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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2430 on: April 28, 2011, 04:31:40 PM »
You'll love this... real or fake?  The show insists everything it documents is real.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2431 on: April 28, 2011, 07:10:11 PM »
saki saki, interesting story..

« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 07:32:38 PM by Sweet_luvin »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2432 on: April 28, 2011, 07:39:54 PM »
Some of these stories are sooo made up, LOL.  But hey..... keep em' coming.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2433 on: April 28, 2011, 11:32:49 PM »
saki saki, interesting story..

Strange as it maybe... I know that our Hmong culture is heavily into those belief.. You see I'm married into a family that does not have any sons.. Therefore I'm like the only son that  my FIL would have.. Anyways after we did all those stuff and bury him.. Out of the sister's and my wife, never had any dreams of their far as I know..but I don't know now if they have had any or not.
What I'm trying to say here is that I don't know jack shyt about our culture.... personally. And my FIL would come and visit me in my dreams... I mean a lot of times..

(So anyways my 1st kid was a boy... And my FIL loved him a lot, (he helped baby sat my kid from day1. And up to 6 years, before his passing)...Cuz he doesn't have a son of his own.. So during the last day of the funeral, he came to me in a dream and asked if I took my son to visit him... at his funeral.. I said " yeah I did".. Then he said " he was just wondering cause he misses my son").

Sometimes he would just come into my dreams and tell me that he misses my son and my family.( My wife, son and me). You see I'm not from their last name clan... I have my own clan. So you would of thought that if something like this were to happen. It'll happen to the other family clan(s).. Not you.. Cuz you're the SIL from the jungle LOL..

As for the back door being open in my garage. I personally don't know if it was just the wind that blew it open. But on second thought you would of had to twist the door knob to open it. Even if the wind blew it open, it had to blow hard to unlatch it self from the hole..LOL.

Anyways I now do,  believe in those dreams... like them OG's.. You would of never thought of these things until you encounter it.
If you read my story about my gall bladder dream. I thought that I would of had to do those jiggle bells on me that time. But at the end it was a medical problems.. And I had never had them OG's do any jiggle bells on me, ever or tie any strings on me either.. I don't know... I might be a bit older and wiser or something. LOL

The last time before this... My MIL was getting re-marry.. My FIL came into my dream and told me that my MIL was planning to get marry and that her new hubby already went and told my FIL that he's gonna marry my MIL... And the dude was like asking permission from my FIL. To okay them getting marry..

Talk about OG's stuff...LOL I should start a thread about pass families revisiting family members after death.. But i'm too lazy to do that.LOL But if someone start a thread about it.. I would put my two cents in.LOL

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 12:03:19 AM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2434 on: April 29, 2011, 12:19:03 AM »
I was telling a co-worker who's BTW is from the S. America. About PH and story telling.. He told me and I asked his permission to write it down..

He told me that his father passed on and his mom moved to the US. And she was a hotel cleaner.. So his mom was worked  hard everyday just to keep up with bills and trying to raise the kids at the same time, ect.. And his mom would cry a lot cuz life was hard in the US.. Then one day her hubby's spirit came back from the dead... like every night and came to bed with her and telling her that everything was gonna be alright..
You know his mom was kinda happy that her hubby came back to look out for them. After a while his mom got scare cause she knew that her hubby has already passed on.

So one day she told him not to come anymore, cuz this can not be.. and that he's already dead. And him coming every night is starting to scaring her. And that they can not be together.. So after that he never came back...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2435 on: April 29, 2011, 11:48:25 PM »
here's a simple and not that scary story but it's a true incident that took place.

Back in Loas my mom was doing laundry outside with this Lady that she knew well.  They were conversating and then they started talking about the lady's dead husband and sort of critizing him for the way he was when he was still living.  All the sudden a strong gush of wind swapped and flipped over their buckets full of clother on to the ground.  It wasn't even windy that day....coincid ent or was it his ghost?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2436 on: April 30, 2011, 10:17:45 AM »
This is not really a ghost story...

