
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610057 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2250 on: March 12, 2011, 03:39:33 AM »
Here's some about my buddies and the place I work at.

   A friend of mine lives in northside minneapolis and on his days off from work his cousins and them will always stay up late. Well downstairs in the basment is where his bedroom/his brothers room is and where they also stay up late, well one night they finished up playing videogames and decided to go zzzz. His brother was sleeping but it got sooo hot he had to go into the basement living area and sleep there as he did he dreamt that a kaduu guy appeared and starting hahaing at him and also a meeka lady came out of their t.v and started hahaing. Needless to say they started going to sleep earlier and don't really stay up late anymore.

  A friend of mine said one day in the summer time he was sleeping in his room positioned so he was on his side facing away from his opened window. He dreamt that a shadowy figure came to his window and climbed inside and went to where my friends bed was and preceeded to climb onto the bed and the figure then put his hands on my friends neck and on his legs and that's when he felt the pressure on the shadowy figure on top of him. After a few mins he felt the pressure lift off him and he ran out into the livingroom. (When my friend told me this story I just about died laughing cause I was like lol you guys were about to get nasty. Lol even now we laugh about how his manhood was about to be taken from him)

 The place I work at we have a bathroom downstairs next to the lunch area
That's haunted and from what I hear is a former employee died while on the toilet because he had bloodclots and he ended up bleeding to death(yea bad way to go) well anyways whenever your down doing your business you can hear somebody come into the bathroom act "its" peeing but you don't hear anything except the water flush as if "its" done, you never hear "it" wash their hands or hear "it" open the door. Whenever your on the toilet you can see someone pass by the bathroom stalls cause of the crack in the stall door. (I don't really care cause when I got to drop a bomb its dropping regardless lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2251 on: March 12, 2011, 01:58:26 PM »
here are a couple stories from me.

so last weekend, we were hanging out at my oldest brother's house. A brother in law, his little family and mother came to town. They slept over at my brother's house. Well, it was friday night, that brother in law and my nephews had gone bowling. The BIL's wife and child slept out in the living room. It was just before 1 am the wife kept seeing a figure go and down the stairs and into the kitchen. It would walk to the kitchen and then down the hallway. It kept doing that a few times. The wife didn't think anything and just tried going to sleep. the next day, she asked my brother's family if they knew who kept doing that. She thought it was the oldest son but turns out, most of the guys had gone bowling. the only son left that stayed home was already asleep. the wife kept insisting it was the oldest son but he wasn't home yet from bowling. we just kind of said it must have been the son that was already asleep just to not scare her.

this happened a couple of nights ago to my friend. She had a dream that she was in this room. Out of no where, she said, "hello?" a voiced answered her and said, "hi. I'm ashley". the way she described it, it's like those voices you hear very clearly in your head. I'm not sure if any of you have ever experienced anything like that but it can be pretty freaky. anyway, so she woke up kind of scared. She walked out of her room and into the living room where her brother was sleeping. She told him what happened and he said she could sleep out there with him. She slept out in the living room with her brother and had another dream. In this dream, she was sleeping next to her brother out in the living room. She woke up and saw a shadowy figure standing right next to her. Frantically, she woke her brother up telling him that there was a person standing next to her. He just kept saying that there was no one there. The shadow just kept coming towards her and she just kept yelling at her brother but he wouldn't do anything. she woke up from that dream.

*i don't know if i ever told this story of one of my nieces but i'll share it again.

so i have this niece who's very sensitive to the supernatural side. Well, she had this dream that this little girl appeared to her and said to her, "you know why we visit you? it's because want to talk to you. But i can't talk to you right now. I have to go. "

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2252 on: March 17, 2011, 02:51:44 PM »
Nothing big to add, but about 10 years ago I was going through some hard-bumps in life.  It was filled with a lot of spiritual activities and attacks.  One day my sister had asked me to take her to the airport.  I dropped her off and was on my way home via the highway.  In front of me, at about a three car distance was a dump-truck .  Suddenly I hear a voice in my head.  "The devil wants to kill you."  Immediately I slowed down.  No sooner than that, out from the back of the dump truck, a sheet of metal the size of my car comes flying out.  It missed me by a narrow margin... my heart was racing after the incident.

