
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604119 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1980 on: September 01, 2010, 08:44:43 PM »
More pls.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1981 on: September 02, 2010, 04:48:00 PM »
That's so gross... I've never looked at it like that...  :-\

Well, now you do...

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1982 on: September 03, 2010, 12:24:37 PM »
On one particular night my younger sister went and hang out w/her BF and his friends who happen to lived down the street from our house.
Their laos neighbor who  lived 3houses down  was holding a funeral service for their grandma that jux pass away....her BF and his friends was in the livingroom playing poker when there a knock at the door...the friend sister went and open the door and start crying....all the friends was  curious as to why the sister was reacting the way that she was....they all walked toward the door and saw the grandma in her white outfit w/a pale face talking to them in sister was pretty freak out,  I heard  even some of the guy were crying...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1983 on: September 08, 2010, 03:17:52 PM »
On one particular night my younger sister went and hang out w/her BF and his friends who happen to lived down the street from our house.
Their laos neighbor who  lived 3houses down  was holding a funeral service for their grandma that jux pass away....her BF and his friends was in the livingroom playing poker when there a knock at the door...the friend sister went and open the door and start crying....all the friends was  curious as to why the sister was reacting the way that she was....they all walked toward the door and saw the grandma in her white outfit w/a pale face talking to them in sister was pretty freak out,  I heard  even some of the guy were crying...

FYI - DO NOT buy a house from the Fillipinos.  My husband's colleague stated that they bring the decease's body from the morgue and hold the funeral service at the resident.  Yes, in America, as a matter of fact, in Fresno, CA.  I'm sure there are other asian that does that, due to culture/beliefs and etc.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1984 on: September 10, 2010, 04:16:10 PM »
Took me a few months, but I'm finally caught up! Some were creepy, some were confusing, skimmed through some, even though I'm reading these in broad day light... I still jump haha

For me, I've had a few encounters, but I don't think I've ever seen an actual figure in front of me. I've caught at the corner of my eyes what I thought was a white or black figure, but when I look again...nothin g! Most of my experiences are more "hearing" things versus "seeing". Here's something weird that's been happening in my left ear since Spring (when I first started reading this thread). Early in the morning and late at night...there's this wind blowing sound in my left ear drum. This goes on and off for about 30 seconds or so. I know it's not someone doing it bc it sounds like it's coming from within my ear drums.

ok back to the topic...I probably already shared some of these before, but that was 100+ pages ago so apologizing ahead if I've already shared these. I'm also typing from my ipod so there will be lots of with it or read the next post. Consider this as my disclaimer  O0

Back in 2002, my brother and I moved to Wis to stay with my oldest brother n his family. We moved in a few weeks before Labor Day wknd. Our other family members came up to visit during the GB festivities. Monday (Labor Day) after everyone brother, nyab, her friend, n nephew went to do the laundry. It was about 7pm n they didn't return home yet so I decided to get dinner started. The sun was setting n it'd be dark soon. All the blinds in the living room was up with a few windows proped open. Their house is an older one so the way it's set up is.. living room and dining room is next to each other, no wall seperating the two. If you're in the kitchen, you can see straight out the living room windows. Anyways, I was at the kitchen sink cleaning and prepping a whole chicken I was gonna cook for dinner. My back is towards the living/dining room. Out of nowhere I hear this loud belch coming from an old lady! The sun had already set and it was pitch dark through out the house except for the tv. I was too consume with cleaning the darn chicken, I didn't realize how dark it had gotten. There's also no window in front of the sink either so thats another reason why I didn't realize the sun was gone. The kitchen is also dimly lit. So..... the belching sound came from within the kitchen and I knew I was the only one home at the time. I looked over and realized that the big kitchen window was also proped open so maybe thats where the noise came from. I kept my cool although my hair was literally standing up. I managed to walk through the dark house, turn on the living rooom  light, close the windows, and roll down the blinds. Luckily everyone returned home shortly.

