
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1604227 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2685 on: August 21, 2011, 01:12:26 PM »
wow this thread has become pretty much dead!  :( well to make this thread alive again I think I'll share some of my ghost stories that happened to my family. really spooky stuff!  :o

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2686 on: August 21, 2011, 02:03:27 PM »
This happened like 5 or 6 years ago when me and my family still lived in my old home. My little sister who at the time was 7 years old liked to play outside in our backyard by herself, so on this day she was playing and for some reason she said out loud "I wish I can be friends with the ghosts" (real stupid right?) anyways the next day at night around 8pm My mom always asked my little sister to massage her feet with this foot massage machine that we had. The thing was that the machine was outside in my dad's Big shed which he had turned into his computer office. Our backyard is pretty big so in order for you to get to the shed you had to walk across the yard and then we had this cement area where we parked our cars walk past that and then you'll end up at the shed.

We had two sheds (small one and big one) side by side with a space in between big enough to walk through. As my sister was walking toward the big shed the only light that she had to guide her way was the street light coming from the alley (we lived by an alley). As she was getting closer she had to walk in between the two parked cars (our van and toyota) just as she was almost going through something caught her eyes and she looked up to where the small area was in between the sheds and saw a little girl with LONG black covering her face just standing there. My little sister just froze and that's when that thing looked up at her and then ran out and then up toward the front of the van (which is in the opposite direction of my sister). She screamed and ran back inside our house. I heard her screamed too and that's when me and my other two sisters came out of our rooms and we'll like "what the heck are you screaming for?" she told us what she saw and we'll like "yeah right w/e!" we didn't believe her we thought she was just making it up or she was thinking too much and thought she saw something.  We didn't think much of it and was like w/e and went back to doing what we were doing before.

Then the next day My mom decided to go water her herbs outside. The creepy thing was her herbs were planted behind the small shed so you had to walk in between the two sheds in order to get to her herb garden (hint where my sister saw the scary little girl the night before). We were all inside the house when we heard my mom making a big commotion outside! so we went outside to see what was going on. One of my mom's herb plant was dead! Like I mean it was all wilted and it was black! and falling apart!  :o She was saying that it was weird that it was like that because the night before it was still green and it was looked fine and there was no bugs or anything on it! That's when we thought about it and told her what my little sis said she saw the night before. My mom and all of us got freaked out and just went back inside the house. She told us later on that she knew for sure what my little sis saw was a poj ntxoog. She then later on cut the plant off and just threw it away! (thinking about it still creeps me out)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2687 on: August 21, 2011, 02:41:25 PM »
This story is about my grandmother and it's kinda long so bear with me.

My grandma lived with her oldest son in fresno and she was disabled and she couldn't walk. From what I heard her son and his family didn't care for her and was always being f*ked up to her! and treating her in a messed up way. But of course whenever we went to visit them they will try to act all nice and what not. Anyways I heard that there was always scary and unexplained things happening around the house. A couple of the teens and younger kids in the house have told people that they seen shadows figures in the hallway and hear something playing with the dishes at night and sometimes they even see an old hmong lady in hmong clothes standing outside of my grandma's room like watching her or something. But I think a lot of the things that were happening were because of the way they were treating her(at least that what I think).

There were times when only one or two people were home and they would hear my grandma talking to someone in her room and when they go to check it out she'll be by herself. Sometimes they heard someone jumping on their beds and when they go see who it is there's no one there. There was this one creepy intention that happened that freaked them out (haha that's what they get). Since my grandma couldn't walk she had a wheelchair and a cane (which she keeps beside her at night) so when she needs someone's help she'll use her cane to knock on the wall to let them know that she needed help. Well there was this just one night she kept knocking because nobody came to help the older son heard it got mad and went to her room and started yelling at her, Mind you he was a big fat guy too he was like shut up and quit knocking on the wall can't you see that people are trying to sleep. So he took her cane threw it in her closet closed the door and went out and went back to sleep. Like an hour or so later they heard the knocking sound again. The fat guy got mad and went to see what it was when he got to my grandma's room she had the cane with her. He was like how did you get the cane and who gave it to you...My grandma said the little boy in the closet gave it to me. He got scared when he heard that and just left her room without saying anything else.

