
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610189 times)

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3570 on: July 13, 2012, 01:29:10 PM »
I think my father passed away too young at 45 and he had too much unfinished business.  During the time he was sick with cancer, he was waiting for his home in Sacramento to be finished.  He had bought 1 acre of land and was having the house built from scratch and it was to be a big roomy nice home for his family to move into.  He had plans to retire in this home and raise his chickens.  His best friend had bought the 1 acre next to him and was doing the same thing, building a house from scratch.  Plus, he still had 2 sons that were not married yet, so he worried.  He had set money aside for each of his children so that we could buy our own homes.  He also then set more money on the side for his 2 sons who were not yet married.  He was a responsible, good person who took his role as father seriously.

He worried too much about his family though, so I think he couldn't leave and didn't want to leave.  So he stayed behind and watched over us.  It wasn't to say he didn't get mad at us when we did something he didn't like.  He did and when he did he would let us know.   Majority of it was targeted towards my mother.  But he did other things to let us know he was around.

Out of the blue one of my uncles called my mother and told her he had dreamed of my father.  My father had told him to tell my mother to stop wearing her red lipstick because my father hated it.  So as it turned out, my mother had been wearing her red lipstick, putting it on every morning.  So she stopped.

This took place after my youngest brother had gotten married.  His wife was home alone with my mother who was cooking in the kitchen.  She was making curry noodles, her favorite, and my father's least favorite.  My father had this thing about not liking my mother to cook smelly food because it would cause his clothes in their bedroom to stink.  He is a very clean, neat person.  The opposite of my mother. 

So anyways, my sister-in-law (SIL) was sitting at the dining area watching my mother cooking at the stove.  All of a sudden, they heard a bedroom door slam shut.  BANG!  Like someone was pissed off.  My mother looked at my SIL and asked if my little brother was home yet from work.  My SIL told her that he has not.   So they just looked at each other and continued to stay in the kitchen.

Another uncle had a dream about my father and called my mother.  The uncle told my mother that my father had hidden a stash of cash in a drawer.  Sure enough, my mother opens the drawer to find a stash of cash inside one of my father's caps.  Crazy, huh?  So she gave it away to my brother who really took care of my father all the way to the end.

Then there was this one time I went back to visit my mother, youngest brother and his wife alone without my husband.  I ended up sleeping on the sofa in the living room with the TV.  It was the weekdays, so my mother was on her usual routine of waking up at 4:00 a.m. and leaving the house at 5:00 a.m. to go to work.  I groggily remembered her putting money in my hand while I lay sleeping, saying bye, and closing the front door after her.  I heard her close the front door, lock the top, and then slam the screen door closed. 

So I'm still groggily and wanting to go back to sleep, but then I hear someone rinsing their mouth exactly the way my father does it and then the toilet flush.  In this house, you can hear everything everyone does.  I knew that my brother and his wife were asleep in their room.  They never got up to use the bathroom in the hallway.  So no one was in the hallway restroom.  The only other restroom is in my mother's room.  And there isn't suppose to be anyone there. 

My heart started racing, but I told myself I can't run into my brother's room and ask if I can stay there like a little scared child.  I told myself to tough it up and for god's sake, it's my father.  I was not going to investigate though.  No way!  So I forced shut my eyes and eventually fell asleep.  Woke up to my brother getting ready for work and my SIL was already up.  I don't think my SIL was working at the time. 

This story is probably the most violent.  My father was pissed off at my mother.  The home he had bought in the bay area had been paid off upon his death, so this was the house he wanted my mother to keep no matter what so that his children can always have a place to come back to if they needed it.  Well, my mother sold the home after all the boys got married and moved out to Sacramento.  By this time, my mother was re-married and living in the home with her new husband. 

As soon as the deal was made in front of the house, the buyer paid out in cash, my mother and her husband went back inside the house to start packing.  Her husband was in a separate part of the home when my mother fell and sprained her ankle.  My mother claims she was taking a step down into the garage when she felt a gush of wind and a hard shove from behind.  Not only that, her husband claims he heard a lot of hushed whispers at the same time she was pushed. 

They were both frightened, so they ended up hiring two Mexican men to pack for them.  They never, ever stepped back into the home after that incident.

