
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605194 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2115 on: November 10, 2010, 10:38:02 PM »
Here one told my a fellow hunter who had an close encounter with a Pi-U-Y or bigfoot?

I used to hunt Elk in an area of the Oregon Coast range known as God's Valley. My best friends father introduced us to this area. It was a large farmstead in the middle of the Tillamook State Forest that had been abandoned to the state when the owner died in the 1940's. All that was left were several large grass fields surrounded by dense forest. It was prime elk habitat as the elk would come down to the fields to graze at night. My friend and I noticed some strange things about the area while camping in the summer and hunting in the fall. There was an area about 1/2 mile from camp we referred to as the Dead Zone. It was a strange area that gave us bad vibes. The forest would be alive with game and game trails. Elk, pheasant, squirrel, coyote etc. Then almost like crossing a line painted on the ground there was an area about 1/4 mile long where nothing and I mean nothing, lived. No game trails, no squirrels barking, not even birds in the trees, no sounds, even the air was still. Then 1/4 mile later you would cross another invisible line and bam! The forest would be alive again. That was the Dead Zone.

September 30th 1994 I left work that Friday, packed then headed to God's Valley for the Opening day of Coast Black tail Deer season. God's Valley was not a real good area for deer but I was by myself and didn't know any other a hunting areas very well. After driving for about 2.5 hours I left the blacktop and was on the logging roads. At the time God's Valley was at the end of a dead end logging road 7 miles from the highway. During elk season there are dozens of camps and RV's parked along the road and several down at God's Valley. I was quite surprised that when I arrived to the valley at about midnight it was deserted and I did not see a single camp or RV the entire way in.

I pulled all the way into the large U shaped clearing. At the bottom of the U was a huge old growth Douglas Fir with a rock firepit close by. I parked about 30 feet from the tree and left my headlights shining on its base while I set up camp. I had Black Sabbath turned way up as I unpacked my truck. About 20 minutes later I was bent over setting up my dome tent when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned my head and thought I heard a commotion coming from the woods. It was hard to hear over the music. I walked to the drivers door of my truck and turned the music down. I listened and heard nothing so I shrugged it off, turned my music up and went back to work.

A couple minutes later I distinctly heard a loud snap of a breaking branch to the left of my camp. I walked to my truck and turned my music off again. I listened intently for at least a minute then I heard a very light rustle of leaves and a twig snap. The sound came from the woods on the other side of a 50 foot long blackberry bush that ended just short of the big old growth tree. About a minute later I heard another soft footfall. Then another. At the time it reminded me of my own sounds when quietly stalking game through the forest. For some reason I thought it was another hunter or someone playing a joke. I called out "Hello, someone there?!" Silence, nothing. About another full minute later another couple of soft crunches. There is a game trail on the other side of the blackberry's. Whatever is making the sound is on the trail and slowly coming closer to where the blackberries end at the base of the tree.

By this point Im getting nervous. Maybe it’s a drunk hunter playing games but Im by myself 7 miles into one of the thickest forests in the US. I was carrying a revolver in a shoulder holster. My rifle and speed loaders were cased and underneath a ton of shit behind the seat.

I drew my revolver and yelled “Hey quit ducking around, I got a gun and this shit ain’t funny!” No response, nothing. I figured I would either hear a man running away, busting brush of an animal running or something but there was only silence. About a minute later I can hear more creeping steps along the trail. It’s get closer to the gap between the blackberries and the tree. Perhaps 30 feet away now. My headlights are shining on the bottom of the tree but I still can’t see anything.

