
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606172 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #840 on: September 16, 2009, 12:12:21 PM »
Those tsog creatures are as solid as you and me.  A lot of my friends have fought with them and once you actually throw one to the ground, whatever solid objects you have laying on the floor will move once hit by the tsog.  The weird thing about it is, you still feel like you were in a dreamy state of mind when all the commotion is happening.  But when you look on the floor and see that your materials have been scattered, it's reassuring that whatever took place is real and not a dream.   :)

So they know when exactly to appear....they only come when there are no camera's set up, nobody around......we need to catch one on video.....thou gh it proves impossible

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #841 on: September 16, 2009, 01:42:21 PM »
Dalewood ghost stories?  Please share...  Ib Thiab Neej, The Little One sleeps like that so does his younger brother.  They told me it all started out when they were small children and living in Fresno.  One day while their dad was out hunting and their mom was somewhere else, it was just the two of them left in the house.  Right when the sun started setting, they saw a person standing outside of the house staring in thru the window and looking at them.  They knew it wasn't human.  They said it had streaks of blood dripping down it's face.  Ever since then, they've always been sensitive to the other side.

hey bro share some of your ganoi's experiences... new on the site?..later..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #842 on: September 16, 2009, 03:17:53 PM »

I don't know how exactly they go now but damn those were some scary azz ghost stories and I do believe that street is haunted... I know that a lot of people seem to die from that street.. It's one death after another.....

The one I can remember is something about this old lady in a wheelchair who lived on dalewood... She was killed by her kids or something... At night people say they hear her dragging her wheelchair along the street crying out a name.. Not sure whose name.  ;D Other stories like people see dead people in hmong clothing at night.....

My stepmom told me once she heard people mourning in the backyard.. Next thing she heard, someone died.. I guess there's a saying that if you hear mourning when there's no death, it means someone is gonna die soon.

Dreamland, I never heard of Tsog until I married my husband.. Apparently it happens a lot in his family.The only time I experienced it was when I was preg with my second and third child. But it happen more with my third child.. Let me tell you.. Those tsog are freaking smart.  ;D or i think they are smart only.  They are soo smart that it doesn't come into my dream until my husband leave.... Right after he leaves then it comes... I used to be so scared that I slept in between my girls so the freaking Tsog won’t come on to me but the freaking shyt jump right over them to sit on me.... I think I catch my tsog from a place close to my parent's house.. There's this small state park there that everytime I drive thru the back road, it's always pitch black and the road is very very curvy... I can remember one time my daughter asked me to take her home while we were at my parents. I said to her that it wasn't dark yet. She said "mommy, we have to leave now because I dont' want to go thru that road at night time." I asked her why. She said because there's something scary there.  :o  She said everytime we pass that place, she closes her eye…. After that day, that's when I start experience the Tsog....  But i killed it in my dream.. lol I think I did. cause I can remember how I wring it’s neck until it shrink so small it pop like a balloon.  And ever since everyone else moved out of the house I have no scary feelings.. I think everyone else took their tsog with them. ;D

hey I think it's really weird and true like you say they're really smart... whenever it sit on me I can't move at all and sometimes when I try so hard to wake myself up it would trick me getting off of me for 3 sec but Im still caught up in it's state of dreaming it felt so real. when I took a look around Im like am i awake??? then all of sudden i can feel the thing on me again. then that's when I'll realize that it trick me to be clam and just comes right back at me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #843 on: September 16, 2009, 03:22:47 PM »
have anyone heard the story about the mother who kill her 6 kids back in the 98 99?? o well I only know a little bit about it, they live in mcdonald homes in stp mn well my cousin lives there she said that when you go past there you can hear like stuff but Im not so sure. if anyone know the story then please share...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #844 on: September 16, 2009, 08:23:21 PM »
that's what the kids of dalewood told me when I first moved there. LOL ;D Those scared the heck out of me that when night falls I run home cause the duplex I lived in had gates that were lock at night. ;D The lady that they said got killed was K-do and lived in that old small house at the corner.. ;D

They still live there.   ;D  -but that didn't happen. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #845 on: September 16, 2009, 08:30:41 PM »
They still live there.   ;D  -but that didn't happen. 

