
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1603393 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1020 on: November 05, 2009, 10:57:32 AM »
;D Nasty... what if he's rotten looking and u just don't see it. ;D

lol, then she got screwed by a rotten wee wee! lol!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1021 on: November 05, 2009, 11:13:00 AM »
That tru hunnay. Sometimes you get sit on where you just try to move out of it cuz of the pressure.when it becomes sexual like you mention its usually a state of dream mixed with almost real physical action.  And flowershiney. I think most of the time if its sexual you don't see them clearly more of a vivid white shadow

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1022 on: November 05, 2009, 08:33:04 PM »
One of my uncle told me this story about a lady always being rape by a unknown male ghost. It's not funny either so don't be laughing.  ;D

Back in the first couple of months when he had just started becoming a shaman, there were this one young Hmong lady that came to my uncle and was actually begging and pleading for his help. She'd heard that my uncle was a upcoming shaman prodigy and was very powerful toward the spirit world, she's been almost to every state in the US just trying to find someone who can help her out with her rare problem but was always running into brick wall.

She said that for three months to that exact day something or someone will always come and sleep with her and yeah she can feel everything like it's real. She said it all started early one morning when all her little kids had just gotten up and left to school and than her husband came in get her a kiss and left for work and she laying in bed all by herself.  Than just when she was about to doze off into a dream she heard the front door open and slam close and than she heard foot step stepping slowly toward her room. She open her eyes to see if it's her husband coming back because maybe he forgot something but than all she can see was an all blur figure standing at the door way, she got scare so she scream but no noise came out, she try to get up and chase who ever it was away but can't make a muscle.

Than the thing walk right next the her bed and it started stripping away, it got totally nude than it started taking her cloths' off too. She said it felted so real but yet it seems like a bad dream at the same time. And after that day, every week day when the rest of the family's gone it'll always happened to her. She even try waking up and staying up watching her kids get on the bus than come back inside and watch TV but it still happened, that thing open the front door than she can't move than it walk up to her and seduces her on the sofa. She said that first it was all a blur but than after the first month she can see him clearly and it's a young handsome Hmong man but she don't know who he is. She said she wants help because she felt like she's cheating on her husband with a man she don't even know.

After looking at her (not even having to do any jingle jingle) my uncle told her that she does know that guy but not personally. She'd met him online, he found her on a dating website and he's not human, he's a tiger. The fact was she wasn't cheating on her husband physically but was just messing around on the net and what ever it was has found her. She was even surprise that my uncle know about that secret flirting thing she do online without her telling him. He said that he can get that tiger to leave her alone but in one condition, the thing was that online she had promise to him that if he and her are together in one place alone than she is willing to have his baby so that's why he's here. To get him to leave her alone is for her husband to tie a red string on her left wrist and chant "this is my wife and nobody else, she has my baby and nobody else, she is a wife in my family and it's not available for anybody else, leave and go find you another mate, her life is with me, she is mine and I am her so leave, this red string I tie on her here is my claim that she belongs to me and only me so leave and don't come back".

After that little rope tying and a little chant, she was fine.

The thing was that my uncle's shaman is somewhat very different from any other shaman that I'd see before. He don't need no animal(s) to sacrifice or most of the time he don't even need to do jingle jingle to see what's going on or to solve a problem. His shaman let him see the dead and the power to hurt them if they do bad things to regular people, I think it's a kind of new shaman that a lot of young Hmong is becoming. I heard some people called it Jesus Shaman because the shaman wear all white, even a white hood that look like a KKK.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1023 on: November 05, 2009, 09:37:46 PM »
I know this powerful shaman lady from Sacramento that is the same type of jesus shaman lol. She is more of a psychic....the dead comes to her and explains to her why they are doing what they are doing to a certain people. Then she goes and explain to that person, without the person even knowing her. She trained with the Buddhas back in Laos, so she knows a lot of things that normal Hmong shamans don't know. She have proven herself to our family, because she came to us after my uncle fell off the roof. She explained our family history 100% correctly as if she read our family book, and then she went on to why my uncle fell. If anyone really needs help, please seek joke

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1024 on: November 05, 2009, 11:24:50 PM »
Havocrazy and Chingy, I would really like to get in contact w/ the shamans you talked about. Please PM their contact info to me.

