
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606637 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2610 on: July 28, 2011, 01:13:03 PM »
I am wondering now if saki saki is sane. how do the young ones say it these days? oh yea, "wut's popp'n saki?"

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2611 on: July 28, 2011, 06:09:27 PM »
don't no if anyone hear of it but This is a story about my  unlce when he went to night watch at someone house, forgot who it was, but the dead person in the family die in a werid way he had a heart attack but was healthy, something like that kind of forgot. Well it was moring or day time somewhere there. My unlce need it to pee so he when to the bathroom. He got to the bathroom door, the door was a little open and he hear someone turn on the water and flush the toilet. He thought someone was in there, so he waited at the door. Two min pass he still hear someone turn on the water, so he knock on the door and the open and he saw No one in there but a black cat just walk out of there. As the cat walk pass him he feel a cold chills down his back and his hair stood up. He turn around and saw a little girl with long hair and wa hairy all over. He yell out troll, don't no how to spell it in Hmong lol. Then everyone saw my uncle chase the cat and yelling troll. Everyone told him that it was only a cat and though he was going crazy. My unlce chase the cat all the way outside. Somehow he got a hold of it and he started it to slaming the cat back and fort on the ground. Everyone was scare and was yelling at my uncle to stop or he going to kill the cat. The cat turn into a troll with hair all over and long hair and with cat like paw but have five finger like human. Everyone started to freak out and say w t h is that. They cut it to pieces and keep some part as protection, somthing like that. I hear they say they found two heart in it and say one of it belong to the dead guy in the family who my unlce was have a night watch. Which creep me out. My mom has one of the troll finger bone and she had some fur and made my family some pouch with the fur in it. She say it protect us and bring luck, didn't really listen lol they has some picture and video of it but my parent won't let us see it they say we might get scare, but my mom did show me the finger bone, it like a baby finger. My mom say the finger told my mom about my older brother stealing my mom money to go out. Hope you guys like it, even though I can really type or story tell lol suck at this but trying so bear with me And untill next time I will tell some more when I have time.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2612 on: July 29, 2011, 08:25:06 AM »
I am wondering now if saki saki is sane. how do the young ones say it these days? oh yea, "wut's popp'n saki?"
I highly doubt that everyone in here telling their own stories are sane lol. It's been awhile since I blog with you ppl. But these are all great stories. I myself ran out of my own personal encounters but it's nice to see all the newbee's telling stories here. Keep it coming. Lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2613 on: July 29, 2011, 01:17:04 PM »
working my way into these ghost stories. I remain a skeptic as I can see 99.09% of these are tell-tales and or made up from quite an imagination but lacks critique in grammar, descriptive, and narrative skills (ex. if you are going to use the "he" second-person POV then stick to it and try not to replace it with the "she" 2nd person POV... so on... ) while the other .9% may be true events. nonetheless, there are some scary tales.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 02:02:59 PM by population1 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2614 on: July 29, 2011, 03:08:46 PM »
A few years ago, my family and I visited my husband’s aunt in North Carolina.  My husband’s aunt lived across the street from an old cemetery.  The first night we were there, we slept in the living room.  The room had all windows on one side of the house.  It was early in the morning, probably like 6am-7am.  The sun was coming into the living room.  I looked up towards the hallway and saw this black shadow standing next to the sofa.  Then the shadow came towards me and I couldn’t move.  I saw my husband sleeping next to me and my kids were sleeping on the sofas.  This was the first time I ever experienced anything like this.  I was so scared.  I could see and feel this thing on top of my.  I kept yelling and trying to kick this thing off of me.  After a couple minutes of fighting with it, I asked my mom, my dad and my brother (all passed away) to help me.  After that I felt that thing get off me.  I woke my husband up and told him what just happened.  He had his arm on top of me and said that’s probably why my arm is all numb.

I was too scared to tell my husband’s aunt what happened.  Late that night I told my friend who is related to my husband’s aunt.  My friend told my husband’s aunt and she asked me what happened.  I told her and she said that thing is a regular at their house.  They see him walking around the house.  There’s other things that stop by too.  My husband’s aunt said it’s probably because they live across the street from the cemetery so the occupants come visit them often.  WTH!!!  Should have told me before we spent the night there.

The rest of the time in North Carolina, we spent visiting other family members and friends.  It was an interesting visit and a lot of weirdness in North Carolina.  The last night we were in NC, we spent at my husband’s aunt’s house.  That night I was scared so I didn’t sleep.  After the lights were off, I heard kids run around the house, running into the walls and laughing (all the kids were asleep).  I woke my husband up and he got up and turned the lights on.  The sound of the kids stopped and I got a little sleep.  I had a bad experience there and will not be going back. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2615 on: July 29, 2011, 03:36:25 PM »
Another story...

