
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610112 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1470 on: February 05, 2010, 12:39:58 PM »
It's CRAZY how all these stories inter-twine with each other and every hmong person has a similar story.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1471 on: February 05, 2010, 06:23:36 PM »
omg that's crazy.. the baby story.. it's sad but scary at the same time.. i have touch a dead person's face.. it's cold like you siad.. but it sad too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1472 on: February 05, 2010, 07:37:36 PM »
I hate to say it but I think you jinxed yourself.  Did you have weird activities before you decided to put the dog there. 
nope...used to wayy before i got pregnant..but now everything is just fine..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1473 on: February 05, 2010, 07:38:15 PM »
Did they report the body to the authories?  
frm what i heard it was a ghost body

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1474 on: February 05, 2010, 08:01:59 PM »
LOL its ok.
It's not scary and I hope it gives a break to readers so they would get less scared..

Idk if my family tree has a gift but I hope not.

Here's another one, not scary but it's a baby story.

My cousin married a lady and later she got pregnant.  It was a boy and he later pass away in a couple of days. she gave it a try again since she was destine to have a baby.  This time it was a girl and she pass away in a month or so.  for the girl we were able to held her funeral in milwaukee. They dressed her up in hmong clothes and she look so pretty.. Yes she did. she look just like a baby doll with the pale stiff skin.  Well, my cousin's baby sister, she was around 1 or 2 years old that time was sitting by Chloe (the baby).  She loooove chloe.  So as she sat there she keeps touch chloe's face and go "Chloe, wake up so we can go play, wake up.." or "mom, chloe looks like a baby doll, I want to dress up like her and go play with her now"..  So she keeps shoving her and then the baby's face turn purple from her touching it.  like on the spot it turn red then purple. (I guess the skin got bruised up)

Have any of you guys touch a dead body?
I ran my fingers down the baby's face and it was ice cold and frozen.  Imagine a rose petal that's been frozen over night.  that's how it feels like. 

Anyways after the baby's death, she came into one of my aunts dream and said "aunt, I'm hungry can you feed me?"
my aunt respond to her "I don't have anything for you, go ask your mother."
She describe the baby to be walking naked and was holding her guts and liver in her hands. 
(chloe turn out fine at birth but later was just stop breathing in her sleep.. Her brother that pass away born with a birth defect.  His ingestion was coming out his body at birth) 
Chloe just left her dream and disappear.  she came to one of my other aunt and my aunt gave her food. More of my aunts had dreams about her but I only stick around for that one.  So idk about the other stories.

They did the shaman thingy on my cousin's wife and they said that in her after life she was like a gangster and she killed a lot of people.  So that's why she couldn't have any babies.. But a year ago she gave birth to another girl and they did the ceremony so she can turn out fine and she did.  though she's been getting sick lately but it can be explain. 
holy barnarskiii..u just reminded of another story i heard

ok so my SIL told me this one when i was still preg. and had only a month left to go befor going into labor..well she told me that this other chick she knew was to be due on the same month as me
well, this chick couldnt feel her baby move inside of her for about a week, she was didnt think much of it until a week past and thought it was not normal for the baby not to move at least once the whole week. so she told her PIL's and they told her she better go to the hospital to check if the baby is she did and got an ultra sound done
sadly, her baby was already dead in her tummy for a week that's  why she couldnt feel it move.
so they put her on pitocin and she delivered her dead baby the natural way..
after the labor they put the baby in this room where her relatives can come see it before they took it away.
they dressed up the baby like any other baby..
the wierd thing was that when her baby came out, the side of his head had a big dent on it like someone hit it with a bat.
the og's said that the soul of the baby had two moms and which ever mom gave birth first, the soul would go to that baby
unlucky the chick didnt give birth first so who ever the other mom was got to it first that's why her baby died
also..she didnt do the safe delivery jingle bell for herself..
not scary but reallly sad.
after my SIL told me..i was like "dude, why did u have to tell me dat?" coz u know i was about to be due soon too..scare

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1475 on: February 05, 2010, 10:05:11 PM »
speaking of "tsog"...this happened to me not too long ago. one morning around 8' was cold and i didn't feel like getting up so i continued to lay in bed. well, i wasn't completely dead asleep...i could still hear stuff going on...somewhat in between dream and reality, i guess. anyhow, i felt something or someone stepped on the foot of my bed and began moving toward me. i had two blankets over me and i felt the top one moved, like someone grabbed it. at this moment, my body felt numb and it felt like something was over me...but i remember someone told me that if you fight it off then it will go away. but if you show that you're scared, then it will only continue to happen. so i was trying to kick it, at the same time spitting at it and cursing it to go away. after a short minute or so, i heard the door open and i can move again. i sat up and noticed that the top blanket was indeed halfway down on the floor.  i thought about it for a second...wonde ring if i should get up or continue to sleep in, so i said to myself that if it comes back again, i'll make sure to kick it in the nuts or vagina this time and went back to sleep.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1476 on: February 05, 2010, 10:42:52 PM »
1. good parent.
2. you talk about noise, then attic, then computer. this isn't scary. just plain dumb. might as well add "BOO!" at the end.
3. your hub carries TWO guns? LOL

