
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610291 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #960 on: October 26, 2009, 03:42:19 PM »
Shadow, the camping story, you guys got play bad that's all. All the other campers must be laughing their butt off as your little girl crew scatter. HA HA HA

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #961 on: October 26, 2009, 03:49:51 PM »
Yeah!, your teacher definitely taught you guys something or at least try to. He's having fun scaring little girls with scary noises and than scary them some more by telling them fake story he had heard before. What a funny story Shadow. Funny, funny, and funny.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #962 on: October 27, 2009, 10:57:30 AM »
Shadow, the camping story, you guys got play bad that's all. All the other campers must be laughing their butt off as your little girl crew scatter. HA HA HA

shoot, if u were there, u wouldnt be getting a blast out of it

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #963 on: October 27, 2009, 01:48:43 PM »
This isn't scary but it's on the supernatural side as well. This took place in NC roughly 2 years ago. My cousin's wife was really sick. she's been sick for a quite a while. It got to the point where she's pretty much skin and bone. I live in the southern states in the midwest, so I was the closest relative to them. My family got word that she was very sick and didn't know how much time she has left. Very short and simple information like that.

My bro-in-law, my two sisters, my mother, my middle brother and myself took a trip to NC to visit them because of the news. We thought she's just sick from poor health, so we didn't think much of it except to go and visit and see her before she goes to the afterlife. We drove all night and go there the next morning. We found their house, and it was somewhere in the suburbs. To get to their house, we got off the paved road and hti a dirt road passing through some other hmong people's homes. My cousin's house is situated on the far corner behind these other people's home. My cousin built his house with some buffer land in front of his house thus putting his house in the far corner of his lot.

During the late morning as we were pulling up to his house, there's a sense of weird feelings that overcame me. First thing that came to mind was a scene from some scary movie where it's a gloomy day with trees with leaves all fallen off. It pretty much was a good setting for a horror movie. Anyways, we pulled up to his place and went in.

It was roughly 10AM when we got there. After we ate a late breakfast, my mom and my two sisters went and sat next to my cousin's wife's bed. She was in one of those hospital bed. When we got there, she could hardly open her eyes let alone talk. My mom and my sisters went and sat next to her and started talking to her asking her if she knows who they were and how she was feeling. My cousin's wife with a low tone answered them back telling them she knows who they are. At that time she opened her eyes enough to get a glimpse of my mom and my sisters.

For the good part of the day my mom and my sisters where talking to her trying to lift her spirit up a little. By the end of the day, my cousin's wife took a 180 degree turn. She was totally a different person from when we first got there. She was able to talk and was cognitive of her surrounding. Her eyes were wide open like a normal person. She basically was back to normal except she couldn't get out of bed. My mom and sisters fed her rice pourage throughout the day hoping she'll gain enough strength to talk to them.

Our visiting time was limited as my brother needs to catch his flight back to CA, so we planned to return home early the next morning. We stayed all day and all night until we were ready to come back home. By the time we were about to leave, my cousin's wife is very conscious of us being there and acknowledging us. We were happy that she regained some strength to be wtih us for the little time we were there to visit.

2 months went by and my cousin called my bro-in-law with bad news. He told my bro-in-law that his wife had passed on and the funeral is planned for the following 2 weekends and for us to go help him out. On the eve of the funeral weekend, we took yet another trip to NC to help him out.

This is where my cousin told us of all the weird events that has been happening to his wife prior and to the time of her death.

You know how old folks would tell ghost stories at funerals. Well, we were at my cousin's home and preparing for the funeral. he was telling us that during the time of his wife being really sick, she would talk to herself and telling someone or something to go and stop bothering her. My cousin would ask her who she was talking to, but she wouldn't answer him. Everytime when my cousin would feed her with rice porridge, she would tell him that it was useless coz he wasn't feeding her, but he was feeding "them". He would tell her that he is feeding her. She would say,"No you're not. They're stading next to me with their hands shaping like a spoon and next to my mouth waiting for you to spoon the porridge into my mouth." My cousin would tell her that there is no one there. She still insists that there is someone or something there. This went on all the time according to him.