Two years ago, I was babysitting my niece (she was two years old at that time).  I was in the living room and my niece went to the bedrooms and started crying and screaming.  I ran to the hallway and saw her standing outside of my sister’s bedroom staring into the room.  She was crying and pointed into the bedroom.  I asked her what’s wrong and she kept crying.  I picked her up and brought her to the living room.  She continued crying and I asked her what she saw…my two year old niece took her two index fingers, put them under her eyes and pulled them down.  (Hope you get the picture).  I was terrified.  I wanted to start crying too.  There’s no way a two year old could have made this up to scare me.  No one was home.  It was just me, my niece and a scary visitor.   

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2616 on: July 29, 2011, 03:51:38 PM »
I have a lot of free time at work so I'll share another story:

When my dad past away, my uncles and my cousins decided not to have my dad embalmed (to delay the decomposition).  I don’t know why they decided not to do this since money wasn’t an issue.  Anyways, my dad’s funeral was 4 days (Friday-Monday).  On the Sunday, the day before the burial my dad’s body started to smell bad.  My husband and I stayed at the funeral home until 4am.  We went home to shower and pick up my kids for the burial.  When my husband and I left the funeral home at 4am, we got into my car and the car smelled so bad.  The car smelled like my dad, the decaying, rotten smell.  There’s no way my car could have smelled that bad.  It was a brand new car.  I just bought the car brand new the month before.  My husband and I sat in the car, looked at each other and just rolled down the windows.  We both new what it was and didn’t dare say anything. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2617 on: July 29, 2011, 03:59:09 PM »
I wonder if anyone in here can smell death when they dream. Sometimes when I dream of relatives or people I know that has passed on, I can smell rotten flesh. When this happens sometimes I just say it's my morning breath. Haha. But other times I know it's more than that. Because after the person in my dream goes away, the smell goes with them. Now I'm not talking about rotten flesh like how meat rots, it has sort of a foul yet sweet smell to it. I know thats hard for some people to understand, but it's very pungent. Here is one of my dreams. This one is not about anyone I know, but there was a ghost or demon in it....Rotten.

Xeem tells me the sneaky b1tch keeps running her claws down his back. I look and sure enough there are light marks running down his back. I ask him where Jason was, he points to the restroom which was underground. So we both head down there. First we checked the right side, yelling out Jason’s name. Nothing. Then we went to the left, yelled out his name. Still nothing. We proceeded to go farther into the left. After about 10 feet, I called out his name again. This time he heard me.
   “Yeah?” came from one of the stalls.
   “Nothing. Just checking where you are.”
   “Hey Snake, did you just walked by my stall right now?”
   I told him I hadn’t. That we just came down right now to check up on him. From his answer I could tell he was a little spooked by the situation. He asked if we could stay down there with him. I told him that whatever happens, with the power they have to frighten you, the power to defeat them was also as real. Just then, from the reflection of the stall walls, a couple of feet behind Xeem and I, and our reflections, I saw the figure of a woman to the left and behind myself. She start to walk over to my right, I then turned to the right instead of the left to cross the plane of the living. As I rounded my turn to face her, she stops in her tracks knowing I had cross the threshold of the dead. She turns to face me. Right away I saw her eyes, or where her eyes should be. There was nothing there. Just hollowed eye sockets. We were no more than a foot from each other, her staring into my eyes, and I staring into those hollow stares. Her skin was greenish grey. just for a second of our stares into each other, her trying to see the fear in my eyes, my trying to just see anything in hers only to find nothing, she sticks out her grey tongue and licks my lips with the tip of it. I could smell the foul stench of death in her breath. She must have made two rotations with her lips, before I stop it. With all my strength I prayed to GOD for strength to beat this demon. With one solid right punch I knock her head back as she falls to the floor.
   “You f*cked with the wrong guy today,” I said as I grabbed her shoulders.
   With another swift but brutal right punch, knocking her head back again, and then a right elbow to her head. Strong enough to daze this demon. Now her expression was of fear. Have you ever seen a ghost that was afraid of you? They can’t scream or yell from fright, but you can see the expression of fear on their faces. She had her mouth open in fear, crooked in all directions. Those hollowed eyes were closed, her claws were now trying to protect itself from my pummeling hits. I grabbed both her outstretched arm, and broke them downward.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 07:41:47 PM by dogtags3154 »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2618 on: July 29, 2011, 04:41:36 PM »
My cuz told me that when he was a little kid at lao him and his little bro where eating food out side their hut. These two boy orphan came and beg for food, they both told them to get lost an that they only have enough for them self. The two orphan left and beg some where els. A few days later, in the middle of the night, my cuz need to use the toilet, so he my other cuz to go with him. They went in to the bush in their back yard (back then they didn't have homemade hut toliet) while my cuz was taking a dump my other cuz was watching(I know rite that is nasty) O yea that night was a full moon so u can still see at night with the moon light. Anyway my cuz who was watching my other cuz pooping he saw two hand come up from the ground and smashing the poop with it hand and palying with it. So my cuz who was watching, got scare and scream and point at my other cuz poop and took off running home and left my other cuz. My cuz was still pooping and look down saw two hand palying with his poop and then he took off running home screaming. They both got home and told their parent and the next day they both became very sick and so then their parent sis jingle bell for them two. The shaman say it was because of the two orphane boy came and ask for food and they didn't give them some. The two orphane die later that night from hunger and came back to hunt them both. So the shamen offer the two orphane some paper money and food to sent them away.

