
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606573 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1905 on: July 22, 2010, 02:01:19 PM »
omg i had to do a double take after readin this and going to the bathroom.

my aunt told me this story....creep y!
my aunt told me that when she lived in thailand, there use to be this thing that come visits her. she said it would peek through the holes in wall and she'll see red eyes. back then they didnt have night lights so she'll light a candle and the thing will blow it out. it would come visit her every so often and never went away.
when my aunt got marrid, the thing went awqy whenever her husband was home, but when he went out of town or if hes out of the house it will come visit her.
eventually my aunt/uncle moved to the states. my aunt said that on random nights, their bed will shake, closet opens and closes.
one event was that, my uncle went out of town for a funeral and she slept home alone with a night light on. she said she heard the closet door open and it opened up all the way. in the door way she saw this furry blk thing with sharp claws and sharp teeth with red eyes. it was comming towards her, she closed her eyes and asked her ancestors to come help her. after she shouted for their help, the thing crawled under her bed and vanish. ever since then she hasnt seen it very often, but she says once in a blue moon it does stop by, but never anywhere near her.
my aunt literally sleeps with a night light in every open plug in the room and she has two flash lights, one shes holding and one under the pillow. i always thought she was weird for sleeping like that until she told me the story. creeepy.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1906 on: July 22, 2010, 02:46:30 PM »
Here goes another one. This happened at my sister's old apt.
My sister roomed with our cousin in this apt in Sacramento. The apt I can truly say is creepy itself. The kitchen is separated by the living room which leads to the bedrooms by a small hallway. It's kinda complicated to explain how it looks like. But anyways my cousin was by herself in the kitchen cooking when she said she saw a lady with long hair and wearing similar clothing to my sister walk into their bedroom. She thought it was my sister and went into the room to tell her to eat. When she got in their bedroom, however, there was no one there.  :o

That apt was really creepy, because they also said that their little nephew would stare at the little hallway and then point at it and say things like "who's that". It would scare the crap outta us....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1907 on: July 22, 2010, 04:01:54 PM »
Alright! Hello Hello! This is my First post so Hopefully it's not the Last.  :D

Ive actually read through all of the Pages of ghost stories and now I've decided to contribute as well. Its gonna be a long one.  :D
Im gonna tell it through my eyes.

This story happened to me and my younger cousins last year (2009) of summer. After my girl cousin's wedding, my younger cousins and I decided that it was hot and we wanted to go swimming.(None of us were drinking) We asked the OG's if we could go and they said its fine as long as we watch the kids and makes sure that nothing happens. Cool! Swimming! YES!! We go to this lake called Lake Josephine in Roseville Minnesota. What happened there, would change our lives forever.
We get to the lake at 8pm and Id say there's about 12 of us, me and two older cousins decide to stay on the beach area and not go in. The rest of the kids decide that they cant wait anymore so they decided to go in the lake. They start swimming and then we(the people on the shore) see one of my cousins struggling in the water. Hes outside of the boundary lines and it looks like hes gonna drown. ( A history with him, he actually drowned once before in California and because of that, hes mentally retarded. ) The lifeguard does nothing but blow his whistle and tells him to get back in the boundary lines. (WTF mane!) So then my other cousin thats in the water goes and grabs him back in. But now, they both start drowning because the drop offs too deep. So some "random" hmong guy grabs one of their arms and pulls them in. Were in debt to that guy, never knew who he was but he was just another swimmer. They're both safe now.

I want to swim now so I get in the water, and I scold my cousin for swimming out of the boundaries and I tell him to stay near the shore where we can keep an eye on him because I dont want anything bad to happen. Little did I know, something bad did happen. Not in a state of panic, my little cousins( and when I say little, i mean 12-16) come to me and ask, hey, Do you know where Anthony is? Im thinking, wait, wasnt he in the water with you guys. I mean, he came in with you guys to swim. And they say, Yeah, but We think he went out or something. Being the older cousin, I go and check the restrooms just in case he went there. I go to the restrooms and I scout the parking lot to see if he randomly went to get something out of my car. No sight of him at all out of the water. I go back to the shore and ask my cousins that remained on shore if they'd seen Anthony at all. They said no, thats when panic mode started to kick in.