Thanks so much.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1025 on: November 06, 2009, 10:38:17 AM »
here are a couple that was told to me. one's about my niece and one's about my friend.

i'll start with my friend first.

she told me that a few years ago, her mom always made hmong clothes for those dolls you see at the asian store. well, at first it started out as small ones and it grew to become those 3 ft size dolls. there was a couple of incidents with those 3ft size dolls. there was one where they put in the closet. whenever the kids were playing they would hear a knock coming from the closet. they'd check and there would be nothing. it kept happening until one day my friend's dad just threw away the doll. it stopped happening. a couple of months after that, my friend's mom decided to work on those dolls again. she bought another 3 ft doll to make clothes for. one day while she was sleeping, she had a dream of the doll. the doll came to her in a dream and said in hmong, "why do you make clothes for me? you're alive and i'm not. stop making me hmong clothes." then the doll proceeded to fight my friend's mom. she woke up, went to the closet and threw away the doll.

now here's one of my niece.

a couple of days prior to Halloween night, she had a dream. In the dream, she's sitting around the living room with her siblings. All of a sudden, she felt a chill and knew that no one should open the door should it ring. She told all her siblings not to open it! no matter what, don't open it. even after she tells them, the door bell rings and her oldest brother went and opened the door. standing there was a little asian girl wearing a kimono. she was just standing there giggling at my niece and waiting to come in. when my niece woke up, she told one of her brothers. i forgot what he told her.

anyway, halloween night comes and they're all gathered in the living room just playing games and chilling. all of sudden, my other niece's husband comes out of his room, runs out the door, rings the doorbell and comes back inside the house. the niece with the dream feels a chill down her spine. the brother she spoke to about the dream sees a little asian girl with the kimono walk inside with the BIL.  no one sees her but the brother. right now, she's inside their house roaming the place. last night while my niece and I were sitting in the living room, we started hearing some scratches at the window. it sounded like scratches and little knocks. my niece asks me, "where is that coming from?" stupid me, i answered," oh! i think it's just nala ( their dog)." she asks, "are you sure?" i said, "yeah! i think nala's outside." an hour goes by, we hear nala barking from inside the garage. i forgot who we asked but they said nala was inside the garage the whole time. my niece freaked out.

ok, more stories later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1026 on: November 06, 2009, 11:43:14 AM »
I seriously need to stop reading this thread because my imagination has been working overtime!

me too but eerily enough, this is the first link i click on when i come back into PH in the morning.   ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1027 on: November 06, 2009, 11:54:15 AM »
mee, yeah. as i was writing it, i just kept getting goosebumps and chills all over my body but i just shrugged it. hahahaha

i'm a lot like you two. i need to stay away but i can't seem to stop!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1028 on: November 06, 2009, 11:57:10 AM »
I know!  I can't resist the temptation, although I'm usually home alone and am a big chicken!  Had to call my husband just to hear another person's voice, thanks to Lady Thao.  I told him I would try to not read it if I'm home alone but oh well, that didn't happen.

lol. i never read this link when i'm at home. EVER. i tend to get too imaginative.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1029 on: November 06, 2009, 11:58:22 AM »
hahahaha.. i have another story in here about a little girl that is attached to my niece, the one that had that dream.  if you have time, go look for it. oh!!! and the one about my mom! yeah. it's scary to read but it's tempting.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1030 on: November 06, 2009, 12:02:44 PM »
me, too. i don't read it at night but when it's daylight, i read it. i even got one of my classmates hooked on it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1031 on: November 07, 2009, 08:55:01 AM »
OK this just happened to me for the very first time last night. I am visiting in MN and got slept on. It felt weird. When it first happened it feels like every part of my body got really heavy and couldn't move. I was still aware of what is happening to me. It looked like "it" wasn't trying hard to sit on me because I was able to get myself free from it after a couple of seconds struggling.

