
Author Topic: My journey to the end  (Read 35136 times)

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My journey to the end
« on: July 11, 2015, 07:16:37 AM »
Once upon a time, I thought I was going to leave this place and never come back.  But here I am again.  I guess I find some kind of solace being able to share my stories with strangers.  But of course, they have to be Hmong strangers.  ;)

So this will be a log of my daily thoughts and activities.  I hope that they can shed some light or entertainment for some of you.  Enjoy.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2015, 07:25:58 AM »
So I was out last night...  The first bar we were at, I got hit on by a very cute tattooed up chick.  She asked me a whole lot of questions and I was kind of apprehensive about it.  My buddies came in and tried to c0ck block but failed.  One of them made a joke about me being the shortest guy (I'm 5'8 ) and I replied with, "Well I'm not so short when you're on your knees."  She had a pretty good laugh at the joke.  Lol.

At the second bar, I got hit on again but not by just any chick.  She was arguably one of the hottest girls in the bar.  The girl to guy ratio was pretty high too.  She came up to me and got really close and asked if I was Japanese.  She said she was 1/4 Japanese and thought I looked very cute.  We exchanged some words but I think she eventually got the hint that I wasn't interested.  When we left, my boys were like "What?!"

I didn't get too drunk but it was a humbling night none the less.  It feels good to be The Hot Guy.  ;)

« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 07:29:33 AM by Darksyde »

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2015, 08:51:52 AM »
The road to rebuilding confidence.

Over a year ago, I was involved in an accident that caused me to be disabled.  I completely tore my ACL, LCL and had nerve damage to my left foot that caused me to lose feeling and motion in my left foot.  I saw three different knee surgeons.  I asked them how soon it would be before I start running again.  They told me that running should be the last of my worry because I would never be able to walk unassisted again.  I was a very active person prior to my injury.  I was in phenomenal shape.  I enjoyed mountain biking, hiking, running, sports, etc... on my free time.

The injury crushed me.  I was confined to my empty apartment.  I started watching television again.  I played video games all day long.  I barely ate and was doped up on medication or alcohol to suppress the pain.  My will began to fade and my confidence along with it.

But I was never a person that could accept defeat.  And if I was going to lose, it would be on my feet facing my adversary.  I started researching my injury.  I started to realize that my injury was a rare injury that only few have ever recovered from.  I told myself that I was going to be one of those few.  I didn't quite believe it at first but I kept telling myself anyways.

One year later I am walking again with no assistance.  I can't quite run again yet but I know that eventually it will happen again.  Both my surgeons and my physical therapists are amazed at my recovery progress.  I have proven them all wrong in many arenas.

The other morning, I was playing Ultimate Frisbee with some of my colleagues.  They asked me if I wanted to play knowing that I was still recovering from my injury.  I told them I wasn't going to be able to run but agreed to play.  They made me one of the team captains.  I ended up scoring the first two points of the game.  My team ended up dominating the entire game.  We won by over 15 points!  Everyone was surprised by how well I did.  I was too.  I almost felt like I could run but I didn't want to push it to prevent from reinjuring myself.

But that simple victory reminded me how far that I have come.  I can feel my self confidence slowly creeping back into me.

If you are reading this story and find yourself feeling sorry for yourself.  Don't.  Stop it right there.  There is a road to victory and it starts today.  I started this journey in a dark tunnel unsure if there was light at the end of it.  I can see an end now and I am almost there.  This is my road to rebuilding my confidence.  I hope you find yours.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 09:42:56 AM »
When the opportunity exists, seize it.  We wait our entire lives for it.  If you let it slip through your hands, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2015, 09:48:44 AM »
True.... if it's missed, it turns to regret.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2015, 09:53:10 AM »
True.... if it's missed, it turns to regret.

You got it right.  O0  No regrets.  Live dangerously.  Be brave.  Be bold.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2015, 08:17:20 PM »

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

I will conquer what has not been conquered.  Defeat will not be in my creed.  I will believe what others have doubted.  I will always endeavor the prestige honor and respect of my team.  I have trained my mind and my body will follow.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

I will acknowledge the fact that my opponents do not expect me to win.  But I will never surrender.  Weakness will not be in my heart.  I will look to my comrades, to those who have brought me into this world and those who have me trained and I will draw strength from them.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

I will gladly go out into the field of battle and I will move, move and everything that I can do and I will reach my field of battle at any means at my disposal.  And when I get there I will arrive violently.  I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it bleeding on the ground because he cannot stop me.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

To my side I have comrades.  Comrades that have been with me through thick and thin.  Through sacrifice, through blood, through sweat, through tears.  Never I will let them fall.  Never will I let them down and I will never leave an enemy behind because our opponents dose not know of my heart.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

No one will deny me, no one will defy me, and no one will tell me who and what I am and can be.  Belief will change my world it has moved continents, it has moved countries and put man on the moon, and it will carry me through this battle.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

Defeat, retreat those are not in my words.  I do not understand those definitions.  I do not understand when things go wrong.  I do not understand mistakes but I do understand this I understand victory and I understand never surrendering.  No matter how bad things go my heart and my mind will carry my body when my limbs are too weak.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!

Today will be that day not tomorrow, not next week but right now, right here in your house and in your home.

Who am I.  I am a Champion!
History will remember me!

« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 02:43:44 PM by Darksyde »

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2015, 09:33:15 PM »
"Dirty Mike and the boys."

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2015, 04:19:31 AM »
Love is built on trust.  Without trust, love is doomed to fail.  It is unfortunate that I realized this too late.  But I have no regrets and I will move on.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2015, 06:14:35 AM »
Just got back from my morning work out and I feel like a boss!

When life kicks you in the nuts, suck it up and keep moving!  When people complain about how life sucks, I should complain about how duck!n awesome I am!

Boom boom,
The Hot Guy

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2015, 02:43:00 PM »
Sat in a freakin brief all dang morning only to end it with stupid people asking stupid questions.  Come on people!  Weren't you listening to a dang thing our briefers said?!

Next time I'm gonna bring a gun so I can shoot myself.

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2015, 02:48:25 PM »
LOL they like reassurance it's like being is a financial briefing meeting before hand. Even the head officers stress the idealistic concern about unnecessary questions. Short on time and interruptions are not a good idea. There are still individuals who outshine in that area :P

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2015, 02:52:27 PM »
LOL they like reassurance it's like being is a financial briefing meeting before hand. Even the head officers stress the idealistic concern about unnecessary questions. Short on time and interruptions are not a good idea. There are still individuals who outshine in that area :P

Lol.  Next time I will bring their reassurance for them.  We'll see who wants to ask questions then.  :2funny:

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2015, 02:53:24 PM »
Get some ladies!

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Re: My journey to the end
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2015, 02:54:45 PM »
Oh Oh, share your reassurance meeting :P I like to learn by example ;D

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