
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1605239 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2130 on: November 15, 2010, 12:58:56 PM »
Excuse my typos. I'm doing this from my iPhone.
all that on a iphone??
i have a hard time typing a simple paragragh
your goooood O0

thanks for sharing

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2131 on: November 16, 2010, 03:07:19 AM »
will u f'ing noobs stop quoting stories...i f'ing hate scrolling down only to see the same story a million times..
so fo f'ing sake stop quoting the same stories so u can post ur two cents...f'u!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2132 on: November 16, 2010, 07:19:12 AM »
will u f'ing noobs stop quoting stories...i f'ing hate scrolling down only to see the same story a million times..
so fo f'ing sake stop quoting the same stories so u can post ur two cents...f'u!

I agree!!!   :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2133 on: November 16, 2010, 09:41:24 PM »
My cousin used to live in california and was a big time runaway.  He did drugs, never came home, etc.  Well, he told me that one night he and his homeboys ended up in the countryside in an old abandoned house.  They partied there, smoked, and drank some.  Then they got tired and decided to sleep there for the night.  They all slept on the floor, on their back.  Now when you sleep on your back, your toes are pointing up towards the ceiling....any ways, later on during the early morning hours, the guys that were sleeping on their back felt somebody knocking on their toe of their shoes.  Knock, knock, knock.  Needless to say, they took off and never went back there again.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2134 on: November 16, 2010, 09:46:32 PM »
Here's another one told to me by my aunt.  Back in the mid 90's, my aunts daughter was involved in alot of beauty pageants.  After winning the one in Wisconsin, she was sent to California to compete in another competition.  Well she ended up winning the one in Cali too.  After her win, it was late at night already.  They packed up and left the pageant and headed back to their hotel, had to drive down this long winding road to get back.  It was a very foggy and rainy night and since they didn't really know where they were going, they ended up driving on a road that went by a cemetary.  Everybody else was dead tired and sleeping, but my aunt happened to look outside, and she saw a woman dressed in traditional hmong clothing with her head bowed down at the side of the road.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2135 on: November 16, 2010, 09:55:13 PM »
My cousin owned a duplex and lived on one side.  He's always renting out the vacant side, but people would move in there, stay for less than 6 months, and move right back out.  We never knew why until after my brother-in-law passed away, my sister-in-law moved from the farm where they used to live into the vacant side of the duplex.  Strange things started happening.  Her daughters would see dark shadows that would stare at them and then vanish when they turned around to look.  Something would yank their blankets off in the middle of the night.  One night when my sis-in-law was sleeping, she felt this presence, it pressed its face right next to her cheek, then to the other side.  In the early morning hours, she would hear a voice talking to a big tree outside in the backyard.  One day she went to a hmong psychic to get her fortune read.  The psychic told her that she didn't live alone in her house, that there was another person living there besides her and her daughters.  And it was best if she didn't live there too long.  This person was supposed to be an old white lady who had died there.  Anyways, my sis-in-law says that if they're quiet, then usually nothing happens, but if they get loud and noisy and messy, then they start seeing the thing.  My sis-in-law's family is very messy and loud.  So my guess is that this presence likes peace and quiet and neatness.     

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2136 on: November 16, 2010, 10:07:33 PM »
scary and spooky stories..i get scared reading these stories. :tongue2: :tongue2:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2137 on: November 19, 2010, 06:50:36 PM »
I heard these weird sounds a couple of different times when I first moved back to California, similar to what you'd hear when you see those alien UFOs in old movies.  It usually would be between 2 - 3 a.m.  One time I heard it, it was petting one of my roosters that I used to coop by my window.  I told my siblings about it & they told me stop tweaking...  I told a friend of mine that used to live down the street.  Right when I mentioned it, he knew exactly what I was talking about.  He said when he was a kid, he looked out the window & saw something hideous but he refused to mention to me what exactly that he saw.  A couple of my brother-in-laws has mentioned to me that they've seen things around our neighborhood during late nights but they won't say exactly what they saw.   :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2138 on: November 21, 2010, 03:23:49 AM »
I have told this story before and maybe in this thread while under my old screen name.

Same city of Narleans on highway 11.  That highway is known for its ghost and bad stuff happening on that stretch of highway.  On both side is woody swamp land.  My aunt came to America and her first job is doing labor for this seafood factory like cracking oyster into jars or cracking crab for meat.  Well every weekday morning, she would drive a whole bunch of her co workers to work.  It was a foggy morning around this winter time.  She drove on that highway and they all saw a tail light to a car.  It was foggy so the best way to stay on the road is to follow the lights of the car in front of you.  This tail light was taking my aunt for a joy ride for an hour.  That highway 11 is only a 15 minutes drive to the main interstate highway so my aunt knew right away that she was being lead by a ghost.  So my aunt speed up and everyone in the car was screaming at her to slow down and not to hit that tail light.  She ran right through that tail light and that is when she sees day light. 

This story is not all that unusual.  My aunt knew what to do because in Vietnam, many people have been lead by some unknown forces of nature.  Like I have said, they either take you to your deaths like water holes or up in them jungles where you get tired and lost.  Some were lucky to wake up and live to tell the tales of many tales.  Most did not and they ended up driving into a ditch or hit a tree. 