yes, he has two guns: one for him and the other for me...j/k. but yea, BOO!! LOL!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1477 on: February 06, 2010, 09:18:06 AM »
holy barnarskiii..u just reminded of another story i heard

ok so my SIL told me this one when i was still preg. and had only a month left to go befor going into labor..well she told me that this other chick she knew was to be due on the same month as me
well, this chick couldnt feel her baby move inside of her for about a week, she was didnt think much of it until a week past and thought it was not normal for the baby not to move at least once the whole week. so she told her PIL's and they told her she better go to the hospital to check if the baby is she did and got an ultra sound done
sadly, her baby was already dead in her tummy for a week that's  why she couldnt feel it move.
so they put her on pitocin and she delivered her dead baby the natural way..
after the labor they put the baby in this room where her relatives can come see it before they took it away.
they dressed up the baby like any other baby..
the wierd thing was that when her baby came out, the side of his head had a big dent on it like someone hit it with a bat.
the og's said that the soul of the baby had two moms and which ever mom gave birth first, the soul would go to that baby
unlucky the chick didnt give birth first so who ever the other mom was got to it first that's why her baby died
also..she didnt do the safe delivery jingle bell for herself..
not scary but reallly sad.
after my SIL told me..i was like "dude, why did u have to tell me dat?" coz u know i was about to be due soon too..scare

Omg i feel sooo bad for the lady.  Losing a baby is so sad, especially when you're all excited about it. She didn't hit her stomach in any way??

Anyways do anyone know someone that has a sixth sense that helps the dead?

One of my cousin pass away years ago, she was mentally challenge also and I forgot how she pass.
During her funeral after they dressed her up, she came to this hmong girl with a sixth sense.
The hmong girl rushes over to the funeral house and went into a trance or was possessed.  And when she speak it was the voice of my cousin. She was crying and saying that she misses her mom (cuz her mom love her a lot a lot and took good care of her) She then said that she wants to be buried with her favorite stuff animals and her pink dress that she liked.  she said she don't want to wear the hmong clothes. But she was already in them. so after the hmong girl snapped out she was extremely tired and went home. 
So I went to my cousin's funeral and I went up to look at her.  There besides her was her toys and they put the pink dress over her hmong clothes.  That's when I heard that what happened.  I was bum out I wasn't there.  But it happened early morning.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1478 on: February 06, 2010, 09:24:22 AM »
holy barnarskiii..u just reminded of another story i heard

ok so my SIL told me this one when i was still preg. and had only a month left to go befor going into labor..well she told me that this other chick she knew was to be due on the same month as me
well, this chick couldnt feel her baby move inside of her for about a week, she was didnt think much of it until a week past and thought it was not normal for the baby not to move at least once the whole week. so she told her PIL's and they told her she better go to the hospital to check if the baby is she did and got an ultra sound done
sadly, her baby was already dead in her tummy for a week that's  why she couldnt feel it move.
so they put her on pitocin and she delivered her dead baby the natural way..
after the labor they put the baby in this room where her relatives can come see it before they took it away.
they dressed up the baby like any other baby..
the wierd thing was that when her baby came out, the side of his head had a big dent on it like someone hit it with a bat.
the og's said that the soul of the baby had two moms and which ever mom gave birth first, the soul would go to that baby
unlucky the chick didnt give birth first so who ever the other mom was got to it first that's why her baby died
also..she didnt do the safe delivery jingle bell for herself..
not scary but reallly sad.
after my SIL told me..i was like "dude, why did u have to tell me dat?" coz u know i was about to be due soon too..scare

Omg i feel sooo bad for the lady.  Losing a baby is so sad, especially when you're all excited about it. She didn't hit her stomach in any way??

Anyways do anyone know someone that has a sixth sense that helps the dead?

One of my cousin pass away years ago, she was mentally challenge also and I forgot how she pass.
During her funeral after they dressed her up, she came to this hmong girl with a sixth sense.
The hmong girl rushes over to the funeral house and went into a trance or was possessed.  And when she speak it was the voice of my cousin. She was crying and saying that she misses her mom (cuz her mom love her a lot a lot and took good care of her) She then said that she wants to be buried with her favorite stuff animals and her pink dress that she liked.  she said she don't want to wear the hmong clothes. But she was already in them. so after the hmong girl snapped out she was extremely tired and went home.
So I went to my cousin's funeral and I went up to look at her.  There besides her was her toys and they put the pink dress over her hmong clothes.  That's when I heard that what happened.  I was bum out I wasn't there.  But it happened early morning.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1479 on: February 06, 2010, 08:57:22 PM »
It is true that a baby's spirit can go to the first person who borns them first.  Also another theory is that the baby's spirit is probbaly called back to the original live person therefore the baby is dead before birth.  if the baby was born first before the calling than the baby is fine.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1480 on: February 07, 2010, 10:45:14 PM »
you reminded me of a story.