So after hearing all the stuff that was happening to my grandma my mom decided that she should come and live with us for a month or so. So my grandma came and lived with us and she slept with me in my room. Nothing ever happened in our house cause we had the house guardian spirit guarding the house but there was this one time when my grandma told my mother something kinda creepy. She said that the old hmong lady that they kept seeing in the other house was her older sister that died in thailand and she was trying to come and take her too but my grandma always told her that she didn't want to go with her. Anyways while she was living with us my grandma told my mother that she had a dream and in the dream her sister was outside our house trying to find a way to get in, when she was trying to come in through the doors my grandma said she saw our house guardian spirits come out and ask her "who are you?" what are you doing here you can't come in! this house is protected by us and then they chased her away with a hmong knife and she ran away screaming.

My grandma lived with us for a month or so and when it was time for her to go back home she was sad and crying and she told us that the time that she lived with us was the best time of all because we treated her with love and we never did anything mean or messed up to her.  But the reason why she couldn't live with us was because her older son got money for taking care of her and they didn't want to give up that money so there was nothing that we could do. My grandma was gone for like only almost a year when we got the news that she passed away. The day that my mom got the call she was crying a lot and we were all sad but then we didn't know what to say to my mother to comfort her either I guess we were all just shocked. But then like a week later we heard the real reason as to why she passed away and that made me pissed off. We heard that her older son and his wife decided to get rid of her once and for all so they went to thailand and hired a shaman to do some black magic so that the spirits can come and take her soul and that's why she passed away. Thinking about it now still makes me mad. Like if you didn't want to take care of her then you should have let her come to us instead of doing something this evil. But I guess they will get what's coming for them!

The reason why I said that is because a year later the day of her passing came around and we were all in our rooms playing games and doing our own thing and it was late too like around 12 am when my mother came out of her room and she was standing in front of our bedroom door (it was open) she was just standing there not saying anything. We look at her a few times like "OK that's weird what is she doing there just standing and not saying anything." So my younger sis was like "mom do you need something?" and she said "no I'm just looking at you guys playing." so we thought ok whatever  :idiot2: then out of nowhere my mom's like "do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" We thought that was really weird cause my mother never does something like that EVER! but we were like ok sure no problem. Then the next morning my mom told us why she did that! She said that she was sleeping when she had a creepy/scary dream. She said that in the dream she saw my grandma in our house and that we were all together having fun and laughing and then it changed to her funeral day and that there were tons of people and there were people crying and you can hear the hmong drums and then everything became quiet. Like you can still see anyone and their all still moving but then she shouldn't hear anymore. Then out of nowhere she heard my grandma's voice like right next to her ears...she said "Why were you guys so mean to me?" "It wasn't even my time to go yet and you guys forced me to leave this earth" "I will come back for you all" "All the people who treated me bad and made me suffer..I will come back to get you!" that's when my mom woke up and she got really scared and that's why she came to sleep in our room! We don't go to fresno as much as we use too but I heard a few times that her older son and their family were falling apart. don't know if anything else bad happen to them since.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 03:29:37 PM by tOoLoVeLy »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2688 on: August 21, 2011, 03:31:03 PM »
I'll tell more ghost stories later since I seem to be the only one in here...It's getting kinda boring being the only one here

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2689 on: August 21, 2011, 05:05:30 PM »
This story is about my grandmother and it's kinda long so bear with me.

My grandma lived with her oldest son in fresno and she was disabled and she couldn't walk. From what I heard her son and his family didn't care for her and was always being f*ked up to her! and treating her in a messed up way. But of course whenever we went to visit them they will try to act all nice and what not. Anyways I heard that there was always scary and unexplained things happening around the house. A couple of the teens and younger kids in the house have told people that they seen shadows figures in the hallway and hear something playing with the dishes at night and sometimes they even see an old hmong lady in hmong clothes standing outside of my grandma's room like watching her or something. But I think a lot of the things that were happening were because of the way they were treating her(at least that what I think).

