
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606633 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1155 on: December 26, 2009, 12:51:06 AM »
Speaking of my in-laws (at the time), they had just bought a brand new house.  At the time, they had a young son, who was just under a year old.  Whenever they went to bed, he would point at the closet.  When they would ask him what it is, he would say "mao" (noise how kids imitate a tiger).

Whenever they would play hide-and-seek, that kid would never go into that closet.  He would hide everywhere else, including that bedroom and even under the bed, but never the closet.  He wouldn't sleep on the side closest to the closet either.

Years later (more like just a couple years ago), the kids would see a small girl (about 4 or 5 years of age) running around the outside and inside.  They would check it out and there would be nobody like that description.

My kids would see that girl too when they go visit.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1156 on: December 26, 2009, 01:02:08 AM »
Speaking of closets ...

There once was a time when I was single.  My sister, my brother, and two cousins lived with my parents in a 3-bedroom apartment.  I was away at college.  My brother and cousins shared one room, my parents took one room, and my sister had a room all to herself.  The apartment was on the upper level and behind it was a big field where some teenage guys would hang out late at night.

In my sister's room, she had a whole lot of stuffed animals.  She would sit them all nicely in a corner.  Her bed was away from the closet.

Anyway, one day she got married.  After the wedding, she took all her stuff and her stuffed animals.  I had come home because of the wedding, so the older of my cousins decided to give me some room and went to sleep in my sister's old bed.  That night about 1 hour after everybody went to bed, we heard loud footsteps running from the room into the living room.  We didn't think anything so nobody got up to see what's up.

The next day, the other cousin asked him, "Was that you running into the living room?"

He answered yes.  He said, as he was laying there, he can the bed move as if someone stepped on the bed and was walking up towards the pillow.  He got spooked and ran out to sleep on the sofa.

The next day when my sister came back to pick up the rest of her stuff, we told her about it.  She said that never happened to her, but she did notice that the closet door would be opened about 1 inch every morning even if she closed it all the way the night before.

My sister told some of her guy friends.  Some of the friends' friends hang out late at night in the field behind the apartments.  They told her that sometimes late at night, they would see an old man with long gray hair, mustache, and beard (like a kung fu movie master) looking out the window from my sister's room.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1157 on: December 26, 2009, 01:03:21 AM »
U scare the beejeez out of me.
Can't help it.  These things scare me too.  But the thing is, these are things that happened to me or someone close to me, so hope you enjoy the stories.  True stories, of course.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1158 on: December 26, 2009, 01:13:08 AM »
I've always been told that baby ghosts are the scariest.  I've never been haunted by a baby and I hope I don't ever, nor do I wish upon it to anybody I know.

It did happen to one of my cousins though.  Not exactly a haunting, but close.  This happened in Laos.

My cousin's older brother wanted to go court girls in a different village one night, but he didn't want to go alone.  So he took his younger brother.  The villages are separated by several mountains and canyons, and these mountains contained forests.  As with most trails back in the old country, the trail that connected the two villages went past a cemetary where they buried infants.  For some reason that I don't know yet, Hmong didn't bury their infants with elders.

Anyway, the two brothers went out that night to the neighboring village.  The younger brother didn't know how to talk to girls at the time, so he was there just to accompany the older brother.  It was late at night by the time the brothers were coming back.  As they came past the infant cemetary though, they heard a baby's cry.  The older brother hurried the younger brother saying, "Hurry.  We don't want that thing to get to us."

They started running, but because the older brother was bigger too, he ran faster and started to lose the younger brother.  (This story was told to me by the younger brother.)  At first, the baby's cry was far away.  The further they ran though, the closer they can tell the baby came.  When they reached a mountain peak, they can tell the baby's cry was from the canyon.  When they reached the next canyon, the baby's cry had already past the mountain peak where they were at.  They ran with all their might trying to stay as quiet as possible too to avoid the baby ghost knowing their position.  But it got closer and closer. 