All of my cousins got out of the water and fear was in their eyes. My oldest cousin that was there did absolutely nothing while he was there. I mean he's only a couple of months older than me but he should still do at least something. Still to this day, it bothers me. Well, continuing.. My little cousins wanted me to do something so then I say you know what.. DUCK IT! cause times ticking and I cant afford to lose anymore time. I tell the lifeguard on shore that Im missing my little cousin that sixteen and none of us know where he is. The lifeguard asked what clothing was he wearing, and I told her that he was wearing NavyBlue Hawaiian shorts. Within three seconds, she whistled for everyone to get out of the waters. Another lifeguard told me to go with him to the life house and so we can announce it on the mic. The lifeguard and I get there and I describe the outfit that he wore and they announced that if anyones seen Anthony, his family is looking for him. While announcing, lifeguards and swimmers are in the lake searching for the body. The lifeguard on shore announces a code in numbers, and instantly, the lifeguard standing next to me says, Dial 911.

He dashes out of the house and goes to the shore as well. Im calling the 911 in fear and wondering... WTH is happening. Cause I couldn't see what was going on outside because I didnt have a view of the scene. I was on the line with the paramedics and I stayed on the line until they got there then I hung up with them and ran outside to see what was going on at this point. I get to the shore and my girl cousin was standing next to the lifeless body of my little cousin that drowned, Im just in shock, because I thought this only happened in movies. We didnt cry, we just sat there watching the lifeguards and paramedics try to resuscitate. Nothing worked, his face was pale and we knew what happened. He had passed away.

Now.. I have to make the call to his Parents! Which is my dad's brother that has a temper issue. With the wedding and giving up his only daughter and now giving up his youngest son... Oh boy, was I in store for some hahaing. I grew enough balls and called my aunt, and she didnt like the news at all, we all decided to meet up at Regions Hospital. Two of my cousins left the lake with me to go to the Hospital. When we got there, we met up with my uncle and aunt. He started yelling at me right away because I was one of the adults and right then and there I started ballin my eyes out saying that it was an accident and none of us knew it was gonna happen. My aunt yelled at him and said, " Shut up! Its not his fault. Stop blaming people. It was a simple accident. And she said, its okay (SimpleGuy) its not your fault." (Remember, it was a wedding, so the wifes dad, which is the uncle that yelled at me, was drinking.!!) We get to the waiting room, and my dads comes a little later and tells me to go home. I drop off my two cousins and then go home.

When I got home, my sister says to me, did you hear? And my body just felt so weak. She said "Anthony passed away." I was sad and I didnt have anymore tears to cry. So I went outside and just got some fresh air and thought about all that just happened in a short time.

That was the story of what happened, now listen to the story of Why..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1908 on: July 22, 2010, 04:29:40 PM »
Part II

After the drowning at the lake, my uncle who's a shaman, looked into it. Im sure a lot of you know what Im talking about. Its creepy to me.

I was outside and It was dark now, I looked to my right side, and I still get spooked about it.. I saw a silhouette of my cousin that JUST DROWNED! I blinked and it was gone. My two cousins that I dropped off after the hospital, they had their own experience as well. I think it was because we were really close with the cousin that passed away. One cousin saw his face in the sky at night while taking some breather on his roof. And the other cousin saw an apparition of my cousin in his closet. I know... Scary! But a couple of days later...

My shaman uncle finds this shaman lady who lets the dead take control of her and he recorded the audio of when Anthony came back and used her as a speaking tool. It was so freaky listening to it. Ill talk about why it happened first and then what the audio said.
The reason why it happened was because, the lake that we went to, (Lake Josephine) it was haunted and there was spirit down at the bottom of the lake that was stuck. In order for that spirit to go to heaven, it had to make someone take its place. So my cousin Anthony was the vulnerable one and he took Anthony into the water. (SideNote) Remember in the story how I said that the Mentally Retarted kid was outside of the Boundary line and was on the verge of drowning... The spirit that was in the lake, was tugging on his leg so everyone would focus on him who was drowning and then drag Anthony into the water when no one was looking. So that why no one noticed when Anthony went missing.

