
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606667 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1500 on: February 10, 2010, 05:02:52 PM »
Hmong people have their own versions of Ouija boards.

Its VERY hush hush and rarely done.
I saw it once when I was little and the shaman made certain marks in the dirt then waved this bucket around and asked the spirits for clues and stuff to identify a murderer. Turns out, the spirits were right on :X

Scary stuff but just ask your elders.

But from what I heard, you are supposed to protect yourself when you do any supernatural stuff like astral projection, meditation, etc.

I just ask my spirits and God to watch over me 'cus I'm too lazy to remember the process.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1501 on: February 10, 2010, 05:14:15 PM »
i was reading one about dreams and it reminded me of myy mama..LOL

my mom would always dream about us kids..everytim e it's a bad one she would call us up and tell us to be careful driving or time during my pregnancy she called me while i was cutting meat to make lunch and the first thing she said when i picked up was " are u okay?" and i was like "uh..yea mom..why are u asking?" and then she said " be careful of ur fingers and if you're using a knife be aware of what you're doing" and i was like (holding the knife still coz iwas in the middle of cooking/cutting meant) "uh..okay, but why do you say this?" and she was like " i had a bad careful" then click..hmmm..m other is always dreaming about stuff and warning us..i love her for that..LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1502 on: February 10, 2010, 05:21:08 PM »
it's been awhile since i've shared some stories. here are a couple of mines.

i don't know if you guys got that one text about don't answer a phone call from laos or whatever? it's been going around since last week or something. well, anyway, one of my niece's SIL recieved a text msg like that. well, her hubby saw it and he quickly turned it off. the SIL asked her hubby what was it. he just said it was nothing and for her to go sleep. she couldn't go back to sleep so she just laid there with the lights dimmed low. because her hubby was going back to sleep, she didn't want to bother him. she was looking for comfort so she stared at one of her stuff animals. for some reason, that stuff animal gives her comfort. well, that night, it didn't. the more she kept looking at it, the more it started to get a little freaky. she got scared and turned away from it. just a few minutes after that, the room got cold and she felt a prescence in the room. all of a sudden, whatever that was in the room just sat on her. She was struggling very hard and eventually, it got off of her but didn't quite leave the room. She woke up her husband and told him to put his feet next to her incase that thing came back. instead of doing what she asked, he got into an argument with her. mad at each other, they slept apart from each other. as they both continued to lay there,  her hubby started to tell her how uncomfortable the room was getting.   they didn't know what was the cause of it but the SIL realized that everything started happneing right after they recieved the text msg. She asked what was in the text msg. He finally told her about the text.   She thought that since it was a "chain letter" they should send it out. they did, of course, and after they sent it, they felt the room brighter and more safe.

one of my friend's told me about that curse. she said that it happened about two years ago and that it is true. people have claimed that it has taken a few lives and it's targeting more towards GVP because he wantted to overthrow laos. i don'tknow if it's actually true but she claims it! so beware!!!!!!

i got the text too but i deleted it.

I heard about it’s like some weird numbers that is kind of long right? How does the text look like? Does it text u it’s number too or jus blank text?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1503 on: February 10, 2010, 06:03:38 PM »
i was reading one about dreams and it reminded me of myy mama..LOL

my mom would always dream about us kids..everytim e it's a bad one she would call us up and tell us to be careful driving or time during my pregnancy she called me while i was cutting meat to make lunch and the first thing she said when i picked up was " are u okay?" and i was like "uh..yea mom..why are u asking?" and then she said " be careful of ur fingers and if you're using a knife be aware of what you're doing" and i was like (holding the knife still coz iwas in the middle of cooking/cutting meant) "uh..okay, but why do you say this?" and she was like " i had a bad careful" then click..hmmm..m other is always dreaming about stuff and warning us..i love her for that..LOL

yup, my dad asked my mom to warn me once about driving and to be careful. That week people were driving crazy and 2 of my brothers got into 2 different car accidents 3 days apart from eachother. And both times it wasn't their fault. People just hit them out of no where. One, the lady didn't stop at the stop sign and the other he got rear ended. That week was the worse because I avioded 2 car accidents.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1504 on: February 10, 2010, 07:58:14 PM »
I have a uncle that just passed two years back, who's a shaman. When he was at his prime than, he likes telling me stories about his encounters and experiences with the paranormal almost when ever we get together, and I enjoy listening to them. One base on the topic of ghost sitting on people at night. He said to me that those are actually horny stranger ghost and they rape anybody that they like, so we're the victims. He also said to me that those things are afraid of dogs, so if it ever happened to anyone, just put a stuff toy dog near your pillow.
ohhhh that explains why i dont get sit on anymore my dog sleeps in the bedroom with us now(my dog sleeps under my bed). well this one evening the ghost sat on me. right when it sat on me my dog started barking from the hallway. i could hear her bark but i couldnt move breath nor scream for help from my husband. finally he woke up to my dog's barking and looked over to me to see if she had woken me up from her barks. he said my eyes were wide open like i was in terror. at that time when he saw me in terror it had got off of me already.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1505 on: February 11, 2010, 08:36:37 AM »
Hmong people have their own versions of Ouija boards.

Its VERY hush hush and rarely done.
I saw it once when I was little and the shaman made certain marks in the dirt then waved this bucket around and asked the spirits for clues and stuff to identify a murderer. Turns out, the spirits were right on :X

Scary stuff but just ask your elders.

