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Topics - theking

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It was very comfy for my whole body (head to feet) while I watched "Dr. Strange" O0:

Food Forum / Haven't had pheasant in a while so I had some
« on: November 05, 2016, 01:12:03 AM »
Didn't take any photos of the cooking process because I just did a basic boil job just like boiling chicken with lemon grass and such. My sister bought the pheasants and asked if I like to take one home so I did, not too bad..little leaner than chicken but taste about the same:

...that chance. According to this survey, "Nearly 8 in 10 women say they wouldn't go out with someone who didn't cast their ballot.".... ;D:

Single men and women this one is for your.

Would you date someone who did not vote in the election?

Your future date cares if you vote in the election.

That is according to new numbers reported in Match's "Singles in America" survey.

Turns out, 27 percent of singles would not date someone who didn't vote.

About 35 percent of those surveyed said not having an opinion on key issues is a deal breaker.

When it comes to women, they really want their dates to vote.

Nearly 8 in 10 women say they wouldn't go out with someone who didn't cast their ballot.

However, it appears it does not matter who you vote for, just as long as you vote.

In fact, a majority of single people don't expect their date to tell them if they voted for Donald Trump or Hillary.

That was the case for about 77 percent people surveyed.

Which makes sense, since 79 percent of singles said they had no problem dating someone from a different political party.

Now, if you want to increase your chances of scoring a second date, you might want to talk about hot button issues.

The survey found A good discussion on any political issue can boost your chances of a second date by 91 percent.

Most singles, 80 percent, are happy to talk about religion, gun control, immigration, and marriage equality on the first date.

Bottom line: The survey shows single Americans think voting and being able to discuss politics are a key piece of being in a relationship.

General Relationship / This should give you even more reasons to "dump" him
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:03:22 PM »
Easy enough to be truthful and let him know it's not working out and point him to the right directions to get help:

I can’t dump him or he’ll kill himself

I’ve been with “Derek” for two months. We’re both 14, and had an on-and-off friendship before it started.
Derek has a history of mental illness (including depression and anxiety). Lately, he has started talking about things like college plans and even marriage.
He flatters me nonstop and says repeatedly how “perfect” and “goddess-like” I am, completely degrading himself in the process. He says he is “weak, stupid and ugly” compared to me.
I’m afraid to dump him because Derek has attempted suicide several times in the past and has hinted at doing it again if I do. I can’t say the words to him with that hanging over me. His parents are unreachable, and he’s already on medication.
Derek has refused counseling in the past. I’m really afraid, but I can’t stand staying in this relationship much longer. Thoughts?

...what kind of MPG it is getting at that speed... ;D:

...rain cleaned it up pretty well. However, since it's not in the garage anymore, someone broke into it recenlty...:

You can still see some small glass fragments on the floor mat and center console from the break in:

I ask her why not sell it or give it to someone since it's not worth much anymore...

She wants to keep it because it was her first brand new car so it has some sentimental values to her and plus, she like to keep it as a back up in case needed...

I'm like cool... 8)

...and it comes with a $10 million price tag to match:

The most expensive car in this gallery is the Super Bus. Built for a Dubai Sheikh, this car is 49 feet long and can carry 23 passengers. It’s also very very fast. It’s regarded as the second most expensive car in the world, with a value over 10 million US dollars.

Their Police cars aren't too shabby either like this $1.8 million Aston Martin:

... Turner's weak ass ruling because Brock actually raped his victim. And I agree with Brian..could it be because Brian is Black??  ???

Former football star Brian Banks, who served five years in prison for rape he didn’t commit, disgusted by Brock Turner ruling

Brian Banks, a promising high school football player who had committed to play at Southern Cal, was an innocent man accused of rape. He remembers sitting at the defendant's table 13 years ago and not one person in the courtroom would look at him or talk to him or acknowledge him.

"It was like I was not even in the room," he said Monday. "I felt like I wasn't a human being. I was a number."

He naturally has been paying close attention to the rape case of Stanford swimmer Brock Turner, 20, who was convicted on three felony counts related to a 2015 sexual assault on an unconscious and intoxicated woman, who is now 23. Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky sentenced Turner on Friday to just six months in county jail — he could get it reduced to three months with good behavior.

Banks, who works in the NFL's Los Angeles office, was 16 years old when he was accused of rape and tried as an adult. He was sent to juvenile hall for a year before his case came up. He faced 41 years to life in prison and first turned down plea deals for 25, 18 and nine years. Why? He didn't do it. He finally agreed to undergo 90 days of observation in Chico State Prison with assurances from his attorney that he would then get probation. It was a better option, he was told, than a young black kid facing an all-white jury.

...And it might have loss to the 2013 GTR??

This test doesn't bode well for the new NSX IMO as I expected it to be much lighter and output more power for that kind of money...I mean it's only around 50 pounds lighter than the GTR and I thought the GTR was already on the heavy side as far as super sportcar weight is concern...

With that said, the NSX does look much better IMO:


The wait is finally over for an all-Japan supercar war

Two Wheel Forum / 400 pounder on BMW killed the snake
« on: September 28, 2016, 11:10:32 PM »
There's a misconception that big people can't ride RR bikes so hope this big dude opens some eyes...

He looks to be about 400 lbs. fully geared and ride just as well as or better than some of the smaller riders.. O0:

...height wise because this dude (her fiance?) is 5' 4" tall... ;) ;D:


The first and second Firebirds ever constructed (Lot #747 and Lot #747.1) will be offered as a pair at the upcoming Las Vegas Auction.

You don’t have to be an automotive expert to know what a Pontiac Firebird is. It helps, but even a novice responds to mention of the Firebird name with excitement and, most likely, a mental image of Burt Reynolds and Sally Fields flying through the air in one. Although Firebird wasn’t the first pony car (that point goes to Ford, whose Mustang lit the fuse on the whole thing in April 1964), GM entered the fray in 1967 with the Firebird and its corporate cousin, the Chevrolet Camaro.

8593's doable... O0



New guy:

Plated cost a bit more but I do like that they wrapped each dinner in a big bag so you don't have to sort it out. The insulator is also better. I also like how they pre-washed some of the vegetables as well as give you only what you need. With Blue Apron, when the dish calls for one clove of garlic, they send you a whole bulb of garlic. With Plated, when the dish calls for one clove of garlic, they send you one pre-peeled clove of garlic.

The end results (taste) is about the same so it's up to the individual to decide what's better. Both Blue Apron and Plated work for us... O0:

..out of curiousity... ???

I love eating pistachio nuts more than peanuts but peanuts just go better with papaya salad. Not that the pistachio nut papaya salad I've made is bad as it's pretty good too, just that the original peanut version is just better imo....I'm glad I scratch the itch by experimenting it though... O0:

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