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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #195 on: January 02, 2021, 12:49:21 PM »
I recently came across a few sayings and it got me thinking. 
"Trust: It takes years to build, seconds to break, and a lifetime to repair." 
"Love all.  Trust few.  Everything's real but not everyone is true."

That is so true about trust.  It takes a long time for people to build up to the point where they feel they can trust the other person.  That can take years to do.  And then, just like that, the other person does something to make you not trust them anymore.  And the relationship is over.  Like a broken glass, it can be put back together but it will never be the same.

Anyway, trust, like many other things in something that you develop different levels of appreciation for as you age.  When you were younger, you were trusting of everyone, thinking everyone is good.  Then you get backstabbed by all the mother duckers you once thought were good people and you start to realize that some people are a holes!  You learn what it feels like when you trust someone and when you no longer trust them.  Experiences make you appreciate certain things more.

Just like loyalty.  When I was younger I didn't understand why I had to prove my loyalty to anyone.  If two of my friends didn't like each other, why do I have to pick one over the other?  Their issue is their issue and I'm not involved.  So, why can't I be friends with both?  Over time this view has changed.  If one of them are a truer friend to you, you pick that truer friend over the other one.  You have to make choices in life.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  You lose a lot of valuable friendships when you are not loyal.  So, yes, loyalty has taken on a new meaning for me... again, because of experiences.  I lost a really good friend in college because: my "acquaintance friend" did a wrong to my "long time good friend"; my long time good friend asked me why I still talked to the "acquaintance" when my good friend had already told me about their relationship; I said "but she didn't do anything TO ME so why do I have to hate her?"  Well, that was the end of my relationship with my good friend whom I had known for 15 years at the time.  She lost trust in me because I wasn't loyal to her.  I feel bad thinking back now, now that experience has taught me the importance of loyalty.  I know I could still reach out to her but she will never see me the same or trust me the same.  Just like that, 15 years, and I broke her trust.  Lesson learned.

Trust is even more important in romantic relationships.  You invest so much time getting to know your partner, talking to them, doing things with them... all of these things to build a deeper relationship and trust with one another.  After 5, 10, 15+ years... the life you built together is down the drain because they forget about what's important and saw something shiny over there and went to take a look at that shiny thing.  Trust lost.  Gone forever.  You can probably work to build back the trust... but it will take a lifetime this time around to gain back trust... and it won't even be the same anymore.  So a lot of people are just like, eff you... I don't want to waste my time on something that won't ever be whole again.

I guess the lesson here is that... trust and loyalty are very important in relationships.

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #196 on: January 02, 2021, 01:40:24 PM »
One other thing I've come to understand about myself is that: it's hard for me to keep someone in my life, heart, thoughts, who's done me wrong.  I always forgive them because I don't need all that burden and weight on me.  But I will never ever forget the wrong they did to me.  I forgive them for myself but I don't keep them in my life anymore.  They are as good as dead to me.  I don't know why I'm like that.  I have high standards and values and morals and when people act immoral or do stupid things... I can overlook their sins a few times... and I take other things into account... like, "why do they do the shitty thing they do?"... I try to be empathetic and understanding. .. doesn't mean I did not know (or do not know) what they did was dumb and selfish af... I do... but I weigh everything... and if in the end I determine that they are worthy to keep around in my life... I keep them around.  But everyone has a tally of strikes... strike one, two, three... OK... But strike four... you're dead to me.  That's how I operate.  Once you're dead to me... I really do not care anymore.  Honest.  I give zero phoks.  Maybe it's a survival mechanism I've developed.  In order to stay sane, after I give people chances upon chances and they continue to screw up... then I'm done.  There is never ever any turning back.  For example, the first SUPER close relative of mine was a biatch to me a few times... I cut her off from my life.  She called me every 3-6 months for 10 years.  I never picked up her calls.  Even when her last wish was to talk to me before she died, I never called her back.  This second SUPER close relative of mine was also a total evil biatch to me too.  This one was even more so of a biatch to me than the first.  I cut her clean from my life.  I don't even think of her for one second, ever since the moment I chose to cut her out of my life (until now when I'm writing about her).  Her daughter asked me to forgive her mom and to call her mom and I'm like, OK... but in my head/heart, her mom was dead to me a looong time ago.  I think it has something to do with survival.  Some people are just too toxic and they poison your mind, health, life so much to the point where you just don't have any more space at all in your head/heart/life for them to breathe and to exist.  I have no regrets for the people that I choose to cut from my life.  Once you're cut, you're cut.  The end.