I don't remember where i got the story from. But anyways:

there was this one lady who had a handicap son. He couldn't care for himself so she had to care for him. One day she went to a shao/shaman or whatever to ask if he could explain why she bore a handicap son. After the shao/shaman looked into it, he told her that when she was a child out playing. She came across and cat/dog. She tortured it and hung it on its tail to die. So when it died it promised to reborn to her as a handicap child for her to take care of.

Animal torture

My cousin’s wife has been sick since the early 90s, and had never got well since. She went to the shaman and they told her that in her past life she had tortured dog. The dog didn’t die right away,  he went to laid by a tree trunk and died 3 days later. She was told that she is cursed for 3 lifetimes, and that this life was just the beginning.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1481 on: February 08, 2010, 02:58:13 PM »
Omg i feel sooo bad for the lady.  Losing a baby is so sad, especially when you're all excited about it. She didn't hit her stomach in any way??

Anyways do anyone know someone that has a sixth sense that helps the dead?

One of my cousin pass away years ago, she was mentally challenge also and I forgot how she pass.
During her funeral after they dressed her up, she came to this hmong girl with a sixth sense.
The hmong girl rushes over to the funeral house and went into a trance or was possessed.  And when she speak it was the voice of my cousin. She was crying and saying that she misses her mom (cuz her mom love her a lot a lot and took good care of her) She then said that she wants to be buried with her favorite stuff animals and her pink dress that she liked.  she said she don't want to wear the hmong clothes. But she was already in them. so after the hmong girl snapped out she was extremely tired and went home.
So I went to my cousin's funeral and I went up to look at her.  There besides her was her toys and they put the pink dress over her hmong clothes.  That's when I heard that what happened.  I was bum out I wasn't there.  But it happened early morning.

that's just like this one other funeral way back in the early 80's when all of a sudden the dead teenager boy's motionless body just sit up in his coffin in the middle of the whole ceremony. at first all the traditional expert Hmong men try to put him back to "R.I.P" because there is noway he's coming back to life after a really terrible car accident. nothing seem to work, his mom went to him and asked him if he's alive and coming back to take care of her or is he's just so sad to be going that way and he's trying to let her know. she told him that she know that he didn't want to go yet, and that she wish she can turn back the hands of time so that he'll still be with her but she can't. he just sit there like a dummy statue, than the older men suggest asking him if he need anything to take with him to the other world, his mom started asking him a bunch of question and when she asked "do you want that knew royal blue suit me and your dad just bought for you not too long ago?", he slowly lay back down so they went home and got him his royal blue suit. I was only a kid than but the sadness and it's supernatural causes and power stay with me even 'til now. Just when we think we understand the world and get cocky for the little information, it rotate back around the other way and prove us all wrong.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1482 on: February 08, 2010, 03:21:14 PM »
Those karma stories are a bit sad.  I wonder if there's anything a person can do to repent for their past lives' actions?

First, I like to ask for opinion(s) about how one's idea of karma is. I have an example question: like if you happen to spot a bum begging at a corner, do you give him what you can? and hope that one day someone well do the same for you. The only thought on this is maybe you [WILL] become homeless and somebody will also give you a little to pass the day on a little easier. Or, you don't bother to give that one person anything for you might be punish later for helping someone who's being punish as a homeless for something else they had done?.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1483 on: February 08, 2010, 03:24:59 PM »
Come to think of it, everything has multiple meaning and understanding to it. Believing in a religion and follow through of any cultural traditions is really all in the mind of oneself.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1484 on: February 08, 2010, 05:02:57 PM »
i was reading some of these stories about funeral homes..

well last year while me and my sister was attending one of my great grandmother's funeral..i needed to go use the sis told me she would wait in the hallway while i do my business..i went into the bathroom only to find it was only me in there..i was kind of scare but i shrug it off and try to tinkle as quick as i can..then i hear this "pip-plap" know the sound of running bare feet on tile floors..and i look under the stall into the stall next to me and i see these two little feet climb onto the toilet and started to just dangle their feet in the air..then it jumped down and went to the corner(my stall was the last one to the corner) and through the stall door(you know how between the stall door and wall there is a gap where u can see through) i see this little girl in a dress, bare footed staring at me through the stall door gap..her hair was loose and kind of messy .she just kept staring at me so i tried to smile (realizing she was human and not a ghost) but it was kind of creepy for her to keep staring at me so i quickly pulled up my pants and ran out the bathroom..i told my sis that there's this really creepy kid who went to the corner wall only to stare at me piss and she didnt have shoes..who would let their kid run around without shoes? so my sis went in and said hi to the kid..LOL.then we left.

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