I did call my mother, not knowing this had taken place nor that she had sold the home, to let her know that Dad had come into my dreams again.  He had shown himself at the Sacramento home, standing in the kitchen, with white hair.  The white hair had stood out in my dream.  I don't know what it represents, stress?  But my mother didn't say much to me.  I didn't know at the time that she had moved into the Sacramento home already, so can you imagine her fear when I called her and told her this?  LOL!  I'm so evil.   

Well, I'll get back to story telling as we call it.........mus t go to a wedding now. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3571 on: July 13, 2012, 02:03:37 PM »
silliegoose, i think your dad loved you guys so much he didn't leave. do you all still feel his presense now? even after the house was sold?

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3572 on: July 13, 2012, 02:33:55 PM »
Silliegoose, you are not the only one who thinks, feel, and see your father like this.  I too have witness the same.  I believe that the physical body may have gone but the spirit lives on. 

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I ❤ ♫ walking in the


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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3573 on: July 14, 2012, 02:00:44 PM »
sillegoose, that's a highly powerful, spiritually touching story about your late father. have you ever wonder why the ghost of your father did not make eye contact with you nor did he ever gestured you in any way directly? have you ever thought what the 'rules' may be in the afterlife. I can understand why you had the squeals, but I can honestly tell you that you will come to realize the spirits/ghost of a family, relative, friend, someone you know, ancestor, etc. have an attachment to this world. when they pass away, it's their recollection of thoughts or memories. something like when you miss someone very much, but it's all a passing over and passing by. some spirit/ghosts remain as hungry ghosts, or ghosts of vengeance, or ghost of past, or ghost of love, etc. you get the idea? you should not be afraid. have a big, brave heart 'cause the ghost of your father may be sad if you don't stand your ground and take ownership over what remains or w/e he left you with. reminds me of the movie Ghost Mother.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3574 on: July 14, 2012, 02:27:01 PM »
sillegoose, may I?

when a former mother-in-law passed away, and after attending funeral service, I left to sleep at the apartment where she passed away. she also lived with my former brother-in-law and my sister. everyone was still out and about. I was the only one to go crash at their apartment. it must had been past midnight, but I couldn't have been more afraid because I was already way over the fear of ghosts, spirits, entities, etc. I thought to myself before I slept that I welcome the ghost of my former mother-in-law. I was not afraid to be in her home for if she is to come by and revisit any remnants or had left behind any remnants, there will be no need for me to run away and hide. so what happened? I slept like a baby. I couldn't have felt more safe and secure.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3575 on: July 19, 2012, 01:17:52 PM »
Nplawm Ntxa

I believe that is what it is called in Hmong.  Nplawm means to hit.  Ntxa means gravestone.  Together it literally means "hit a gravestone."  It sounds like a creepy thing to do, but apparently it happens from time to time when a Hmong person does not want to live anymore.

My uncle passed away several months ago.  If you scroll up you can read about his scary ass funeral.  It was the creepiest funeral I've ever witnessed that's for sure.  Anyways, I forgot to mention that several months before the man died, he did something very, very odd.  He went to the grave of his first wife.  He found a stick nearby.  And he hit her gravestone calling for her to come take him since he no longer wanted to live. 

After doing this, he began having horrible nightmares, waking visions and even seeing things in his home.  He said one morning when my aunt (his second wife) went to work, he was laying in bed.  He saw the spector of a man on a big red horse ride into his bed room.  The man took off a backpack and his coat and hung it on the bedroom wall.  Then two beautiful women walked in and joined him on the bed.  The women began to touch him.  But as soon as they did so, they turned hideous looking.  One day, my uncle and aunt came home and found there whole house smelled like poop.  My uncle accused my aunt of farting.  LOL  ;D I always thought that was funny.  But she didn't think it was funny.  She was scared.  So was he to be honest. 

Soon after, the man began coughing up blood.  He refused to see a doctor.  And suddenly 3 months later, he was rushed to ER because he couldn't breath after taking a drag from a cigarette.  The doctor said in all of his years of practicing medicine he had never seen anything like it.  He said my poor uncle was basically a walking tumor and didn't understand how he was able to last as long as he did.  During his stay in the hospital, it was night and day literally.  He spent his days asleep and unable to talk.  Then he spent his nights flipping out and screaming about black demons climbing on him.  It was only when they gave him enough morphine to knock out an elephant did he sleep through the nights.  Soon though he slipped into a coma then passed away. 

