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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2018, 09:21:03 PM »
Do you have a story or two? I'll like to hear..

Everyone has a story or two.  May I hear yours?

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2018, 10:47:35 PM »
Story 1: I met her.

Story 2: She met me.

Story 3: We met.

Do you have a story or two? I'll like to hear..

Everyone has a story or two.  May I hear yours?

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2018, 12:25:03 AM »
True colors come out...

everything went well, the whole I drove her back home, we were conversing very well....All the sudden a car tailgates me flashes their high beam. I don't know what happen but I lost my cool and next thing i know I was swerving and honking and shouting profanity.....
yup, there's goes second date....when we got to her house, she opens the door, and frantically walks off....not a single word...I knew it was the last time I'll hear from her....on the flip side, if she had found it a turn on, and said, hey you were just standing your ground....she would had been a real keeper... >:D

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2018, 12:56:52 PM »
with someone you just met, or have been talking to for a while but this was the first time you guys actually did something together.

Don't google recommendation s; I'm looking for real personal stories on here.

Srsly, I haven't been dating for a while and would like some ideas.
my last date i told her i didn't want anything serious so she should expect anything. we went out for lunch and ended spending the day together and night together. she was pretty good in the sheets, if you know what i mean. lol. she texted me a few days later but i didn't respond back.

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2018, 12:15:18 AM »
Screaming and cursing in a car with another girl..

I don't think that's a good at all.

It can be scary to a girl.

she was probably scared thinking you're not right in the head.

Anyways!  My last date was that one girl.

We're just friends but I guess it's a date.

So I asked her if she wanted to go try out a restaurant because we're meat eaters and I heard of a place with good steak so I thought I'd ask her if she wanna come along, I know she was alone that weekend and probably bored too.

So I pick her up.  We're googling map our way down, we make it.  That's when she started talking about how she wants to touch an elephant becuase they're all gone.  I'm thinking to myself "that doesnt make sense, how can you touch an elephant if you said they are all gone, extinct?"  So I had to explain to her elephant's aren't extinct and they might be endangered but they are not extinct and that if she really wants too, she can go to Thailand becuase that's where I rode one or she can go to a zoo and she can at least see one.  Then we found parking and I park by the curb, it's a poor parking job but oh wells.

We walk like probably a good half mile to the spot because of parking.  We saw a shoe shop and she wanted to check it out and so we did.  Didn't see the sneakers she was looking for.  Then we searched for the steak place and we finally found it.  We got in, sat down.  It smelled like a bakery shop!!  We ate our dinner, it was actually pretty good.  We just talked about, I'm not sure what we talked about, my memories bad! 

Oh yeah, we started talking about we need to get in shape and she said I'm starting to look good.  And I told her, she needa start running so she can keep her skinnie waist.

Then we was done and she wanted to eat this cupcake with an oreo on top.  She been eyeing and talking about it all night!  And so when we left she bought it. 

And so we left and walked back...

And we got lost trying to find my car... but luckily I pulled out google map and being a man who can read a map, I directed our way back..

But dang!  It looked scary going back, it was already dark and there wasn't alot of traffic or people on the streets, it looked very run down and ghetto-ey.  I was scared..but we was talking so I guess it made it so we didn't look like scared, I'm not sure if she was scared or not but we both talked and commented on how it just looked different from when we first got there and parked the car.  She said she got mace so she aint scared... So I guess we would've been good. 

Then we got in the car and I dropped her off at her place and that was that!

But if you're looking for date ideas...I guess dinner's or lunches etc are cool... but sometimes, you don't wanna eat... you probably wanna do something where you can enjoy something together, yeah eating is something you can enjoy together and talk about stuff... but, I would prefer..well I liked this girl, and I was looking up things to do, and there was like local cooking class, art classes, etc etc, you should look into that.  I think things like would be better for dates. 

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2018, 12:37:00 AM »
We went out for lunch then to a tea tasting afterwards. He kept staring at me. I kept staring at something else.. and then I ghost him a week later... haha. I know I'm terrible. But... jokes aside, he's a very nice catch just not my catch. What can you do?

You said it!!!

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Phab Ej Dao Vue

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2018, 04:38:11 AM »
Thank you to the person who +1 my retarded post. hehe

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Offline DuMa

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2018, 11:33:38 AM »
NXT date at the end of this month.  We both taking PTO n heading to the OC southern California.  We play by ear, don't have a plan to what to do yet.  Don't even Early book rooms either to save a penny.  Hotwire Expedia all I need when I need. 

When guys take women on road trips, he has horns growing out of his head.  That devilish thinking ya know.  The anticipation of opening up that gift for the first time you know? 

With experiences, I'm not nervous at all.  Been down this road so many times before.  By the following week, we go out with another victim.  It's the endless cycle of an old maid bachelor n bachelorette.  Never gets old unless you call it quits yourself. 

If I was a freak, I'll take you guys posted journey and I would try to repeat it with different dates. 

Have a date this Sunday.  She wanna eat Mongolian BBQ.  I no care what we eat.  I just need a companion to cure my Sunday loneliness problem.  No football so I'm free for women duties on any given Sunday.  Holla at yo boi.  Ha

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2018, 02:45:32 PM »
I'll describe my most memorable date... We had mutual acquaintances and a friend gave him my phone number. He asked if I'd like to spend the afternoon with him.  He came to pick me up and surprised me with a picnic at the park.  It was the nicest and most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.  He even brought my favorite dessert (a guy who did his research).  That's probably why I still remember it.  *sigh* I wonder where he is now and if he ever thinks of me time from time to time.  I think I broke his heart though because even though he was a sweet guy, there was no chemistry on my end, so we never got past that first date.  I would totally rewind time now though... Oh what my 20 silly year old self didn't know about my 30 year old self... that's the kind of man I need in my life right now.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 02:48:01 PM by ImpatientAsTheWind »

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Offline thePoster

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Re: Describe your last date...
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2018, 02:56:16 PM »
Heck yeah,

If there's no chemistry... there's nothing that can be done..

It doesn't matter how hot.. how beautiful, how handsome..  if there's no chemistry then might as well move on.  Good for a one night stand and just to  have someone around while you find another but same here..

If me and her don't have any chemistry, no matter how much I want to like her... I just can't seem get into her.

Me and a guy had just this talk today!  It was about a girl and he was like "I was trying to talk to her and it was so hard, it was like pulling teeth, she doesn't have any opnion about anything etc etc etc".

I just laughed, I asked to meet her, and he said next time we have a group going out he'll invite her.  I just wanna talk to her and see how she's like. 

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

