
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610213 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1485 on: February 08, 2010, 08:55:36 PM »
This happened to me about 4 years ago. A friend of mine was really sick I went to visit her a few time at the hospital. The last time before she passed, I went to see her at the hospital again, & she couldn’t recognize me. She glanced over a few times, and asked me who I was. I told her my name but at this point she was really weak. So she nodded and told me that she is very tired and for me to not mind her sleeping.  I probably stayed there for less than half hour--  bcos after she went to sleep, I left.

A few months later she passed away. I went to her funeral. I had just gotten there but I decided to use the bathroom first before going into the viewing room. Since there were a lot of people/kids hanging outside the hallway, I didn’t feel the need to be scared.

I got done doing my business; I got up to flush the toilet when I heard a soft tap directly behind me, &then the bathroom lights flickered off!!!! At first I thought that someone has came in and turned it off by accident. But the door never opened. It was pitch black. I couldn’t find the latch so I started to panicking-- seriously hollering for someone to come open the door for me. At this point my heart racing so fast, like it was going to popp out of my chest. I was screaming at the top of my lungs and  no one heard me. When I got the bathroom stall opened, I feel my way around in the dark to find the main door. I think I scared myself more because I was thinking about all the caskets in the room down the halls…. It seemed like forever, but probably was less then 2minute. I finally found the doorknob, opened it to see a group of girls, they rushed in to use the bathroom and stopped to ask if I was alright. I couldn’t even speak; they probably thought I was crying becos of the funeral….The entire evening my body was trembling. I was totally out of myself for a while, and my parents offered to hu plis but I didn’t want anything to do with these superstitious stuffs….

***Anyhow I was told that the bathroom probably had a sensor light. Not sure though-- why they would install a sensor light in the woman’s bathroom……

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1486 on: February 09, 2010, 09:35:23 AM »
i was reading some of these stories about funeral homes..

well last year while me and my sister was attending one of my great grandmother's funeral..i needed to go use the sis told me she would wait in the hallway while i do my business..i went into the bathroom only to find it was only me in there..i was kind of scare but i shrug it off and try to tinkle as quick as i can..then i hear this "pip-plap" know the sound of running bare feet on tile floors..and i look under the stall into the stall next to me and i see these two little feet climb onto the toilet and started to just dangle their feet in the air..then it jumped down and went to the corner(my stall was the last one to the corner) and through the stall door(you know how between the stall door and wall there is a gap where u can see through) i see this little girl in a dress, bare footed staring at me through the stall door gap..her hair was loose and kind of messy .she just kept staring at me so i tried to smile (realizing she was human and not a ghost) but it was kind of creepy for her to keep staring at me so i quickly pulled up my pants and ran out the bathroom..i told my sis that there's this really creepy kid who went to the corner wall only to stare at me piss and she didnt have shoes..who would let their kid run around without shoes? so my sis went in and said hi to the kid..LOL.then we left.

ur story would've been better if you said your sister went in there and saw no one, but a little boy. lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1487 on: February 09, 2010, 10:18:43 AM »
ur story would've been better if you said your sister went in there and saw no one, but a little boy. lol.
haha lol..that would be a great ending if i was just telling a  made up story...LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1488 on: February 09, 2010, 11:05:59 AM »
the other day i was having a conversation wit my dad and granny about the hmong funeral rituals and tradition and all that and we came to talking about those clans that transform into tigers when they die..well my dad said that he heard some og talking about how when in war the hmong were trying to escape the enemy and they were corner, they cried and pleaded for the half human half tiger to come and help them and it did, it came and kill the enemies, they say the tiger's human leg limps..and also for those clans or family lines that descend into the tiger form would often go check the graves of their deceased one to see if the tigers have come for their bodies, and if they come to find the ground dug up they would quickly cover it back up so the villagers wont be terrify.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1489 on: February 09, 2010, 12:46:05 PM »
Talking about karma - a friend of my parents have 3 kids and all the kids were mentally disabled.  Well she went and asked a shaman about it and the shaman said that in the previous life she was rich.  The 3 kids in the past life were very poor - they were mother, father, and daughter in the past life.  Well, they were very hungry and went and asked her for food - but she was selfish and didn't give them any.

so the 3 of them starved to death and they vow that in the next life time they would be reborn as her kids - that's why all three of them were mentally challenge.