Glad to know someone is watching out for me.  O0

« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 02:59:37 PM by Runnin_with_Scissors »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2253 on: March 17, 2011, 11:41:27 PM »
My uncle saw a white flash outside his garage parking space. He died the week after and his body was hauled off through the garage parking space by the paramedics

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2254 on: March 18, 2011, 02:52:17 PM »
My cousin works in a department store. When she first transferred there, someone told her that the store was blessed by a priest. Funny huh? They told her that before the store was blessed, associates would see people walking around in the morning before opening. One lady was putting out new clothing on the floor when an old lady pasted by her. The old lady even said hi. After responding back, the associate realized that the store was still close. She contacted her supervisors and told them what she saw. After a few more witness who saw the old lady, they decided to to blessed the store.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2255 on: March 18, 2011, 05:28:03 PM »
Creepy Hunting story,

K Some of you folks who goes outdoors knows when the OG's says "not to sleep at intersections(dirtroads or asphalt)" *txhob pw ntawv txoj kev tshuam

Well it was last year 2010 of the hunting season. My brother and some of the relatives they decide to go hunting during deer season. Their plan was to camp , so when they got to the camping site where they decide to scout a week before they went hunting, there were water lines there which was weird out in the forest. So my brother decided not to stay there, but the relatives (cov kwvtij) said don't worry about it's okay, it's okay. That evening there was an Atv the coming down from the road with not lights on. The driver wasn't in camo like he was hunting, but just driving fast and past my brother's camp site, but right when it was dark. My brother said something wasn't feeling right. He felt like as if someone was watching them from far away with scopes. So my brother told the relatives that he didn't want to stay there. They can camp there but he's going to leave. He's leaving them no matter what because to him he thinks that they're on a spot where rednecks or people are growing Marijuana because there water lines where they camp at. So everybody just said to my brother "since you're going to go no matter what then let's all packed up and leave" so they all packed up their gears and left. Everybody drove and drove and then they all stopped to a spot where the intersection was at or crossroad. Everybody was tired to they all decided to stop there and rest but my brother did not want to because what my dad have said "no matter where you go don't sleep at the crossroads or intersections" but the relatives says it's okay! you're just scaring yourself! so my brothers said okay fine let's just sleep here for the the night. So everyone set the tents and slept, one of the relatives slept inside the truck. While my brother and the rest slept in the tents. Two of the cousins slept with my brother that night, and everyone was locked and load with their guns. My brother had the rifle and the other two has a rifle and a hand gun. That night when everyone slept my brother was still a little awake. So when he was about to go to sleep.. He started hearing people talking out of no where and the voices kept coming closer and closer to campsite and tent, but he ignored and decide to go to sleep. Later on the night, the other cousin felt and heard the door of the tent zipped opened and also my brother too. My brother thought the cousin was just going outside to take a pissed and the tent zipped backed up. Early the next morning when the cousin woke back up.  He'd asked! my brother and the cousin to see if they touched his cap (while he was sleep he had his cap on top of his head) but seems like someone was playing with it and tipping it over and also the other cousin ask that did my brother and cousin woke up to go take a pissed or something . They both answered no and my brother thought my cousin was the one that got up, but none of them did. They even ask the guy who slept in the truck to see if he woke up to open the tent and it wasn't him either...somet hing weird or paranormal actually in my opinion out in the forest with no town near by..

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2256 on: March 19, 2011, 10:18:09 PM »
 idiot2: Hi,
I'm new here.. Man where are all the good stories. I just found this site with my evo 4g phone, i never knew we had a site for this kind of stuff.
Man I'm so lame cuz I'm so old fashion, i don't know much about comp. Anyways, I got a few of my own to share.
1st story.
 To those who knew Mt. Airy, I'm not going to tell you which house this happen in cause you might be the one living in that house.Here's a back round check. It was built over a Indian grave site. If I'm correct you can go to the libary in downtown St. Paul and look it up. Well my first encounter was when I was little oh about 3rd grade or 4th. Back in those days my parents washes their clothes. like how u are done then folded it up and place them on a rack over the place where u would put the bar soap. Anyways me and my cousin we had to go wash our feet before going to bed like every night. But this night was diff. As we walk into the bathroom I turned on the lights, there on the wall I saw a shadow of a foot from it's ankle to it's toes. Hanging over the rack of clothes. I asked my cousin if he saw what I saw. And he said "yeah, what is that"?. Dumb as I was I opened the sink water and with a hand full of water I splashed on the shadow, it didn't move then I sort of touched the clothes on the rack. My cuz was getting scared. Then I was like WTF. I was going to touch the shadow foot but my cuz stopped me from touching it. We both got scared and ran off to bed, without washing our feet that night. My mom was yelling to us that we didn't wash our feet and I was like yeah we did. Then my mom said " I didn't hear the water running". I was like yeah we did. Anyways while we were in bed I asked my cuz WTF was that thing in the bathroom? He was like shut up and go to sleep.

