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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2835 on: October 26, 2011, 03:48:38 PM »
you sure is not a ghost? or a dead person in the club?

Could be.

Isn't that more scary now?

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)



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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2836 on: October 26, 2011, 04:28:42 PM »
I've heard about poj ntxoog riding/sitting on chickens.  One of the Hmong family in our town have some land out in the country side where they raise chickens and do gardening.  It's pretty far from our small town and very isolated.  

My brother is friends with one of their son.  A few years ago he had some chickens in one of their coop, it was temporarily until he finished his coop in our yard, and it happened to a few of his chickens.  He said that he went to feed his chickens that morning and found them flat on the ground, like they were crushed.  His friend said that once in a while that will happen to some of the chickens in their coop and there was really no explanation for how it happen.  My brother has been raising chickens since he was little and that was the first time anything like this happened to his chickens so he was baffled.    

My grandmother overheard him talking about it with my uncle, who is obsessed with chickens, and told him about the whole poj ntxoog sitting on the chicken thing.  After that he finished his coop and so didn't really go to that place again, but his friend says that it still happens.

Another thing about the land is that most of the Hmong family in town used it to do those stuff, like tso plig (soul releasing ceremonies) and whatnot there. 

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2837 on: October 26, 2011, 06:04:53 PM »
Speaking about that a Friend of mine did that thingy over at St.Paul Park...I didn't know about it. But I still fish there but in the back of my mind I try not to think of that.

Know getting into the story as to why he did that.. it's pretty lengthy so I'm gonna tell it in a bit of detail and not so...
Anyways his buddy's wife was kinda acting funny and talking to herself. You know by, by, by sorry can't spell the hmoob lingo..
So they called the jingle bell person to looking into it. or trapping the spirit. So they trapped and told the husband to go release it sum where far far away.. So my buddy and his buddy went to release it, but the friend didn't believe in all those BS. So they released across the Hudson..Some where in that area.. Location unknown..And the jingle person told them or him not to go there for like 1-2 yrs. but the dude didn't believe in that so 3 months later the dude went there to fish with his wife. And Bang wat ever that thing was fellow them back home... And the wife was doing all those strange stuff again. And he had to call the jingle bell guy back and had to do a huge jingle bell... My buddy was invited and he said that was the biggest jingle bell thingy he's ever saw.
And wen it was done they took it to St. Paul Park, sum where around that area...
Dam I was gonna planing to do some night fishing there for them BIg Cats with my hommies and that's wen one of my buddy mention that story.. Dam...Why i gotta be told about that place..

But true, every time I go there to fish I always had the vibes that I'm not alone out there, like sum one or ting looking at me.. Yikess..

« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 06:07:14 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2838 on: October 28, 2011, 11:39:38 PM »
Night fishing is always a trip out time. Fishing during the morning already feels like a horror movie. I heard a story about a dude who just fell over and drown while fishing early before sun raise. His friends witnessed him standing and than *bloop* flat on the surface and sunk down. After the funeral, a shaman looked into it and said that there were those creature you guys was talking about that sits on chicken, they were behind him and throw a rock and hit him on the back of the head, knock him out and took him with them right at the moment. So the body that fell over wasn't his. For what ever reason, even after the incident and the story that spread all over the local area, people still go fishing there at the same spot. And there's some stories about people seeing giant shadow swimming toward the shore and than disappear when it get close. And people be hearing little girls laughing now and than. People be crazy to be fishing like that.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2839 on: October 29, 2011, 06:26:30 AM »
Yo, after reading ur story, ut just remind me of a story a friend of mine told me...
His BIL's wife and their relatives were doing a picnic, and his wife was doing sumting, walking ir running, and she tripped, soon later she fell ill, so they did the jingle bell and found out tat. Wen they were at the park and play'n around the wife tripped over and fell. Those little thingy had a chickrn tat was tird to a rope. And wen she tripped she broke the rope and the chicken ran off, therefore the thingy took the rope and tie her spirit, as a replacement. So they had to go buy a new chick and swap it , so tat her spirit can be release. Dam