I have never been slepted on before in my entire life. This incident is very scary. I don't want to ever experience this again. I hope it doesn't repeat itself.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1032 on: November 07, 2009, 09:54:44 AM »
It'll repeat itself just to warn you and eventually it'll become stronger and last longer, I once heard that the trick is to not struggle at all (don't try to fight it). If you struggle, it'll keep on coming back every time you go to sleep because it like it rough but if you just play dead and lay there all bored it'll leave alone soon enough. It's a tip Havocrazy, give it a try.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1033 on: November 07, 2009, 02:33:10 PM »
Haunted toy box

When I was ten years old I moved with my parents and two brothers from Milwaukie, Oregon to Portland. I was sad at first because I had grown fond of our old house. We were only able to stay in Milwaukie for two years because of... Complicated circumstances. Suffice to say it was a rough neighborhood, too rough for my brothers and me to grow up in. My little brother was only four when we moved out. I didn't like our Portland house at first because it was big and unfamiliar. There was only one kid in my neighborhood and he was seven. I also had to get used to sharing a room with my little brother, which was unfamiliar territory as well. I was used to having personal space while my older brother and the baby slept in the same room. I now had to share everything while my big brother got his own bedroom. I got used to it.

A year later I was more comfortable with the Portland house but I still had uncomfortable feelings in certain areas of the house. I had never felt this way with the last house. In my bedroom we had a huge closet where we kept most of our stuff. "Cleaning the room" meant stuffing all our crap into the closet and saying we were done. This usually didn't fly when my dad came in to inspect afterwards, but sometimes we got away with it.

One particular day (when it didn't fly) I was stuck in my room cleaning out the gigantic closet. We had a very large toy box in the back of the closet in which we kept (you guessed it) most of our toys. It was long and deep enough for an adult to lay inside with the lid shut. It was kind of like a coffin now that I think about it. The old box was built by my grandfather to store wood for the winter, when my dad was a kid. My dad filled it with firewood when he was growing up. Our new house didn't have a wood stove so my parents cleaned the cobwebs and bark fragments out for us so we could keep our toys stored inside. It was painted dark brown and made of wood. The lid was heavy and had a handle to help when it needed to be opened. The lid of the box was quite heavy for a five-year-old so I usually left it open for my little brother to access the contents easily. When I finished cleaning the room that day I closed the closet door and went about my business.

That night I lay awake in my bed, trying to sleep. While I don't have this problem anymore as an adult, I used to have trouble falling asleep at night. I would lie there staring at the ceiling, wondering if I would ever fall asleep. That night I sat in the silence, listening to my little brother's quiet breaths underneath me. We shared bunk beds, I was on the top. I glanced over to the other side of the room where the closed door to the hallway was. Next to the door were my dresser with a couple framed pictures and a digital clock with red numbers. I remember seeing the display read 11:11 in the darkness. My mom used to say that at 11:11 you should make a wish. I closed my eyes and wished that I could fall asleep.

I awoke suddenly to a loud noise. I was sleep-dazed and disoriented. I tried opening my eyes wide to adjust to the darkness but all I could see was the clock face on the other side of the room. The time was between 2 or 3 in the morning. My heart was jammed into my throat and beating rapidly. I had heard that sound before. I struggled to think of what woke me up and recognized it was the sound of the toy box lid in the closet slamming shut. The lid was heavy and if you weren't careful it would come smashing onto your head while you were grabbing something from inside. I leaned over the edge of the bunk and tried to look down at my little brother. I couldn't hear him breathing. It was too dark to see anything. I had to assume he was still there but all I could really hear at this point was my rapid heartbeat in my head. I swallowed a couple times, struggling to hear anything. After a few minutes I calmed down a little bit, and my heartbeat slowed. I still couldn't hear my brother's breathing, just deafening silence.