The audio was very sad and lifting at the same time. I wish I had the copy of it but my Uncle and Aunt have it.
In the audio, my uncles talking and then, it switches over to the woman, (Getting Goosebumps) She starts crying and speaking in Hmong. I was thinking... WTTTFFFF! :o It was Anthony crying through her voice. He started talking and he said( Remember this is all in hmong and I cant write in Hmong) Mom, I miss you. I miss you so much. You dont know how Much I love you. Remember that time when we would sit in the kitchen just you and me and we would eat the food that you cooked? Im sad that I died, I dont want to go. --> at that point everyone that was in the room was crying! :'( He also said to his brother(The mentally challenged one) I miss you so much, Im sorry that Im leaving you behind, I didnt want it this way. Thanks for always being a big brother. He then talked about my cousin who was trying to save ricky from drowning, he said, " Cousin, dont feel bad about this, you had nothing to do with it, Thank you for saving Ricky and noticing that I was no where to be found first at the lake." Because the cousin felt like it was his fault because he realized that Anthony was gone right after he helped the drowning cousin. He didnt say anything about me or to me. Which is fine.. But then he said to his dad, "Dad, you drink too much and you dont really care about the family, you need to stop drinking and make our home a better place because I feel like you dont love me and thats why I love mom and I miss her." Dam, I started crying again at that moment because you have to be in that environment to actually understand it. Then he goes, Im gonna go stay with Grandma in Heaven so she wont be so lonely anymore. Dont worry about us. He also said before he got out of the Mediums/Shamans body that he wanted certain items in the coffin and what kind of clothing and we respected those wishes. Moments later he left, and the medium came back. She said, that she was exhausted and that the boy was just too emotional. But then she said, some other people wanted to talk to my shaman uncle as well. The people who came in were my Ancestors from my dads side. FML.. and they wanted to talk to Anthony's dad. SCARY SHIT. They yelled at him through the recording and said that he never fed them any food when they came to visit, he never attends family meetings. He never really attends the jingle bells. And because of all these things, they took his son away from him. I was thinkin.. Thats some scary Shit mane! And they told him, In his life, he was never supposed to have more than two kids, because he wouldnt be able to financially support more than two, so they took this kid to make him only have two kids. The first time, the ancestors came and got the older brother who is Mentally challenged now but he survived his drowning, so they came back to grab his youngest child.

Dadadaada.. we did the funeral and all the releasing the spirit from the lake for Anthony and I guess things are back to normal now. Been like a year now but I wont forget the kid. I love that kid to death and may he R.I.P. with my grandparents. We'll join him someday, hopefully I get to see his smile someday.
Thanks for reading the whole story if you did, sorry if it was kind of long, I like to talk. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1909 on: July 23, 2010, 06:12:00 AM »
The ICU I work at used to be a children's ICU for critically ill kids.  Then they built an adjoining section and moved out all the kids and converted that unit into an adult ICU for brain damaged patients.  Anyways, one of the nurses there was checking on a patient at night.  She felt something brush against her lab coat.  Didn't give it much thought until she felt her labcoat swaying again.  Glanced down and saw it swinging back and forth by itself like somebody waist high was stroking and playing with it.     

Here's another in the same ICU:
When they moved out all the remaining kids to the new ICU, they had to pass a corridor.  EVERY single time one of these kids were moved, all the lights would blink off until they passed through the end of the corridor.  One of the nurses finally said out loud, "don't be scared, we're moving to a new home now, just follow us."  Then after she said that, the corrider didn't blink off when the rest of the remaining kids were moved.

In some ways, I think its sad that there are these little lost spirits out there, still wandering around.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1910 on: July 23, 2010, 10:46:40 AM »
well...this happen 2 years ago. i start playing the qeeb (however u spell it)
and well a friend of mine (whose name i shall not say so lets call her Lady)
Lady was a great friend of mine n would loved to hear her father play the qeeb so when she started to know me,she asked if i can play 4 her too. i laughed it off and told her as a joke that maybe when its time but at the moment lets just imagine it. But of course soon friendship turned into love so, we kinda start off but of course family and parents wont allow it. so, soon the situation gotten so bad she decieded tat without love she wont live and she committed suicide but over dosing. But the night before she OD herself i got a phone call from her saying that she will miss me and will always love me. i didnt think anything will happen so i went with it.

the next morning her sister called and told me that Lady was gone. i should come back pay my respect to her.
so i did. when i got to the funeral home, i saw her sleeping in the coffin i try to hold back tears and said my farewells.
but as i saw the Og playing the Qeeb i deciede tat i want to play for it. I asked the Og if i can take a shot at it
the og reply
"son arent you too young to be playing for the dead"
but..he never stop me so, i took the shot and play it all 3 days for the funeral.
as i play i saw her woke up from the coffin and smile and asked
all i did was froze and smile and cry,
after 3 days was over i never play the qeeb ever again!,

but with the beers n other things in my stomache, it was kinda hard to say wat i saw though  :P :P :P

I heard that a middle age guy died because he saw his own self reflection as a beautiful lady in the drums while he was drumming at the funeral. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1911 on: July 23, 2010, 05:00:07 PM »
This one happened to my sis-n-law's niece when she was a bout 3 years of age.