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2840 on: October 30, 2011, 01:57:20 AM »
omg your stories are effin scary!!! i got chills jus reading it..i think im feeling paranoid now and its midnight! ahhhh

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2841 on: October 30, 2011, 03:39:53 AM »
Yo u got me freaky out and confuse, wen you said "the door swung open and ran straight towards you and grab ur foot and weep... Aaahh OMG... I thought it was the ghost.. than i had to re-read ur sentance.. woooh... I only mis
Scary, scary..tell me. Ur parents moved out of tat place or you still living in the place?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2842 on: October 30, 2011, 02:47:06 PM »
about houses that bring bad luck is true. my parents say to never buyy a house that has a front door that faces straight to the back door..cuz some homes hav da front door n a hallway dat has a back door so wen u open the front door u will be staring straight across the hallway and at the end of the hallway will bethe door to the backyard. houses like that makes u poor cuz da money u earn comes in the front door n right out the back door.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2843 on: October 31, 2011, 12:02:24 AM »
In a place far, far away but yet still somewhere only in the United States, some rock quarry workers had dug up part of a valley and left some bulldozers and trucks there overnight. The next day they came back, the entire area was full of water. What they had dug up has turned into a lake. So, with their vehicles deep under the water, they just left the place alone.

Years later, Hmong refugees got resettled near the area. An old Hmong man dreamed of a stranger. "I live there; you live here. You can come visit me as I am visiting you. But do not catch my fish. My fish and I live in that lake," the visitor said.

"My brother and I were outcast from our dragon clan," the visitor continued. "He was a drunkard and womanizer. They chased us. And he got arrested and was taken to be punished. But I got away and here I am."

« Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 12:18:56 AM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2844 on: October 31, 2011, 06:57:40 PM »
While I was waiting for the admin's approval to join, I read through all the stories in three days and for the past week, I haven't been able to stay home alone, so I just want to say, "Thank you!". I have to sleep with the lights on too :(

I have a couple of stories to share as well. These are experiences I've had in the past.

When I was in junior high my family moved into a new house my parent's bought. We were really excited because it was something that was finally ours. It was a one level rambler with a basement.  At first we didn't notice anything but then weird things started happening one after another.

My older sister was the first to experience something after we moved in. Her bedroom was in the basement and her bedroom door had one of those built in blind-like screen (so you can somewhat see through the door). She was sitting in her room alone when she heard someone in high heels walking around the basement. She even saw a figure walk by so she thought it was one of us and called out. Of course, no one answered because it wasn't anyone of us. Totally freaked her out. I can still hear her running upstairs, yelling for my parents  ;D

Random things continue to happen that aren't frightening but it makes the back of my hair prick when it does. I remember taking a shower once and coming out of the shower to find my clothes missing. When I went to go look for them, they were folded neatly on my bed. (I locked the bathroom door so no one else would have been able to come in.) Needless to say, I didn't wear those clothes!

There was one night though that scared the crap out of me. It was late and my siblings and I were up playing games. We took a break and I went to use the bathroom. When I came out they looked at me and asked if I went outside. I didn't. They gave me an odd look and suggested that we end the night. Apparently while they were all waiting for me, they heard someone coming inside the house through the back door; that's why they thought it was me.

Everyone went to bed and I slept on the sofa in the living room. As I was dozing off, I heard someone open the screen door in the back, turn the knob on the back door and enter the house. It sounded like whoever came in walked into the kitchen and set something down on the kitchen floor, opened the basement door, took a few steps down and tumbled all the way down to the landing. It was loud.

I said a prayer and ignored it because I knew it wasn't any of my family members. We were all asleep and definitely not expecting a visitor.

About a few minutes later, the same event repeated again. After I heard the tumbling down the stairs a second time, I got up and ran to my older brothers room. I woke him up and told him what I heard. We decided to go inspect the basement in case someone came inside the house. My older brother, his wife, my parents, older sister and I checked every room downstairs and found nothing. So we went into every room again and prayed.

I returned to the sofa and tried to sleep again. Suddenly, loud footsteps began stumping up the stairs, the sliding door that divided the kitchen from the living room swung open, it ran straight up to me, plucked down by my feet, started crying, called my name and said, "There's something down there."