He said right before we went to visit the first time, he saw a cat sitting outside his door. He did tell us that eversince he moved there, he had not seen a single cat, but this time there was a cat sitting at his front door. He didn't think much of it then, so he scooted the cat away. He did noticed that there was a weird odor to the cat and yet still he didn't think much of it. He also told us of many other incidents that happened, but i forgot most of it.

After his wife was burried, people that knows his wife and her side of the family when they were back in Laos told him that when his wife was still dating, she did a blood oath with this one guy. After her, that same guy did blood oaths with two other girls. After all these years and they each being married and having their own family, the guy that she did the blood oath with had died. He came and got the other two girls he did the blood oath with already. My cousin's wife was the last of the three girls, and that's why she died.

With this, my cousin started adding everything all the weird things up, and it all made sense. All the times she was telling him that "They" were there next to her, the strange cat at this door, and all the other things.

So my cousin's wife died because he and the other girls came and took her with them.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #964 on: October 27, 2009, 01:56:41 PM »
Ugh, stupid hmong people and their blood oath things, but it makes for a good movie

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #965 on: October 27, 2009, 02:15:46 PM »
Ugh, stupid hmong people and their blood oath things, but it makes for a good movie

haha... true love comes to a scary ending. ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #966 on: October 27, 2009, 02:24:42 PM »
Here's another one....this happened this past weekend to my cousin and his txiv laus while hunting.

They live in CA and they went deer hunting this weekend. Both my cousin and his txiv laus was in their tree stand. They got there pretty early and they each took turn sleeping. It was my cousin's turn taking his zzzz. He had only dose off when he heard his bro-in-law took his 257. His bro-in-law whispered,"Don't move! I see something coming." Next thing he heard...BANG!! He shot a bobcat.

He told my cousin that those animals travel in packs too so hodl off on going down to check it out. They stayed in their tree stand for another good 30 minutes before they went down. While they were walking towards the animal, they heard a big howling from the next valley. They both stopped and looked at one another. then they proceeded again. Then all of the sudden! they both heard a screeching scream roughly 200 yards away from behind them. They both turned around that looked.

By this time, they both are scared out of their wits. They are hunters and they heard stories of strange things happening. After hearing that scream, they both headed back up the tree stand and forgetting the animal they've shot.

When they came back home, my cousin's bro-in-law was telling him about the night before when they were sleeping at camp. he said he heard something walking around their tents and he grabbed his rifle waiting to see what would come into their tents. He waited and waited but nothing and then the next day that happened to them.

I've heard that hmong hunters in CA claimed that there are certain parts of hunting grounds that are occupied by Phis Nyum Vais. Just something I heard...dunno if it's true or not tho.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #967 on: October 27, 2009, 02:47:39 PM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:15:11 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #968 on: October 27, 2009, 05:43:04 PM »
same here, thats not the first time i heard a hunting story in cali that involved the Phis Nyum Vais(it looks more legit then the way i explained it), my uncle are always telling me about it, and even once told me he got chased by a ghost, but hunting is one of the ultimate thing to do if u want to get scared or something, hunting and fishing

No way..I'll pass on that.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #969 on: October 28, 2009, 07:52:20 AM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:15:06 PM by Shadow »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #970 on: October 28, 2009, 02:26:28 PM »
FlowerShiney say she "T H I N K" her and her son were in the kitchen because she was making breakfast. And than she say finishing up her story that before her aunt pass away, her aunt had told her that her aunt's happy that FlowerShiney is carrying a good life and regardless of what people said about her?. Wow!. And I guess she can't comment me back because she said she's too chicken to read.