2nd story.
 This happened at my uncles place, when I was little, my parents would go visit our cousin. This was on a Saturday night they went to visit and talked long into the night. And my grandpa n grandma would tell my parents that it's late and that I should sleep over, I loved to sleep over their place cause it was fun. Anyways this night. was one night that I'll never forget. I remember it like it was yesterday. So me and my cousin and my uncle was sleeping in the down stair room. Their house is one of those 2 level split house, but not that kind of split house. You cum in, about 30 yrd or so there's the dinning room to the left then up or down type house. So we were going to sleep down stair, just to let you guys know I use to have ear infection. And sometimes it would be draining yellow puss. Don't ask me how I got it. All I know is that I was scare of water going in my ears.  I yell at my wife every time she pours water over the kids head when the kids go take a bath. back to the story. Well that night I slept in the middle my uncle was to my right and my cuz was to the left. If you look up you can see the stairs and the dinning room. we all went to sleep and that night for some reason I don't know why it happen but as I awoke I sat up slightly with my head over my uncle's body and I saw a shadow of my anutie looking at us. I was like what the heck.Why is my anutie looking at us from the stairs? uh maybe she was checking on us to see if we're alright. So i went back to sleep. (keep in mind that I stared at the shadow for a good long time cuz I can see the outline of her figure, and it wasn't like she was floating I could see from head to feet, but in a solid shadow figure). Anyways I awokelater the night cuz my ear was draining so I got out of bed and went into the bathroom to fold up some toilet paper and put it in my ear. In the back of my mind I was like, man what was that shadow? I went back to sleep and all night I had to get up and take care of my ear. That morning I told my grandma but she not my real grandma, you know the old days back in Laos were. I told her that is anutie home cuz I saw her shadow looking at us last night? And my grandma was like W T Hell are you talking about. We go to church and there are no such shadow in this house. You know how the OG are. She was laughing  like I was talking crazy or something. Later I found out from my uncle that slept with us saying that he had nightmare, like he was been sat on and couldn't move. but he can feel the bad moving cuz I was up and going to the bathroom that night. but he couldn't move at all. but when I was going too much that was when he broke free. But he didn't want to say anything to me. Ha Ha them OG and em world. Cuz i bet she was scare too but wanted to keep her cool.
3rd story
 This happened to me back in 7th or 8th grade, I went to Washington Jr. High. On Rice street. I believe it was around fall cuz school started around 7 something and I had to go out around 6ish and it was still dark outside. I had told some of my friend to bike to school and they were like yeah let do that. The 1st day nothing happened then the 2nd day I think it was that day when I ran into someone or something out of this world. So here's a pix my route i had to take. I had to go to Jackson street then past the oak land cem. When I got close to the cem. I made a left turn on that street but I didn't want to ride on that side of the sidewalk so I stayed on the otherside across from the cem. till I past the cem. by the stop sign then crossed the street and took that side. There are new house that was built not too long ago on that side of the road. Those houses are still there. Anyways when I got close to Rice street.