I made the loudest most guttural scream I could muster. I could hear it echo through the valley. More silence. A minute later more quiet stalking footsteps. Im 6’3, 260 lbs. It sounds like a man my size or better trying to be quiet. Two legs? I see a large shadow move into the gap and behind the tree. The tree is about 5 feet wide. I am now scared for my life. I fire a round high up into the tree. The gunshot echoed for a long time. I saw part of a tall shape and yellowish eyes peer at me from behind the tree. I screamed as loud as I could and fired two more shots into the tree. The shots echoed for along time then silence. I didn’t see it anymore. I stood there waiting. I had 2 or 3 shots left. I wasn’t sure. After about half a minute it just walked away into the woods. It was no longer trying to be quiet but it wasn’t in a hurry. It just walked away into the darkness. I listened for a couple minutes until I couldn’t hear it anymore. I picked up my entire set up dome tent, threw it in the back of my truck. I threw my pots, pans and cooler and everything else on top. I was out of there and back on the gravel road 90 seconds later.

I drove the 2 and ½ hours back to Portland shaking. I arrived at my friends house at about 3 in the morning. I woke him up and told him what happened. The next afternoon we packed several rifles and drove back. I had to show him and see if we could find anything. It looked much different in the daylight. We parked at the base of the tree and looked around. On the trail behind the tree we could clearly see it’s prints in the soft earth. It’s prints were almost half again as large as my size 13 boots. The footprints were so far apart that I had to stretch my legs as far as they would go to match the stride.

Since then I no longer go into the forest alone and I hunt with an FN FAL.

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« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 10:42:44 PM by Snake »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2117 on: November 11, 2010, 03:18:32 PM »
shampoo: you definitely got a gift, maybe not somthing to brag about but maybe of good use kinda the ghost whisperer show

snake: man thanks for scaring the sh1t out of me, thats why i never like hunting alone

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2118 on: November 12, 2010, 08:23:27 AM »
Here's one told by a fellow cop...some of you may have read it in the marriage section:

I call dispatch and she tells me that there is no way we were out with a key holder. She states that the alarm company had only just made contact with one. Eventually, the "real" keyholder arrives on scene and I ask her about the man that had let us in the building (the first key holder). She asked me to describe him, so I did. She states that that sounds like one of the doctors that used to lease the office on the second floor AT THE END OF THE HALL. She then states that he had committed suicide at his summer home several days ago.

I still won't go back there.

dang!!! that's freakin' spooky as ever!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2119 on: November 12, 2010, 08:27:25 AM »
When my grandma was still alive, my uncle locked her in a room because she will open the door and wander off. She's not all there anymore. We would go into her room and feed and change her. One time, I was sitting on her bed feeding her and she say "Feed your grandpa too. He's sitting next to you." My grandpa died before my family came to the US so I never got to see my grandpa alive at all. Another time, I was changing her and the door slammed shut. I was so scare! She'll say things like "if you don't stay with me, i'm going to pack my stuff and go with your grandpa." My grandma died peacefully in her sleep. 

awww, that's sad.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2120 on: November 12, 2010, 08:39:54 AM »
Ghost childs are the scariest ones to encounter.

that's why i hate any child ghost movies. they just spook me out!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2121 on: November 12, 2010, 08:42:37 AM »
My grandma hasn't been able to talk since the Spring, but when she was on her death bed over the summer...I'm pretty sure she saw plenty of deceased relatives. I've had a couple of encounters with her and them at the nursing home. She also had dementia so when she was living at home with us, she'd say and do things out of the ordinare.

There was this incident at the nursing that creeps me out. There's many, but I'll share this one....

My little cousin and neice usually go with me when I go to feed her lunch or dinner. This particular day, the older girls went with me. At this point she's wheelchair bound...and with no circulation to her feet, they're swollen. I was feeding my grandma so I told my cousin to massage her feet. She was all grossed out by it so I told her to switch me....she'd finish feeding grandma and I would massage her feet. My cousin and niece are sitting on the bed, I'm sitting on the ground by her feet facing her, and we had her wheelchair parked paralell
 to the bed. She kept reaching for the food which we had set up on the bed bc there were no table in her room. Anyways, finally I told my cousin to just give her the ncej puab qaib (chicken leg) and see what she does with it. As soon as my cousin gave her the chicken leg, she turns to the side of her where none of us are and says "here, eat it...take it" By this time all our eyes are staring speechless at that empty spot she has the chicken leg waving at. My neice's face is bright red LoL  Finally I told my grandma that he/she says they aren't  hungry and took the chicken leg away from her. Later on she kept asking who was behind her bc she hears voices.

