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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2535 on: June 15, 2011, 02:40:50 AM »
Alright, Now stories are coming flooding in my mind.
This is about my brother.
He went camping with his buddies and their parents. Some where up North.
Anyways they all got their tents and stuff set up. It wasn't even dark when this happened.  And while they were chilling one of their tents started to move like some one was hitting it. they all was looking at that tent and was like WTF. Even the parents saw that, and no one was even near that tent. So my brother had to share their tents with the other buddy, his friend never slept in there thought out the whole camping trip. The only thing that, that tent was use was to put food in there and zip it from the coons.
Every night they all would hear someone opening the coolers and closing the covers. But the tent was zip so how can a coon get in there..
After the camping trip and they were getting ready to com home. My brother's buddies took their tent that was set- up and never slept in. They threw it into the fire. I mean the whole tent lol.

So pure noob
I hope that your camping trip goes well. LOL

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2536 on: June 15, 2011, 02:57:00 AM »
last one for the night.
It's a short one. My cousin told  this to me a very long time ago and the details might not all be there. Back my old plaza hood. To those that knew that place, if you remember that there use to be a little play between the two coulombs houses, right in front of the parking lot.There was this area with a rubber tire tie to a pole, And ways there was these two lovers that lives in that area. So one night they plan to meet up by the swing and chill out. So that night the BF came out to that area, but his GF never came. So as he was waiting for his GF. Later he saw what he thought was his GF walking towards him. When she got closer, she looked just like her. And when she got closer to him, he could see that it wasn't his GF but her face was rotten. So he ran home and called his GF and asked if she came out side. She told him that she forgot that they were to meet at that place..
Lesson taught was never speak out loud out side as to what your plans are. Something might over hear you and come as it's place to meet you. lOL

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Li Mhong

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2537 on: June 16, 2011, 12:28:03 PM »
I just remembered this one, I wrote so much that I don't know if I told this one.
So it was a couple of years ago. My BIL invited me and my wife to join them for camping, just like every year. but that year I couldn't make it. Anyways he told me that;
on the third night. They decided to tell ghost stories, around the camp fire. He don't know how they ended up telling stories. It was getting very late and ppl were tired and retreated  into their own tent.

There is this one family that always come camping with us but always sleeps in his Toyota van. Anywho, that night my BIL's parents went to sleep and during the night
his mom heard some little kids walking back and forth around their tent... laughing and giggly around. So his mom opened the tent  but she saw no one. Then she tried to sleep but she couldn't. She kept on hearing voices. And ppl walking around in the night. She thought that it was her sons or other ppl. So she yelled at what ever was making noises to go to sleep. Later their tent was hit by something, like a hand smacking the outer layer. "spooky".

Back to the guy that sleeps in his car. The next day he told them that he saw what was like a person was walking back and forth around the camp site looking for something. But he knew that everyone went to their tents and called it for the night.

Long story short. don't go telling ghost stories while you're camping. you might just get a unwelcome visit.

That's true. Back in California in the early '80s, my uncle was telling ghost stories to some little cousins outside his front porch just to get 'em a scare so they'll stay still. It was around almost dark, while he was telling a story about those little hairy creature that wear Hmong clothes, one of the younger kid interrupted and asked him "how do they looked like again?" and my uncle still trying to spook 'em said it cocky "they have long hair, their eyes is vertical, not horizontal like ours', and their fingers curve and their feet is twisted" and then to finish it off he said "and they have very long and sharp scary teeth" just as he finish saying that, the little kid point to a bush at the corner of his front porch and said "like that one, right there" everybody looked over at the direction and the bush was shaking violently, everybody ran inside the house. After that he always advice to be careful, that they can hear us and we can't see 'em but they're there.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2538 on: June 16, 2011, 01:44:43 PM »
Talking about camping, I remember one time when my cousin and his family went camping. In the middle of the night, the wife had a dream that a family came and told her to get up and leave because they slept in that family's place. They moved the tent the next night to a different area.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2539 on: June 16, 2011, 02:59:33 PM »
Thanks saki, like 90% of my camping stories are from yours lol. And I'm sure gonna have a blast sharing them at night