I wonder if it was all a coincidence sometimes.  Would he have died anyways or did his actions of hitting my dead aunt's gravestone speed things up?  The elders in my family say that back in Laos old people did it quite a bit and in every single case, they ended up dying soon after.  Interesting.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3576 on: July 19, 2012, 03:15:17 PM »
Awesome stories, Republic.  You write so well.  Keep them coming. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3577 on: July 20, 2012, 06:50:00 PM »
... i was typing my story and my screen went black.....  :-X

i believe in my story so i want to share it. i'm really traditional hmong in everything.

beginning my teenage years, i have nightmares every time i sleep on my back. every time. i don't know how to 'fix' it so i've just reluctantly accepted it.

the summer before i went to college my uncle came to visit. my mom told him about my nightmares. he said he will tie a string for me. for those who don't know who the strings are made, you get various color sewing thread and you just twist them together to make a big, strong one. my uncle did the ritual walking around me as i sat in a 'ku-ting' chair. he tied it around my neck. after that, i can say i slept pretty well.

i went to a college that was founded by catholic nuns so it had catholic history. it was one bright weekday morning, i was still 'asleep' but my mind was already awake. i had late class so i decided to lay and sleep in.

with my mind 'awake' i quickly realized that i was sleeping on my back. that brought a rush of worry. i tried to turn my body but due to 'sleep paralysis' i couldn't. all the memories of what sleeping on my back can bring rushed through my head. but i was still calm somehow. suddenly there were two old while ladies standing at the end of my bed at my feet. they were like those old ladies with curly short white hair. they were just standing there facing me, almost like they were whispering and leaning into each other.

i was so calm. i thought, 'they can't hurt me, i'm protected.' and i meant that thinking to my string necklace.... right then the lady to the left of me said, 'take it off!!!' and lunge at me as she moved around the bed... with her arms stretching out towards my neck. right when her hands were gonna reach my neck, somehow i threw my body up so fast. my roommate got so scared and asked me what was wrong. i didn't say anything and just sorta smiled it off. to feel so helpless laying there, frozen as she lunged at me. no bueno.

i knew that happened. i knew that i was protected by my necklace. i believe it. the catholic history and shaman spirits..... even if no one believes me...

« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 06:56:54 PM by yayableu »

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3578 on: July 20, 2012, 11:04:38 PM »
Awesome stories, Republic.  You write so well.  Keep them coming.

Thanks Wind!

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3579 on: July 20, 2012, 11:15:24 PM »
... i was typing my story and my screen went black.....  :-X

i believe in my story so i want to share it. i'm really traditional hmong in everything.

beginning my teenage years, i have nightmares every time i sleep on my back. every time. i don't know how to 'fix' it so i've just reluctantly accepted it.

the summer before i went to college my uncle came to visit. my mom told him about my nightmares. he said he will tie a string for me. for those who don't know who the strings are made, you get various color sewing thread and you just twist them together to make a big, strong one. my uncle did the ritual walking around me as i sat in a 'ku-ting' chair. he tied it around my neck. after that, i can say i slept pretty well.

i went to a college that was founded by catholic nuns so it had catholic history. it was one bright weekday morning, i was still 'asleep' but my mind was already awake. i had late class so i decided to lay and sleep in.

with my mind 'awake' i quickly realized that i was sleeping on my back. that brought a rush of worry. i tried to turn my body but due to 'sleep paralysis' i couldn't. all the memories of what sleeping on my back can bring rushed through my head. but i was still calm somehow. suddenly there were two old while ladies standing at the end of my bed at my feet. they were like those old ladies with curly short white hair. they were just standing there facing me, almost like they were whispering and leaning into each other.

i was so calm. i thought, 'they can't hurt me, i'm protected.' and i meant that thinking to my string necklace.... right then the lady to the left of me said, 'take it off!!!' and lunge at me as she moved around the bed... with her arms stretching out towards my neck. right when her hands were gonna reach my neck, somehow i threw my body up so fast. my roommate got so scared and asked me what was wrong. i didn't say anything and just sorta smiled it off. to feel so helpless laying there, frozen as she lunged at me. no bueno.

i knew that happened. i knew that i was protected by my necklace. i believe it. the catholic history and shaman spirits..... even if no one believes me...

Just a suggestion, take it for what it is worth.

The next time you feel that kind of fear, call upon the name of Jesus.

