
Author Topic: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?  (Read 21717 times)

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2018, 11:26:09 PM »
I brought that up because morals contradict naturalism. Nature can only tell us what is, not what ought to be. There is no morality in nature. Anytime the atheist talks about things being either "right" or "wrong" he is talking nonsense given his worldview.

I do know what atheism is. Atheism is the BELIEF that there is no God. Atheists BELIEVES there is no God. They can't prove that, and therefore has no convincing arguments. They are believers just as much as theists. Maybe you are too afraid to defend atheism. So you don't know what atheism is. There  must have a reason to convince someone in order for them  to believe in something.

So murder is moral?

Rape is moral?

I guess Slavery wasn't wrong in American too huh? it was just America's best business practice.

Racism wasn't wrong in America either, it was America's best business practice. Hitler killing 6 million Jews wasn't wrong in fact it was Germany's best business practice. 

GTFOH!!Well, if GTFOH!! Is your answer than the debate is over. God is not good. According to the bible, good did not those three acts were not immoral. 

The Moral argument in a nutshell is that God is the necessary precondition for objective morality. Repetition doesn't make it true. You've dodge the question every time I ask. Where is your evidence for god being necessary for objective morality? How can we determine whether it's moral or immoral.  This basically means that something is really right and something is really wrong in all time periods. So even if you can prove it, you said that if god is dead, then objective morality doesn't exist. That's a contradiction, since in the time period that god is dead, objective morality doesn't exist. So if God does not exist, then it follow that objective morality would not exist in such a way that is binding.  If culture determines morals at any time, then morals are irrelevant since today's morality can be tomorrow's morals. I would hope that's not your stance.

Theft is wrong because God's not a thief.The was 2nd immoral act the he committed in the garden of Eden. He stole Adam's rib while he was sleeping to make eve. [ /color] Murder is wrong because God isn't a murderer. Noah's flood ring a bell?Adultery is wrong because God is perfectly faithful. god wanted a son of flesh so bad that he raped, "violated" mary, even though he could've created one by himself. I guess one could argue that he didn't want to it violate himself. God and Jesus Christ is the objective standard of good. Back to where, how do we determine that god is that? If we can,  then god is not necessary since we can determine that for ourselves.

How do you feel about murder becoming "moral?" No one is born gay. There is no evidence of that no matter what people may claim. If you look at it, god could be argued as being born gay. There was a son and a father, but no mother. 

I'll just leave it here since there's no point of answering everything you said.

Unless if you mean that god is the precondition for objective morality because he is immoral, so that we will  not do what he Did? Then why worship him?

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2018, 09:03:11 AM »
Like I said, there's no need to prove that exist in order to debunk your moral argument.  And since your moral argument is debunked,  that can't be use as evidence to prove god exist. 

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2018, 03:41:07 AM »
If you don't need God, then why do good and evil?if you don't know the answer to that question, then you don't have a clue what morality is. That belongs to God. Freewill creates good and evil wrong. Freewill doesn't create good and evil. Based off of your responds, you totally missed what is being discussed here. Your idea of freewill has nothing to do with morality in regards to this discussion.   since God is not a dictator that force everybody to be good. So why not be a robot? I choose not to be a robot because I want to do "good" deeds knowing that they are actually good. Robots are those like you and those who believe morality is dependent on god. They think they have freewill, but it's just an illusion. Their  actions are based solely  on the commands given to them. They don't and/or can't distinguish whether it is good or evil, only that they must follow. This thread is evidence of that. It's shown that once they are free, their "reality " falls apart. Like robots, they cant function outside of their commands. Theres good news though, humanity. we are humans and not "robots". Our minds are not bound to commands like robots. We have the ability to evolve our ways of thought. If god is dead, many people will become lost. Those who don't evolve dies out, those who does evolve, will lead mankind to their next chapter of existence, whatever it may be.

Btw, it's not mine, it's Nietzsche.

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2018, 07:19:07 AM »
If there is no God, the god believing people will be the first to get annihilated.  Why?

Christian people are supposed to be the most softest people.  Just like the Amish people.  If they were not being protected, they too would be annihilated.  If you shoot them with guns, they don't have guns to shoot back.  It is taught in the Bible that thou shalt not kill.  A gun is a weapon to kill.  While I don't know the real numbers but I'm saying that the church folks that I know, do not believe in violence so they do not own any weapon.  Even if you strike them, they will give you their other cheeks so you can finish the job.  Them saints and holy figures like Jesus Christ did not fight back when they are being prosecuted. 

If this is the case and when there is no God, no law, a Savage world, the Christians will be the first to go.  They believe that it must be God's will.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, rapture before the resurrection. 

