
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606870 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1035 on: November 09, 2009, 12:05:00 AM »
i heard this from my uncle, 
back in the days in laos, a bunch of buddies in their 20's went hunting. they hunted for a few days and would spend the night in the jungle. as they were coming back. they got to this hut that people would have at the garden. they decided to stay there for the night as it was getting dark. they were cooking the game they killed, and chilling back talking when one of their buddies told them that there is a female ghost who hunts the area they were at. he told them that she is a husband less ghost. one of the guys started joking around that if she comes then he would duckkk her. well later that night, they were all sleeping the female ghost came, but the only guy that saw her was the one joking about duckking her earlier. when she came she said " you wanted to duckk, now i'm here lets duckk. "it sounds alot better in hmong" the guy got scare the shit out off he went straight for his old school one shot rifle.."those kind of rifle where you got to put gun powder in" and shot the husbandless ghost, all of his buddies woke up and ask what was wrong. he told them that the husbandless ghost came to duckk him. then all his buddies started to hahah at him for being cockky..... morning came up and they left...

this one happen to my mom's sisters and brothers.
back in laos when my aunties was in her teens. maybe in the late 1960's to early 70's. my aunty, uncle and some grandmas and grandpas  went fishing. as they were cleaning the fish they throw the scales and guts into the creek and some rice when they were washing their dishes.. later that night a P-U-Y came and messed around with them, it would make the trees on top of them move really hard like heavy wind was blowing it.. and they would hear weird animal noises.. they got really scare cuz it was dark and they could see much in front of them. it happen for 15-30 mins... then one of my grandpa got some pepper and started to throw it into the fire.. it make that stinking smell and the P-U-Y took off... they got there guts scare off.. later the og's found out that the young ones toss rice and fish scales and shiit into the creek.. they got hahah at.. cuz doing that offends the p-u-y that lived around that area... "also it offends the ZAG "dragon" if there is one in the creek.....!!!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1036 on: November 09, 2009, 12:52:52 AM »
yes, this one also happen in laos,
there was this hmong guy that live in the village next to my dad's village..  and dividing thos two villages there is a dense jungle..  in that jungle there is a husband and wife p-u-y.. the husband p-u-y is an a$$ hole.. he killed alot of people.. well this particular day the hmong guy in the next village decided to go hunting.. he went by himself and got deep into the jungle... as he was walking along he heard some leaves moving way up in the tree tops. he looked and saw a big monkey eating fruits.. he didn't think much and shot it.. it fell down to the ground, but as it fell down he heard a female voice screaming from the next mountain saying "he he tuag tsis tuag koj muam lawm nthua nthua zaum nos lawm muas koj nthua.. " he he die die die serve you right for killing them now they killed you" finally he realize that it was the p-u-y he shoot. he shiits his pants and took off running home.. when he got home he didn't tell anyone what happen.. he stay quite for about 2 weeks thinking that he was going to die.. after 2 weeks he didn't die, he then went and told the villagers that he shot the male p-u-y when he went hunting. he and some of the villagers were brave enough to go check it out.. when they got to the spot were he shot it. they saw a big a$$ blood, and guts stain with only the skin left... word spread and soon people in my dad's village were talking about it...

in the city i live in there is only one hmong funeral home. this particular night i was at the funeral home it was winter and it snow a little the evening, but soon stop. i was out side in the parking lot with some of my college buddies chilling. then we saw 3 og's with flashlights forcing everybody outside to come inside the funeral home. we came in didn't thinking much.. well my dad happen to be helping out at the funeral home playing the "qeej"  a few days later he told me that during the funeral people heard something or thingS walking on the roof.. that night. i told him oh so thats why they made those people outside come in side... then he told me thats not just it.. later that morning some og's went to the roof to inspect and found a shiit load of  tiger prints on the snow... "this roof is a flat roof" i was like damn.....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1037 on: November 09, 2009, 01:12:49 AM »
ok this stories is not dissing the christian faith.. its just what i heard...