I am not one who experienced a lot of dab tsuam episodes, but when I was a teen and even when I was in my 20s, I had a couple of fearful episodes.  Each time when I found myself unable to move, calling upon the name of Jesus Christ forced the paralysis to subside.  The more I rebuked that thing in Christ's name, the more I felt empowered and eventually able to move.

Now as an adult who firmly believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ, I never feel fear at night anymore.  I never have dab tsuam episodes anymore.  From time to time, when I have a bad dream involving a demon or an evil spirit, I always call upon Jesus and can take control of my dream.

I love my Hmong people.  I love Hmong culture.  I respect our traditional beliefs.  But for me, this was the question:  Is the God of the Universe more powerful or is a blessed string more powerful to rebuke evil?  Everyone answers that question for themselves. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3580 on: July 20, 2012, 11:50:50 PM »
Hunting Buddies

My dad shared this story with me a long time ago.  Actually, I overheard him telling my uncle.  He usually would not tell me something like this especially when we were kids because he never wanted to scare us.

He had friends in another state who loved to hunt.  Every year they all looked forward to hunting season.  When that time of year rolled around, it became an event for all of the hunting buddies.  There were several of them.  And every year they went out together and used at least a couple of weeks of vacation time just on hunting. 

One of the men was a former military officer, I believe he was a Colonel during the war back in Laos and a good friend of my dad's.  He was always the most enthusiastic one when it came to hunting because it took him back to his teenage days wandering the jungles of Laos and hunting for game.  Sadly, one year before hunting season came around, he got really sick.  The illness was very sudden and potent.  I don't remember what his illness was but within weeks of being diagnosed, the Colonel died.

A few months later when hunting season came around, the hunting friends planned as they had done so every year for the upcoming season.  When the big opening day came, the men went out early and did what they always did, even though one of their own was no longer with them.  It turned out though that the Colonel was definitely with them, in spirit if not in body.

As the men spread out and went to their designated spots, there was uneasiness.  Several of them experienced strange things.  They heard voices calling to them.  They heard moans and groans mingled with the sound of the wind.  They heard footsteps rustling the fallen leaves only to see no one else around.  They would even see strange shadows that would vanish as quickly as they saw them.  As the hunting season went on, the men began to talk.  It turned out that it was just not one or two men seeing and hearing these strange things, but almost all of the men experienced something. 

Finally, one day, one of the men saw him.  This man had been in a tree stand waiting for deer.  Nothing resembling a deer came near his stand all morning.  By noon he was hungry and decided to make for camp.  As he was walking he felt uneasy like someone was watching him.  Then as he came upon a large tree, there he was---the Colonel!  As the man walked around the largre tree he saw his friend the Colonel, just standing there wearing his hunting clothes with a blank look on his face.  The Colonel had a blank look on his face.  He didn't look particularly scary.  He just looked like a snapshot of a picture or something.  The man stumbled backwards in shock.  He blinked and just that quickly, the Colonel was gone. 

Quickly, that man made it back to camp.  When the others arrived he told them what he had witnessed.  If these men had been white, the other men probably would have joked and made fun of him.  But because they were Hmong, his friends took him very seriously.  They packed up and left right away.  Of course, a shaman was called.  The shaman hu plig for the man who saw the Colonel.  He said the Colonel meant no harm.  It's just that hunting was his favorite thing to do in the entire world and he was really looking forward to hunting season, but was sad that he did not make it.  The shaman told the men they could go hunting again but to offer the Colonel a food offering before going out to hunt so he would not scare them.   

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3581 on: July 21, 2012, 09:54:38 AM »
Republic, thank you for your suggestion. its just that i'm such a believer in shamanism that i would feel bad to call upon Jesus. and i'm sure Jesus might not appreciate someone who goes back and forth? haha.

and your hunting story, made me cry. one of my uncle was my dad's best friend. they would hunt every year together. but after my uncle passed, my dad doesn't have a hunting partner anymore. sure we have many uncles, but it is not the same anymore. it makes me sad. i understand the bond of the elder men and hunting. it is their bonding time, memories of friendship.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3582 on: July 23, 2012, 10:44:32 AM »
City of St. Paul City Hall Haunted?

For three years, I worked in City Hall in St. Paul, MN.  I never personally witnessed anything but City Hall is supposedly haunted.  People have reported seeing ghosts dressed in 1920s attire walking around the building, particular down in the basement level. 