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2018, 07:32:41 PM »
Do you mean, "Thou shall not murder?"

There is a difference between kill and murder. If you kill someone out of defense, that's fine since your protecting your family.

What about abortion?
What about man slaughter?

It applies to human life.  It does not forbids any other creatures of the fields.

A disciple of Jesus was protecting  him at the scene of the garden before his crucifixion.  He cuts off the soldier's ear.  Jesus say to put his sword down.  How you justify that?  In defense to protect and still gets it. 

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Offline dogmai

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #50 on: October 04, 2018, 02:52:46 AM »
Quote: What about abortion?

Abortion is bad since your not putting your anger on the suspect. Anger isn't the only reason for abortion. You stated below killing with a good reason isn't murder, so you are contradicting yourself. Going by your logic, abortion isn't bad if there is a good reason to do it. How can you put your anger on an unborn baby who didn't do no wrong to you? That's the suspect's fault, not the baby. Also, you can kill rapist as it is allow by God. is it alright to kill someone who raped you 10 years ago and now you have only just identify who that person is? Or is it murder? That person is/was a rapist. How long of a period would you consider as justifiable to kill that rapist?   

Quote: "What about man slaughter?"

God hates when man makes a bad decision and He gets really angry when we do this. Here to what Howard Storm have to say about the Jews in WWII:

God gave us freewill and we abuse it. Is it God's fault or our fault? Many people would blame God for giving them a brain, two hands, and two legs since they didn't ask for these things in their lives since they see responsibility as suffering, evil, and cruel. They see that feeling so alive is evil because some people would prefer to become robots and suppress their freewill and emotions as I see it in Buddhism. following commands without determining whether or not it's good or bad is also a robot. Pointing a gun at your head a make you choose between only two options isn't freewill. God doesn't want man to do this and He doesn't like when we do this. He hates these actions more than we do. All of the dying; all of the suffering; all the deaths. He gave us freewill to take action and responsibility to be a man to that we can prepare ourselves in the spiritual life. As to Howard Storm's claim, this physical world is just a bad dream. Nothing is more real then Heaven. Heaven is a place of HD quality in ecstasy, steroids mode. Killing and man-slaughtering with no reason is murder. California state law agrees that there is a difference between killing person with a good reason vs. killing a person without a good reason.what would you consider as good reason? How do you determine what is a good reason? Anyone can claim self defense for their actions. Some would say that the 9/11 attack was justified. Was is your thoughts on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during ww2? I mean, if you kill someone out of defense and would prefer not to be a dumb pacifist like any Hmong people in the dynastic times, which totally explain why Hmong have no country, how would you defend your family, people, or friends from a coming threat?

In the Book of Samuel, man disobey God since man weren't suppose to have a nation, or even create one. Having a nation is no different than creating a mob group that are fill with gangsters. There is no difference between nations vs. mafia because they are the same. God doesn't man do this because they weren't ready to make a nation. In fact, it's pointless to make nation since in the Book of Daniel, God will destroy every man's nation because of their cruelty. They worship money and success over their Creator and He doesn't like when we don't recognize Him as a parent and creator. Reading the Old Testament was quite a journey since coming to understand what God doesn't like the most are the poor actions and decisions in man. That's what He hates the most to the point, He would weep for you.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 03:02:35 AM by dogmai »

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2018, 07:54:35 AM »

By reading your comments, it's clear that you're immoral.

Saying that It's ok to kill rapists because they are rapists, is immoral. And when it comes to abortion, you would let a 12 year old child suffer the pain and agony.

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Re: God Is Dead -- What are the consequences?
« Reply #52 on: October 12, 2018, 03:56:19 PM »
I am an immoral person just like you and I. Sorry,  it doesn't like that. Just because you are immoral, doesn't mean that you can say everyone is immoral with no reason.However, I won't let a 12 year old to suffer if that child was a bastard child. I will let it be in the hands of the government to take care of him/her. If the government don't want to, then force it on them with a riot.Who said anything about  a  12 year old bastard child? But what you just said,  you will let the child suffer knowing that there's nobody to take care of the baby. But I wasn't talking about that child. I was talking about the 12 year old that got pregnant by being raped. You would let that child suffer through 9 months of pregnancy and childbirth /color]

I can only love the ones who is changeable. I cannot love the ones who cannot change because they like it and they are born with it in their nature. Can you love a monster? I will love to see your comments on loving a monster if you can. Remember, there are two kinds of bad people: the changeable and the unchangeable.
First, you said that It's moral to kill rapists.  Now it's the monsters? So now explain what is a monster, and how do you differentiate a monster from a human. Next, how do you differentiate a "changeable monster " from an "unchangeable monster"?

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