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Topics - YAX

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56 57 ... 59
Say someone trespasses onto your property, maybe to burglarize your home and your dog bites him.  In your state, would you be liable for your dog's actions?

Oxford study shows that Trump supporters and Right wingers (like someone we know here) share the most fake news of everyone..  But what do them Oxford folks know right?

Article (Trump will say this is fake news and his followers will believe, adding on to the stats):

General Discussion / things that stick to your mind..
« on: February 21, 2018, 01:04:21 PM »
Tell yours.. Here's something that stuck to my mind because it was so unexpected. lol.

Nice looking young girl with giant racks in the service industry was being made fun of by two old guys at a neighboring table to me.  They were talking about her racks as she approached, then one said to her "Careful, I might have to spank you if you spill my drink".  The girl didn't sneer, she did not get angry.  She just smiled and said "Ooh, I might just like it".   

General Discussion / Finally, someone admitting the truth about Wealth.
« on: February 19, 2018, 09:14:10 AM »
More wealth = more happiness.  It's so simple, I don't know why people keep saying money doesn't buy happiness.


General Discussion / Trump vowed to tackle mental health issues..
« on: February 16, 2018, 11:22:20 AM »
Republicans think this is a good start:

"Trump's latest budget would slash the major source of public funds for mental health treatment, the Medicaid program serving more than 70 million low-income and disabled people. The budget also calls for a 36 percent cut to an Education Department grant program that supports safer schools, reducing it by $25 million from the current level of $67.5 million."

 O0 O0 They're just the best, I tell ya..

Or tell us if you're making a good profit like you said you would?  It's estimated that 99.5% of MLMers lose money.

On the Today show, they asked a Korean girl "How do you say Happy Valentine's day" in Korean.

I was thinking.. What a dumb question! They automatically assumed Valentines day was a world event or something.

Then the girl said "Happy Valetines day" with a Korean accent.  :2funny:

UW Madison will be giving your kids free tuition if you make less than $56K/yr.  Sound awesome! Repubs will be angry about this for sure ..


General Discussion / What can you get for $2.00 these days?
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:12:30 PM »
Anyone wanna tell us what they can get for $2.00?  Okay, pretty much anything at the dollar store, but what else?

So they took the opportunity to make fun of the Vikings.  :2funny:

Superbowl Vikings commercial:

General Discussion / Finally! A creature that shhits out gold.
« on: February 02, 2018, 09:37:08 AM »
That's right folks.  Straight out of science fiction.  A bacteria that shiets out gold. 

Find out more if you're curious.

General Discussion / Another missing Hmong kid in the Milwaukee ghettos..
« on: February 01, 2018, 10:47:04 AM »
With the weather in the area being so cold, he wouldn't survive outside one night. 

2 years ago fox news says the official unemployment rate the Obama admin was pushing is a myth:

No problems with that same rate now that Trump is in office:

General Discussion / What's your freezer full of?
« on: January 31, 2018, 12:33:53 PM »
We don't eat much fish, but I tend to have a freezer full of fish, deer meat, beef from cows we slaughter ourselves, Hmong slaughtered pork, and Hmong killed chickens all in 2 gallon size freezer bags.  ..Then I go to fast food joints and eat there because the meat is still frozen.

and they've stopped talking to each other.  ;D

Link to video about them:

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