
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606553 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1125 on: December 23, 2009, 10:29:44 AM »
It's a bit long....

Here's another told to me by one of my cousin who is the person experiencing this event. For those that have lived or once lived in Ban Vinai in Thailand maybe you've heard and possibley have experienced some unusual event. I've heard that there's this place i guess it's close to the market where people always use to release the spirit of the dead "tso plig". Some clan uses it during funeral processions such as "tshwm tshav".

A little background about where his house, the latrine and the place where they use to release spirits is at. From the way he describes it, it's his house, the place where they release the spirits and then the latrine then the market. This is what I can remember.

Anyways, on to the story. During one of our family get-together a long while back ago (roughly 7-8 years ago), my cousin was telling us about his experience one night during his stay in Ban Vinai. One late evening, during the season when most everyone is sick. Most usually get the diarrhea. I don't know but this might be the raining season because of the possible water contamination from the run-offs. Their family usually prepare and eat dinner sooner than some family. After dinner and before the sun starts to set, my cousin's stomach hadn't been feeling too well. He's taken a couple of trips to the latrine already.

As night fall and the moon rises to be a full moon, it was close to bedtime. I remind you that my cousin is already married and had kids already during this time. After everyone fell asleep and hours have passed by, my cousin was waken up by a stomach ache. Sure enough, it was likely that he's going to have to take another trip to the latrine. He tried to hold it in as much as he can, but as we all know, there's nothing that can hold that when it wants to come out. He is aware that rumors have it that people have heard many things at night and have seen many unexplainable things at night, but he really needed that latringe.

He tough up and got himself out of bed, and he grabbed his flashlight. As he was walking out the door, he turned on his flashlight, but found it to be very dim. The flashlight can barely help the full moon light up the way to the latrine. Looking up at the night sky, he told himself that he didn't need the flashlight as it was a full moon, and there were enough lights for him to see his way. He turned off his flashlight and started walking fast (similar to power walking) towards the latrine.

As he approached the outskirts of the place where they realease the spirits, he started to get chills already. As mentioned before he is very well aware of all the strange things that people saw and heard on that spot. He quickly walk as fast as he can passed that place and towards the latrine. As he approached the latrine, he noticed that he can see the big tree infront of the latrine. This means that he's pretty darn close to the latrine because the tree stands right infront of the latrine. He quickly made his way to the latrine and shuts the door behind him.

As he was relieving himself of the nasty stomach ache, he saw a shadow at the bottom of the latrine door where it's cut as an undercut. The shadow passed the door, and he heard footsteps outside like someone was walking around the latrine. He then saw the shadow again. At this point, he was getting freaked out already, but he couldn't do anything because he was still busy himself. He pushed his stay int he latrine as quickly as he can, and as he was finishing up, his eyes were aiming at the bottom of the door to see if that shadow was there or not. He didn't see it anymore, so he quickly got up and zipped up his pants and made his way out.

As he was walking out the latrine, he noticed something or someone standing next tot he big tree. This person or thing is quite tall. Taller than an average Hmong person. By this time,he was scared to death. He started walking as fast as he can towards home. As he was walking pass this figure, he looked at it and couldn't see a face. It looked like it was constantly turning its face away from my cousin as he was walking pass by. While he was right infront of the figure, he felt his legs numb up. It's like when you're legs goes to sleep. He tried to walk as fast as he could, but his legs weren't lsitening to him. He pushed and pushed himself to walk away from this thing, and finally as he got farhter and farther away from this thing, his legs started working right again. The minute he got control of his legs back, he took off running home. When he got home, he jumped into bed.

The next morning, he got up bright and early and went to see what it could have possibly been that scared him so much. He went to the tree where this thing was standing and found prints all around the tree. These prints weren't foot prints, yet they look like hoofs. He went around the latrine, and the prints were all around the latrine as well.

After finding that, he knew it was something supernatural and not human that he saw.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1126 on: December 23, 2009, 10:44:42 AM »


I'm about to crap in my pants just reading that story.  Thanks for sharing.  Super spooky; especially with the proofs of the hoof prints.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1127 on: December 23, 2009, 12:34:30 PM »
I hate bathroom-related stories!  They're creepy as heck!