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2540 on: June 16, 2011, 03:47:00 PM »
my bf's dad was telling us about 'mog' and he described what it looked like. it was some scary stuff when you imagine it in your head. it's tall and its legs have no knee caps so its legs don't bend. picture a tall scary lookin ass running with it's legs straight but slanted!!!! his brother kept imitating it last night. not funny. so when they capture you, they'll be laughing and grab you by the wrist. it'll run and stab you in the side and drain out your blood. how to protect yourself is when you are out in the forests or whatever in laos/thailand, you always wear a glove made of bamboo. if you are wearing one and it grabs you, you can slip your hand out of the glove and it'll think it's still captured you.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2541 on: June 16, 2011, 03:52:04 PM »
oh and with camping or anything!!!! before eating your meal, you have to scoop some food onto a spoon and wish the spirits well and etc etc telling them you're about to have your meal, you're not there to bother anyone etc etc and then toss the food aside for them to eat. by doing so, they won't bother you for food. my bf's mom told us of a 2 couples driving back to wi from mn and stopped at a rest area (not sure which one) to eat the food that was packed for them. they ate for a few minutes when one wife asked her hub if he did what i said above and he said no he forgot but it should be ok. they finished eating and drove off. they ended up close to mn again without realizing it. now... rest stops are only one ways... not sure if they just  :idiot2: or if that was the outcome...

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Ph D wanna Be

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2542 on: June 16, 2011, 04:16:26 PM »
Thanks saki, like 90% of my camping stories are from yours lol. And I'm sure gonna have a blast sharing them at night
Where u go camping? I'm head up north and i won't be telling no ghost stories. Lol. I don't wanna have an un invited guest.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 04:38:03 PM by Ph D wanna Be »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2543 on: June 16, 2011, 04:46:01 PM »
Pure Noob
Mighty thoughtful of you. Hope you have fun telling your buddies about  my encounters. Tell us if you have any encounters after your camping trip.
We need more ghost stories in here. LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2544 on: June 16, 2011, 05:26:00 PM »
Pure Noob
Mighty thoughtful of you. Hope you have fun telling your buddies about  my encounters. Tell us if you have any encounters after your camping trip.
We need more ghost stories in here. LOL

@ PhDwannabe, Im going to North Fork over here in CA. yea it's the place where that picture of the Ghost in forest is being Text among the Hmong folks.

@ Saki, yea i'll sure share my experiences if i encounter any lol

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2545 on: June 16, 2011, 11:08:40 PM »
@ PhDwannabe, Im going to North Fork over here in CA. yea it's the place where that picture of the Ghost in forest is being Text among the Hmong folks.

@ Saki, yea i'll sure share my experiences if i encounter any lol

Pix, what pix and what's being text among the folks?
Send the link in here, I wanna see that what ever you ppl are texting about. Is it in U tube?

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2546 on: June 16, 2011, 11:20:03 PM »
Hope I didn't post this one yet.
My mom use to tell me stories about them white thingy back in Laos. They use to have chicken and every morning some chickens would be walking kinda flatty. You know like some thing sat on the chicken all night. And many ppl would see chicken eggs like all stack up with bamboo in a neatly order, and a lot of them ppl did not know as to why their chicken eggs are over there so they would go and pick it up.

But little did they know that it was a trap. Set up by them thingy. And a lot of them fell victim to the set up and died or had to do the jingle bells. So every time my mom and her families would hear their chicken rustling in their coop. They knew that those thingy are in there riding their chickens and stealing the eggs.
Not a long story but I don't remember all the details. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2547 on: June 18, 2011, 05:45:05 PM »
Pix, what pix and what's being text among the folks?
Send the link in here, I wanna see that what ever you ppl are texting about. Is it in U tube?

The text shows these 2 Hmong couple in the forest and from what I heard, there's a shoots girl behind them. I've never seen it myself since I don't have a cell but let me ask my Sid and if she still has it, I'll pm you and text it to ya. Yea it was take north fork

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2548 on: June 19, 2011, 02:58:56 AM »
Pure noob
Please do.. and if you can post it up in here, i bet some of these ppl wanna see that pix too. I myself am a chicken when it comes to having ghost on photo(s).
One time my brother that has these weird stuff that he sees when he goes fishing with his buddies. Anyways his buddy sent him a photo on his facebook. It was his buddy holding a lunker, and in the back groung- there was this white figure
Poseing behind him, they didnt notices till they down loaded on the computer. Any ways when i saw that photo i was loke shyt, that ain't true. It's just some meeka that happened to stand up behind the tall grass. I told him naah that fake and
Crap ič falling asleep here.
Write back later

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2549 on: June 20, 2011, 09:45:08 AM »
you guys talking about this pix?

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