My secretary shared this story with me.  When I worked for the city, she had already been a city employee for many, many years.  She told me that she hated going down to the basement, particularly at the end of the day when there was hardly anyone left in the building.  She said she always felt eyes on her down there.  But one particular incident happened a few years after she began working there that really re-affirmed her fears.

One day, she was asked to go downstairs and retrieve some files.  It was late on a Friday afternoon and the only people left in the basement were two female file clerks.  She got off the elevator and went to the office she needed to go to.  She go her files from the ladies then wished them a good weekend.  Afterwards, she exited and turned the corner for the elevator.  Perhaps 20 feet ahead of her was a man dressed in a dark suit.  He was wearing a hat and carrying a briefcase and a trenchcoat. 

The man kept his head down and walked ahead of her at a brisk pace.  He entered the elevator then stepped to the side to press the buttons, all the while keeping his head down.  She said his hate shielded his eyes.  My secretary called out for the man to hold the elevator.  The door started to close so she picked up her pace.  She reached the elevator just as the doors came together in the middle.  She stuck her arm out and stopped the door from closing.  The door's sensors automatically sprang the doors back fully open.

When she stepped into the elevator, EVERY SINGLE HAIR ON HER BODY STOOD ON END...the elevator was empty.

They used to hang people in the City Hall back in the day.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3583 on: July 23, 2012, 10:48:30 AM »
Just a suggestion, take it for what it is worth.

The next time you feel that kind of fear, call upon the name of Jesus.

I am not one who experienced a lot of dab tsuam episodes, but when I was a teen and even when I was in my 20s, I had a couple of fearful episodes.  Each time when I found myself unable to move, calling upon the name of Jesus Christ forced the paralysis to subside.  The more I rebuked that thing in Christ's name, the more I felt empowered and eventually able to move.

Now as an adult who firmly believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ, I never feel fear at night anymore.  I never have dab tsuam episodes anymore.  From time to time, when I have a bad dream involving a demon or an evil spirit, I always call upon Jesus and can take control of my dream.

I love my Hmong people.  I love Hmong culture.  I respect our traditional beliefs.  But for me, this was the question:  Is the God of the Universe more powerful or is a blessed string more powerful to rebuke evil?  Everyone answers that question for themselves. 

The fear thing you just have to over come them not because of faith you believe for me at least. When I have bad dreams I fight, I don't call any one. Always win too.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3584 on: July 23, 2012, 02:21:20 PM »
Republic, i was reading back a few pages and the story regarding your mom's cousin who went hunting with your dad, i think that since he carried the batteries, i think maybe the spirit energy used it. like, when i watch all those ghost hunter shows they always say that spirits use energy to manifest themselves to us. just something i thought about.

before i moved, i lived in fresno my whole life. one night when my younger brother went out with his friends he saw a ghost. if you know fresno, you know that most hmong are buried at the mountain view cemetery on Belmont. my brother and his friends were driving home one night on Belmont. my brother looked at the sidewalk and saw a hmong lady walking, in hmong clothes. he was so scared that he just focused on coming home. he said it looked like someone who was freshly dressed, maybe someone who was recently buried. still gives me goosebumps!

my older brother, his friends and my cousins use to go out all the time during their younger years. one morning i woke up to hear my mom and family talking and suggesting reasons. i asked them what had happened as i saw my brother sitting on the couch holding his knees with a blank face. the story was that the night before they were driving from a party. it was a dark road that had light post every few hundred yards. they were having so much fun and laughing when they decided to stop the car to pee. my brother and my cousin went to the edge of the road to pee. as they were doing their business... they heard something moan from the bushes/trees. apparently all their friends heard it too and everyone jumped back in the car. the car didn't start for the first few seconds which terrified them even more. my brother and cousin said that they have never prayed to grandma grandpa spirit that bad.

that night my cousin who was in his early 20s went to sleep with his parents in their room. he was so scared and he cried. my mom had to calm my brother down before he could go to sleep, she had to pick at his ears to call his spirit back and to pray for our ancestors to protect him. we all eventually had to hu plig for them two.

what they were suggesting in the morning was what that moan coulda been. i said maybe it was someone who was beat up and left for dead, that maybe it was someone who needed help. my brother just simply said no and that the moan wasn't a moan like that, he didn't want to go into detail of it. my cousin later told me that the moan was like.... a ghost coming at you, moaning, evil, something not peaceful. like a moan of death. a woman's moan of death.

i can say after that event those boys decided to hang out at home more often.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 02:24:29 PM by yayableu »

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