There were times when only one or two people were home and they would hear my grandma talking to someone in her room and when they go to check it out she'll be by herself. Sometimes they heard someone jumping on their beds and when they go see who it is there's no one there. There was this one creepy intention that happened that freaked them out (haha that's what they get). Since my grandma couldn't walk she had a wheelchair and a cane (which she keeps beside her at night) so when she needs someone's help she'll use her cane to knock on the wall to let them know that she needed help. Well there was this just one night she kept knocking because nobody came to help the older son heard it got mad and went to her room and started yelling at her, Mind you he was a big fat guy too he was like shut up and quit knocking on the wall can't you see that people are trying to sleep. So he took her cane threw it in her closet closed the door and went out and went back to sleep. Like an hour or so later they heard the knocking sound again. The fat guy got mad and went to see what it was when he got to my grandma's room she had the cane with her. He was like how did you get the cane and who gave it to you...My grandma said the little boy in the closet gave it to me. He got scared when he heard that and just left her room without saying anything else.

So after hearing all the stuff that was happening to my grandma my mom decided that she should come and live with us for a month or so. So my grandma came and lived with us and she slept with me in my room. Nothing ever happened in our house cause we had the house guardian spirit guarding the house but there was this one time when my grandma told my mother something kinda creepy. She said that the old hmong lady that they kept seeing in the other house was her older sister that died in thailand and she was trying to come and take her too but my grandma always told her that she didn't want to go with her. Anyways while she was living with us my grandma told my mother that she had a dream and in the dream her sister was outside our house trying to find a way to get in, when she was trying to come in through the doors my grandma said she saw our house guardian spirits come out and ask her "who are you?" what are you doing here you can't come in! this house is protected by us and then they chased her away with a hmong knife and she ran away screaming.

My grandma lived with us for a month or so and when it was time for her to go back home she was sad and crying and she told us that the time that she lived with us was the best time of all because we treated her with love and we never did anything mean or messed up to her.  But the reason why she couldn't live with us was because her older son got money for taking care of her and they didn't want to give up that money so there was nothing that we could do. My grandma was gone for like only almost a year when we got the news that she passed away. The day that my mom got the call she was crying a lot and we were all sad but then we didn't know what to say to my mother to comfort her either I guess we were all just shocked. But then like a week later we heard the real reason as to why she passed away and that made me pissed off. We heard that her older son and his wife decided to get rid of her once and for all so they went to thailand and hired a shaman to do some black magic so that the spirits can come and take her soul and that's why she passed away. Thinking about it now still makes me mad. Like if you didn't want to take care of her then you should have let her come to us instead of doing something this evil. But I guess they will get what's coming for them!

The reason why I said that is because a year later the day of her passing came around and we were all in our rooms playing games and doing our own thing and it was late too like around 12 am when my mother came out of her room and she was standing in front of our bedroom door (it was open) she was just standing there not saying anything. We look at her a few times like "OK that's weird what is she doing there just standing and not saying anything." So my younger sis was like "mom do you need something?" and she said "no I'm just looking at you guys playing." so we thought ok whatever  :idiot2: then out of nowhere my mom's like "do you mind if I sleep here for tonight?" We thought that was really weird cause my mother never does something like that EVER! but we were like ok sure no problem. Then the next morning my mom told us why she did that! She said that she was sleeping when she had a creepy/scary dream. She said that in the dream she saw my grandma in our house and that we were all together having fun and laughing and then it changed to her funeral day and that there were tons of people and there were people crying and you can hear the hmong drums and then everything became quiet. Like you can still see anyone and their all still moving but then she shouldn't hear anymore. Then out of nowhere she heard my grandma's voice like right next to her ears...she said "Why were you guys so mean to me?" "It wasn't even my time to go yet and you guys forced me to leave this earth" "I will come back for you all" "All the people who treated me bad and made me suffer..I will come back to get you!" that's when my mom woke up and she got really scared and that's why she came to sleep in our room! We don't go to fresno as much as we use too but I heard a few times that her older son and their family were falling apart. don't know if anything else bad happen to them since.


