
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606481 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3330 on: April 26, 2012, 02:03:06 PM »
Miss8, just reading that got my back hair standing.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3331 on: April 27, 2012, 02:18:27 PM »
thats sent chills down my spine when you said he knew your names and your friends heard laghter

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3332 on: April 27, 2012, 02:59:25 PM »
A bit confusing but very to why a cop showed up.if you gals were out in the back yard with nothing but forest. Un your veiw. Why/how would a cop show up. The fact that, that thing was swinging back N forth smiling @ you peeps. If tat was me..i'll be like K, time to go in..A-sap. Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3333 on: April 28, 2012, 09:36:59 PM »
A bit confusing but very to why a cop showed up.if you gals were out in the back yard with nothing but forest. Un your veiw. Why/how would a cop show up. The fact that, that thing was swinging back N forth smiling @ you peeps. If tat was me..i'll be like K, time to go in..A-sap. Lol

Honestly, we don't know how the cop even knew about the bonfire. My friend doesn't have anyone living next to them, because those houses are still up for sale.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3334 on: April 28, 2012, 09:37:33 PM »
So i had a dream last night about a zombie apocalypse! It was one of them most interesting dreams I've had in a while. It's hard to remember what happened, but all I remember is being trapped inside my house with the family. For some reason, my father was outside in the back yard talking on the phone.
My siblings and I kept yelling at him to come back inside the house, since it wasn't safe outside. But he just looked at us and kept talking on the phone. All of a sudden, the door slammed shut on us. We all ran and looked out the window and saw that my father hung himself right outside of the door. We were all scared shitless, because we didn't know why our father would do such a thing.
As days went on, we kept seeing our father outside of the house, knocking on the door, and asking to come in.
Unfortunately, that's all I could remember. I wish I could've recorded my dream so I could watch it. :\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3335 on: April 30, 2012, 03:19:16 PM »
I think a couple years ago,my sister, my bil, and my two younger nephews lived in an apartment in St.Paul or watever and that apartment have like 4 and ther's another one that have 4 apts too.. so they lived in Apt #2...they moved there from the upper level which is apt#4  to apt 2. So one weekend.. my two sis went to sleep at my sister's apt and that nite my nephew  will just be pointing to the  nightlight and scared the crap outta my sis them.. and he would walk down  all back and fourth not wanting to go to sleep.. and this made my sister them "IRRATING"" LOL i dunno how to spell tat well yea the next day my older sis #2 went and put the pan on the stove and went to watch tv and when my big sister # 1 came she said why did my sis put on the stove and did not watch it because it was burning  and my sis #2 was like WTF?? how did tat happen? i did not even turn on the stove..
yea.. so later tat nite.. my sis#1 was sitting on the sofa when she saw a shadow pass by her cuz it was kinda dark and light so she saw it and it was a BLACK KID like my age-- (KID age) and it was a GUY! so.. she was like .. my 2 year old nephew's eyelids were growing big and covering his eye so yea the ghost did that so me  and my older brother had to say get away or spit at it and i was like so scared so.. that night my nephews stayed over at our house and my bils planned about the move out and when ur moving ur not supposed to be saying we're moving or yea when they moved their ass out.. my other sis -- lets name her Mai came and helped them also her sis #2 and my sis#1 and her hus took thier shits out.. so the guys were inside getting the stuff and my sises were putting the stuff in the cars and when they were putting it away.. all they can smell is ROTTEN SHITS! urgh omg scaring the crap outta me LOL! so they ignored it and when they were in the car they can still smell the thing so yea my sis they stayed with us untill they found a house but yea i still got more about my family! there are a few about my house, my mom's and yea tats it