People that I love are super important to me.  They have my loyalty.  They have my love.  No questions.  But when they make it evidently and crystal clear they don't feel the same about me then they are dead to me. 

Lesson here is that: Relationships are super fragile.  If you don't want to lose someone, then you need to make sure you don't hurt them and you need to care for your relationship with them.

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #197 on: January 06, 2021, 05:06:07 PM »
Where can I find a woman like that, zoo paj liab?  :)

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #198 on: January 13, 2021, 06:34:35 PM »
Where can I find a woman like that, zoo paj liab?  :)

I'd say that women come in all shapes, sizes, substance, intelligence, etc, just like men do.  To find a person that has the qualities you are looking for, you can't avoid investing some time to get to know them.  That's the only way to know someone: spending time interacting and talking to them.  Each person is a lot of time and effort.  But there are signs early on they give that'll help you decide if you want to invest more time or not.  I usually know within the second date if I want to continue.  Most don't get past two dates.  But wait, if you are in a relationship already then let me just stop you right there, OK.  Invest in your current relationship because if you and her made it that far... it's worth something.  Starting over new means more time.  We humans do not have all the time in the world to get to know 20+ people.  I just want to get to know one person and one person only, make memories, get old and die.  I don't want to get to know 20+ people, get old and die.

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #199 on: January 14, 2021, 04:56:07 PM »
I'd say that women come in all shapes, sizes, substance, intelligence, etc, just like men do.

What the fudge! I don't want to date and know any girl that is a transgender. 

;D just joking

I'd say that women come in all shapes, sizes, substance, intelligence, etc, just like men do.  To find a person that has the qualities you are looking for, you can't avoid investing some time to get to know them.  That's the only way to know someone: spending time interacting and talking to them.  Each person is a lot of time and effort.  But there are signs early on they give that'll help you decide if you want to invest more time or not.  I usually know within the second date if I want to continue.  Most don't get past two dates.  But wait, if you are in a relationship already then let me just stop you right there, OK.  Invest in your current relationship because if you and her made it that far... it's worth something.  Starting over new means more time.  We humans do not have all the time in the world to get to know 20+ people.  I just want to get to know one person and one person only, make memories, get old and die.  I don't want to get to know 20+ people, get old and die.

Zoo Paj Liab: To find a person that has the qualities you are looking for, you can't avoid investing some time to get to know them.
Kuv: Check.

Zoo Paj Liab:  Each person is a lot of time and effort.  But there are signs early on they give that'll help you decide if you want to invest more time or not.  I usually know within the second date if I want to continue.  Most don't get past two dates.
Kuv: Check

Zoo Paj Liab: But wait, if you are in a relationship already then let me just stop you right there, OK.
Kuv: Tos tsis tau os tseem nrhiav tus hlub nyob hauv ntiag teb no

Zoo Paj Liab: We humans do not have all the time in the world to get to know 20+ people.
Kuv: Some people did polyamory and turn out ok I think. Kinda jello though  :)

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #200 on: January 16, 2021, 02:57:46 PM »
There are so much I want to say but where do I even start?  One thing at a time, I guess...

First off, I am burnt out.  Exhausted and tired.  Turned this house inside out.  It's practically brand new.  Almost.  Painted every inch, every corner.  New hardwood and tile floors everywhere in the house, among other things.  I think I must have spent $60K to update this house.  I still don't know what I was thinking.  I saw this house and it had the flow that vibed so well with me, I just had to have it.  But it needed major updating.  I didn't know what I was getting myself into.  Anyway, I'm not completely done updating it yet.  There are still some minor things here and there.  But for the most part, the big, major items have been checked off.  Woohoo.  Finally!

Second off, there's been a lot of changes at work.  They made the Manager position that they did the paperwork to put me into (but I declined) into Director level this year.  I could have been a Director.  But it's one of those things where I have zero regrets.  Yeah, the pay is much higher but who gives a sheet.  The toxicity in the upper management circle is not something I want.  I don't have the stomach or the head space for it right now.  Maybe with new management and when my kids are older in the future, I might think about it but for now, hard pass.

Third off, I have all these goals I want to achieve.  Financial and personal goals.  They keep me up at night sometimes.  The financial goals occupy a large part of my time sometimes. 