During that time the shaman also told her that all three of the children would die each two years after another - they had made a pact that they would come for the others if they died.

Well, what the shaman said was true because two years after the eldest died - the middle child died.  Just last year the last and youngest one died during the summer.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1490 on: February 09, 2010, 01:21:52 PM »
 all of a sudden the dead teenager boy's motionless body just sit up in his coffin in the middle of the whole ceremony.[/u]

That's normal. It's caused by gas and muscles tighten up. If gas within the body is release then the dead can be making noises or if the muscles starts tighten up then it will move or cause to person to sit upright and then lay down again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1491 on: February 09, 2010, 01:52:49 PM »
science proves everything eh?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1492 on: February 09, 2010, 02:25:52 PM »
speaking of funerals, a couple of incidents happened while we had my dad's. I'm not sure if i posted it up yet or not but will repeat anyway! lol oh! and it's not scary. hehehe

ever since the rumor started about the hmong vampires, a lot of hmong people, when they did funerals, they would cover up half of the coffin with a plastic or glass sheet. well, for the my dad's funeral, that's what we did. the first day of my dad's funeral, one of my SIL was "watching" the coffin. well, out of no where, she started seeing this little bug fly all over her face. it wouldn't roam anywhere else but her face. she looked into the coffin and there was a fly inside the coffin. she got some elders and they removed the fly and made sure nothing would get inside the coffin or pass the plastic sheet. a couple of hours later, started feeling these little small needle like stabs on her right lower leg. she didn't think much of anything until she remembered how she was lectured about "watching" the coffin since she was a DIL. she got some elders and they checked all over my dad's coffin and found a tissue paper that was inside the coffin and it was by his right lower leg.

Those happened on the first day. Nothing really happened the 2nd or 3rd day but a couple of incidents did happen the last day. As we were laying my dad onto the ground, it kind of got stuck. They had to pull him back up and when they looked inside, there was a big rock on the side. They had to call those cemetery people and they had to take it out. Well, they tried it a second time and still, it wouldn’t go down. The elders started to discuss what the heck was going on until my SIL realized that maybe he wanted his dentures to take to the after life. Our pastor, who was a major impact in my dad’s life, told my dad that my SIL already went and grab his dentures and for him to wait another time for it so for him to go peacefully. They tried it again and he fit right into the ground. While all this was happening, the sun was burning high in the sky and there was this black shadow that was flying all over us. A couple of us looked up and saw nothing. Just the sun and the open blue sky but you could still see that bird or shadow flying around.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1493 on: February 09, 2010, 02:40:35 PM »
i have a couple more stories. it's not related to funerals or anything but it is scary if you think about it!