 There use to be a auto shop call Dino something on the right side and across from it to the left side there DQ and it's still there, well the auto shop is gone. So you see that white house that is there. That's were i saw it man. I was cursieing on my bike until I got close to Rice street, something told me to turn my head to the right. Don't know why but it just happened. So I saw this white thing or 1st I thought  it was a dog but those eyes I can not forget those red eyes. I thought that some one left their dog out side but it's color was pure white like a pair of new white sock. Well I said "man that's a super white dog". then on 2nd thought I was like but it's about 3-4 ft tall and it looks like it had chicken feather or dirty or something on, but those 2 pairs of red eyes looking back at me. If you ever watched the anime call the Guyver and how it's eyes are drawing. kinda of slanted anyways, those red eyes which told me that it wasn't a dog but it looked like a dog. It was like a couple of second but it felt like 5-6 min pass. I kept staring at it while it was staring back at me. then I turned my head back to look at the road or sidewalk and brushed off. When i got to school i told all my buddies what I saw and they were like you crazy man. There ain't no dogs like that.They didn't believe in what I saw that morning, so i was like eh WTF. So i told them that if they don't believe me to wait after school and I'll show them that dog with the pair of super red eyes. well all of my friends chicken out. Only one of my friend wanted to see this dog. besides he live on the way there.So after school he walked with me cuz I didn't ride my bike but push it along with my friend. When we got to the white house I told him see that were I saw the dog, But there was no dog there nor a dog in sight. I wanted to go knock on the house to see if they left their white dog outside last night or something. that when it hit me like a rock. Woo ooh that was no dog I saw, that was one of those thing the kids and OG talk about, sorry i can't spell in hmong words, but you guys got the pix.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2257 on: March 19, 2011, 11:34:50 PM »
By the way, Please when you guys post stuff on here please, please, please keep your family pix out of this thread, I don't mean to be harsh but it's your family you can see it and be fine with it. but to others it's not right to see those pix.of your decease love ones.What I mean is awhile back on some of these pages I skipped most of them because that pix scares me. The one in the hospital LOL. that's not how they should be remember. But remember when they were living. Not on their deathbed. And this is a reading story not a family pix thing. But if you have ghost pix caught on cam, by all means share it with all of us.
Thank you

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 12:07:58 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2258 on: March 20, 2011, 12:06:46 AM »
Here's another one,
This took place in Mt. Airy. Mt. Airy is like a section 8 houseing, remember I grew up in that hood. So I know a few here and there.
Anyways This happen at my new house location, I knew that something was not right about this house cuz it's always dark. I mean the stairs way to the beds was so dark that you have to have the light on all the time, even thou you have all the bedroom doors open it's still dark. Anyway that house had 4 bedroom 3upstairs and 1 down stairs. Back when I was little me and my cuz and sis use to go down the basement and ride our bikes and play tag. Well one night everybody was upstairs in my parents bedroom to heard stories of long ago. My mom told one of my sis(A) to go make a bottle for one of my little bro. And my sis(A) wasn't going to go by her self so she made my other sis(B) go with her. While one of my sis(B) is making the bottle sis(A) saw that the light to the basement was on so she opened the door and walked down the stairs.(oh this is making my hair stand up, writing this down) to those who knew the hood and it's basement. You can walk half way down and bend your head and see the whole basement. Anyways to the left my sis(A) saw sis(B) sitting on one of the bikes and said to my sis(a), "hey come down and ride bikes or something like that". My sis(A) was like WTF how come sis(B) is down here when sis(B) is making the bottle. So she got scare and ran up the basement stairs, and my sis(A) saw sis(B) in the kitchen making the bottle... I was up stairs and I heard my two sis scream like a sissy LOL and ran up stairs without any milk in hand nor bottle. So my mom was like  
W T Hell. were is the bottle I ask of you to go make. My sis face was like did I just see what I thought I saw down the basement.Then my sis won't go down there to make the bottle. than finally my sis(A)dragged my sis(B) back down to make the bottle. Of course I didn't know the story until they told us later. Well my sis(A) told my mom and then my mom told us the story of that night. More to come but I'm making myself scare. Back then I didn't know much about these things, but now I'm a sissy.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 12:16:18 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2259 on: March 20, 2011, 11:36:39 PM »
The supposedly wise ancient Hmong people once always said when that see you creature weird  :D (example: if like see when you a creature similar to any known animal but not really sure about it's real existent than check out it's facial figuration, especially it's eyes, it'll be slightly vertical, you know like from the left to the right, like from the Kanye West to the Taylor East :)). If so that if it is a unknown living whatever that you so happen to encounter see than just away walk :idiot2:.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2260 on: March 21, 2011, 11:25:18 AM »
well i just want to share this, sometime its not ghost that is hunting you, but maybe becuz your going to become a shaman.
becuz my husband brother kept seeing/hearing stuff when he was younger, he now became a shaman.