Stay tune....

« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 10:45:06 PM by shesaid »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1985 on: September 10, 2010, 07:39:18 PM » is slow so I'll continue.

When they got back I told my nyab what I heard earlier in the kitchen. (rewind back a few weeks- my nyab was telling me how they thought her nephew's deceased paternal grandma is always with him bc he keeps telling them he always see an old lady hanging around. Well one day they were sitting around the dinner table in the kitchen...her nephew sat facing the window. All of a sudden he started to cry. They asked him what happen and he says there's an old lady outside the window. She keeps telling him to go to the window. That's why when I heard the old lady belching noise, I sorta got freaked out. They were also in the middle of renovating the kitchen so no curtains or blind...just a big window.) Alrighty, back to the present.... my nyab's friend who was with them is a scaredy cat so she goes "OMG, didn't tell them about this house?!?" My nyab had this guilty look on her face and said "ok I'll tell u guys about this house, but we have to go else where". As we're driving away from the house my brother goes "oh great, the cross street is Elm." (He's a big Freddy Kruger fan)

We ended up at Applebees that night. My nyab began to tell my brother and I stories about the house and her family's various encounters.  The house use to be her parent's before they got divorced. Her dad moved out and it was just her mom and the children living there until she got brother and nyab then took over.   Moving on... my nyab's mom has "psychic" powers. A lot of people go to her to heal them and what not. She also has a 6th sense and can communicate with the others as well. According to her mom, their house was built when there were still wars going on. In and around their house there is a total of 5 or 6 Civil War ghosts that will never leave the grounds.  There's one behind the garage, believe it or not...there's a quadriplegic one in the basement, one is in the closet of the room I slept in, one in their closet/attic space, and one was stuck on a big tree next to the house.  I don’t know if that’s where they died, but she says their spirit will be in those certain places forever….they can not travel or move outside their boundaries. 

They have a spare room that’s off of the dining room. Before we moved in, they used it as a storage room. That was to be my brother’s room so he had to clean it out. One day he went down to the basement to put some stuff away. He walked down the stairs with those folding tournament chairs hanging on one arm and life jackets hanging on the other arm. As soon as he got down to the bottom of the stairs…a small bouncing ball (like those in the 25 cent vending machine at the store) bounced passed him. He thought it was odd b/c he wasn’t carrying anything and no balls could have possibly had been on the life jackets nor the chairs. This was before my nyab told us about the house so he just shrugged it off. 

On another occasion, he was sitting on the couch with his back to the front windows watching TV late at night. From their front windows to the sidewalk is just a few feet.  Out of the blue he hears little kids voices laughing and talking outside going back and forth riding bikes.  He looked at the clock and it was about midnight. Again, he shrugged it off b/c he wasn’t aware of anything at the time.  After my nyab told us about the house, he thought about it and everything started to kind of make sense b/c he thought he was just going crazy for a minute there haha.

Right before I decided to move back home, my cousin and her husband came to visit me from Madison. I believe her husband didn’t know that the house was haunted. He was going to stay at the house while we went to the mall to shop and spend time together. He ended up going with us…. when he went to put on his shoes he noticed that there were scratches on one side of his suede shoes. He thought we were playing a joke on him so he asked us why we scratched his shoes for b/c they were perfectly fine when they got to the house. I know that kind of creeped him out a bit LoL.

I know these aren’t your hardcore scary stories, but it’s something to read. I have more small encounters if anyone cares to read more.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 11:46:55 PM by shesaid »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1986 on: September 11, 2010, 01:41:27 AM »
it's kind a fun reading a lot of these 1 none stop sentence stories. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1987 on: September 11, 2010, 01:46:21 AM »
A lot of these stories sounds too fake and exaggerated.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1988 on: September 12, 2010, 04:07:04 PM »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1989 on: September 13, 2010, 03:15:58 PM »
Spooky hospital:

My dad was sick and was hospitalized at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC.  My hubby & I went to visit him and arrived at our destination after a long flight at 4AM.  As we approach the hospital (1/2 mi), it was dark and spooky looking (the exterior of the building are made of red/brown bricks).  We both immediately thought of haunted hospital, as in the movies.  When we entered the ground floor, there was not a soul (staff or people) roaming around, not only that, the hospital itself was like a gigsaw puzzle.  We finally ran into a resident.

