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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3045 on: January 20, 2012, 01:29:14 PM »
No Goosebumps?  Lies!  It was snowing.  I'm sure it was plenty cold!


hehe...why would you be scared of just foot prints? What can foot prints do to you or me? :2funny:

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)



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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3046 on: January 20, 2012, 02:53:17 PM »
When my eldest sister hung herself in the closet, she was just a girl early into her teens; if she was alive she would've been in her late 30s by now. Anyway, they held a Christian funeral for her; at this time they had converted to a new faith. As far as for what I was told " it didn't matter if it was a Christian or Traditional" she still came back to haunt the family. They had ask me if anything that was not normal had happen to me. I told them "no". And to this day, there has been no paranormal incident that has happened to me (knocks on wood VERY, VERY HARD); my older sister told me that back then when everyone was alive; "I" was the one that every one loved the most. From my father to both my mothers and all my sisters, my eldest sister loved me dearly, she always babysat me, carried me everywhere she went, and since she was the oldest at that time; made sure I was never uncomfortable. My sisters kept on asking me am I sure nothing happened to me, they were abused by her spirit for a very long time after she died and yet I was not bothered by anything?

I will continue later.... gotta work.
Your story is very sorrowful. Reading it almost made me want to cry. Your sister hung herself. Most of everyone that you have known have already passed away. What caused your sister to hang herself? I cannot even imagine a closed one of mine doing this.  :'(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3047 on: January 20, 2012, 03:31:46 PM »
A little background on me. My father has two wives; my mother is the second one and I'm the only biological child from her and him. My (big)mother, had 5 children. My father passed in Vinai, my oldest brother passed away in Laos (before my father) and my oldest sister committed suicide shortly after immigrating here (of course USA). My big mother just passed away not too long ago due to kidney failure.

Now the experiences; my brother and sisters live in CA while I live in MN. We had been separated for a very long time before we siblings found each other and I flew to CA to visit them. My big mother was still alive when I went down there; my sisters and brother were not afraid to tell me of what happened when my sister "came back". I was told "she came back night after night; scares the crap out of us, she would bang the dishes; turn the water on/off and physically harm us". My big mother would yell at her to get out and stop her activities; it never cease, it kept going on until my big mother became a shaman and sent one of her spirits to reincarnate. My sister also said whenever she came my father was always with her, my dead sister would reference that my father is telling her to do this and that (I'm having chills just writing this).

I will stop her for now and will continue to post whenever I get the chance to.

why did you say your were the only child from(your mother and him) why didn't you say your father? the way you wrote it looks like you hate your father. :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3048 on: January 20, 2012, 03:41:03 PM »
My experience was not a scary one.

After my last quarter in college, I stayed in my apartment until the lease ended. My roommate had moved back home since classes were over. One night, a friend that was driving through town stopped by to have dinner with me. After he left, I locked the door and went to my bedroom to get ready for bed. My bedroom is on one end of the hallway and the bathroom is one the other end. I left my bedroom to go to the bathroom and left the light on in my room since I wouldn't be gone for long. After I finished brushing my teeth, I exited the bathroom and turned off the light. I was immediately bathed in total darkness and my body just stopped moving. I had expected the light in my room would be on and would guide me back to my room but it was not. My initial thought was that my friend had somehow gotten back into my apartment to play a prank on me but I knew I had locked the door after he left. Just then, I felt a warm breeze go down my back as if to say "you're ok. you're safe. go to bed." I immediately started walking again and went to my room.

How do you explain a warm breeze when I needed it most? Weird?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3049 on: January 20, 2012, 03:50:12 PM »
When my eldest sister hung herself in the closet, she was just a girl early into her teens; if she was alive she would've been in her late 30s by now. Anyway, they held a Christian funeral for her; at this time they had converted to a new faith. As far as for what I was told " it didn't matter if it was a Christian or Traditional" she still came back to haunt the family. They had ask me if anything that was not normal had happen to me. I told them "no". And to this day, there has been no paranormal incident that has happened to me (knocks on wood VERY, VERY HARD); my older sister told me that back then when everyone was alive; "I" was the one that every one loved the most. From my father to both my mothers and all my sisters, my eldest sister loved me dearly, she always babysat me, carried me everywhere she went, and since she was the oldest at that time; made sure I was never uncomfortable. My sisters kept on asking me am I sure nothing happened to me, they were abused by her spirit for a very long time after she died and yet I was not bothered by anything?

I will continue later.... gotta work.
king kong why do your keep doing that not finishing your whole story? anyway why did your sister commited suicide? was she depressed, sad? if you don't mind me asking. how did you guys found her and who found her first? sorr yfor all the nosy questions.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3050 on: January 21, 2012, 06:26:01 AM »
Shampoo, dang tat house of's sad and freaky...i hope no ones living in tat sad house tat you sold.

