the courts and if I had another player of my low level... pretty much could win all the games..

I'm surprised to see nobody spiking.. there's alot of taller folks there.. but I don't see anyone swinging down, even on the intermediates court...  or the 2 vs 2 courts... they all go for those little tip over..

I'm any case.. I don't have much time left in SD so I'm going to work on my hops... It's my goal to spike it on the sand!  I don't have much lift anymore!  There was actually a perfect set one time for me.. and I tried to jump but my feet didn't even do anything!  Oh wells!

But man am I sore!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline thePoster

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Obviously I'm not in any of these pictures... but this is where I been playing!

I know you don't see any hot girls in there but trust me!  there's hot girls!

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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I used to be real good at volleyball and then I competed in beach volleyball without training. Got beaten pretty bad. lol

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