A few hours later, we went to our car to grab some stuff.  As we approached the elevator, i was going to press the button, then i saw a hand at the corner of my eyes pressing the button, it freaked the crap out of me.  i'm sure there are souls roaming around, but therefore, i scared myself of thinking of the supernatural.  In conclusion, it's not the spiritual the scares you, but it's true how the old folks said it's the living that scared the living.

But seriously, Baptist really look like a haunted hospital.  not many people works at night.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1990 on: September 13, 2010, 07:13:48 PM »
speaking of is is from my nyab's mom who's the psychic lady

Being a psychic person (or whatever the correct term is, but I'll just refer to her as a psychic lady) she has two spirits/guardian angels that are always with her whom she can rely on whenever she needs them.

She was in the hospital and had just given birth to her youngest son.  She said she can see a dead male spirit walking the halls of the Maternity Ward b/c he liked the smell of blood. He would go from room to room to see each new mother who had just given birth. He kept trying to come into her room, but her two spirits were with her so he couldn't enter the room. When she was discharged from the hospital the dead male spirit followed her home, but she called upon her spirits to chase him away.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1991 on: September 14, 2010, 03:38:59 PM »
shesaid....tha nks for sharing..more please!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1992 on: September 15, 2010, 12:06:27 AM »
A few short various incidents happening in and around the house…..not neccesarily scary, but just makes your hair rise  :D

One time my nyab’s mom and one of her sisters got into an argument.  Her mom started to cry, but  it was more like nyiav’ing (the funeral cry).  As they all went outside to see where her sister took off too…they heard from the tree (remember one of the Civil War ghost is by the tree) mocking her mom’s nyiav’ing.

I moved back home and we went back to Wisc for my oldest brother’s college graduation. I still had the house key so we let ourselves in. We ordered pizza b/c my nieces and nephews were hungry.  When the delivery guy got there, my niece went to open the door and pay for the pizza… the door was already cracked open.  She asked the pizza guy if he opened the door and he said someone opened the door, but then stopped and then she came to the door.  She asked us who was the last one to come in….I told her I was, but I locked the door and no one went back outside until the pizza guy showed up.

Remember that spare bedroom off the dining room I mentioned earlier… one night my nyab’s cousin and his family came to visit. They have a 2 year old and one that’s a few months old.  Nyab and her cousin’s wife were in the kitchen talking, my brother and nyab’s cousin were in the living room watching some gory horror movie. Their 3 yr old girl and I were in the dining room playing. She kept turning to the TV and ask “what’s that?, what’s that?”   I told her it was mee-mow  and not to watch.  We continued playing with a tennis ball… she goes to stand by the door going into the spare room with her back facing it.  After a few mins she makes this surprise face and I asked her what’s wrong. She points into the room and says “mee-mow, mee-mow in there”.  I got spooked myself so I tried to play it off and told her it’s just my nephew who’s asleep in there.  Everyone who has ever slept in that room has their own story to share…especially the drunks who ends up crashing in there.

Nyab’s dad is one of those people who haus ntshav tes with their girlfriend back in the days. Whenever he’s sick, he’ll see her.  One time he got really sick and kept hallucinating.  Nyab’s sister was getting tired of her dad hallucinating so she says “koj heev diam lod? Show yourself b*tch” The tv was turned off, but right then the tv zapped on/off really quick and they could see a white shadow of a lady reflected on the tv. My nyab goes “you’re so dumb. You never challenge the dead!”   Her sister kept quiet after that.