 ;D especially when the bathroom is not well-built and you can still somewhat see tot he outside.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1128 on: December 23, 2009, 12:42:53 PM »
Heck, regardless of if it's well-built or not, I'm still a chicken!  I've had to go pee outside (no bathrooms) at 2 AM in Laos where it's completely dark!  Been there, done that, never want to do it again.  Even when I'm in nice bathrooms by myself, I always get creeped out because I never want to see a pair of legs sudden appear in the next stall.   :o

Haha..I'm such a chicken!  No more scary movies for me!

lol...yes you've probably seen too many horror movies. I've had my share of using the great outdoor as my bathroom in Laos, but I was never scared. I believe if it happens it happens.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1129 on: December 23, 2009, 12:51:09 PM »
I usually don't have a problem with outdoor plumbing (if you can call it that), but when it's dark and there are no lights, and I have to go pee outside, yes, I do have a problem.  I'm not one to believe in if it happens, it happens because it better not happen to me!   ;D

If I were your cousin, I'd be screaming my head off already.  Or better yet, get someone to go w/me.

yup..if I was him I won't even cleanup. I just shoot out of there like there's no tomorrow.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1130 on: December 23, 2009, 01:26:39 PM »
yup..if I was him I won't even cleanup. I just shoot out of there like there's no tomorrow.

But then the wife would make you go down to the river to wash off the stinkiness and leftovers before crawling back into bed, so you'd really be in trouble then!   ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1131 on: December 24, 2009, 01:25:07 PM »
Okay ... wow!  80 stinkin pages of stories -- some stupid, but nonetheless some were freaky.

For those of you who said "spelling doesn't matter, as long as you understand the story".  Well, spelling does matter, and to a great extent for that matter.  Oh, it doesn't matter, huh?  Does a ghost "hunt" your husband or does the ghost "haunt" your husband?  Not ALL ghosts haunt only.

For the stupid stories, I usually just skim, cause I can tell garbage from the truth.  Buuuuuuuuuuuuu uuut anyway ...

1)  Using correct spelling.  Even those who can't write in Hmong, just read the other stories and sound it out.  Hmong is easy.  Either that, or just copy the Hmong spelling from another post.  It's tsog for those who keep calling "it" "fats".
2)  And using punctuation and paragraphs.  Geesh!  It's friggin hard on the eyes to read a glob of text.  I swear I read more stories when they are written in proper paragraphs rather than bunched up.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 01:28:24 PM by LADY-K-TUSHLUB »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1132 on: December 24, 2009, 01:27:05 PM »
Now, after all these freaky and some actually scary stories, I feel I am obliged to tell you all my stories.  Some are of my own experiences and some are of others, but I will tell the stories from their point of view, so it might actually sound like it's my own story.  Hopefully I won't give way too much of who I am, but ... those who know me will be able to guess who I am by my stories, because you will probably have heard a few of them before.

Oh, and these won't necessarily be in chronological order either.  It will come most likely by the order I remember them.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1133 on: December 24, 2009, 01:27:27 PM »
fats. tsob.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1134 on: December 24, 2009, 01:28:46 PM »
Sorry.  I fixed it.  It's tsog.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1135 on: December 24, 2009, 01:29:50 PM »
Sorry.  I fixed it.  It's tsog.

you know what's funny. i didn't even realize you wrote it wrong. Lol. I'm one of those annoying people to you who call them fats, too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1136 on: December 24, 2009, 01:30:51 PM »
you know what's funny. i didn't even realize you wrote it wrong. Lol. I'm one of those annoying people to you who call them fats, too.
Hehehe... that's ok.   ;)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1137 on: December 24, 2009, 01:57:41 PM »
Anyway, here goes.

Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuag thaum ub ovvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv ... thaum qaib nqos qav es laum nqos qaib ovvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv ... I've always wanted to say that. 

Some time, back when I first got divorced, I lived with my sister for a while before I got my situation situated.  I found this two-bedroom apartment and started moving in.  I don't feel comfortable in new places very quickly, so for about the first week or so, I slept on the sofa in the living room with the lights on.  But don't get me wrong, I never really felt anything.

Let me explain how my apartment is arranged, because some of what will be told will be easier if you know how the apartment is arranged.

A= living room
B= kitchen
C= master bedroom
D= second bedroom
E= bathroom
My sofa is by the east wall facing west.  My TV is on the east side of the inner wall, facing west.  On the south wall by the door is a full window, with an A/C unit at the bottom of it.

The first weekend I moved in, I was sitting on the sofa, watching TV.  I had an oscillating stand fan by the window, because it wasn't hot enough for the A/C yet.  The fan was on and it was in oscillating mode.  The window was wide open.  As I was watching TV, out of the corner of my eye, I can see a white truck drive by (the driveway was just outside my front door).  I turned my head to look to see if I knew the truck.  As I turned my head towards the window, I noticed the fan stopped oscillating -- it didn't turn off, just turned off from oscillating mode -- and pointed straight at me.  I didn't make anything of it and just went to check out the fan.  I have had this fan for a while, and it never did that before.  I just put it back in oscillating mode.