So when my brother lived in Arkansas for a while, he told us about something strange that happened to him.
He said that when he was driving on the one lane road in the middle of the night, searching for his dog at the time that got lost in the woods. When he turned the corner his car lights flashed the woods and at that moment he noticed a pair big and hairy legs disappearing into the woods. (imagine it like the scene from the movie Signs when mel gibson saw part of alien leg go into the corn field) After that incident he got really scared and denied to him self that he really saw Bigfoot.

A couple of months later when he moved back home with us, we had a shaman check our spirits to see if they were ok. At the end, the shaman told us that all of us kid's spirits are ok, except for one, my brother. he said " your son's spirit has been taken away by a giant monkey, but i went and saved it, so he should be fine." Funny thing is my brother never told my parents or the shaman about the incident that night, so when he heard the shaman say that, it confirmed that he really did see Bigfoot...

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2437 on: April 30, 2011, 11:48:18 PM »
Always wondering, about them shaman. I've never had it done to me, so I wouldn't know. And the water thingy that they look into... Sorry I can't spell Hmoob. I hear stuff about it and read it here only. Mayn I hope that I'll never have to encounter things like this.. I have enough strange encounter already. LOL

I had a friend that went night fishing by himself and while he was reeling his line in. He said that " he felt a tug on his fishing line, so he set the hook". Then he felt a pull on the other end. But when he try to reel it in he couldn't. He said that " it was big". but he couldn't pull it in. So he though that he snagged on a rock or a turtle. So he just cut his line. After a while he thought to himself and said " Mayn what was that, cause it felt like a fish at the other end". After thinking for a while he got scare and just went home.

After a while he kept having this feeling that someone was following him. So he told his parent that he feel like someone is always following him. So his parent and him went and had them ppl look into it. After they looked into it. They asked him if he had ever went to a place that was dark and was fishing. And that he felt a tug at some point. He thought for a while and said "yeah I went night fishing and had something bite his line, but he couldn't reel it in so he cut the line". It was said that when he felt that tug, he caught a water spirit. that's why he couldn't reel it in.. strange thing was he didn't tell anyone about his fishing trip that night.. So they had to call his spirit back..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2438 on: May 02, 2011, 08:17:07 PM »
my sis in law told me a funny story today... she just moved into her new apt... she had her older sis and nieces and nephew over...

she told the 3-year old niece to get something from her bedroom... the niece went in and ran back out screaming "ghost ghost!" my sis in law freaked out... so my sis in law start asking the niece "what did the ghost look like? and what did it say?" the niece said it just stood there looking at her saying "boooo....... and then the witch is gone the witch is gone!" my sis in law was freaking out... she somehow got enough courage and convinced my niece to go back into the bedroom and show her exactly where she saw it... the niece went to the closet, which was opened... and pointed at the corner where there was an ironing board leaning against the wall in the closet! silly kid... never seen an ironing board before and didn't know what to make of it... thought it was a ghost.... haha

my sis in law was hella glad she asked the niece where the ghost supposedly was..... otherwise she would probably think she has a ghost in her apt and not just an ironing board.... (i think "the witch is gone" is from the niece's favorite movie ...the disney movie tangled? haha)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2439 on: May 02, 2011, 08:46:14 PM »
i remember a few years back.... i just got married to my husband... i was on summer break from school.. everyone living there had a job except me.... so i stayed home all day every day bored out of my mind... the house was just moved into... so a lot of new updates... and the house was a pretty big for the 4 of us living there... anyway i decided to go tan outside in the backyard.. a sliding door opened to the back yard.. the sliding door was one of the many updates... so it was new...