I didn't even open my eyes. I just screamed, "NIAAAAM!"

My parents rushed into the living room and turned on the lights. It was my younger sister who ran upstairs. They asked her what happened and she told us that after we prayed and left her bedroom, she tried to go back to sleep but heard someone laughing. She opened her eyes and saw a figure sitting on the futon laughing. While she was still awake, the figure moved over her and began to make her drowsy, as though she was losing control of her body. She broke free and ran upstairs.

There were nights I would stay up late reading or studying. I remember one night was leaned up against the wall and I could hear two voices conversing (more like screaming at each other from a distance) from my parent's room. When I put my ear against the wall, the voices would go mute but when I tried to go back to reading, I could hear them talking again. I even got up to go check on my parents. Nothing was amiss. The next morning I asked my mom if they left the t.v. on or something. She said they didn't but she did have a dream that an old white lady was hovering over her in the bedroom and so she was yelling at the lady to go away and leave the house in peace. Of course she teased me that the lady spoke English so she couldn't really understand but my mom mustered up the best English she knew to tell the lady to go. (My mom has a sense of humor like that.) I told her I heard a conversation coming from their room and we both just thought maybe it was that the lady was in the room talking to my mom.

One night I was up late using the computer in the den when I heard someone whisper my name. The door into the den was slightly open and I could hear the whisper come from there. I thought it was just imagining things so I ignored it. And then something whispered my name again but this time it was right against my ear and I felt it's breath.

these are considered "underground dabs" they are large, heavy, makes loud noises when going up/down stairways, but when a spirit master can track it, it shows only small, little feet, nothing like poj ntxoog. they whisper only to your ears when they speak (they can speak any language and or dialect, can mimic, and or impersonate another person), they hoover around only, and when they want to touch you, they tug your feet/arm when you are drowsing off to sleep or nudge your shoulders. they are not as scary in actual presentation but they will reveal your nightmares to you. the good thing is, you will never the only one in your direct family to experience it. the bad thing is, you will never know what it was/is, and will never have another chance to encounter its power again -- it's a one in a lifetime.

Oh boy, and you know how parent's say don't play out too much you might pick something up? I did on one of my road trips. My cousin and I were heading back home after dropping off another cousin in Chicago. It was around 11 p.m. as we were driving by Wisconsin Dells. Suddenly the car got really cold and all the hair on the back of my neck went straight. Naive me, I looked in the rear mirror and saw right through a form that was sitting in the back seat. It was faint and I only looked once, but that was all I needed to see anyway. I hit 90-100 mph coming home.

When we got into town, I told my cousin about it and she said yeah, she sensed something too and as soon as I started speeding she knew I felt something as well. I'm glad she didn't say anything until we got home. I'm not the type to scare others when I'm scared because it would make me even MORE scared.

Once we were in town, the eerie vibe went away so I thought that would be the last of it. Nope.

Whatever it was stuck around for a period of time. I kept seeing it in my back seat every once in a while. I don't know if it was male/female. I never saw hair on it. Just a faint, grayish/greenish semblance to a human face. No eyeballs, it was hollow. I could make out a head, thin skin... Come to think of it, I don't know what it wore. I never looked lower or longer than necessary.

Every time I see it, whoever is in my car will sense it's presence as well. The weird thing is, whatever it was never really scared me. I figured, if it was out to scare me, it would do other things, right? Like some of the freaky things other people have experienced? I told my parents about what I was seeing and they asked the pastor to pray for me. It kept appearing though.

One night I was driving back to my apartment from school and I saw it in my car again. This time it gave me a very frightening vibe. I saw the figure crouched in a crawling-like manner from the back seat inching toward me. It came up to sit in the passenger seat. By this time, I was literally plastered against the driver door. I prayed hard and singed loud. Seriously.