The floors of the whole house were old plank-style hardwood that creaked and groaned under any weight. I listened for footsteps, thinking maybe he went to the bathroom. I heard nothing for what seemed like hours. At some point I was legitimately freaked out and couldn't go back to sleep. Why did the toy box lid slam shut in the middle of the night? I squinted in the direction of the closet doors. I couldn't see anything in the darkness. It was then I remembered that I was playing with one of my dad's flashlights a few days ago. I had put the flashlight into a duffel bag that was hanging from the bedposts at the end of my bed. I sat up and grabbed the bag. The flashlight was still inside. When I twisted the flashlight to turn it on I suddenly heard my brother gasp - loudly. I quickly smothered the flashlight in my blankets and listened carefully. He was in the bed still, underneath me. His regular breathing resumed. I was relieved that he was still there and this eased my mind a little. But my heart began racing again when I thought about shining the flashlight over at the closet.

What would I see?

Was someone in there?

Would the doors be open?

It took a few seconds for me to build up the courage. Finally I shined the light at the doors. To my horror, the closet was open. I swear I had left it shut after I cleaned the room earlier. I could see the toy box in the back of the closet, closed. It had slammed shut that was for sure.

I realized after a minute that I had been staring into the closet for a long time. I turned the flashlight off. I really couldn't sleep now. I kept thinking about the open closet just sitting there in the darkness. It began to bother me, and I really wanted to close the doors. I was too scared to get out of bed so I just sat there, wide awake. I hoped that I would be able to fall back asleep but time seemed to stand still. When I looked back at the clock only five minutes or so had gone by since I woke up. Suddenly I heard another noise from the closet. This time it was a low muffled growl, not animal but electronic. It was the sound of one of my brother's stuffed animals, a lion, going off inside the toy box. I was literally paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. It growled two or three times, then silence again. After a few moments I decided I needed to wake my brother up. Terrified, I shined the light down to the bottom bunk and my heart stopped. He wasn't there. He wasn't in the bottom bunk. I began screaming and ran out into the hallway. I ran all the way to my parent's room and began pounding on their door to wake them up. When they rushed to the door and opened it, I saw my little brother asleep in their bed.

Who was breathing in my room?

What did I hear in the closet?

When I explained everything to my parents they told me I was having a bad dream. I wish that was the case.

I was WIDE awake.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1034 on: November 08, 2009, 11:24:37 AM »
i've never been physically sat on but in my dreams, it happened a couple of times. This happened just this past summer. I work a weird shift. 3 am to 7 am. well, in my dreams, my bedroom door was open. i felt like something sinister was coming. all of a sudden, i felt it brush on me from my body to my neck then it proceeded to strangle me. i felt pressure on top of my chest and all i could think about was, "this is what youa is going through." youa, who's my neice gets sit on all the time! she's on who's very sensitive to the supernatural world. so anyway, as i was being strangled or sat on in my dream, i thought to myself, "this thing is not going to take me!" so i fought against it. i turned my body so it'll get off of me. when i woke up, i was in the same position as i was before the dream. i told my niece, youa, about the dream. they asked me if the thing was white or black. i told them that it was white. youa's sister told me that it might have been an accidental one. oh well.. who knows! i did have one a couple of weeks later. i think it was just my position.

another one, i'm not sure if i told it in here. it's not a scary one if you think about it. it was about my dad and my mom. well, my mom's a really sick person. ever since my dad died, she's been chronically ill ever since. every year, there's always soemthing medically wrong with her. well, in this dream, my dad and a few other og's were standing with me surrounding my mom who was in a hospital bed. I turned to my dad and said, "dad, don't you see mom. she's struggling. please take her." my dad just shook his head from side to side. then my uncle was saying, "she is sick. she's suffering." then all of a sudden, my uncles and my dad walked into a cloud like wall. they were wearing these white like robes. for some reason, i woke up thinking that my dad and my uncles are in heaven.

well, after that dream, one of my uncles passed away. a month later, my mom did get really sick. she go so sick that we decided to stop all treatments and just let her go. on christmas eve, she regained strength and showed signs of coming back. she's been with us ever since and probably doing better than before!

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