Really.... it was zong and her cousins who told me that story. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #846 on: September 17, 2009, 12:14:40 AM »
Dang Mizsta Ez that's hella wrong letting Mai get beat by the tsog!  >:D >:(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #847 on: September 17, 2009, 12:36:37 PM »

« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 01:25:17 PM by blablablablabla »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #848 on: September 17, 2009, 01:26:55 PM »
here's a story...

I use to live in the project homes in eastside stp well our apt was like a side by side with these hmong family. they were really nice people it's just that their dad was an alcoholic. he would drink everyday and find every possible way to drink. he also landed himself in the hospital sevrel times because of too much alcohol. when he's not drunk he's a very nice guy though. but I think he has a problem with his past or something I'm not sure. sometimes he would knock on our door and would come in look around would be like "o sorry I came to the wrong house" even though that's not the first time he still continues to do so. but we didn't mind we just thought he was a little crazy. and here comes the story about him. that day I remember it very clearly... my mom, my sister and I were at home just doing nothing I just got back from school (note: this happen about 4-5 years ago) it was about 3 30 or about so. we heard panicking, rushing, and lots of noise coming from their side of the apt. I didn't think much of it until my mom said "what's making all the commotion over there??" then I got curious so I went out side to check it out. I saw they're 2nd oldest son rush out the door into his car and he looked like he's was crying. my mom was like what's going on let's go to their apt to see what's going on. so me and my younger sister followed my mom into their apt. and we saw 4th youngest son by the corner crying and the 3rd youngest son sitting down by the wall all scared and quiet. we ask the 4th youngest what happened and he said that his dad collapsed in their parents room and that he may be dead. he said his 2nd oldest bro went to pick his mom from the garden. and then when I turn around I saw the 2nd daughter came in. she just came back from school when she heard the news she rush to the parents room and started crying like crazy her dad was on the ground dead and she keeps on crying patting on his shoulder and I was sitting next to her trying to comfort her. she was just crying on my shoulder it was such a tragic just the day before their dad was just talking happily with me. then all of sudden he's gone. when the mother and the 2nd son gets back they rush up the room where the paramedics arrive and said there's nothing they can do to help because he's been dead for a few hours already when the 2nd daughter heard that she crys loudly like she was crazy and sat on the ground by herself. when her friend arrive (she was gonna go out right after school but decided to come home first, so her friend was to come pick her up) she couldn't explain but cry horribly. all they're ralatives came and they mourn in the house until the paramedics took him away.

my grandma said that before he died like a week before. he went to help out at a funeral and he was the drummer. while he was drumming he saw a poj nxoog. but the poj nxoog looked really weird it had very long blond hair, it's short and wears a white gown. it was standing underneath the drum staring at him. that's when he saw her and poob plig. he stopped drumming and walked away but it follow him. they said that the whole crowed that's siting out there saw it. but some said they didn't see it. the qeeb person also encounter the poj nxoog too there was this other guy that saw it too. after that night the person that saw it and the qeeb person got really sick and they have to do the shamen thing for them and they both survive. well my nieghbor's dad was alrite but he didn't tell anyone about the incident until a week later and they were thinking about doing the shamen thing but it was too late Im guessing.

well on his funeral we show up for respect. I walk over to the mother which she was mourning next to her deceased husband she said something that scare the heck outta me in hmong though " why do you look so sad, just this morning you look all happy like you really wanted to leave me, now your facial expression has changed to a frown crying like you don't want to leave. when you were still living you always tell me that you hate me so now that your going, don't come back and put a smile on your face." she rub her husband's forehead and says the same thing over and over again. atmostfair didn't feel right cause it was really cold in there and it's not suppose to be that cold because there are alot of people in there it was crowed actually. so I went outside for fresh air. and never went back inside until my parents come out and was like let's go home.
so yeah enjoy the story....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #849 on: September 17, 2009, 01:37:42 PM »
yeah after the dad past away my neighbor said that something's always making noise in the kitchen and it's very loud it wakes up the whole family but the thing is we didn't hear anything. I know that the walls between us was very sensitive because during the daytime we can hear them talk and we can hear them cook. but at night they say that there were loud noises going on but we did not hear any of it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #850 on: September 17, 2009, 02:37:02 PM »
ok here's another story...