Luckily for them, though, the villages weren't separated very far.  They finally reached their village.  As soon as they entered the village (their village was larger and some people were still up), the baby's cry stopped.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1159 on: December 27, 2009, 06:11:38 PM »
oh geesh.. your stories are great. keep them coming if you have more..

so, why did the baby stoped crying?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1160 on: December 27, 2009, 11:51:05 PM »
oh geesh.. your stories are great. keep them coming if you have more..

so, why did the baby stoped crying?
Thanks.  Glad you enjoyed them.

I'm not sure why the baby stopped crying.  My cousin didn't say.  Usually, the elders say the baby only stops chasing if it found a "mother".  They say if one ever catches up to you, just knot your shirt up and say "nipple here," and take your shirt off, throw it on the ground, and run like hell.  The baby ghost will suck on the knot thinking it's a mother's nipple.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1161 on: December 27, 2009, 11:52:44 PM »
I love reading ghost stories.  The first few readings, I ended up sleeping with the lights on.  Please keep them coming.   :)

Thanks.  Glad you enjoyed them and spooked you too.  I still get the goosebumps whenever I tell them.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1162 on: December 28, 2009, 12:32:55 AM »
oh geesh love the stories.. its scaring me but i can't help myself from reading it.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1163 on: December 28, 2009, 09:53:41 AM »
Thanks for the stories Lady-K-Tushlub!  I'm scared shitless and my hubby and daughter is right next to me.  Keep the stories coming it's been awhile since I've read any good ones! :)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1164 on: December 28, 2009, 10:56:11 AM »
Thanks for the stories Lady-K-Tushlub!  I'm scared shitless and my hubby and daughter is right next to me.  Keep the stories coming it's been awhile since I've read any good ones! :)

Thanks, SHER.  I have plenty more.  Just a little bit too busy right now to tell it.  I'll try to get back on it as soon as I can though.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1165 on: December 28, 2009, 01:50:09 PM »
Can't everyone just get along and share their stories?  This is the HMONG GHOST STORIES thread!!  Geez....leave your immaturity out of this.  Let me enjoy the stories please.   >:(
I'll get another one up this afternoon.  Usually, it just takes one to get me rolling... then I can't stop typing after that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1166 on: December 28, 2009, 02:08:56 PM »
part I

Let me share one I heard while helping out at a local funeral home (mature activity) from people. Two teenage boys from California drove up to Minnesota to see this one girl that one of the boy met online. When they arrive at the address giving by her, the boys where inside a cemetery. The second boy said "dude, this is freaky. lets go back". The first boy said "what are you talking about, this is nice neighborhood". The thing was that for some reason the boy who has been talking to the girl online sees the cemetery as a big nice rich Minnesota neighborhood but the boy who's just tagging along see a big field of tombstones.

The first boy parked the car and got out, the second boy yelled at him "what are you doing?, come back inside the car dude". But the first boy just kept walking trying to find the house. The second boy had no other option at this point so he follow his buddy outside. The boys standing in front of a large tomb with a beautiful Hmong girl's picture on it, her name, and the date.

The first boy said "wow, this is it. her family must be millionaires" the second boy got really scare and suggested that they head back to their vehicle but was rejected "why are you so shy dude, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend" said the first boy. Than he lean over and knock on the tombstone, the girl appear from behind it and greet them. The second boy pissing himself. She was pretty, prettier than her picture "come on inside guys" she said. The first boy step forward but the second boy froze in his track, he didn't know what to said or what to do because it seems his friend don't see what he's seeing.

He manage to speak a little "I'll wait in the car", "are you sure man?" asked the first boy. The second boy can't believed he just left his friend went with that thing.

. . . finish it later in part II

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1167 on: December 28, 2009, 02:15:23 PM »
I'll share a few...

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 09:03:41 PM by A|X »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1168 on: December 28, 2009, 04:53:37 PM »
Okay, I'm back ... for those who enjoyed my stories.  One more about my cousin, then I'll go back to my own experiences.  This one is about my cousin's experience, so I'll tell it from his point of view -- references to "I" and "me" are actually referring to his experience.