I think everything I do is with my kids in mind.  I think about leaving them something so they will not be for want in life.  But sometimes I wonder if I'm doing all this for nothing... like, will they even know how hard I worked and sacrificed for their sake?  Will they even care?  Will they even appreciate all that I've done for them?  You know, kids these days are very ungrateful.  They think everything gets handed to them on a silver platter.  I try to teach them the value of hard work, doing for themselves, etc.  But then I can't seem to help wanting to give them the things that I never had either.  It's perplexing, really.  They will get nothing from their dad--that's a promise.  Their dad is a total dead beat.  So, it's fallen on me to be the one to secure my children's future.  It's a lot for one person to take on.  I've been everything for my kids their whole life.  I just hope to have my health so I can be around for them and their future kids for a long time to come.

I've also thought a lot about what I want.  Sometimes I feel like I can never be happy with anyone.  No one is able to make me truly happy.  I've also come to understand that I like being alone.  I don't feel lonely.  I love doing things alone.  There is so much peace in being alone.  On the other hand, if there were truly a Mr. Perfect, I'd be OK to give up my independence too.  But sadly, I don't think a Mr. Perfect exists... for me.  If fate brings him into my life then OK but if not, who cares.  I'm not waiting or hoping for him to come into my life anymore.  Most men these days lack so much.  They don't bring value.  Rather, they drain the life out of you.  For me to want to be with a man, he has to be able to bring a ton of value.  And he has to bring me security.  He also has to guarantee forever and that he won't hurt me.  But I have to be super attracted to him and love him too.  That's the biggest issue.  Someone can give me value, security, and can promise forever, but if I am not attracted to him and if I do not love him then it's a one-way street relationship and one-way street relationships don't work.  To find someone who loves me truly without reservation and vice versa is a one in a million chance.  I'm so happy for the people that have found their other half.  Congratulation s.  Hold onto that half.  Don't risk losing that half.  Because it can take forever to find a perfect half.

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #201 on: January 21, 2021, 09:39:31 PM »
Cas hnub no hos hnov koj lub moo sad ua luaj na?  I hope all is well.  The past times you seem so giddy.  Tsis yog Trump leave office es koj mob mob koj lub heart lawm los?  LOLX!  Dag xwb!  Don't kill me! 

Your house sounds like a dream.  Yog koj tws ua tau lawm ces yeej worth it mas.  You dropped your sweat and tears in it so I'm sure you are very happy about it.  60k, cuag li pocket change rau koj xwb :P

Kids won't understand your battles.  Some will have clues of your struggles but they are not equip with the tools and mindset to make an effort to show their understanding.  When they become our age, they will start to see your love for them.  For you to even consider your love for them is a sign that you are doing all you can for them.  I remember when I was young, all I could think about was how I wanted to have all the cool things as my peers.

Tus hlub mus twg lawm na los yog COVID muab neb seperate lawm na?  Cas yuav tus siab ua luaj li os phooj ywg es.  Hopefully all will be better soon.   

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #202 on: February 08, 2021, 02:03:06 PM »
Ua tsaug rau koj cov lus os.  All is well.  And speaking of Trump... I've noticed that ever since that clown left the white house, I've felt so much more at ease.  There isn't the daily shit show anymore that makes people's blood pressures go up and down daily.  It feels a lot more safer for myself, for people of color, for the country, and for the world.  A big sigh of relief!

Anyway, my house was a huge challenge to take on.  I wish I had known how much work and money it would take to make it better.  Everything was original and old and grimy... wallpapers were flaking off of the walls, carpets were stained and smelled so bad, cabinets felt like oil had been purposely poured inside and outside of them, toilets didn't work, leaky sinks, etc.  Ugh.  Tackling all of that as a single mom of two, home schooling, working FT, etc.  I was way over my head.  It was exhausting and frustrating.  But after all the hard work, the house looks much better.

Yes, kids don't understand the battles.  You are very right... with time and when they are older, I hope they will understand how much I sacrificed for them.

Tus hlub ces yog yus tus kheej xwb mas.  Tsis muaj leejtwg yuav hlub yus tshaj yus tus kheej lawm os.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 02:09:38 PM by lilly »

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #203 on: February 08, 2021, 02:42:35 PM »
Hey, what is love? Love is a verb.  It's the Sacrifice and the Service we do for someone else. It's also the Total Acceptance of the person and all of their flaws and imperfections (excluding their abusive/psychopathic/narcissistic/selfish traits).