this kid that i went to high school with his mom got really sick and posses.. one of my good friend is his cuzin.. so he told me what happen..  that kid mom got posses and she would go crazy at times, but sometimes she would be normal... it happen for quite a while when we were in high school.. they were christian, and  would pry and pry for her, but nonthing worked. then they would switch back to hmongism... and she would be fine.. but after she gets fine they would go back to the christian faith.. then she would go crazy... agan.. it went on and off for a while.. and she died... my buddy told me that it had something to do with their ancestor....

another one..
this happen this spring..
a far distant relative of mine mom's died a few years ago.. they were christian so they did it the christian way and just bury her. after a while she would come back and hunt her husband... it happen so often that her husband got use to it.  she would come and pull his blanket off his bed.. etc... the reason she would come back is because they needed to do the 'releasing of the soul ceremony" for her so she can go in peace, but they were christian and don't believe in those kinds of things no more.. then this spring one of the aunty got posses by the dead aunty...  i think that aunty was also related to her they were cuzin.  that aunty called another aunty and told her to watch her little kids, cuz she was gonna go with the dead lady.. the other aunty got scared and came and got the aunty that was posses, cuz she was going crazy talking nonsense...etc .. the next day they jingle bell for her.. and found out that the dead aunty wanted to go to heaven.. "it sounds a lot better in hmong" Cuz she saw some of her husbands dead uncles, and they all went to get recarnated, but she couldn't go cuz they didn't do the releasing of soul ceremony for her..  the posses aunty got better after jingle bells, and the relative finally did the ceremony for her, and after that she never came back to bother her family agan...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1038 on: November 09, 2009, 01:36:34 AM »
Great stories, please share more. No offense but you can't spell, man

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1039 on: November 09, 2009, 03:20:15 AM »
Great stories, please share more. No offense but you can't spell, man
spelling is just spelling, as long as you can understand it then its all good

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1040 on: November 09, 2009, 03:21:43 AM »
Here's one but it's more like a nightmare, I was about to fall asleep or half asleep one time, when I heard loud stumping noises as if somebody or something not human but scary was going to make it's way into my bedroom. My heart started pumping in deep fear, then suddenly that somebody was already lying next to me behind my back on my bed while I was sleeping in a spoon position.  I realized it was a little ugly "Poj Txiong" (not sure if the spelling is right) with long messy hair; I got really scared and paralyzed by it and could not bugde or move.  He or she was cuddling me from behind and asking me, "you're having a hard time falling asleep ha?" He or she also touched and felt my face with it's cold hand why trying to talked to me, that's when I said fukk this and mustered up the strenght to free myself from that thing and woked myself up.

It felt so real, creep and scary.  I wouldn't want to go thru it again even for a thousand bucks, maybe for a million I'll do it again. ;D

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 03:32:15 AM by No regret »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1041 on: November 09, 2009, 05:37:47 AM »
Here's one but it's more like a nightmare, I was about to fall asleep or half asleep one time, when I heard loud stumping noises as if somebody or something not human but scary was going to make it's way into my bedroom. My heart started pumping in deep fear, then suddenly that somebody was already lying next to me behind my back on my bed while I was sleeping in a spoon position.  I realized it was a little ugly "Poj Txiong" (not sure if the spelling is right) with long messy hair; I got really scared and paralyzed by it and could not bugde or move.  He or she was cuddling me from behind and asking me, "you're having a hard time falling asleep ha?" He or she also touched and felt my face with it's cold hand why trying to talked to me, that's when I said fukk this and mustered up the strenght to free myself from that thing and woked myself up.

It felt so real, creep and scary.  I wouldn't want to go thru it again even for a thousand bucks, maybe for a million I'll do it again. ;D

those things are called "fat" but say it in hmoob green. i don't know how to spell it... it comes only when you're like half asleep, half awake. i used to get those ALL the time after my hubby goes to work, i would say around 4-5 in the morning. then i got them sometimes while i was pregnant with my second child. plus, i heard the old folks say that you're easier to catch those monsters if you come home late, like midnight to those morning hours, not only that i used to work the shift between 2nd and 3rd so i was home about 3-4am.... my hubby told me in his younger/teen years, he used to get sat on all the time because being at that age, you're always running around having fun coming home late.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1042 on: November 09, 2009, 10:08:44 AM »
FS, I thought u were too chicken to read ghost stories. LOL I got u hook on it now. huh!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1043 on: November 09, 2009, 10:20:43 AM »
FS, I thought u were too chicken to read ghost stories. LOL I got u hook on it now. huh!