It was the summer of 1987 or 1986.  My cousin's family had just moved to California for only a couple of months now.  His family had gone back to Oregon for the strawberry season.  If you were around during that time period, you would know what I am talking about.

Anyway, my cousin was the only one who stayed in the apartment for the summer.  One evening, he called me to go over and keep him company for the night.  He came over and picked me up. 

That night, before going to bed, I went to take a shower.  He was in the living room.  To get to the bathroom, you have to go through the bedroom.  It was a one-bedroom apartment, the type that had the bathroom built inside the bedroom. 

Anyway, I went into the bathroom and started my shower.  I started to shampoo my hair, with my eyes closed, of course.  As I was lathering the shampoo into my hair, I felt someone's hand touch my chest.  I opened to look, but the shampoo went into my eyes and started to sting them, so I quickly closed them.  I quickly rinsed my hair, thinking that I was sure I locked the door.  After rinsing my hair, I got out of the shower to make sure the bathroom door was locked.  It was!

I forgot about the rest of the shower and just dried myself and came out.  My cousin was still in the living room watching TV.  I asked him if he came in the bathroom.  He said no.  He was watching TV the whole time.  I told him what happened, so we just took off and went to sleep at my house.

The next night, I told him I didn't want to come back.  He came back by himself though.  At first, he tried to spend the night in the bed.  That was when "it" came and "sat" on him.  He saw it as a dark figure.  He couldn't move at first, so he started to fight it.  Eventually, he got free and went outside to his car.  He went in the back seat and layed down to sleep.  As he was starting to get sleepy though, he can see a dark shadow come to the side window at his feet.  He fell asleep after that. 

That night, he had a dream.  He dreamed that there was a blonde American teenage girl came to him.  She told him, "No matter where you go, how far you run, I'm going to chase you until I get you.  I followed you from (blah blah city), Oregon."

The next couple of days, he called his family and they came back to move.  They moved without saying anything about moving.  When you have something like this chasing you, you're supposed to just say that you are going out for the moment and will be back later -- never about moving.  It will follow you if you say you're moving.

After they moved, it disappeared.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1169 on: December 28, 2009, 05:53:59 PM »
You know how people who get "sat on" (tsog tsuam) usually only see a dark figure?  Well, not so recently, a friend of my brother's saw one.

One weekend about a year ago, my brother's Cambodian friend came over and spent the night on the sofa.  That time, he got sat on.  When he woke up, he fought it.  He can see a dark figure on top of him only.  He fought it and it went away.  He got up in the middle of the night and took off.

The next weekend, a friend of ours (both my brother's and mine) came over.  That night, he spent the night on the sofa in the den.  He got sat on, but when he fought it, he couldn't see anything.

The very next day, he was still there.  In that evening, we were watching TV.  The friend was on the far right.  

Out of the blue, he asked me, "Whoa!  Did you see that?"  

I asked him, "See what?"  I thought he was talking about something on TV.

He said, I saw a person walk from the hallway and quickly out the door.  He pointed to the sliding glass door which led to the backyard.  I told him I didn't see it.

That night, he slept on the sofa with my baseball bat by his side.  Nothing happened.

The following weekend, both friends spent the night there.  This time, the Cambodian friend came over.  The other friend was still here from the week before.  Both of them spent the night on the sofas in the living room.  Only the Cambodian friend got sat on though.

From what he told us, he got sat on and couldn't move.  He didn't see anything on top of him, but he can the one standing besides him.  It was a figure in blue jeans and a white t-shirt.  He couldn't make out the face -- just a dark head.  He freaked out and started to fight.  Just then, the other friend turned in his sleep and coughed.  The thing let go, and he can move.  This happened while the other friend slept the whole time.

My brother talked to my dad.  My dad said that whatever it was must have been picked up from one of them.  It didn't seem to bother the rest of us though.

We then moved to the place where I am today.  Thankfully, nothing has happened.  *knock on wood*

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 06:04:41 PM by LADY-K-TUSHLUB »

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