for me, it's ok for me talk about my stuff, but then i can't handle what other ppl write, so i ignore. it makes me think about other ppl's ghosts stories, scaring myself.   :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #971 on: October 28, 2009, 02:33:31 PM »
My Grandma died in our old apartment back in 96. After we moved, our cousins came and lived in it and their son have seen an old lady sitting on the bed, on his way to the restroom. Thinking it was a visiting relative, he asked his mom if they had a visitor. She said no way, then he told her what he saw. Well the boy didn't know but his mom knew that our grandma passed away in the room, so she came and told us about it. They've had a few more strange sightings, which finally convinced them to move out.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #972 on: October 28, 2009, 11:23:40 PM »
I believe my husband always got sat on before me. He looked it up and said it's "sleep paralysis." He doesn't believe in getting sit on because he's Cambodian. But one night really convinced me. He always mumbles when he's getting sat on, I'll wake up, wake him up, and he'll be like, "Didn't you hear me? I was screaming for you!" I would tell him the usual, "You were mumbling, I couldn't even understand what you were saying." He was very handsome, so I understood why it happened to him. (Well, my mom said that it happens if you're very handsome/beautiful to the ones that sit on you.) Well, that one night, he slept by the window and the blinds were opened just enough for some moonlight to get in. Well, I heard him mumbling and his body was twitching-signs he's getting sit on. Well, I woke him up and he said, " Did you see him?" I was like, "See who?" He said, "The man at the window. He was trying to break in. He wanted to come in. I wouldn't let him..." I thought, 'HOLY duck! Now that thing is trying to come into our home? duck that motherducker! I'm so glad you(husband) is smart!' I told my husband he was just having a bad dream and to go back to sleep. Fortunately, he's gained some weight and hasn't happened in a long time. =]

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #973 on: October 29, 2009, 12:01:42 AM »
This is just a dream, but it was still so scary!

I was driving a super-deluxe moped. It had me, two of my sisters, my little brother, and my parents on it. I was driving when I felt sleepy or something, and we got pulled over. I pulled over to the side of this building, it was an old warehouse. My sisters and I ventured into it, and found that it was an abandoned crate-manufacturing business. The place was spooky. Then, these Hmong realtors came out trying to make a deal with my parents, and as they're calculating prices, I see this tall white man-ghost walking around the building(from inside the warehouse there were two huge windows.) Well, I saw him coming around again, and again, and again. Each time he passed he seemed to be running around faster and faster, and each time he was chanting something in Hmong. I pointed it out, and everyone was scared poopless! We wanted to run out, but knew that crossing his path was definite doom, so we waited. He got impatient with us being there, so he jumped through the front window(directly in front of me) and sat right next to me on the couch(I could even feel his leg on mine!) I didn't look at him, and pretended I couldn't see him. I hugged my sister and acted like everything was fine. The ghost started talking to my dad and he said, "I'm going to have to take someone. (I was scared, hoping he wouldn't notice me.) I'll take...HIM!" And he grabbed one of the Hmong businessmen. I don't remember what happened after that, but I woke up so scared. =(

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #974 on: October 29, 2009, 02:31:13 AM »
This thread is very interesting.  Felt I had to respond with a story of my own.  I work in healthcare and I like to donate blood, so my mom told me this one strange story.

There were two sisters somewhere up in the twin cities.  They were both college students, and they donated blood to the red cross.  One sister got very sick, she lost alot of weight and got thinner and thinner, wasting away.  The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with her either.  One night her mom had a dream.  In the dream, her dad (who passed away recently or several years ago) came to her mom and said, "I don't know why you don't look over our daughters very well.  You need to tell them to stop donating blood.  The reason why our daughter is so sick is because she signed the paper work before donating, and now the donor who received her blood is dead.  Even in the afterlife Nancy (the deceased) keeps coming and taking our daughters blood.  Thats why she's sick all the time."  After that, the mom asked the daughters if they were donating blood, when they confirmed this was true, the family had to do a jingle.  Now the daughter is healthy again.

I don't think i'll be donating blood anymore.....

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