She told me that when her grandmother passed away in Merced they decided to take their little niece along with them. During the funeral the niece needed to use the restroom, and it was a one stall restroom so they took her, but she went inside by herself. As she was using the restroom, my sis-n-law and her mom heard her little niece said in hmong, "hey don't mess with me. I didn't do anything to you. Don't mess with me." They knocked on the door and asked who she was talking to but no answer. When she finally came out she told them that an old lady was messing with her in the restroom. They checked but no one was there.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1912 on: July 23, 2010, 05:10:56 PM »
Can someone tell the story of how PUY and his bro (dunno how to spell his name) came to how the legend began...and how they became enemies...i heard stories but i wanna know how it all started...shar e plz.... ::)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1913 on: July 23, 2010, 05:49:04 PM »
This one happened to my sis-n-law's niece when she was a bout 3 years of age.

She told me that when her grandmother passed away in Merced they decided to take their little niece along with them. During the funeral the niece needed to use the restroom, and it was a one stall restroom so they took her, but she went inside by herself. As she was using the restroom, my sis-n-law and her mom heard her little niece said in hmong, "hey don't mess with me. I didn't do anything to you. Don't mess with me." They knocked on the door and asked who she was talking to but no answer. When she finally came out she told them that an old lady was messing with her in the restroom. They checked but no one was there.

Wow what a brave little girl, going in the bathroom by herself....a grown ass woman like wouldn't even go alone  :P

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1914 on: July 24, 2010, 01:34:10 PM »
beautifullyhum an,

Yeah, now im more cautious with what I do because today could be the last day.. Who knows.  But sadly my uncles HAS NOT changed his ways which is stupid of him. Even though my dad yells at him. My uncles only like 35 or something. Even the death of his son isnt enough of a wake up call for him.  >:(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1915 on: August 03, 2010, 01:34:48 PM »
Wow what a brave little girl, going in the bathroom by herself....a grown ass woman like wouldn't even go alone  :P

 ::) After reading this forum and ghost stories people in fresno encountered on the local hmong radio, i get spooked using the restroom at the lake/park, so i usually have my husband wait for me at the entrance of the women's personal opinion, as i get older, instead of becoming braver, i actually have more fear of encountering the super natural...luck ily, i have my two chihuahua  :knuppel2:

when we first moved into our apt, my dog (at that time, she's the only 1), will start chasing whatever/whoever (i can't see it).  she got spanked by that spirit 2X.  1 - in the hall way - i can hear the spank & Lilly will whimpering.  another time, she was w/ us on the sofa, we both heard the spank ( we both thought it was odd) stopped when we had 3 chihuahuas....

 ;) i once heard on the radio that if there's a spirit around you, one can purchase a toy dog & the spirit will get scared & not come around....but i rather have the real one  :o

« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 02:53:29 PM by precious_nkaujhli_chi »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1916 on: August 03, 2010, 02:42:42 PM »

Yeah, now im more cautious with what I do because today could be the last day.. Who knows.  But sadly my uncles HAS NOT changed his ways which is stupid of him. Even though my dad yells at him. My uncles only like 35 or something. Even the death of his son isnt enough of a wake up call for him.  >:(

simpleguy... i met ur uncle and ur aunt..they were telling me the story, as they told me the story your uncle's eyes swelled up in tears but you are rite..he has not changed his ways still... he was drunk n telling the story of how he lost his son.  :'(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1917 on: August 03, 2010, 03:24:41 PM »
::) After reading this forum and ghost stories people in fresno encountered on the local hmong radio, i get spooked using the restroom at the lake/park, so i usually have my husband wait for me at the entrance of the women's personal opinion, as i get older, instead of becoming braver, i actually have more fear of encountering the super natural...luckily, i have my two chihuahua  :knuppel2:[/color]when we first moved into our apt, my dog (at that time, she's the only 1), will start chasing whatever/whoever (i can't see it).  she got spanked by that spirit 2X.  1 - in the hall way - i can hear the spank & Lilly will whimpering.  another time, she was w/ us on the sofa, we both heard the spank ( we both thought it was odd) stopped when we had 3 chihuahuas....

 ;) i once heard on the radio that if there's a spirit around you, one can purchase a toy dog & the spirit will get scared & not come around....but i rather have the real one  :o

 I agree w/you...I used to be I'm a wimp! :P

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1918 on: August 09, 2010, 12:10:38 PM »
Part II

After the drowning at the lake, my uncle who's a shaman, looked into it. Im sure a lot of you know what Im talking about. Its creepy to me.

I was outside and It was dark now, I looked to my right side, and I still get spooked about it.. I saw a silhouette of my cousin that JUST DROWNED! I blinked and it was gone. My two cousins that I dropped off after the hospital, they had their own experience as well. I think it was because we were really close with the cousin that passed away. One cousin saw his face in the sky at night while taking some breather on his roof. And the other cousin saw an apparition of my cousin in his closet. I know... Scary! But a couple of days later...