my cousin's cousin's little daughter name natalie at the age of 2 1/2. she can see ghost maybe because she didn't lose her baby teeth yet. but anyways one night when they took her to one of her aunts house because the parents needs someone to baby sit her while they're going out. well that night she kept staring out the widow (note it was during winter time) there were lots kids in that house too btw. so the aunt was rocking her baby to sleep and had just put her away in the room down the hall while natalie came to her and said " koj puas pom poj dab na?(did you see monster how ever you call it) the aunt didn't think much of it and was like " es koj pom los??(you saw it)" and natalie was like " ua cas nej tsis qeb qhov rooj rau nws na?(why don't you open the door for her)" then the aunt was like "you saw her outside the window" and natalie point to the window and siad "she's knocking on the window" the aunt thought she was lying because she didn't see anyhing. she the ask her " so you said you see this lady so how does she look like??" then all of sudden the door bell rings and she got scare but open it anyways it was her husband and natalie said that the lady follow right in. she then describe how the lady looks like "she has two braded hair that comes down to her shouder and was touching one of them smiling at me and she has blood all over her mouth and she had on a white gown" (she put her finger underneath her eyes and widen them showing her aunt how the lady looked like.) the aunt got freaked out and ask where did the lady go? natalie said "she went down the hall to your baby's room." then aunt rush down to her baby's room and heard the baby cry loudly like the baby was scare of somthing. she was so scare she didn't ask natalie any Q's after that...

« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 02:39:48 PM by dreamland »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #851 on: September 17, 2009, 06:04:10 PM »
ok this story is about my uncle and his wife it happen like 9 years ago (I was like 11 or 12), well anyways his wife was cheating on him with this white dude or something and he talk to her about it and I guess nothing was solve so he pull out his gun and kill both of them that night. mimi was their 2nd daughter she had snuck out of her window and sneak back in and saw the scene. tell later.....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #852 on: September 17, 2009, 06:07:27 PM »
man a lot of good stories here lol i've been reading them on / off for like 3 days now ahah cause i got school and work and they scared the ba-jebees outta me at night =P....but yeah this brings back memories of me back when  i use to live in Merced well here's a story, a personal experience its what i remember and what my parents and grandparents told me.......

Back in 97-98 in merced my family lived in a 2 bedroom house right there on kelly street by a big open field that was full of nothing but tall grass and a couple of old trees...well i've always played in that field with the hmong kids that lived in the apartments and around the block and nothing ever happend you know...but there was this one time we where out there playing tag in the middle of the day, as a kid i always ran faster than all the other kids so by the time the kid finished counting i was close to the other side of the field waiting for him to try and come catch me....well when i got close the the fence it kinda of just moved further away and when i look back the kids i was playing with kept getting futher i stopped and looked around me and everything just seemed too bright like someone flipped on the extra bright switch by that time i was scared and started running back home cause being only 9 and not knowing what was happening it sorta freaked me out....when i got back they were like hey where did you go we saw you running and then you just dissappered we weren't playing hide and seek you know...and i was like what you do mean ? i was standing over there watching you and i pointed to the far side of the field but everyone just kept saying they didn't see me there cause they started looking for me cause i was the last person that they need to tag...well that night i was sleeping  with my lil brothers in the living room cause my parents sleep in one of the bedrooms and my grandparents where sleeping in the other i saw the moon light and this shadow on the ground it looked like it was playing yo-yo cause one of its hands kept going up and down and i was like wth ?? i thought it was one of the kids trying to tell me they stilll wanted to play tag or something so i got up and went to the window put a chair up to it cause i was too short to see over it....and there was no one there so being a kid as i was i opend the window and ask in hmong who was there and saw something move in corner of the house at first i thought it was my friend ...well it didn't say anything so i told it that my parents didn't like me playing out late at night anymore so i would play with him tomorrow and that night i kept hearing someone bang on the wall where i slept next to but i feel asleep anyways... well the next day i was racing my friend to see who can run the fastest we rann pass that side of the wall where i heard the banging and for some werid reason i slipped sideways and fractured my left collar bone and dislocated my left shoudler....we ll after i went to the hospital and everything i got really sick so my parents did a ua neeb thing for me and the shaman said that there was a dab that wanted to take me as its son because i went into its house and that i stayed there for more than a day....well they asked me if i went anywhere far away from home and i told them the only place i when to was to the other side of that field so the shaman did that retracing ceremony and i took them to where i was running but the thing was i didn't remeber any of the things i saw there....after like 2 min of walking i didn't stop yet and they asked me if i was just lying i told them crying that i dont remember coming this far and that i only ran untill i saw the fence well the fence was still a long way away where they stopped to ask me the shaman guy was like this place is very bad i can feel someone or something very old here so they did their offering thing where we stopped and the shaman guy picked up this rock and put it in a cup tied it with a piece of cloth and gave it to my parents saying that never to lose it cause if they ever lose it i would never come back home...and after that i got better and we moved out of merced and 11 years later i joined the NAVY but even now my parents still have that cup with a rock in it next the the family Xwm Kab.....