On a previous visit I asked her if she remembers how many children she had. (I always ask her random questions to see what she remembers.) She said she had 3 sons, one being my father. I asked her how many are deceased and how many are still living. She said all three were still living, but my dad is her only living son. She then goes "no all three are still living bc two are standing behind you!"

for some reason, i dont come in in here often but i am today and it's creeping me out!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2122 on: November 12, 2010, 08:50:35 AM »
I told you some spirits are retarded...their dad is one of them to be willing to take a pig in exchange for the two souls....retard tiag!

that's cold but funny at the same time. Lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2123 on: November 12, 2010, 08:55:16 AM »
If you wrote this in proper English, this would have been so scary.

lmao. i didnt understand his story, i kept having to rephrase his sentences. but ok, scary tiag mas.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2124 on: November 12, 2010, 01:07:15 PM »
After reading all these postings I have to admit I'm not the only one going through these creepy stuff. Lol. And some of these stories are seriously creepy.

Anywho, eversince I can remember I've always had paranormal experiences. Everyone I have told to about my experiences; they claim I have a sixth sense. Whatever it is, I have a love/hate relationship with it. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm going crazy for reals or if it really is happening and my conscious is refusing to believe it. But to my story. This is the latest that has happened to me....

This happened in august/september 2010. It was a Sunday. One of my hubby's relatives past away. During the whole day me and him had been bickering about some stuff. We went to one of his friends BBQ party, his booty got kinda wasted. So that ticked me off even more since he knew he had to drive. Anyway, we got into an argument on our way home. He kept saying he's going to go back to the funeral home and help the OG's sit the night. I didn't care at that moment I was too angry at him. So he dropped me off home and I went to shower. During our argument he had said some hurtful things to me. During the shower I cried. I got out of the shower still crying. Instead of getting dressed right away I went and sat on my side of the bed. (we have two windows in our bedroom. Our bed is in between the two windows) I didn't sit there no longer than 5 mins and I heard some crawling. Sounded like roaches crawling on paper. And I know we have no roaches at where we live. So I didn't think much of it. Beside my side of the bed I have a few shot glasses in a plastic container I put in. I lifted the container about an inch high and dropped it. Right when I dropped it I heard a tiger growled right outside my window. At that moment I froze, every hair on my body stood up. But remember this, my window wasn't open. I never open my window because there's no metal screen there to prevent bugs to fly into my house. But why did the growl sounded like my window was open... So I totally freaked and called my hubby to come back home.

I have more stories but later.... Gotta go have lunch with my hubby now. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2125 on: November 12, 2010, 05:38:06 PM »
After reading all these postings I have to admit I'm not the only one going through these creepy stuff. Lol. And some of these stories are seriously creepy.

Anywho, eversince I can remember I've always had paranormal experiences. Everyone I have told to about my experiences; they claim I have a sixth sense. Whatever it is, I have a love/hate relationship with it. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm going crazy for reals or if it really is happening and my conscious is refusing to believe it. But to my story. This is the latest that has happened to me....

This happened in august/september 2010. It was a Sunday. One of my hubby's relatives past away. During the whole day me and him had been bickering about some stuff. We went to one of his friends BBQ party, his booty got kinda wasted. So that ticked me off even more since he knew he had to drive. Anyway, we got into an argument on our way home. He kept saying he's going to go back to the funeral home and help the OG's sit the night. I didn't care at that moment I was too angry at him. So he dropped me off home and I went to shower. During our argument he had said some hurtful things to me. During the shower I cried. I got out of the shower still crying. Instead of getting dressed right away I went and sat on my side of the bed. (we have two windows in our bedroom. Our bed is in between the two windows) I didn't sit there no longer than 5 mins and I heard some crawling. Sounded like roaches crawling on paper. And I know we have no roaches at where we live. So I didn't think much of it. Beside my side of the bed I have a few shot glasses in a plastic container I put in. I lifted the container about an inch high and dropped it. Right when I dropped it I heard a tiger growled right outside my window. At that moment I froze, every hair on my body stood up. But remember this, my window wasn't open. I never open my window because there's no metal screen there to prevent bugs to fly into my house. But why did the growl sounded like my window was open... So I totally freaked and called my hubby to come back home.