Hey, how do you know that you'll be with the person you're with until the end?  You don't.  People are always growing, evolving, changing.  There are no guarantees that things--how they are today--will remain how they are 1/5/10+ years from now.  The only thing you can count on is that "things are guaranteed to change."  What makes a relationship lasting is two people choosing each other every day, over time, to stay together, to make things work.  Choosing to forgive the mistakes, choosing to learn and grow together.  That's all there is.  Individually most of us don't stay the same.  (There are some people that do stay the same and don't change--those are the people that don't grow intellectually/mentally.)  But for growing and developing people, they are always learning new things about themselves and about the world... thus, their world views change, how they see things change, what they want changes.  As changing individuals with new wants and needs, then, we have to keep choosing the partner that we're with over and over again, every day, if our goal is to make our relationship with them last.  What makes you choose your partner every day then?  I think for me... it's my willingness to look past their flaws, the things about them that I don't like... and to look at the bigger picture... like, do they bring me joy on "most" days?  I say "most" because other people outside of ourselves can't always bring us joy every single day.  Some days, they piss us off.  But if most days the thought of having them in our lives brings sweet emotions to us... then they are good for us.  People that "consistently" make us feel sweet feelings inside of us when we think of them, are good for our health and for our life.  We should choose to keep such people around in our lives.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 03:05:41 PM by lilly »

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #204 on: February 08, 2021, 03:03:21 PM »
Why I think so many people break up with their s/o and get together with new people all the time?
1.  They get bored easily.  They like the feeling of the chase, the adventure and excitement of being with someone new.  When a person gets old and boring to them, they are quick to discard the old and get with the new.
2.  They don't understand the importance of stability and commitment, or how to obtain a stable and lasting relationship.
3.  They are selfish and only think about their wants and needs and not about the relationship as a whole, or about the other person, or about the other people affected by the relationship.  If they really loved the other person, they would make sacrifices for the other person and accept the other person for who they are... and work with the other person to to fulfill both of their wants and needs.
4.  One of them grew and changed... and the other person is unwilling to meet the challenges that go along with the changing partner.
5. Deal breakers.  They realize things about their partner that they cannot accept and their partner cannot or is unwilling to change to be accepted.  Examples of deal breakers: other person is selfish, abusive, won't contribute to the relationship emotionally/financially, etc.
6.  The other person cheated.
7.  Other things.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 03:10:26 PM by lilly »

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #205 on: April 13, 2021, 07:49:29 PM »
I had a zoom meeting with a co-worker today and her meeting name was "lilly".  I was like, "waitttt a minuteee..."  Hahaha.  She said her daughter's name was lilly.  Thought that was a cute coincidence. :D

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #206 on: April 13, 2021, 08:03:28 PM »
i love you for
    how you make me feel
        thank you for being in my life
             for making me feel alive

i don't know what the future holds
    i wish i did
         but while we're still blessed to still wake up each day
              i want you to know that
                  i love being in your embrace

« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 08:11:24 PM by lilly »

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #207 on: April 23, 2021, 06:08:56 PM »
Thanks to Dok_Champa, I'm in a nostalgic Hmong mood.  Listening to these songs ( and makes me miss my mom, my dad, and my siblings so much.  Everyone together in the same house.  Waaahh!!!  I miss my family so much!

« Last Edit: April 23, 2021, 06:16:29 PM by lilly »

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #208 on: April 23, 2021, 06:39:41 PM »
I love those times when you won't let me go when I sit on your lap,
I would try to get off and you'd grab me to hold on longer.
I love the way you hold me.
I love it when you say, "Promise forever."
I love it when you call me Baby or Honey or Love.
I love the way you hug me, the way you ​smell (when you don't use that medicinal shampoo).
I love it when you hold my hands.
I love it when you say, "Kuv hlub koj tshaj."
I love how smart you are, how funny you are.
Yeah, we always laugh so hard together, even in the middle of the night.  You bring me so much joy.

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Re: letitbenonmundane
« Reply #209 on: April 26, 2021, 12:02:41 PM »
"Miss Sloane" is a fantastic movie (currently on Netflix).  It is so awesome!  The movie reaffirms what is already true.  But I love the edge it gave.  If only we had someone like her, who can win at getting the results that are good for the country.  Anyway, such a great movie!  I liked it.  I liked it a lot.

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