Hope I got better at telling it cause I kind of took my time and not rush and  doing all this in the iPhone and pls don't hate cause I can't tell story or type it cause you make ppls feel like they don't want to post up any story, and I am posting to ppls who want to read ghost story not for ppls to correct me. Thank you!   

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2619 on: July 29, 2011, 05:46:38 PM »
I was wondering if any of you people go do garden, ever saw weird strange foot prints? Or Tiger like paws? Or heard of any?
Well I got one for you garden loving people. LOL

I don't know if you people are aware of this place. If you drive on Larpenteur Ave. in St Paul,MN. Between Dale street and Rice street. In that stretch if you are coming down Dale st. and heading to Rice st. You will see to your left, It's a swamp now and to your right it's a cemetery. But back in the year 83's. It use to be flat and not cover with water, But I don't know what truly happened there. I heard that the meeka people that lived in that area started to see strange stuff. Thus the city refused to rent that area for the Hmong to do their garden. That's why it was turn into a swamp. but there could of been many other reasons. But that's the one I know of.

Hmong people use to do garden there. I mean a lot of Hmong would go there despite that, that area was haunted. My parents also did their garden there along with all the Hmong. Anyways I would tag along with my parent and my grandma. And almost every time we get there, you know how them OG's are. I would over hear them saying about some weird foot prints follow by a four pawed like Tiger. Not other then that. The other Hmong people would tell my parents that they also see those prints on their side. But being so young my parents made sure that I don't know what they were all talking about. Young but naughty. I saw one of the prints but I wasn't sure at what I was really looking at. And my parents and other Hmong people would just cover the prints with dirt.

It's not scary but I hope that I would trigger some garden loving people to share some of their own strange garden stories.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 05:53:26 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2620 on: July 29, 2011, 05:55:09 PM »
long story short ...
during my grandma's funeral .. their next door neighbor would see my grandma in the backyard in the garden watering her plants .. even though the neighbor knew about my grandma passing away ..

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2621 on: July 29, 2011, 06:25:43 PM »
working my way into these ghost stories. I remain a skeptic as I can see 99.09% of these are tell-tales and or made up from quite an imagination but lacks critique in grammar, descriptive, and narrative skills (ex. if you are going to use the "he" second-person POV then stick to it and try not to replace it with the "she" 2nd person POV... so on... ) while the other .9% may be true events. nonetheless, there are some scary tales.
One thing you gotta understand here bro. It's not the grammar that counts, but it could lighten us a bit. But it's their respective side of the story which he/she is trying to tell us in their own best word.  But being skeptic is a way of tell oneself that it's not true. Cause the theory of understanding is greater then one can comprehen. Besides we are not true narrative here. lol It's more like a blog then a place to show your set skills. LOL

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 06:27:28 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2622 on: July 29, 2011, 09:58:53 PM »
Well, about the tiger paw and foot print, my mom told me that if you or some friends see some just leave the place and come back home without saying anything untill u are half way home or at home. Because the thing that left the print would hear you and take ur soul or follow you home. Well it not scary but just thing I hear from og. O crap, just remind me of a garden story, will post it on later. Still a work lol

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2623 on: July 29, 2011, 11:10:54 PM »
This girl told me when she was little back in thialand refugee camp, she and her friends were playing hide and seek right after night fall.  She was hiding and saw these two boys dressed in nice clothing with very light skin came from around the house she was hiding and started speaking to her.  She didn't think much about them other than noticing their nice clothes and their light white skin.  After they spoke to her, one of the boy asked if she wanted to go with them but she said no she's playing hide and seek with her friends.

A day later, a very sick young girl died, who lives in one of the houses she and her friend's were playing hide and seek at and where she saw the two boys.  She later found out that sick girl were taken away by some ghost spirits according to the family and the shaman who tried to save her.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:51:17 PM by No regret »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2624 on: July 29, 2011, 11:43:42 PM »
One thing you gotta understand here bro. It's not the grammar that counts, but it could lighten us a bit. But it's their respective side of the story which he/she is trying to tell us in their own best word.  But being skeptic is a way of tell oneself that it's not true. Cause the theory of understanding is greater then one can comprehen. Besides we are not true narrative here. lol It's more like a blog then a place to show your set skills. LOL

that's no problem at all. just thought I'd make some suggestions, so it would make it easier for many readers to fully apprehend the stories in the same manner as the story teller.

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