anyways i have some ghost storieis to share but maybe later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2261 on: March 21, 2011, 12:56:01 PM »
Sorry to say this but we got some horrible writers in here. It wouldn't hurt to write in paragraphs. Having a big blob together with no breaks makes it impossible to read. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2262 on: March 22, 2011, 04:39:53 PM »
My sister was at the doctor's office and when she came out of the office, she saw an old hmong lady in hmong clothes with no shoes walking back and ford on a sidewalk. That area rarely have people around. She look at the lady and thought maybe that lady was waiting for someone to pick her up and take her to GVP's funeral (some people wear hmong clothes to GVP's funeral). She was goin to ask if that lady needed a ride but when she turn back to look, the lady was gone. Then she finally realize that maybe it was a ghost and got scare.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2263 on: March 22, 2011, 08:37:57 PM »
I don't know if you all know this site, but it's a recorded audio of ghost encounter. I only listened to 1/4 of the audio and I felt like someone or thing was next to me. Since then I haven't listened to it. It's call hmongkingdom.c om. Sorry I don't have the copy/paste site here. So you have to type it in yourself. Check it out and let me know how it is, cause I'm too chicken to listen. I'll wait til I'm a bit braver then I'll go back to listen to it LOL. Check out the one about the Hmong girl possessed. Man it was freaky. B T W you can not bookmark it so if you stop or change anything than you have to start back from the beganing.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 08:40:21 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2264 on: March 22, 2011, 10:30:00 PM »
I got another one.

Bare with me, this is a long story... I'll try my best to give you guys an eye break from read my story. If you guys wish to. Ha ha.

I have a big family. I'm the oldest out of all my bro and sis.

Now going back to the place I was living at. As I got older I slept in the room down stair. Nothing happen while I was sleeping in that room. But I don't remember when this happened but I got sat on, and like all the stories here, I too went through what you guys went. Anyways in my dream I chased whatever it was and the whole time it was laughing at me, and when I caught it, I beat it up and it would cry and change itself into one of my little bro or sis, and I would be like W T F am I doing, beating up my bro and sis. So I let it go and it was laugh at me and I would chase it all night and when I caught it again I would beat it up, and it would do the same process, it would repeat as I mentioned early.

The final time I caught it, and was beating the FK out of it. It changed into one of my 3rd oldest sister. So anyways I finally broke free. It was like 5 am or so cause I had to get ready and go to the bus stop, I had to go up stair to the bathroom and get myself ready. So this is the part that got me spook. As I was washing my face, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I was like W T F who would be up this early in the morning besides me?
So I opened the door and I saw my 3rd oldest sister staring at me. And I screamed like a little sissy.
So I was W T F, am I up or still a sleep, and I was going to punch her in the face. Then I said to myself " wait I'm awake" that's the only reason why I stop. Otherwise I would of punch her in the face. (LOL). Lucky I didn't punch her in the face, I would of gotten my a$$ beat up by my old man.
I told her W T F you doing up this early, you know I had a nightmare, and you were the thing that sat on me and I was chasing it and beating it up the whole night.
So I closed the bathroom door and got myself ready for school.

So this thing would come and bug me for about 3 or 4 nights in a roll. I know when I'm been sat on, and in my dreams I would chase it down and beat it up, and the whole process would be the same as above.  Anyways I like to raise Teddy bear hamster, my a$$ was broke so I couldn't go buy wood chip for my hamster. My best friend also raise hamster too. So one day we went in the back yard and started chopping down this, sort of small pine tree. Funny cause when I look back at it, we could of gotten into a big a$$ fine for doing that. So when we got done chopping the tree we dragged back to his back door and started to trim the barks off.
I told him that I've been having this nightmare where I was been sat on and I would chase this thing all night. So I chopped about 2-3 ft long trunk branch and told him that I'm gonna put this branch with me when I go sleep. I don't know if this happen the next night, but it came again. So I dreamed that I was back in Laos and that me and my dad had this wonderful a$$ bull that we both loved, and this thing came and kill it and I was so piss I said "when I get my hands on this thing I'm going to kill it once in for all, and that I have no mercy this time. Even if it begs me to stop or change into any of my little bro or sis I got one goal,and it is to kill this thing.). So I remember that I had this 2-3 ft long branch and I pick it up and chase it and when I caught it I was beating it up and I said "when are you going to leave me along". It spoke to me, it said that " it'll leave me alone, and that it'll be around 4-5 pm".

So now when I'm going to get sit on, I know right a way that something is about to happen and I'm all ready, ready to fight this thing. Off course I now have some samurai swords, instead of the log. so when something is coming and in my dream I've already went and got my samurai sword and waiting for it to come. Even thou I get scare fighting this thing. And sometimes it knows that I'm ready for it and it never come near me. And in sometimes I would not go near it too. LOL. And if it comes near, I would tell it that I'm ready to fight you, but I wish not to go that way and that it should not come my way. Sometime it would test me to see how far it can come near me. Then I would unsheath my sword and be ready.

