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Messages - lilly

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 111
YAX, what is up with all these posts?  You're hilarious!  I hope these situations aren't actually about you.   :)

At work.  At home.  At gatherings.  At the grocery store.

This one time, a produce guy went above and beyond by getting me a veggie bag when I could have gotten it, he even opened the bag for me, and got me a tissue after I grabbed a veggie and put it in the bag and my hand was wet.  I thought he was really making an effort and I was really touched by his gestures.  He was either either a really kind man or that was his way of picking up women. 

General Discussion / Re: Which investment is better
« on: December 05, 2018, 07:01:33 PM »
Depends.....on you since you're asking about YOU...some can live off much less and some need much more...and some don't even need...

Hi, theking, aka Mr. It Depends.  Good to see you again.

General Discussion / Re: Which investment is better
« on: December 05, 2018, 07:00:22 PM »
1. is stupid because you can't use it till you die.
2. better option than insurance
3. If you don't own a home, this would be a great idea.  Buy the home, have a place to live, use the home, later sell it and collect the money.  If you don't buy a home, you'd end up paying the same amount, if not more, to rent a place to stay while you wait for option 2 to pay off.

I agree.  Right now I'm debating between Roth IRA or Real Estate.  With Real Estate you're free to sell at any time but you'd have to pay tax on the capital gains, if there is any.  And, as hmgROCK stated, the tenants and the maintenance on the house can become burdensome and a headache.  But, the equity and potential profit in real estate is a bit more for certain than stocks.  I guess either way, if I can wait 20-25 years to sell the real estate/cash out on the Roth account, returns for both will do about the same in the end. I'm really not sure that I'd want to be landlord and always be on call if things break.  OK, Roth IRA, here I come.

General Discussion / Re: Which investment is better
« on: December 05, 2018, 06:48:08 PM »
Thanks for all the thoughts and feedback, everybody.  Appreciate it.

General Discussion / Which investment is better
« on: December 04, 2018, 07:02:42 PM »
If you wanted to invest $50K and you have 25 years to cash out on your investment, which option is better for your money?  Which of the following options would you go with?

1. Whole life insurance (Receive benefits only upon death but distributions will be tax-free.)
 - By the way, life insurane agents, can you confirm if the whole life insurance benefit is only paid out on accident death, or on all types of deaths (accidental, suicide, natural, illness, etc).
2. Annuities and bonds (How much do you think the value will be after 25 years on a $50K investment with no further contribution?  What can a person expect to receive after tax after 25 years?  Is a person subject to the same tax penalties  as a regular IRA for bonds/annuities if they cash out before age 59.5?)
3. Real Estate (The gains on this investment really depends on the market and the area of the property... but overall, a person should expect to at least receive as investment in the property the value of the house after 25 years.)

Again, which investment option would you go with, and why?


My motivations for staying with an employer:
* Positive company culture = happy employees
   - Happy employees will feel like they can grow personally/professionally, will feel like they are valued/appreciated for their work, will feel like they can contribute positively to the company
* Flexibility
* Money
* Benefits/other factors

General Discussion / Fluctuations in emotions
« on: July 27, 2018, 06:02:15 PM »
Is it bipolar when a person goes from happy to sad and back to happy every other day?  I've been trying to pay more attention to how I feel.  On a certain day (day 1) I could be depressed and the next day (day 2) (my state of mind changes and I look at things differently) and I'm happy again... and then the next day after that (day 3) I'm back to dark clouds and thunder... is it normal?  Am I normal?  Or, maybe it's my new medication...   >:(   ;D

General Discussion / Re: How to be a Republican..
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:26:07 PM »
... Fox News is real news to you and everything else is fake news... you have a hard time realizing that you're a little :idiot2: because you think this way...

General Discussion / Re: Remember when
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:19:54 PM »
Remember when you thought things would never change?  And now...

General Discussion / At what age are you "hoping" to retire?
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:18:36 PM »

Money & Investment / How much are you saving per month or per year?
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:17:50 PM »

General Relationship / Re: How can you know if someone loves you?
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:15:14 PM »
what is love?  ...if someone loves you they would try their damnest not to hurt you and try always to show that they love you.

General Discussion / Re: i miss. . .
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:04:52 PM »
i miss it when i wasn't afraid to go deep into the woods because of snakes or ticks... now... i'm gonna have think about it first... and if i make up my mind to go in i have to put on boots and a hazmat suit first.  yeah, i miss it when i was unafraid of sh*t.

General Discussion / Remember when
« on: July 27, 2018, 05:00:10 PM »
Remember when you thought life was crazy only now to look back and realize that that time was pretty great?

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