After this experience, I refused to drive my car at night time. I wanted to dump it altogether but I needed it for school and work. I told my parents I was getting scared and then a couple of days later my dad called me to come over. He had gone out to buy me a cross to place in my car. Ever since that day I never saw the figure again. I don't know if it was the cross or my dad's act of love that alter things. I've sold that car since.

your dad was right in his judgement. what you saw was a strange traveler having found you and your friends along its travels. there is actually a "salty tongue", a way of saying, to this creature/apparition form... I can't remember, but it is a relatively intellectual being.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2845 on: November 01, 2011, 10:01:09 AM »
Back around the late '80s, a Hmong woman kept on aborting her babies after she already had 8. One night the baby came to her in a dream, it said "Why you kept on sending me back?, I want to be your. I don't like the other family, I tried to come back to you but every time I'll just end up with them. This is my last attempt, if I can't become your this time than I'll just go back to my mom and my dad up in heaven". A year later the woman gave birth to a baby girl, it's kind of weird because all her other kids are teens and adults already.

At age 2 1/2 to around 3 1/2 the little girl started talking about her other family, she'll be saying "My white mom doesn't love me, when she go and dry clothes outside, she'll hang me up on the clothes line out in the sun for a long long time and it hurt me, I cry and cry but she just ignore me. My white brothers and sisters hit me a lot when my white mom's not looking, and when I cry she'll just yell at me". Than a relative of their came to visit from out of state, she just so happened to be a shaman lady and wanted to do jingle bell to cleanse the family from sin(s) or spiritual stuff. Afterward she told them that when she was in trance she saw the little girl's past life, she was reborn 3 times to the same white family, each time she pass at the age of around just 1. The white family wasn't one of those rich or middle class group people, they were the trailer park white trash kind of human being. And that the little girl is much more happier with her Hmong family now. Afterward the little girl stop talking about it, and it was never mention again. I heard this story when I was a little kid, so it's sort of or mostly off key but hope you guys enjoy.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2846 on: November 02, 2011, 10:39:07 AM »
Oohh i got one!

My sister's sis n law had a 1.5 year old son. He had a sickness (supposedly some type of cancer) and was in and out of the hospital. They did a jingle bell and the reason the boy was sick was because his parents didnt love him and always yelled mean things at him. His parents are very young (early 20s if even) and he mom liked to go out a lot. Sometimes the mom would yell at her son to die. So thats why he became sick. After a while the boys cancer grew worse and spread through his body. He was extremely skinny and dying. The doctor asked the family if they want to let him pass in the hospital or take him home to pass and they decided to take him home. There they held him and watched as he took his last breath. Oh so sad. *tears*

Shortly after his death, his aunt and uncle heard a knocking at their bedroom window every night. They thought it was just their dead grandpa so they said to it that if its the grandpa then for him to go away and not come back. But the knocking continued. So they did jingle bell and it was actually the dead little boy that was knockin on they window.  He had come to ask for money (or something like that)  so he can continue his journey or whatever how it goes when u die and go to a place. They said he didnt go ask his parents for money because they didnt love him. *tears!*  so paper was burnt for him and since then he has gone. 

So sad  :'(

don't meant to change the subject but i have this co-worker who wants to have a child really bad. she's been married for 7 years now and no kids. One day, another co-worker was talking about kids' spirit and what they can sense. it reminded me of my nephew's wife's baby niece. The girl's father was yelling and disrespecting his mom, who watches the child, about some stuff. Well, his dad heard him yelling at his mom so he lectured his son, the niece's father, about how the mom watches the child day in and day out. He told the son to apologize to his mom or else something will happen. That night, the child did not go sleep at all and wouldn't stop crying. The parents couldn't take it anymore so the father went to his mom and apologized. the child finally stopped crying and went to sleep.

I told the story to my co-worker and asked if she has ever yelled at her spirit kids. She admitted to me that she has. Whenever she got mad at her husband, she would say things like, "why would i want your kids? they'd be nothing but a burden." or she'd say things like, "you kids better not come near me. I don't want you." i told her maybe that was the reason why she couldn't have kids! well, she ua neeg for herself a few months ago, turns out that when she was newly married, she could have gotten pregnant but she still wanted to have fun so the spirit child got sad and left. Even after all these years, the spirit child still lingered so the txiv neeg told the child to come around his mom so she can birth him.