So I have a lot of nephews. Two are married; one has two kids and the other one doesn’t. We’ll call the one with kids Nephew A and the one with no kids, Nephew B! 
Nephew A’s wife taught her oldest child, who’s almost 2 what to do whenever she saw a ghost. She  told her daughter that if she was to ever see a ghost, for her to pull down her lower eye lids and say, "meow". (stupid, right? i thought so!) well! this past saturday, nyaab and daughter went to do her income taxes. the daughter wanted to use the bathroom so nyaab took her. They're in the stall and daughter is yapping away. All of a sudden, daughter stops, pulls down her eye lids and say, "meow".  nyaab freaks out and tells her to stop. She grabs daughter, flushes the toilet and rushes out the door!
Just a couple of weeks ago, Nephew B’s wife’s grandpa died. They have this little cousin, who’s almost 3 that the grandpa usually baby sits. Well, a day or so after the death of the grandpa, they ask the almost three year old cousin where grandpa was. The almost three year old points to a closet and said, “Grandpa’s right there!” they look but no one is there. He just keeps pointing at it and said that his grandpa is there! Freaky!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1494 on: February 09, 2010, 04:13:32 PM »
this happen a while back in CA. there was a bunch of little kids  playing marbles in front of my parents house with my little brother. one of the kids lost his marbles to my little bro. so this little kid ask his other little cousin to borrow him some marbles so he can win his marbles back. well he didnt and they both ended up loosing it all to my lil brothers and his friends. the other little kids went back home and thats when the problem starts. the two lil boys were cousins. the younger cousin had recently went to the local corner store and stold some marbles, but didnt tell the bigger cousin he had more. the older cousin went to his dad's room took out his dads 12 gauge shotgun pointed right at the lil cousin and said you gonna give me the marbles you stold from the store or i'll shoot you. there was other kids in the house too at this time. no parents or adults were home at the time. only their 13 year old daughter who couldnt control the situation. well, back to the story. the lil cousin refuses and the older cousin pulled the trigger... BANG!!!! point blank to the lil cousins face. he died instantly. half his face was gone..they had to do a closed casket funeral for the young boy. he was only 10 years old at the time. soon after that the family moved out of the house. from what i heard, everyone that had move to that house dont live there really long..longest someone live there was 6 months and they would move day my uncle decided to go and talk to the owner of the property (he knows the owner) and ask him why do meeka, kaedoo and mexican people keep moving out of this house. the owner of the property replied every night when they go to sleep, they will hear a big bang in the living room sounding like a gun...til this day, people will move in and out in less then a year...dunno why that is?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1495 on: February 10, 2010, 02:13:20 AM »
You guys have some pretty scary stories. I guess I'll share a story too.
My grandma told me this when she came to visit us a long time ago.  This happened in Laos. She said my dad was still an infant/toddler at the time, and she would carry my dad on her back to go tend the farm. Well, this particular day she decided to also take her mom (my great grandmother) along with a little puppy on a leash (idk why). Anyways, it was getting dark when they decided to go back home. You guys probably know that the farms are usually quite far from the village and people would have to go through the woods before arriving at the farms. Anyways, my grandma and her mother were walking on a dirt road in the woods on their way home until the little puppy started whimpering and stopped walking.  My grandma didn't think of it much and dragged the puppy along with them.  Then, her mom stopped and said to my grandmother, "Hey, isn't that Niam So&So?" as she pointed to the trees in the woods.  My grandmother looked up and saw nothing.  My grandmother said, "What are you talking about, mom?"  Her mom replied, "Right there!"  My grandmother looked up again and saw that a poj ntxoog was hiding behind a tree and basically (as my grandma described it) playing peek-a-boo with them.  That's when my grandmother told her mom that it is not Niam So&So and I guess they both got the picture that it was a poj ntxoog and took off.  And my grandmother told me that she got really sick after that and they had to do jingle bells on her. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1496 on: February 10, 2010, 10:51:45 AM »
science proves everything eh?

it's true because I use to be a nurse and when people would die, their bodies can still move or they can still fart. lol... I know that sounds crazy, but ti's true. I've seen it happen.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1497 on: February 10, 2010, 03:52:59 PM »
reading some stories on oujia boards reminded me of another story i need to tell.

my aunt came over to one of my cousin's house and they all decided to play the oujia game..well they rented the board from toy r' us..and they played it..they met a dude who was killed in an car accident and it liked my aunt..soon they grew tired of the game and asked to leave..everyon e was chilling in the living room when they noticed my aunt wasnt with them..they went into the room and saw her huddled up in the corner giggling and having a conversation with someone, whispering. they asked her who she was talking to and she said it was the dead cute dude from the game..they got freaked and returned the game..she later became soo obessed with the oujia board she would play by herself(which i heard is a big no no) and she would play it on the net..then she started to go insane and seeing stuff..she told her mom a dead guy lives in her school she would freak out and claim to see dead body parts around her class rooms and dead ppls stalking her..she tried to commit suicide three times..her mother had to stop her..i dont know if they did jingle bells on her but she got better, after that all the og would warn us about the board game..i never played it and never will..paranorm al stuff with out the board is already enough for me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1498 on: February 10, 2010, 04:27:27 PM »
u should've asked toys r us for a refund.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1499 on: February 10, 2010, 04:52:22 PM »
u should've asked toys r us for a refund.

 ;D ;D what will be the excuse for the return? That they caught a ghost?

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