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2690 on: August 21, 2011, 05:06:08 PM »
I'll tell more ghost stories later since I seem to be the only one in here...It's getting kinda boring being the only one here

PM me each time you've told your story, so I can come and read it. Thanks. I forget this forum now and then. I must be reminded of it. But I love to read about scary stuff.

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2691 on: August 21, 2011, 05:31:23 PM »
sure no problem! but I also posted another story on pg. 183 the last post. Don't know if you read that yet or not.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2692 on: August 21, 2011, 08:55:08 PM »
where does that family live in Fresno? I might know them....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2693 on: August 22, 2011, 12:26:31 AM »
I'll tell more ghost stories later since I seem to be the only one in here...It's getting kinda boring being the only one here
Ha ha, some of your stories are freaky... I do know that when you treat the OG(s) bad, at their last life span or when it's getting to their time. they will cume back and huant you. That's why you have to respect them. Even if they wrong you.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2694 on: August 22, 2011, 12:33:35 AM »
Need more stories. Need a bed time horror story.
I know that there are more hmoob in PH with scary ghost stories.
But I think some of them too chicken to come in here and tell us.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2695 on: August 22, 2011, 01:19:58 AM »
Dam, freaky, sad and above all else. FK up.. never go cheat on another men hoe. They'll hire someone to finish you off.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2696 on: August 22, 2011, 01:40:58 AM »
Hmong ghost story are scary... geesh... lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2697 on: August 22, 2011, 02:21:36 AM »
This happened like 5 or 6 years ago when me and my family still lived in my old home. My little sister who at the time was 7 years old liked to play outside in our backyard by herself, so on this day she was playing and for some reason she said out loud "I wish I can be friends with the ghosts" (real stupid right?) anyways the next day at night around 8pm My mom always asked my little sister to massage her feet with this foot massage machine that we had. The thing was that the machine was outside in my dad's Big shed which he had turned into his computer office. Our backyard is pretty big so in order for you to get to the shed you had to walk across the yard and then we had this cement area where we parked our cars walk past that and then you'll end up at the shed.

We had two sheds (small one and big one) side by side with a space in between big enough to walk through. As my sister was walking toward the big shed the only light that she had to guide her way was the street light coming from the alley (we lived by an alley). As she was getting closer she had to walk in between the two parked cars (our van and toyota) just as she was almost going through something caught her eyes and she looked up to where the small area was in between the sheds and saw a little girl with LONG black covering her face just standing there. My little sister just froze and that's when that thing looked up at her and then ran out and then up toward the front of the van (which is in the opposite direction of my sister). She screamed and ran back inside our house. I heard her screamed too and that's when me and my other two sisters came out of our rooms and we'll like "what the heck are you screaming for?" she told us what she saw and we'll like "yeah right w/e!" we didn't believe her we thought she was just making it up or she was thinking too much and thought she saw something.  We didn't think much of it and was like w/e and went back to doing what we were doing before.

Then the next day My mom decided to go water her herbs outside. The creepy thing was her herbs were planted behind the small shed so you had to walk in between the two sheds in order to get to her herb garden (hint where my sister saw the scary little girl the night before). We were all inside the house when we heard my mom making a big commotion outside! so we went outside to see what was going on. One of my mom's herb plant was dead! Like I mean it was all wilted and it was black! and falling apart!  :o She was saying that it was weird that it was like that because the night before it was still green and it was looked fine and there was no bugs or anything on it! That's when we thought about it and told her what my little sis said she saw the night before. My mom and all of us got freaked out and just went back inside the house. She told us later on that she knew for sure what my little sis saw was a poj ntxoog. She then later on cut the plant off and just threw it away! (thinking about it still creeps me out)

Thanks. Just saw this piece. Very strange and scary...I hope your family did a ceremony to call your sister's spirit back.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2698 on: August 22, 2011, 02:22:14 AM »
Hmong ghost story are scary... geesh... lol.

Yes, especially if you tell with details of some red and green costumes...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2699 on: August 22, 2011, 02:23:02 AM »
Need more stories. Need a bed time horror story.
I know that there are more hmoob in PH with scary ghost stories.
But I think some of them too chicken to come in here and tell us.

Saki Saki, when did you already become so brave? :2funny:

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