It's been a few months and so far, looks like nothing has happened. I still hear her get negative whenever she's mad at her husband or whenever she gets depress. It saddens me because she wants a child so bad but yet won't stop talking so mean to them. Every time that she attempted to ua neeg to fix herself, she would beg for forgiveness and apologize but still hasn't changed her ways of thinking.

words are very powerful. when you keep telling someone to go ahead and die, it brings down their spirit. esp. when you say it to a child.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2847 on: November 02, 2011, 06:32:10 PM »
This one is from my cousin *Not sure if the story is true but she did mention that it was from a documentary.

A shaman was asked if he had ever seen a ghost and he replied 'yes, just recently'.
This is his story.

Back in Thailand, a lady got mad because her mom did not give her enough money. So she told her mom that since she didn't love her enough, she will go have a ghost take her. She went to a random grave and started hitting the grave with a stick. She kept hitting the grave until the stick broke. She then went home.

Later that day, a guy came to visit her. They talked for a few nights until he convinced her to come out of her house and chat with him. While they were chatting, the shaman happened to walked by. He noticed right away that the guy was not normal. He was wearing an all white outfit with a cross bow. *the one the shaman gives to the dead at a funeral.

All of a sudden, the guy reached over and started strangling the lady. The shaman rushed over and took out his two little axes*which can only be found in a tree where lightening strike; they can kill most monster/ dabs. The shaman guy started striking the guy cutting him on the arms and face. The guy then released the girl and ran off.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2848 on: November 03, 2011, 04:35:48 PM »
Oohh i got one!

My sister's sis n law had a 1.5 year old son. He had a sickness (supposedly some type of cancer) and was in and out of the hospital. They did a jingle bell and the reason the boy was sick was because his parents didnt love him and always yelled mean things at him. His parents are very young (early 20s if even) and he mom liked to go out a lot. Sometimes the mom would yell at her son to die. So thats why he became sick. After a while the boys cancer grew worse and spread through his body. He was extremely skinny and dying. The doctor asked the family if they want to let him pass in the hospital or take him home to pass and they decided to take him home. There they held him and watched as he took his last breath. Oh so sad. *tears*

Shortly after his death, his aunt and uncle heard a knocking at their bedroom window every night. They thought it was just their dead grandpa so they said to it that if its the grandpa then for him to go away and not come back. But the knocking continued. So they did jingle bell and it was actually the dead little boy that was knockin on they window.  He had come to ask for money (or something like that)  so he can continue his journey or whatever how it goes when u die and go to a place. They said he didnt go ask his parents for money because they didnt love him. *tears!*  so paper was burnt for him and since then he has gone. 

So sad  :'(

people like them shouldnt bring another life into this world until they can really mature up to take the responsibility of being a "parent". My child is my life, my heart, my could their child not be the same? oh yeah, because they're selfish and i hope the baby will be able to finish his afterlife journey and be reborn to a mother who loves him/her as most mothers would.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2849 on: November 03, 2011, 10:45:59 PM »
I don't know if i posted tis one yet... Back to Mt. Airy, there was tis famiy tat didn't live too far from my place.. anyways one day there was a strom tat came by and sumhow a power line was knock loose, so these kids was play'n on the hill "tis is wat the other kids told the OGs" the one kid told them tat he was gonna slide down the hill and grab the power line... Well we all knows wat happen, you v.s power lose.. so the kid slide down and grabbed the core, and you know he got fried. So after they did the thingy stuff, they moved out of tat place. Well ppl tat still lives there still say tat on a rain day/nite. They can see/hear the kid sitting under those pine tree cry'n or sees a shadow walking back and forth. Dude there are so much strange things tat happen to me in Mt. Airy. Sumtime you wonder if ur eye were stripe eyes or you really see'n ghost... I also hear strange stuff from Mc Donna Homes, but i never really heard it cleary..
But Mt. Airy is tat shyt. If yoy wanna go see ghost...

Ič just glad tat i no longer live in tat spooky project homes...

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