My shaman uncle finds this shaman lady who lets the dead take control of her and he recorded the audio of when Anthony came back and used her as a speaking tool. It was so freaky listening to it. Ill talk about why it happened first and then what the audio said.
The reason why it happened was because, the lake that we went to, (Lake Josephine) it was haunted and there was spirit down at the bottom of the lake that was stuck. In order for that spirit to go to heaven, it had to make someone take its place. So my cousin Anthony was the vulnerable one and he took Anthony into the water. (SideNote) Remember in the story how I said that the Mentally Retarted kid was outside of the Boundary line and was on the verge of drowning... The spirit that was in the lake, was tugging on his leg so everyone would focus on him who was drowning and then drag Anthony into the water when no one was looking. So that why no one noticed when Anthony went missing.

The audio was very sad and lifting at the same time. I wish I had the copy of it but my Uncle and Aunt have it.
In the audio, my uncles talking and then, it switches over to the woman, (Getting Goosebumps) She starts crying and speaking in Hmong. I was thinking... WTTTFFFF! :o It was Anthony crying through her voice. He started talking and he said( Remember this is all in hmong and I cant write in Hmong) Mom, I miss you. I miss you so much. You dont know how Much I love you. Remember that time when we would sit in the kitchen just you and me and we would eat the food that you cooked? Im sad that I died, I dont want to go. --> at that point everyone that was in the room was crying! :'( He also said to his brother(The mentally challenged one) I miss you so much, Im sorry that Im leaving you behind, I didnt want it this way. Thanks for always being a big brother. He then talked about my cousin who was trying to save ricky from drowning, he said, " Cousin, dont feel bad about this, you had nothing to do with it, Thank you for saving Ricky and noticing that I was no where to be found first at the lake." Because the cousin felt like it was his fault because he realized that Anthony was gone right after he helped the drowning cousin. He didnt say anything about me or to me. Which is fine.. But then he said to his dad, "Dad, you drink too much and you dont really care about the family, you need to stop drinking and make our home a better place because I feel like you dont love me and thats why I love mom and I miss her." Dam, I started crying again at that moment because you have to be in that environment to actually understand it. Then he goes, Im gonna go stay with Grandma in Heaven so she wont be so lonely anymore. Dont worry about us. He also said before he got out of the Mediums/Shamans body that he wanted certain items in the coffin and what kind of clothing and we respected those wishes. Moments later he left, and the medium came back. She said, that she was exhausted and that the boy was just too emotional. But then she said, some other people wanted to talk to my shaman uncle as well. The people who came in were my Ancestors from my dads side. FML.. and they wanted to talk to Anthony's dad. SCARY SHIT. They yelled at him through the recording and said that he never fed them any food when they came to visit, he never attends family meetings. He never really attends the jingle bells. And because of all these things, they took his son away from him. I was thinkin.. Thats some scary Shit mane! And they told him, In his life, he was never supposed to have more than two kids, because he wouldnt be able to financially support more than two, so they took this kid to make him only have two kids. The first time, the ancestors came and got the older brother who is Mentally challenged now but he survived his drowning, so they came back to grab his youngest child.

Dadadaada.. we did the funeral and all the releasing the spirit from the lake for Anthony and I guess things are back to normal now. Been like a year now but I wont forget the kid. I love that kid to death and may he R.I.P. with my grandparents. We'll join him someday, hopefully I get to see his smile someday.
Thanks for reading the whole story if you did, sorry if it was kind of long, I like to talk. ;D

this is soo sad,, R.I.P. for you cuz too.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1919 on: August 10, 2010, 07:19:42 PM »
My s/o told me that when he was still living with his parents (WI), they moved into a new home. When they move in, they found that the garage was full of stuff (furniture, clothes, toys, food...etc) They ask the manager and the manager told them that the previous tenant left without informing the manager and left all their stuff behind too. His parents thought that was weird. Weird stuff started to happen in the house after they move in.

There is a little shack in the backyard and they'll find long strands of hair around it. It look like it was coming from underground. Him and his sisters experience a lot of weird stuff. They had a doll the size of a toddler and one time, the sister was sleeping and the doll was facing the wall. She sense something was watching her and when she open her eyes, the doll was facing her.

My s/o was playing hide and seek with his sisters. He went to hide under the blanket and as soon as he settle in, he felt something heavy sat on him. He couldn't move or breathe for a few seconds. He finally broke free and looked around but there was no one.

No one really know what happened in that house. They moved out soon after.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 07:28:59 PM by morninglory »

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