i went out in my bathing suit and a towel and closed the sliding door behind me... for the few hours that i was out there.. i would go in and out the house through the sliding door... to get water... use the bathroom... etc.... with no problem whatsoever... the sliding door didn't get stuck or anything and it shouldn't.. considering it was new.... i decided to stop tanning and just go stay inside.. when i tried to get back inside through the sliding door... i couldn't open it! i was like "oh maybe someone came home and didn't realize i was out here and locked it?" then i started to panic.. "what if burglars came in or something?" (the ppl living there NEVER lock their front door for some reason when they leave for work... when i wake up in the morning i always go lock it) ......anyway.. . i walked to the front door... there was no other cars in the driveway so no one came home.... i opened the front door to get in.. nervous as hell... looking around for anything amiss.... everything looked normal..... i got enough courage and made my way to the sliding door.... and discovered it was locked!

there could be no way that i can somehow locked it as i was closing it from the outside... could there? don't you have to be from the inside to move the latch up and down? well i freaked out so bad... i spend the rest of the day sitting closest to the front door waiting for ppl to come home... haha...

so then a few months later... the husband and i moved out because we finally found an apt.. my inlaws moved into the house... they keep noticing rice grains being scattered about.... like a small pile here and there every now and then..... they didn't think mice was able to do that.... i mean... a few rice grain here and there... but a small pile? unless the mouse/mice was collecting it and putting them in the same spot... there was no children living at the house either.. or comes to the house...

so they called a shaman... and he said there was a spirit in the house... the spirit was of a man who used to live in the house.. and he left something valuable and wants to retrieve it... he didn't mean to scare anyone with the rice.... they did some stuff and it no longer happens...

when they told me this like years later... i was like and i spent the whole entire summer everyday from 6am to 6pm in that house all by myself?... so i guess the ghost might've locked me out? but still have a key to that house.. b/c it's kinda like our storage... and whenever we go over... no one is ever home..... so i still get freaked out going in..

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2440 on: May 03, 2011, 12:42:25 PM »
modoupodou , im currently living in Arkansas now. And after hearing that, i dont think i would want to drive to my friend's house anymore. Ahaha. Cause i have to drive through the woods where theres all these creepy looking houses. Acck! Lol.  :'( >:(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2441 on: May 03, 2011, 02:14:24 PM »
Yessiree - Where in Arkansas are you located and where are those spooky houses? I know Arkansas is full of haunted areas.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2442 on: May 03, 2011, 05:31:29 PM »
My BIL told me this one:

This happened in Stockton; A hmong couple were driving home late one night on a road. Things seemed fine at first then the gf started screaming. The bf didn't know what to do so he kept telling her to shut up cause she was getting him scared. Later, the bf recalled that just before the gf started screaming she had shouted for him to stop because he was going to run someone over. All he remembered was that he had ran a log over but she kept screaming that he had ran over a girl!  :o Afterward, the gf started acting weird. She'll try to strangle her family members or hurt them. Eventually, priests were called to help exorcise her because the shamans couldn't help her although they did help figure out what had happened. The couple had ran over a lady spirit and now she's mad. Just as they passed, she grab a hold of the gf and possessed her.

As the family was preparing for the exorcism, they had the gf tied down. Scary thing was that as the priest were standing next to each other to aid each other, the gf smirking pointed to each of the individual priest and said "I'm not scare of you." " I'm not scare of you." I think there were like 5 priest there. There was only one that the gf didn't point or look at.

I heard this awhile back so I'm not sure what happened to her afterward. My BIL never said anything after that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2443 on: May 03, 2011, 11:16:12 PM »
I know the person you are talking about...I'm not going to say who the person is though...I know you only heard it from someone else but what really happened is actually kinda different from what you heard...

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2444 on: May 03, 2011, 11:32:32 PM »
I know the person you are talking about...I'm not going to say who the person is though...I know you only heard it from someone else but what really happened is actually kinda different from what you heard...
Ooh tell me what really happen... I need a scary ghost story. I'm a gonna go to sleep in a

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