But from what I heard, you are supposed to protect yourself when you do any supernatural stuff like astral projection, meditation, etc.

I just ask my spirits and God to watch over me 'cus I'm too lazy to remember the process.

God won't help you if you asking for spirits to help you too. Doesn't work like that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1506 on: February 11, 2010, 10:59:16 AM »
i used to get sit on alot befor i got married, and after marriage it only occur a few times, but during my preg. stage it stopped. i used to get scared when it would happen like 4 times a week, then usually im jus too tire to even care. then i realize that it was just sleep paralysis, that our mind is doing this to us so everytime it happens i get kind of scare then i think " mind is fcuking with me.." then it stops after i say that. but here is one of my sleep paralysis hallucination event..LOL

as i was about to doze off into LALA land, my right ear started ringing and i can slowly feel the weight of something paralyzing my whole body. I quickly open my eyes but it's too late, im already being sat on. Then i feel this cold breathing feeling on my right leg (note: the blanket only covered my left leg and half top body because the little sis hog it all). I looked to my side (which is the side next to the window) and i see this old women with a shaw on blocking her face away frm me. the moonlight was bright so i can vividly see her rocking back and forth on my bed next to my right leg blowing cold air on it! scared the living poop out of me.My heart started racing so i closed my eyes and open them again only to find her still rocking back and forth blowing cold breath at my freakin leg!!! then i told myself she will go away then shut my eyes for 10 secs. then open them again..pheww she was gone and the weight lifted off of me.I nudge my sis and she was still awake so i told her to turn on the light and she was like "did somnething happen?" and i was like yea, so she turned ont he light. She know that these things happends to me so she never question me because it will nly scare her.

besides, she's wayy more braver then me because she never panic even if she is scare,
she usually stays calm and she's 2 yrs. younger than me.LOL.But wen i used to live
with her, i find that if i put my left leg against her leg or ontop of her legs,
i almost never get sit on. and usually i can tell that it's coming because
my right ear always start ringing befor i get paralyzed.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1507 on: February 11, 2010, 11:08:28 AM »
Another event happened to my little sis one night.
Late one nite my little sis was on the laptop(myspacing) in the living room. During this time I used to go out a lot and stay out very late so she would always wait for me to come home (usually ranging from 12am-2am) so she can open the doors for me. Well, that night I wasn’t going to come home so I called her and told her not to wait for me. She was still myspacing when she noticed the coffee machine turned on and started to make coffee. In order to work the machine u need to push the “on” button, so she walks over to the darn thing and noticed that it was on but the plug wasn’t plugged in. She got scared but kept calm, she decided to ignore it and started to walk back to the laptop when the kitchen blinds flew off the window and hit the door leading into the garage. She just took one look at it and went into my bro’s room to stay wit him. I asked her if she was scared when all this happened and she replied that yes she was but she didn’t want to show w.e. it was that she was scare so she just calmly walked away. Wow, my little sis is one brave sucker, I would of jus ran.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1508 on: February 11, 2010, 12:17:10 PM »
since the death of my mother inalw, i haven't been able to come in here to read these stories but it's so tempting! only cause i know i'll scare the bejeezus outta myself since hub works 3rd shift and i sleep alone with my 2kids  :o :o :o :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1509 on: February 11, 2010, 12:40:06 PM »
since the death of my mother inalw, i haven't been able to come in here to read these stories but it's so tempting! only cause i know i'll scare the bejeezus outta myself since hub works 3rd shift and i sleep alone with my 2kids  :o :o :o :o
why is it scary to come in read the stories? did something scary happened during the death of ur MIL?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1510 on: February 11, 2010, 02:11:23 PM »
plea for forgiveness from god? i dont know.  ::) then god forgives you...right?
sadly i dont think that will stop you from goin to hell..LOL..doi n bad things never leads to good things..beside s..we should love and protect our elders..not hurt them..i love my granny dearly...besid always her ride to go places..LOL..n ever say no to granny. :)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1511 on: February 11, 2010, 03:05:02 PM »
i'm surprised the granny hadn't come back to haunt that family.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1512 on: February 11, 2010, 04:19:36 PM »
i'm surprised the granny hadn't come back to haunt that family.
who knows..they moved away right after the funeral though.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1513 on: February 12, 2010, 01:48:37 AM »
When i was a teenager, my cousins and i used to love playing with the ouija board also.  One day we all gathered at my cousins house because they were doing a jingle thing.  Well, it lasted all day into the night, so we went to her bedroom and started playing with the ouija board.  At first, everything went well, called a couple of spirits, sent them back.  Then we starte talking to a new spirit, we asked what its name spelled G- we were like gus? Then it finished spelling H...O....S.... T.  Scared the crap out of us when we put it together.  I still get freaked out about it to this day.  Anyways, we all ran out of that room scared shitless.  Whats really weird is that after that, some of the little kids claimed to hear crying coming out of an empty storage room right below the room we were playing in.  The OG's had to do a spirit sweeping ceremony that night to cleanse out spirits.  I never played anymore after that.  GEEZ!  MY damn pager just went off....hehehe, scared me.  I should stop hanging out in this thread!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1514 on: February 12, 2010, 12:36:39 PM »
Oyo!  This is the Scary stories thread please go to the Religion thread for your debate.

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