that wasn't such a scary story, that's all. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1044 on: November 09, 2009, 02:21:21 PM »
Staying out late isn't the only way to catch these Fats. If you get high often, then it weakens your soul and you are very open to these Fats. My cousin has first hand experiences when he used to get high often. Even now when he quits, he still gets sit on because his mind has not recovered. He have seen many apparitions of these fats

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1045 on: November 09, 2009, 03:55:58 PM »
i used to go out late at night a lot many years ago and nothing happened to me. heck, i even get up late just to go work! i guess it all depends on how sensitive you are?

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No regret

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1046 on: November 09, 2009, 04:27:14 PM »

those things are called "fat" but say it in hmoob green. i don't know how to spell it... it comes only when you're like half asleep, half awake. i used to get those ALL the time after my hubby goes to work, i would say around 4-5 in the morning. then i got them sometimes while i was pregnant with my second child. plus, i heard the old folks say that you're easier to catch those monsters if you come home late, like midnight to those morning hours, not only that i used to work the shift between 2nd and 3rd so i was home about 3-4am.... my hubby told me in his younger/teen years, he used to get sat on all the time because being at that age, you're always running around having fun coming home late.

I had another incident when I was still sharing a bedroom with my older brother.  I thought about this dead hmong person before I drifted off to sleep.  As I was half asleep, this supposely dead hmong person dressed in traditional hmong clothing suddenly appeared standing by my bed and started to dragged me by my ankles off my bed as if he was going to dragged me to somewhere.  I was so scared and paralyzed as usual, I could not move a muscle but I conciously remembered that my brother was sleeping in the room with me and that my only chance was to somehow get him to help me.  I tried to screamed really hard and was finally able to make some noise waking my him up to wake me up also.  That experience was just like "Friday The 13th Nightmare on Elmer St." where you're only dreaming but it's also real.

I don't know why, maybe I am a concious and sensitive person that's why I have a lot of these paranormal/ghost experiences.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1047 on: November 09, 2009, 05:45:19 PM »
Its a demon

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1048 on: November 10, 2009, 08:48:40 AM »
I believe my husband always got sat on before me. He looked it up and said it's "sleep paralysis." He doesn't believe in getting sit on because he's Cambodian. But one night really convinced me. He always mumbles when he's getting sat on, I'll wake up, wake him up, and he'll be like, "Didn't you hear me? I was screaming for you!" I would tell him the usual, "You were mumbling, I couldn't even understand what you were saying." He was very handsome, so I understood why it happened to him. (Well, my mom said that it happens if you're very handsome/beautiful to the ones that sit on you.) Well, that one night, he slept by the window and the blinds were opened just enough for some moonlight to get in. Well, I heard him mumbling and his body was twitching-signs he's getting sit on. Well, I woke him up and he said, " Did you see him?" I was like, "See who?" He said, "The man at the window. He was trying to break in. He wanted to come in. I wouldn't let him..." I thought, 'HOLY duck! Now that thing is trying to come into our home? duck that motherducker! I'm so glad you(husband) is smart!' I told my husband he was just having a bad dream and to go back to sleep. Fortunately, he's gained some weight and hasn't happened in a long time. =]

you had to change your name for me. awww. lol. i must say this is one of the more re-cockulous stories i've heard on here. first of all, i doubt a spirit would sit on your cambodie husband cuz he was good looking. LOL. perhaps it's sitting on your husband cuz your ancestral spirits do not agree with your choice.

some ppl make the wierdest and funniest stuff up.  ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1049 on: November 10, 2009, 10:22:05 AM »
i used to go out late at night a lot many years ago and nothing happened to me. heck, i even get up late just to go work! i guess it all depends on how sensitive you are?

ur spirit's probably strong..

« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 11:07:45 AM by sweet_luvin »

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