yeah sorrie its kinda long but  thats the only thing peranormal thats ever happend to me... but i count my blessings everyday *knocks on wood*

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #853 on: September 17, 2009, 07:19:08 PM »
Dang Mizsta Ez that's hella wrong letting Mai get beat by the tsog!  >:D >:(
Old folks always told us not to wake that person up when it happens or they can lose their soul...  :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #854 on: September 18, 2009, 01:50:05 AM »
     Back around 1999, we had a chance to get away from the Hmong apartments and rented our own house. We knew the kids who used to live there and their older brothers were gang bangers. Being our first house, we were very excited especially cause it had an upstairs. Well we were not sacred of the up stairs when we first moved there and were already picking rooms upstairs but when we really started living there, nobody even went upstairs cause it feels very spooky and dark.

     At night, my sister's always here something running up the stairs, which is separated by a wall. I mean we always hear it at night, but I always assumed it was my dad ( Hmong parents aren't sacred of the dark ) locking the doors upstairs at night. My sister's hear it every single night but my parents didn't believe them until this one night. Both of them were up late in the kitchen when they heard someone run upstairs. Both freaked out and thought it was a robber so they grabbed the flashlights and checked upstairs in the dark. Seeing nothing unusual they shrugged it off as a cat or something but heard it again nights later. Being unexplainable, my dad set up cans and trip wires so when ever someone touches them, they will makes noises. And they worked........ they made noise at night, but when we check it the next morning, everything is exactly the same as if it has never been touched. We had not seen anything unusual until my cousins came for a sleep over.

     We were all having a great night because everyone was over. Some of us slept at my sister's room and while the rest slept in the big living room. Well during midnight, my little cousin woke up crying and panicked like hell. He woke up everyone, except the ones who slept in the room. My sister's asked him what is it and he pointed behind them, crying in fear. He then crawled  under the chairs as if trying to get away from something. He cries out that he sees a monster. My dad comes out and did a little hmong magic. Everyone finaly calmed down and he went to sleep with my parents. That early morning, they went home lol. When he finally had the guts to tell us, he said that he saw a black hooded figure with red eyes. He said that he woke up that night feeling dreamy and he felt like something bad was coming. Then to his surprise he looked into the kitchen and saw the Black figure pop out and floated towards him. that's when he started crying and trying to get away from it. When he woke up everyone, the figure was still present but then it glided through our bedroom door. He then looked at my little sister and described her face as "The Grudge", that's when he crawled under the chairs.....My uncle came and did a jingle bell and suggested we find a new house.

     In that house, we seemed to have little money even though we had income coming in. It also seemed like our food supply ran out so quickly....... My mom also found blood on her shirt, then she later go sick.........W e finally moved out after a few months and there are another Hmong family living there now

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