The time now is 1:30am and why am I getting goose bumps?  I need to stop now to investigate this phenomenon.  LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2139 on: November 21, 2010, 07:10:24 PM »
This is one of the scariest stories I've been told. It may be different from what really happened. It goes like this:

One night a Hmong family just couldn't take it anymore. Their house was haunted and so they called the pastors from the surrounding cities/areas to come and pray for them and their house. Among the pastors was a younger and least experienced one. They prayed in all the rooms of the house. Going from room to room praying. Then as they walked down a hallway they passed a closet. As they passed the closet they heard a loud bang on the door as if someone from inside was banging or knocking on the door. They decided they'd come back to that closet in the hallway after praying in the other rooms. Finally they made their way to the closet in the hallway and started praying. The younger and least experienced pastor heard the doorknob turn and the door slowly open. As that was happening the atmosphere and smell of the area changed. It smelled like an overwhelming rotten stench. As they prayed he opened his eyes to look. What he saw was an old lady all cramped up in the top of the closet with long, black hair, and a long tongue sticking out.

That's all I remember from this story since it was told to me by someone who heard it from someone else. LOL! A hell of a scary story I'd have to say. Not as scary as when I first heard it from my friend but it seriously traumatized me from closets for a couple days. LOL!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2140 on: November 22, 2010, 12:15:57 AM »
story i overheard today...

 a hmong vang elder die like a week or two ago....
he came into someone's body  and said for the kwvtij hmoob vaj to go buy a lot of shrimp(i think) because before he passed he was craving for shrimp and also told the kwvtij to eat all those shrimp within three hours. he also said that he has peb rooj plaub hais tsis tiav.
 One the relative have all it video tape, and he want's everyone to watch that video tape the whole video, and also things involve with money that a white skin color lady knows about it and he wants them to give it to his son.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2141 on: December 06, 2010, 11:16:58 AM »
What happened to all the ghost stories eh? i came back to find religious talk, lol...anywho i'll share mine.

a funeral was held this weekend, a young boy died..his name was michael but i dont know him, my sister is a friend of his. so, this is what i heard from my father...if you know him or know the story that might be different from the one i've heard, please correct me  O0

Well, michael,his bro and some of his friends went out to a bar to go drink. Late into the night they were all going to head home but michael (who was their only ride) took off without the other boys.  The stranded boys walked to their aunty's house which took them approximately two hours.  Later, cops came knocking on their door to let them know that michael had just past away. He had pulled up on the opposite traffic lane and he parked his car, leaving the ignition on & he must of fell asleep. They said his car was leaking oil and it must of ran dry for the car caught on fire. He died from smoke inhalation and burns to the side of his face and hands. Later, his parents seeked out those buddahs who can looked into the cause of death, they had said that michael was taken by a ghost girl.  Prior to his death, he had went fishing and he kept hearing someone following him from behind. After that, he would always dream of that ghost and that ghost would sleep with him each night. Right before he died, the ghost told him that she will take him with her. So that night that he died, he had left all his buddies behind because it wasnt their time and he went alone. When they held his funeral, the shawmans forbid anyone who was born in the ox years to attend his funeral. They said that a ghost demon will linger at his funeral and anyone of the ox years will be taken to the afterlife also.  Anywho, those who went to the front to go see him in his open casket had a red string tied onto their wrist. My sis has asked why the red string was necessary and my grandma told her that if your soul is weak, it helps protect you and from any demons or ghost who will try to take your soul. This guy was a real nice guy, I heard he was a real hard worker and he died at such a young age. My blessings to his family and loved ones.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 11:19:04 AM by bossymum »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2142 on: December 06, 2010, 02:51:22 PM »
that is a crazy story
thanks for sharin

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2143 on: December 06, 2010, 03:20:23 PM »
This may not be a ghost story but it scared me.

This morning, I woke up at 730am and I was too tired so I decided to go back to sleep for another 5mins. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt something heavy sit on me. I woke up in my dream still sleeping in my bed and I clearly know I was dreaming. I wanted to wake up so bad because I needed to get ready for work. Plus, I'm afraid of seeing anything I wouldn't want to see in my dream. So I try to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and open my eyes again but the room was very dark so I know I was still inside the dream. I went back to sleep again and woke up again and thought I have woken up but when I walk to the bathroom, the lights won't turn on so then I realize I was still dreaming. I went back to the bedroom and saw a little boy standing by the foot of the bed looking at me. Somehow, I wasn't scare and asked the little boy to go sleep with me on the bed and he did. When we were lying in bed, the little boy laid facing me and just stare at me. I closed my eyes again and try to wake up in real life. When I woke up again, the little boy was gone and the room was still very dark so I am again still in my dream. I decided to call my bf and see if he can call my phone in real life since if I hear my phone ring, I'll wake up. When I call him, there were a lot of status and I could barely hear him. I asked him to call me and he asked why and I told him to just call my phone. As soon as I hung up the phone, my bf knocked on my door and woke me up. I was so scare! I asked him to walk with me to the bathroom so I can wash up and go to work. When I woke up, it was already 8am so I was late to work.  :(

Any of you had a dream where you know you are dreaming and were trapped inside your dream?

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 04:25:43 PM by morninglory »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2144 on: December 06, 2010, 04:10:18 PM »
morning - i've never had a dream inside a dream, but i bet that $hit would be so scary !! 

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