I have more stories but later.... Gotta go have lunch with my hubby now. 
please do continue...
we dont like to be left hangin...
not literally, but you kno what i mean

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2126 on: November 12, 2010, 07:18:26 PM »
Ok so I'm back. Lol. I guess I'll start off with my very first memory of seeing stuff.

I think I was only around 4 or 5 years of age. I used to live in Stockton, just to paint a better picture. My fam and I was visiting my aunt and uncle and their fam. They at the time was living on kelly drive. For those of you who knows the area or used to live in Stockton should know where that street is located. Anyway, my cousins and I was playing in the bedroom doing what kids do. But for some reason they stopped playing and went to stay in the livingroom with the parents. That time my aunt just had her youngest daughter. So all the kids was watching tv and the parents was huddled around the baby. But for me I don't know why I was by the hallway. I was watching everyone and then for some reason I had an urge to turn my head to look towards the bedroom. And when I did I saw a kid running from one bedroom to the next. I got confused and thought it was weird because all of my cousins are in the livingroom. None the less I went to invistigate, thinking maybe it was one of my cousins. But when I went to the bedroom that it last went into I didn't see anyone. I checked everywhere. Under the bed. In the closet. Under the blankets. Under the table. Everywhere. And nothing or no one was there. During the whole time I had a weird feeling like someone or something was watching me. Since being so young at the time I didn't know much and brushed everything off.

The creepiest part about the kid was that it was wearing bright colored clothes. And had very short light brown hair. The kid reminded me of chuckie from the movie "child's play". Til this day I still refer the kid to as chuckie. Lol. It's funny yet still creepy for the unexplained. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2127 on: November 12, 2010, 07:39:22 PM »
I'm just going to put what I remember. There's too many to remember and the rest seemed like normal activities since it happened so much.

My mom used to go to the arts and crafts shows. Selling her Hmong stuff to people. Anywho, we were going to redwood city. During the whole trip there nothing happened but right when we were driving through
the famous redwood forest I heard someone call out my name. It sounded loud and clear like my side window was open. (at the moment I was around 8-10) I turned and looked at the direction it came from and I saw nothing. I was going to ask my mom if she heard anything but being the chicken butt that she was I didn't want to scare her. Because if she would have heard she'd told me not to answer or ask me if I heard it myself....

This happened when I was around 11-12 yrs old. It was a pouring raining weekend. I stayed up with my mom watching tv. It was almost 12 midnight and that famous unexplained
mysteries was going to come on to showcase about spirits and whatnots. Being that I liked watching spooky stuff I wanted to stay up. But my mom for some reason wanted to go to sleep. She tried to make me go with her but I refused saying that I wanted to watch it first then go to sleep. So right when it hit exactly 12am the show came on but so did other things. (my old place used to have a long hallway)  When the show came on, I started hearing things get thrown down the hallway. Like toys, sticks, and books. I thought it was my
mom scaring me to go to sleep. So I got irritated and yelled down the hallway to my mom to stop it because I knew it was her and it's not scaring me. Knowing my mom, she's very argumentitive. But she didn't reply back, now that spooked me. I turned off the tv and ran straight toy room where I share with one of my little bros. Instead of jumping into my bed, I jumped into be with him. But then what really creeped me out was when I was running down the hallway I didn't trip on any toys, sticks, books or whatnots. The hallway was empty and clean. I should know because I was the first one to wake up and check the hallway. I didn't see anything...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2128 on: November 12, 2010, 07:40:19 PM »
Excuse my typos. I'm doing this from my iPhone.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2129 on: November 15, 2010, 02:23:40 AM »
applaud... O0

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