A couple days later, I had just come home from work.  I usually work swing shift, but since I was in training, I worked morning shift.  It was about 3:00PM.  I decided by turn on the stereo (I was playing a CD and put it on repeat), not full blast, but loud enough to where I can hear it from the shower.  I was planning to shower since I just came from work.  With the stereo playing loudly, I prepared and went to the shower.  The bathroom door was closed, but I can hear the stereo going.  While I was shampooing my hair, from under the sound of the shower, I noticed no more music.  I didn't think anything, but just decided to finish my shower.  When I got out, I noticed the stereo had stopped.  No more sound.  It wasn't turned off, the volume wasn't turned down -- it just stopped playing.

I decided I had enough.  I went over to my parent's apartment, but they weren't there.  One of the neighbors' daughters came and told me that my parents went to the store or something.  And then she asked me if I was their son.  I said yes. 

She said, "If we knew you were going to move into that apartment, we would have told your parents to tell you not to."

I asked why not.

She said, "Because the people who used to live there, their mom died there and they moved out without saying anything to anyone."

Later that day, I told my dad that.  He came over and did a spiritual sweep.  Usually, we do that before actually moving in.  But ever since the sweep, nothing else happened.  (or did it?)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1138 on: December 24, 2009, 02:25:31 PM »
Okay, same place as above.

A few weeks later, my brother started moving in with me.  At first, he would just come over to spend the nights, but later, he moved in.  (Referring to the map in my earlier post.)  He took the bedroom marked "D".  I was in the bedroom marked "C". 

I was still on training, working day shift.  My brother worked graveyard, so he comes home a couple hours after I leave for work. 

One day, he was trying to sleep and he can hear someone or something turning the door knob to the bedroom.  He sleeps with the door closed.  He would grab his 9's and it would stop.

A couple days later, he heard something loud on the rooftop, as if someone was up there.  A few minutes later, it would start pounding.  He got pi$$ed off, because he wasn't getting any sleep.  He grabbed his 9's, went out to the backyard, pointed above the roof, and yelled out loud, "Hey, f.uck muckerfuthers, I got 9's ...!!!"  He saw that there was nothing or noone up there.

He told my dad the next day.  He said, it's nothing.  It's just your dogs not knowing where to go, so they just keep coming back for help.  Previous to these things, my brother bought two pitbulls.  Someone poisoned them because he kept them in the backyard.  They were smelly, so the neighbors poisoned them and they died.  My dad said their spirits (since they were pups at the time) were lost, so they kept hanging around and bugging my brother.  My dad, then came over and gave them a proper burial and the noises stopped.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1139 on: December 24, 2009, 02:39:57 PM »
Okay, same place as above.  Different month, different year.

We were settled in pretty much by now.  My brother and his friends hung out at the place a lot of times, but we never really did hang out.  One of his irresponsibe friends would borrow some of my DVD's (I had a huge collection, but catalogged everything) for months on in until I started asking about it.  Then, my brother would mention it to him and he would bring it back.

It had been at least a year since the last event until my brother bought "The Exorcist" DVD.  He and his friends watched it one day.

A few days later, I came home from work (still working dayshift, but on a different training session) to find the front door open about one foot.  My brother's car was gone from the outside too.  I went in and quickly checked out things.  As I was looking around the place, however, I was also on the phone with my brother.

"Did you forget to close the door?" I asked him.

"No.  When I left, I locked the door and closed it," he said.

I looked around and found there was nothing missing except for about 7 DVD's.  I thought to myself that it was odd.  At this time, I thought that my brother's friend had borrowed it again. 

I called my brother again to ask if his friend had borrowed my DVD's.  He said no.  His friend hadn't been over lately.  I asked again, are you serious?  He said again, no.  I thought my brother was just bull$hitting me, so I said, if he borrowed it, just tell me the truth.  I won't get mad as long he returns them in a timely manner.  My brother said no, his friend didn't borrow it.

Later that day, I called my cousin's brother (I guess that would make him my cousin too).  This cousin knows how to "saib yaig".  I told him what happened and he said he would look into it for me.  A few minutes later, he called back and told me that my items weren't out of the place.  It has just been taken by someone of secondary nature.  I asked him what that meant.  He said, if I had a wife (which I didn't at the time), it would be someone like my wife.  But since I didn't have a wife, it would be someone like my brother.  I asked, what do you mean it hasn't left the place though?  He said, that secondary person put it in a place which is between the front door and the bedroom towards the side where the sun sets. 

Wait!!!  That places the DVD's .......... INSIDE the wall between the front door and MY bedroom.  Right then and there, I thought of the previous tenant's mother.

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