K,Kong, sorry bout ur older sis, hang'n her self...1 ? Was ur dad hunt'n her to drive her self to do tat or was it depression or sumthing. You don't have to answer it to every detail, but again sorry for ur loses...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3051 on: January 21, 2012, 04:45:43 PM »
Wow, haven't been on here for a couple weeks and 3 new pages, awesome scary stories. Well here's another story:
It happened probably 2yrs ago at my cousin's grandpa's house. They were doing ua neeg but I wasn't sure why and it was one of those ua neeg that just needed to do ASAP. I was down stair in the basement cutting meat and after it was done I went up store to drink beers. While I was sitting down, my cousin's uncle told me to go down to the basement to grab a case of beer and a case of soda, so I went down there; I saw that the two case was all the way on the other side of the basement and all of a sudden I felt a cold chill up my spine, my hair stood up and I took a deep breath and walk towards the 2 case of beer and soda. As I was walking to grab it I bent down and in the corner is my eyes I saw my cousin's uncle's decease mother sitting on the toilet next to where I was grabbing the 2 case. I didn't want to look at here but I can clairly see her in the corner of my eyes. As scared as I am, I grab the case and ran up stair fast as sonic the hedge hog. Lol . After 20mins later my cousins all should up and we were chillin with beers in the basement. I ask who they were ua neeg for and my cuz said it was for his granda becuz his wife's spirit(cuz's uncle's mom) was trap in the basement (where I was in earlier). Then it all maked sense to me why I saw what I saw in the basement. We were by the bathroom to when I told them what I saw earlier and we all ran up
I told my mom what I saw  and she believes me bcuz she encounter stuffs happening in that same basement.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3052 on: January 21, 2012, 05:42:16 PM »
I'd run as fast as i could when i saw the grandma without the two cases of drink

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3053 on: January 22, 2012, 03:22:49 PM »
3 years ago, before my family moved out of mn, they were living in a duplex house behind mcdonald in st. paul. one afternoon, my mom was home by herself, she heard something fell from the kitchen. my mom went to the kitchen to see what fell. she saw a glass cup broken on the floor.

after awhile, it happen again. but this time it was different. my mom was doing her own thing in the living room, when she turn around, my mom saw a feetless old woman going down the stairs. my parents had someone check to see if someone die in the house. come to find out there was someone who die in the house. the ghost spirit said to the shaman it will not harm anyone. if whoever lives in the house must be quiet, if noisy then they shall see strange things happen. after a few months, they moved out of the state.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3054 on: January 23, 2012, 10:47:45 AM »
Looks like there were questions directed towards me, I've been occupied for a couple of days. I'll answer each one separately.

@ Keng
First and foremost, thanks.
From the traditional point of view, my father came and took her.
From the medical point of view, she was a depressed teen that couldn't adapt to a new country.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3055 on: January 23, 2012, 10:59:33 AM »

Simple. Guys can't have kids (I couldn't resist) ;D! To answer your question; my father passed away when I was three months old. Never met him, never seen him. The word "Mother" would be a term that comes first to my mind whenever I write anything about my parents.

 And the word "Mother" is important to me.

There was a time where I actually did hate my biological father, but that would be a whole new story if I had to explain. I hope this satisfies your curiosity sexymomma.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3056 on: January 23, 2012, 11:58:53 AM »
@ sexymomma

You do not have to apologize at all in fact, I apologize for having you apologize to me because I did not give enough details on my story. I didn't see your other post; so to answer it:

I happened to have found this website one day when on lunch. I have a very demanding job; so whenever I'm here, it's only for a limited time. And I'm hooked to these ghost stories, so whenever I get the chance, I'll be reading. My story is very long, due to having just a couple of minutes each day to write about it; I have to dissect the story into parts.

My sister who passed was found by either my big Mother or other sister, I can't recall which one found her first. And as far as for why she did it; no one knows. My surviving family believes that a supernatural being (my father) came and took her. For me, I personally think something else could have occur.

Last year, I had asked for a report on the autopsy done on her and when I received and read it, the report doesn't make sense at all. It went from weird to weirder, but enough of that it's getting off topic. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3057 on: January 23, 2012, 12:01:11 PM »
Thanks saki saki. On the brighter side, I had my first Saki bomb the other day. It was d but brought back memories of my more mischievous younger days.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3058 on: January 23, 2012, 12:32:41 PM »
Back to the story...
My eldest sister would come back and physically abuse all the rest of the younger ones; the reason? My older sister says that she was unhappy and couldn't accept the fact that she was dead, so she would throw a fit and abuse them.
The haunting that my sister did to my surviving family was/is so frightening that they refused to take me to see her grave when I was in California.

Now for the experiences of my biological father.

Gotta get back to work; will be back later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3059 on: January 23, 2012, 02:16:38 PM »
She was depress and hung herself but came back and couldnt accept death. Weirdest thing ever :idiot2:

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