My nephew gets out of school 30 mins before my brother gets home from school and they’d just leave the house unlock so he could get in the house. One day he got home and heard a little kid crying upstairs. Knowing that no one was home, he went to see who it could be. He checked the spare room upstairs and saw a little girl w/ messy hair crying, but she had her back towards him so he couldn’t see her face. He got scared and came back downstairs to wait until my brother got home. He  never did tell my brother or nyab, but he told his auntie.  We later asked him about it and he said it was true, but he knew something was not right about it and the little girl didn’t seem real that’s why he didn’t want to say anything to his parents b/c they wouldn’t believe him.

Okay, so all the years that this have been going on in their house…they’ve never told my parents or us. The Spring after we moved in, we came to visit my parents. My nyab finally told my parents about what’s been going on in the house for the past years. My parents wanted to go up to ua ib thaj neeb kho tsev. The whole weekend we kept talking and sharing our experiences about the house. The night before we left was when we started hearing cats outside our house!  It was Sunday night and we’re packing to come back home…family members who came to say their good-byes were leaving to go home. My dad and my brother were asleep already.  My nephew and nyab’s sister is in my room laying on the bed talking and playing around. I’m in the dining room packing some stuff when I hear this loud non-stop meeeoooowwwing going back and forth between what sounded like two cats. It sounded like it was coming from the sliding doors next to me which led to the deck outside, but then I look in my room and I could see my nephew and his auntie playing around on the bed, laughing so I thought maybe it was just them messing around. This went on 2 or 3 more times and didn’t say anything to anyone.  A few minutes later, my nyab was at the dining room table packing her stuff as well. She hears the same cat noise and says to me “is it just me or am I hearing cats meowing from outside? Do you hear it?”  I told her I heard it earlier, but didn’t want to say anything.  Our backyard is totally fenced in with those high wood fence so there’s no way any cats could’ve gotten inside the yard.  Also, none of our neighbors have any cats. We got spooked and decided to call it a night… the four of us is in my room now fixing the beds and what not. All of a sudden, we hear this creepy, loud mmeeeeooowwwin g right outside my window as if the cats were in heat! Everyone dropped what they were doing jumped on the bed, no one dared to move.  My window is on the side of the house so now we couldn’t figure out how the freaky cats got from the fenced in backyard to the side of the house. Finally my nyab goes “okay you guys, let’s all get up and move the two beds together and we’ll just all sleep together so we won’t be scared.”  We gathered up enough courage to get up and move the beds together…called it a night. No one wanted to sleep by the window hahaha.   When we got back to Wisc, nyab told her mom about our experience that night. Her mom told her that when we went to visit my parents, one or two of them followed us. When we heard those cat meow noise, it was them letting us know of their presence and they didn’t like us talking about them.  I told her mom to tell them that we’ll stop talking about them if they stop coming around and make their presence known. Needless to say, we didn’t hear them for a few months. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1993 on: September 15, 2010, 12:16:39 PM »

those short stories are really creepy....anym ore to share?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1994 on: September 15, 2010, 02:56:42 PM »
During my dad-in-law's funeral and after the visitation (we go to church, so the funeral was closed after 9PM'ish), late at night (our close families), we all sat around the living, shared memories of dad and then ghost stories and etc.  All sudden, one of the aunt (mom's sister), jumped up and terrified (freaked us out).  She almost took off running.  We looked at her direction and there stands my MIL, hair all messed up, high as a bee-hive (permed hair), trying to adjust her eyes to the light and not saying a word.   :knuppel2:

FYI - my MIL's house has spirits living there.  Our neices & nephews have pointed to the spirit.  I refuse to be in the house alone.  Not only that, now days, my MIL refuses to be in the house alone herself.  When she comes to the house and there's no one home, she'll literally walk super fast and stay out side.  :knuppel2:

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