I'm not telling you guys that, I'm cocky or anything like that, I do get scare sometimes, because I can see how big it is and how small it is. When I know that it's a big one I too doubt myself. What happens it I can't beat it. What's going to happen. And sometime it would challenge me and I would back off. and in times it would back off too. Or sometimes I would fight it and beat it down with my sword and I my sword would be all mess up. but it would walk away or I would walk away.

Sometimes you go hanging out with your friend or go to different places and smoking the green stuff or whatever, I believe that you can attract thing(s) with you home. I know this because I got naughty while growing up.

This happened to me in my 18-20yrs. I stop been naughty when I hit my 18th b-day. Anyways I got heavily into volleyball and was loving that sport. I would run from Mt. Airy to Phalan Lake and back home. So this one time I went to Mounds View on the east side. to those who are aware of this place, you know whats' up with that place. My friends, friends wanted us to go to that place to go hang out and play some ball. So when we got there and since i didn't know them too well and I wasn't in the mood to play, cause I had other things in my mind. Anyways I walked to where the Indian mounds were and in between, there's an over view which you can see the river, I'm not going to tell you the exact place where I encountered this. Cause it give me goose bump and bad memories of that day. Anyways I was single and sort of depress cause I stop dating so that I can focuses on my training. Besides when I was naughty I use to bring my ex- girl which I loved a lot. there to walk on the trails, it was also  the place when i asked her out. Anyways I wanted to be alone and went to that overview place. As I was sitting in the grass i was looking into the woods. the wind was dead no breezy, than all of sudden this brush started to shake. At 1st is shook a little and I thought that it was just an animal. Than I brushed it off, the 2nd time it shook a lot harder so I was like W T F. I was like there's no wind blowing and beside I can see right threw the brush. What could it be causing it to do that. By this time it shook a lot more and a lot harder and harder. It was like you go and grab one of the branches and with all your strength and shake it. I was like HELL NO!!!. So I got up and walked back to were my home boys were at. But since I didn't drive there and I didn't want to freak my buddies or make then think like I was crazy. So we stay there until my buddies wanted to leave.

That night I couldn't sleep because when I close my eyes I would see the bush shaking. And something was getting ready to come out and show it self to me. So I was scare to close my eyes. when my eyes were open I feel find, but when I close it, so that I can go to sleep than the vision would come back. Man I was freaking out. I had a bible with me and I was like praying to God to protect me. But that didn't help. And I didn't want to go tell my parents, Cause they might think that i was talking crazy. So I try to deal it myself. But as the night grew darker and darker, I knew something was coming for me, But I didn't know who or what. I got so scare and I even had the good lord book next to me so that I can try to sleep. I knew that if I fall asleep now I might not wake up the next day. I mean I've see drive by shooting and I was not scare of it, cause I don't swing that way.

(What I mean by naughty, was that I only chase after girls and do very bad things but never into any gang related problems. It was pointless fighting your own kind. Hmongs killing each other WHAT THE DUCK. while the white men  laughs at us. If you wanted to prove yourself in the ranks. Than you should go an help our Hmong back in Loas fight our true enemies).
Anyways I'm getting off track here.

I never felt so scare in my life. If there was ever a moment to be scare for my life this was it. So I finally went to my parents room around 1-2 am with the bible in my hand and I was looking yellowish. My mom was like, what's wrong you looking pale. I told my mom what I ran into at the park. And that I can't close my eyes cause something going to come and take me. So my mom went and took out one of those triangle thingy and clipped on my shirt, and got some rock or something like that, and chewed and went to their bedroom door and she spit it out and chanted some word but I was too scare to watch it. After that was done I was able to close my eyes an fall a sleep. And not see that bush shaking. and all that stuff. So that night i slept on the floor in their bedroom for like 2-3 days. LOL a fully grown dude sleeping in his parents room on the floor. LOL. It still scares me when I think about it but not like how it did back then. I don't know what my mom did that night. But yeah I'm ok. I just thought it was strange cause I could never find an example or find any logic for why a bush would do that. Just that bush and all the rest was fine.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 01:49:25 AM by saki saki »

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