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3336 on: April 30, 2012, 03:41:21 PM »
Okay..... My house now..
in the old days when boys were becoming 'GANGSTERS"... btw i was like5 or something at that time so yea.. my big bro would always come home late at nite and ur not suppose to anyway.. he didnt have a key so he would always get inside my sis's which early i say yea she would always be opening the window for him so one day my uncles from my dad's side was saying what should we do when my big bro turns 18, to my parents so they decided to hu plig on that day so he turned 18 and when they were sis them were in the basement with my parents, when my uncle who did the hu plig came and said that there was a problem that when my big bro came home late at nite.. two ghost followed him home and one was good and one was bad.. the good one wanted to be my big bro's friend cuz the good ghost always see my big bro crys and is lonley but for the bad ghost.. it wanted to keep my bro..and then Mai was scared.. so suddenly my uncle said where is the older daughter? My mom and my dad was like WAT?? she's married! and then he said no.. not that one..the one that always help my big my mom said Mai? so my sis looked at them all scared siad wat happen? so then my uncle said that since my sis always help my big bro she would have to be careful cuz everytime she helped my big bro get out of the window, the bad ghost will see it and get mad and it wanted to hurt my sis from protecting my big bro.. so my uncle ask my sis wat she is doing that week.. and she said.. im going to practice driving so he said to my big bro and my sis that they should stay home in two weeks cuz if my big bro goes somewhere.. my sister will get in trouble and u can not stop it so he told my sis not to go practice driving and my sis said why so my uncle said if she go then something horrible will kill her when she is driving and u cant do watever to stop my big bro stayed for 1 in a half week and went back to wat he was doing so my sis yelled at him not to go but my big bro was being an ASS and went.. so two weeks sis went to play batmitten with her friends and the teachers so when she was standing.. something hot went VROOM! pass her and she fell down and everybody hurried and asked her is she okay cuz they saw her fell down and she was crying and later they found out she will have to stay CRIPPLED leg! OMG that is so sad rite? well at that time i was being stupid so i told my sis that doesnt hurt cuz yea i was small anyway.. SHIT! i have to stop writing about my family for now cuz me and my younger sis is staying home  well its still early like 3:39 well yea im scared now .. well lucky my house have purple corn on the front and back door cuz it scared away dab and we have spirits protecting us from so FREAAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3337 on: April 30, 2012, 07:32:32 PM »
Welll i have quite a lot but its kinda messed up cuz mi brain... well anyways, ill tell u one of em. mi mom and dad built a new house. we slept there for the frst time. next day, me and mi sister decided to play hide and seek. i was the seeker and i had to find her. well, i went searching every where for her except the garage. i couldnt find her so i went to the garage. (it was mi first time entering a garage) WEn i opened the door and went inside the garage, sometthing black popped up the boxes in the corner. it was like the grudge cuz the head was all black and i was sure it was staring at me. well it scared the crap out of me. i ran straight across the other door. wen i came back to the livin room, i saw mi sister sittin on the couch.. i asked her if it was her in the garage but she said no. i didnt tell mi mom. then like about 6-7 years later, i told mi mom. she said nothing to  worry about. after that, mi mom went to our cousin who can see wuts the spiritual problem for mi older sister's dream. he told mi mom to do ua neej(a trance) for mi older sister, mi older brother,and me. Now mi mom is like asking me wut happened and did i ever see a ghost. i was like err.. and yea

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3338 on: May 02, 2012, 03:46:00 AM »
damns y'all Hmong ppl in the US don't go to school or something?
I struggled trying to read the last few stories!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3339 on: May 02, 2012, 01:52:45 PM »

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 01:42:19 PM by exclusivecuriosity »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3340 on: May 02, 2012, 02:07:50 PM »
damns y'all Hmong ppl in the US don't go to school or something?
I struggled trying to read the last few stories!

People are shivering when they type ok.... :knuppel2:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3341 on: May 02, 2012, 06:13:35 PM »
Sak, dude you're as crazy as I am about sleeping with sword LOL. I had similar encounter when I was younger get jump on but somehow I managed to kill whatever trying to jump on me every night. Do not try this LOL, I used a old knife holding stright up while I was sleeping. That thing come and try to sleep on me not sit. I can feel the knife went right into it guts. The thing got up and disappeared ever since none try to sit on or sleep on top of me. If you want to hold something straight up while sleeping don't use sharp object, use wooden sword or dagger much safer.

Everyonce in a while that thing still comes around but not trying to get ontop of me rather try to sleep next to me too bad but my wife is on the other side of the bed. If she isn't there then I get harrassed but the thing but I fight off every sigle time, kicking and punching. I try not to use real sword instead of wooden sword. Because my kids sometime wake up in the middle of the night come to talk to me but about there nightmare.

While back I took some monk amulets (the little buddha you found at fleat market) from my brother, these things has been blessed by the monk in Laos. I place them in my bed room closet, my oh my, almost even night I feel like someone is standing right next to my bed. I got goosebump all over, can't sleep at all. And dreams about bad spirits try to come inside my house, even try to shot my family. But I managed to fight them off, a shaman said I had shaman spirits protecting me and my family but not so sure about it.

So I moved those little buddha outside of the house put them in the garage since then I do not have those creeping feeling that someone is standing next to my bed. Most people get cold feeling, but I have warm feeling instead when I feel something stand next to my bed.
Never buy those buddhas before u enchance it or wutever they call it. once, mi mom bought 3 buddhas and since we have been losing money. then we paid this woman(priest or shaman i forgot) and she did this spiritual thingy on the buddhas. ever since then, things have been much better. so like, wenever u buy those buddhas, u have to send these priest to come and do this spiritual thing.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3342 on: May 03, 2012, 01:47:03 AM »
it's call making time.. you probably have bad time management.  ::)

Saving the .01 second it takes to hit enter or return in order to start a new paragraph right?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3343 on: May 03, 2012, 02:36:08 AM »
it's call making time.. you probably have bad time management.  ::)

"called"....  not "call"......

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #3344 on: May 03, 2012, 03:21:42 AM »

I struggled trying to read the last few stories!

I concur!

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